End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 266 Lan Fenghuang: Sister-In-Law Is Amazing! …

Ren Yingying read the letter carefully again, and from the handwriting and wording habits, the possibility of writing by others was basically ruled out.

It was indeed Lan Fenghuang's handwritten letter.

After confirming this point, Ren Yingying's expression became even weirder.

How long is this...

It's only been two or three months since she was sent out, and her most powerful and trustworthy Master Lan has made a lifelong decision with her!?


Looking at the words and sentences in the letter, Ren Yingying blushed slightly,

My heart said, Master Lan, you should be more sober!

You are the majestic leader of the Five Poisons Sect, how could you go and be someone else's concubine!?

Thinking of the generous, "920" Miaojiang girl, Ren Yingying silently put away the letter, her brows frowned in thought.

She and Lan Fenghuang, on the surface, are subordinates and subordinates, but in reality they can be called boudoir friends, and they have a very strong relationship.

Hearing that she was going to be a child for an unknown man, I felt a little unhappy.

How can a girl as phoenix like her be inferior to others?

Ren Yingying thought about it, and suddenly her face turned red, and she covered her face in embarrassment: "Yingying, Yingying! This is not something you should think about!"

She is a little girl herself, thinking about those marriages between men and women, she really panics with embarrassment.

Shaking her head, she thought that she would look at the situation after her father's affairs were completed, and if the two were happy, she wouldn't be able to say anything, but if...

She must not let Master Lan be wronged.

He opened other letters and read them carefully.

Mostly during this period of time, there are some true and false news in the rivers and lakes.

For example, that old man Ding with a vicious name who shocked Xingsuhai appeared in the Central Plains about a month ago, and went south with all the disciples of the Xingxiu Sect, causing many guests who knew his notoriety to feel intimidated, for fear of running into this old demon Xingsu , will be brutally murdered by him, and his [Great Transformation Technique] will lose all his skills.

But the paradox of the matter is that, for unknown reasons, the whereabouts of the members of the Xingxiu Sect suddenly disappeared, and there is no trace of them so far, so it is difficult to find them.

There is also the rather well-known [Hangu Eight Friends], recently there are rumors that they came from the same sect, they all came from a sect called [Xiaoyao], and they studied under [Mr. Congbian] who founded the deaf-mute sect, and also I don't know if it's true or not...

Linshui City, inside Fang's Medical Center.

Lan Fenghuang grabbed the herbs according to Cheng Lingsu's instructions.

Previously, I just met and knew the identity of this good sister-in-law, but I didn't know her medical skills. Now that I have been with her for a while, I have finally seen what is called medical skills. I am completely convinced and admire her extremely.

She is the leader of the Five Poison Sect in Miaojiang. While she is proficient in poison techniques, she is also quite familiar with medicine and medical principles.

But compared with Cheng Lingsu, how far is the difference?

Anyway, Lan Fenghuang couldn't see the depth at all, and only helped Miss Cheng, and under the influence of her ears and eyes, her medical skills also improved a lot.

Ms. Cheng's evaluation of her was: "Although you know some poisonous arts quite well, you are not systematic in medical science. It is not enough to only learn poisonous arts that are harmful to people."

This statement actually hits the nail on the head. The Miaojiang Five Poison Sect is indeed proficient in poison art, but most of its sects tend to rely on to breed poisonous insects and Gu poison, that is, [Five Poisons]. this.

The serious pharmacological knowledge system is not very advanced.

If someone else said so, Lan Fenghuang would get some poison to serve him and tease him, so that he could see the capabilities of the Five Poison Sect, but facing Cheng Lingsu, he would naturally be persuaded to be docile.

Not only because of Ms. Cheng's status as wife and wife, but also because she was convinced after experiencing Ms. Cheng's medical treatment.

Thinking that I am older than my sister-in-law, but in the end I am not as good as my sister-in-law in every way, whether it is in appearance, martial arts, medical skills... or the most proficient poison art, I can only bow down and sigh, especially in knowledge After arriving at the little flower named [Qixin Haitang], she was completely overwhelmed.

Lan Fenghuang could only sigh in shock: "Sister-in-law is indeed worthy of being sister-in-law! She is really amazing! She is as capable as Tongtian! No wonder the big brother loves her so much..."

Apart from admiration and admiration, I also often seize the opportunity to ask for advice, and I feel that I have gained a lot.

Seeing Qu Feiyan trotting around picking up herbs, Lan Fenghuang giggled and said, "Feifei, what are you doing in such a hurry, Lian?"

Qu Feiyan rolled her eyes, and said to herself, Sister Lan, you still have the nerve to say such a thing, you come here to help every day, and you obviously don't want to make a living for others!

If she is more unfavorable, then she must be rejected?

The identity of the junior apprentice of this medical center will be forfeited!

Cheng Lingsu smiled gently, and gently stroked away the herbal leaves stained in the hair of Qu Fei's cigarette: "Don't be so anxious, take your time."

This little girl is clever, but she doesn't know how to play tricks at all. She works diligently and is very agile. She sees it in her eyes and likes it very much.

Qu Feiyan obediently agreed, but looking at Lan Fenghuang, she still couldn't help being in a hurry.

Lan Fenghuang saw it clearly, secretly felt it was funny, and smiled.

Cheng Lingsu could only shake his head helplessly.

Time passed quickly, Lan Fenghuang sat dangling her bare feet, her skirt swaying slightly, wondering if the aunt had received her letter?

She knows what's on her mind, maybe she will be surprised~

Lan Fenghuang's face flushed, making her look more charming and charming.

As if thinking of something, she stretched her waist and said softly: "Good sister-in-law, when do you think he will come back? It's two months now." 3.3 Miss Cheng was writing something carefully, hearing this, she chuckled Said: "It should be almost......"

While speaking, he paused slightly, looked outside the door, and said with a smile: "Look outside, won't you be back?"

When Lan Fenghuang heard this, his eyes lit up slightly, even when he turned his head to look, the beautiful silver ornaments on his head that looked like dragons and patterns made a jingling sound.

Seeing that slender figure, Lan Fenghuang smiled sweetly: "Good big brother, you're back! I haven't seen you for many days, little sister, and I miss you so much~"

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