End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 259 See You On Leigu Mountain!

Lan Fenghuang stayed for a while, and seeing people coming to Lu Lu for medical treatment one after another, she quickly stepped forward to help. She is good at poison art, and is naturally quite proficient in medicine and pharmacology.

Seeing this, Qu Feiyan's eyes widened, and he thought that Sister Lan was here to ruin her place and steal her work, right?

Fortunately, she doesn't understand the words "introduction", otherwise it is inevitable to make complaints at this time.

It was noon soon, and Lan Fenghuang was wiping away the traces of sweat with a smile, looked at Fang Han with full eyes and said, "Good big brother, I'll come back in the afternoon... okay?"

Fang Han smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for your help, if you don't mind, let's eat together."

Lan Fenghuang giggled and said hello.

This girl would not be reserved at all, she agreed in her heart if she wanted to, she was happy in her heart, and she showed it very straightforwardly.

Not at all pretentious.

A day passed quietly, and Lan Fenghuang floated away, graceful and graceful.

Every day after that, Lan Fenghuang would not be absent at all, as long as the time came, she would come to help. 567

The little girl Qu Feiyan was quite nervous for a while, for fear that her status as a medical school apprentice would be lost.

Time flies, half a month later.

The two carriages gradually drove out of Linshui City.

There were elite guards from Zhu Tianbu and Yangtian Bu on the left and right, and Qin Hongmian and Gan Baobao left for Dali in one of them.

The two of them were worried about the matter between Mu Wanqing and Zhong Ling before, but now that they knew the reason, they lived in Linshui for more than half a month. After getting to know each other for a while, they have completely accepted the fact and let go of it. I don't plan to live in Linshui for a long time.

Qin Hongmian didn't like the environment here very much.

She has been used to living in the deep valley these years. Although Linshui City is remote, it is still a crowded city, and she is not used to it being bustling.

As for Baby Gan...

In the Valley of Myriad Tribulations, she still needs to be the master, and she cannot leave for a long time.

Moreover, Zhong Wanchou went out to look around for Zhong Ling's matter before, but she didn't know if he came back. If not, she would naturally have to call him back; if she did, she would have to go back and explain something.

After one or two miles on the road, the two carriages parted ways and drove away slowly.

Xing Huan Street, Fang's Medical Center.

Lan Fenghuang happily ran into the hospital with light steps.

He just fixed his eyes on the familiar position and saw that tall and tall figure.

With a slightly startled expression, Lan Fenghuang said in surprise: "Is sister-in-law sitting in the restaurant today?"

There were five people in the medical hall, Cheng Lingsu and Qu Feiyan,

There are three more...

They were all sword-wielding women in strong attire, and Lan Fenghuang guessed that they should be members of the Nine Heavens and Nine Divisions of Vulture Palace, but they didn't know which division they were sisters.

Cheng Lingsu saw Lan Fenghuang, and smiled gently: "You are so big brother. He has something to go on a long trip, and it may take a month or two to come back. I will naturally take care of the medical clinic. But don't worry, he Always come back, and then you will see him again."

"That's it..."

When Lan Fenghuang heard this, he was secretly surprised, but couldn't help but blush: "Good sister-in-law, don't make fun of me..."

Shi Shiran walked to the side to help pack the herbs, her pretty face was flushed with joy.

Cheng Lingsu pursed her lips and smiled lightly. The Miaojiang girl in front of her saw her just a while ago, so she took her hand and said that she liked her husband very much and wanted to be his concubine. , the sister-in-law yells shortly, has a very sweet mouth, and is generous and neat in her actions. Miss Cheng is not disgusted with her, but rather likes to admire her. "I will tease her from time to time.

Qu Feiyan on the side asked curiously: "Sister Cheng, where did big brother go? (cecd)"


Cheng Lingsu said with a smile, "I went to Jiangnan."

Lan Fenghuang pricked up his ears and listened, muttering inwardly.

I don't know what he is doing in Jiangnan......

It will take a month or two to see each other again, and it is very uncomfortable to think about it.

On Leigu Mountain, the scenery is beautiful and the clouds are lingering.

A few figures strolled up, seemingly slowly but really fast.

Although the road is uneven, it is like walking on flat ground, floating like a fairy.

Into the valley, among the pine forests, there are several wooden houses in the distance. A huge bluestone is placed in front of the wooden houses, criss-crossing, forming a Zhenlong chess game.

Li Qingluo watched with complicated eyes, and suddenly saw an old man walking out of the room, and was shocked when he saw everyone, especially when he saw Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan, he was extremely moved and dumbfounded:

"You, you are the uncle!?..."

Su Xinghe is Wu Yazi's great apprentice, so he has seen Li Qiushui, and Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan's looks are similar in appearance, so Su Xinghe thought it was his uncle coming.

In fact, I don't blame him for admitting his mistakes. The current Li Qingluo has gone through more than a hundred years. Although she looks like a beautiful woman with peerless appearance, her bearing and temperament are far worse than the Liu Qiushui that Su Xinghe saw back then. Even more!

It is reasonable for him to misunderstand for a while.

Li Qingluo stepped forward slowly, with a calm expression: "My father, Wu Yazi, does he live here?"

When Su Xinghe heard the words, he suddenly realized: "You are a junior sister!?"

Among the same sect, the master's children are usually referred to as senior brothers and sisters. Su Xinghe is much older than Li Qingluo, so it is normal to call them junior sisters.

Li Qingluo replied: "Take me to meet him."

Su Xinghe looked at the people around him, and he vaguely guessed in his heart that the little girl who looks very similar to the junior sister and uncle should be the daughter of the junior sister, right?

As for that extremely handsome man who looks like a banished immortal

It must be the husband of the little junior sister.

Su Xinghe was quite excited and happy, and thought that if Master could see his junior sister, he would definitely be happy to see this scene.

Half a quarter of an hour later, under the guidance of Su Xinghe, Li Qingluo entered the courtyard house where the bamboo forest was located.

At a glance, she could see the figure hanging in mid-air, as if sitting upright, her eyes trembled slightly, and with her current eyesight, she could directly see its state.


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