Wu Yazi's seventy-year-old's skill is extremely strong, he heard the movement early, looked at it intently, suddenly lost his mind for a while, and finally woke up like a dream for a long time, his expression was slightly moved, and he said in a trembling voice:

"A Luo, you, are you okay now..."

Li Qingluo's mood is complicated, she has less affection for her father who passed away when she was young, and she actually complains more than misses her.

It's just that seeing his current situation, no matter how many complaints he made, all the complaints have disappeared, leaving only sadness and heartache.

"Father, I'm fine..."

Slowly stepped forward, lightly touched Wu Yazi's weak arm and shoulder, and asked, "Does your injury still hurt?"

Wu Yazi looked at Li Qingluo whose eyes were flushed, but gradually calmed down. He was also happy and excited to see his daughter again in his lifetime!

Hearing her words of concern, he couldn't help but smile and said: "The pain has been gone for a long time, but it's just that I can't move, Ah Luo, don't worry..."

He was talking, but stopped.

He only felt a continuous internal force surge from the place where his daughter touched his shoulder, swimming in his body.

Small phaseless internal force?

Wu Yazi made a judgment subconsciously, but quickly rejected it. This internal force is quite similar to [Small Wuxiang Gong], but it seems to be vaguely different, and it is more subtle and useful than it.

While secretly wondering what kind of internal energy skills this is, he also praised with a happy face: "A Luo, your internal energy cultivation is really impressive!"

With such an internal force, he can judge whether it is deep or not. Although it is a little inferior compared to his contemporaries, it is better than the pure and subtle internal force!

Very rare!

"Did your mother teach you this? How advanced is her martial arts?"

Although he doesn't know the specifics of that internal skill, he can tell that it was born out of [Small Wuxiang Gong].

His daughter is only in her early thirties, even if her martial arts cultivation is high, she is not yet able to perfect [Little Formless Kungfu], so "it must be created by his junior sister Li Qiushui.


Wu Yazi glanced behind Li Qingluo, and asked doubtfully, "Didn't your mother come?"

Although his current situation is paralyzed and extremely embarrassing, he really doesn't want his junior sister to see it, but seeing Li Qingluo coming, he also knows that this is inevitable

What should be faced still has to be faced.

Li Qingluo heard the words, but sighed quietly: "Mother left not long after you left. I have never seen her again since then."

In her previous life, she had actually heard about her mother from Fang Han, but at that time, because she complained about him leaving without saying goodbye and leaving her alone, she ignored it and pretended it didn't exist.

Until the later stage, the axons are completely dissolved.

Wu Yazi looked stunned: "Your mother left!?"

It's unbelievable, but thinking about how the junior sister is, it doesn't seem impossible.

Moreover, with her nature, maybe...

Wu Yazi's expression was slightly gloomy, but he looked at Li Qingluo with guilt and pity, and he sighed a long time:

"You must have suffered a lot, it's dad who's sorry for you!"

Back then when he left in anger, he indeed left behind his daughter, but in fact he had no right to complain about his junior sister.

Later, he was assassinated by that traitor, so that he was seriously injured and paralyzed. Even if he couldn't protect himself, in case the traitor found out the clue, he didn't dare to let Su Xinghe look for it.

It's just that in the end, I'm sorry for my daughter.

As he spoke, Wu Yazi felt the inner force surging from far away from the shoulder, and said softly: "My good boy, Dad suffered serious injuries and completely damaged his foundation because of his carelessness back then. It has been going on for decades... In short, it cannot be cured by internal force, so you should take back your internal force, don't waste your internal force in vain."

As he said that, the [Northern True Qi] in his body shook slightly, and with an extremely gentle force, he shook Li Qingluo's palm away.

Li Qingluo withdrew her palm silently, knowing that Wu Yazi could not be healed by her internal strength, but she was not very disappointed about it, she still had Fang Han to rely on, her phoenix eyes looked out of the house as if to help, and called: "Husband, hurry up Come in and meet your father~"

Seeing Li Qingluo looking out the door, Wu Yazi was rather curious, but when he heard Li Qingluo's words, he was slightly startled.


Already married?

That's right, at Ah Luo's age, she should have gotten married long ago.

……ask for flowers…

It would be strange if you are not married yet.


I don't know how her husband is, is he a good match? Is he good to Ah Luo?

Footsteps sounded slightly, neither fast nor slow, Wu Yazi returned to his senses slightly, followed the prestige, and saw a tall and handsome man walking in slowly, his demeanor was indifferent, dignified and dignified.

Facing the eyes of the old man, Fang Han bowed lightly and said his name.

Said softly: "Master Taishan!"

Wu Yazi's eyes were full of admiration, and he said hello again and again!

Most of the Xiaoyao faction are good-looking people, seeing Fang Han who now describes his appearance and demeanor like a banished fairy, Wu Yazi couldn't help but feel happy.

'The husband A Luo chose is really hard to find in the world only in terms of appearance! It can be called a good match! "

Li Qingluo walked up to Fang Han's side, held her hand lightly, and said with a downcast expression, "Father, can he be cured like this?"

"rest assured."

Fang Han nodded in relief, with his [Shen Zhao Gui Yuan] characteristic, although Wu Yazi's foundation was severely damaged, it was not impossible to recover.

After all, death can save you.

The current situation is really not that serious.

Wu Yazi listened to their conversation and said with a smile: "You husband and wife have a heart, but my injury is difficult for even a god to save."

After decades of experience, he knows his own situation very well.

But even so, he did not refuse.

He wanted to see this son-in-law's martial arts.

Based on what he saw just now, he actually had a subtle feeling that was hard to measure!

Accumulated in the body for more than 70 years, the extremely strong [Northern Darkness True Qi] seems to be stagnant for an instant.


Wu Yazi was a little uncertain, it wasn't that he didn't believe in his martial arts intuition, it was just that this was too unbelievable.

If this is the case, how strong must his son-in-law be to have such an influence on him!?

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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