End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 248 Gather The Forces Of Yaowangzhuang!

Fang Han nodded lightly, then looked at Mrs. Shi and said, "You should deal with this matter together. You should also send the elite of Zhu Tianbu to collect the forces and properties of Yaowangzhuang, and reorganize them. Jing, the arrangement of the arrangement, the correction of the correction.

Master Wu'an was good at both medicine and poison back then, and his martial arts were not weak, so he set up a huge Yaowangzhuang power industry.

The few disciples in front of him were all incompetent, and their temperaments were bad, so naturally there was no plan to pass it on to them. It was supposed to be passed on to Miss Cheng, a closed-door disciple, to inherit it. It's a pity that after his death, Shi Wan'an took over the property forcefully. , Miss Cheng was weak at the beginning, and she had no choice but to let her do what she did and not compete with her.

During the second round of simulation, the couple liquidated it later, and the Yaowangzhuang property was naturally taken over again, but after all, through the hands of Shi Wan'an, there are many properties such as farms, pharmacies, medical centers, etc. The problem needs to be solved, Fang Han also reminded Aunt Shi at this time, let her sort it out at once, so as not to waste time and energy to fix it when she gets it.

The leader of the Zhutian Department is a good hand in management, and Fang Han is relieved to entrust her with the work.

Mrs. Shi respectfully said yes when she heard the words, and then said again: "My lord! On the way to complete the mission at Yaowang Village, I also happened to meet Qu Yang and Qu Feiyan from the Sun Moon God Sect..

The general situation will be described.

Mrs. Shi inevitably felt a little apprehensive: "Your subordinates make their own decisions, please honor the king's decision."

In fact, the reason why Qu Yang and Qu Yang were rescued at the beginning was actually because of Fang Han's previous attitude, so after she saw Qu Yang and Qu Feiyan, she would take the initiative to help them, and even used the most precious healing product [ Jiuzhuan Bear Snake Pill].

This [Jiuzhuan Xiongshe Pill] is the secret of Lingjiu Palace, it can be said to be extremely effective against traumatic injuries, and the medicinal power is even more capable of reviving life. It can be regarded as a place in the Jianghu martial arts world. The best and holy product in the panacea!

In the original book, Wu Boss was hit in the abdomen by a pine ball hit by Xu Zhu, and he was directly injured, and the wound that was on the verge of death can be recovered quickly, which can be seen from the efficacy of the medicine!

Don't think it's just a pine ball, so the injury is not serious, Xu Zhu hit out 12 pine balls, three of them are the cave master, the island master, and a very strong martial artist who directly followed Wu Boss The unjust Taoists were directly beaten to death, one was beaten with his forehead pierced, and the other two were beaten with their noses and throats pierced!

The skull is pierced, showing the strength of the pine cone!

Boss Wu was kicked out of the abdomen, but it wasn't the death spot of his life. It was rare to survive for a while, but he was determined not to last long, but after taking this [Jiuzhuan Xiongshe Pill], unexpectedly

When it was time to meet, he could stand up unsteadily and go to catch the small sika deer for Wu Xingyun.

The medicinal effect is so strong that it is unbelievable!

Such a precious magic medicine, even in Vulture Palace, is reluctant to use it more internally, and it is even more impossible to use it externally!

If Mrs. Fei Shi thinks that Qu Yang and Qu Feiyan seem to have some relationship or friendship with the Lord, she will definitely not give him this [Jiuzhuan Xiongshe Pill].

Fang Han was thoughtful when he heard the words, and seeing Miss Cheng's puzzled expression, he smiled and explained: "When I took you to the Moon Tower for the first time, didn't there be an old man and a young man and grandson coming up? Do you remember."?"

Miss Cheng suddenly realized, and said with a surprised expression: "It's them..."

That was really a bit of fate.

Mrs. Shi listened to Fang Han's conversation, and thought that the grandpa and grandson were really blessed to be able to enter the eyes of the Lord and his wife. Seeing Fang Han motioning for herself to continue, Mrs. Shi thought about what happened. They all told them one by one, and Qu Yang and his grandson seemed to be seeking medical treatment and had dealt with Shi Wan'an and the others before. The deaths of Murong Jingyue and the others were also directly related to Qu Yang.

Cheng Lingsu frowned, so Qu Yang killed the deaths of the senior brothers and sisters?

Ms. Cheng didn't feel much about this. She never had a good impression or affection for these senior brothers and sisters.

In her previous life, she never asked Wu Xingyun to help her find out their life stories. It can be said that death is not a pity.

Before the master died, he actually felt compassion for the three apprentices he received in the early years, and told Cheng Lingsu that if he told them about his death, if they felt even the slightest bit of sadness, he would temporarily let them go , and [The God of Medicine] may not be impossible for them to read.

Although Cheng Lingsu didn't necessarily agree with Master's decision, he still agreed. It's a pity that when the brothers and sisters heard the news of Master's death, they only thought about "The God of Medicine" and didn't care about Master's death or not.

Before Master Wu'an died, his compassion for his disciples was never responded to.

Cheng Lingsu naturally didn't have a good impression of her senior brothers and sisters.

If Miss Cheng, who was just sixteen or seventeen years old, was kind, benevolent, tolerant, she might feel sad for them, but after more than a hundred years, Miss Cheng still has the same original heart and a tolerant heart, but But he is definitely not someone who will show kindness to anyone.

What should be, she knew very well in her heart, and she had some reason.

Therefore, when she heard this, she was only a little surprised, but she didn't take it to heart, but she was somewhat surprised that Qu Yang actually knew her master, Master Wu'an.

Asked: "Where are they now? I'll go and see."

By the way, ask (Wang Liao Zhao) about his origin with Master.

Mrs. Shi quickly replied: "Responding to Mrs. Madam's words, my subordinates arranged for them to live in a courtyard on the other side of Xingwang Street. If Madam meets, I will immediately call someone to come and greet her."

Miss Cheng smiled and said no need: "Since I have been poisoned, it is difficult to move around. I will go there myself, and it will not take much trouble."

As he spoke, he looked at Fang Han and blinked.

Although it is not stated explicitly, the meaning is obvious.

Ms. Cheng wants her husband to go to Ton with her.

Fang Han smiled and nodded his head lightly.

The husband and wife have a tacit understanding, and they can understand each other's meaning with just one look.

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