End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 267 Fang Han: Rather Than Saying That The End Of Life, It Is Better To Say That It Is Comple

In the evening, it was late at night for a gathering.

Seeing that the sky was dark, Ms. Cheng arranged a side room for Lan Fenghuang and Qu Feiyan to stay temporarily tonight.

In the room, two girls, one big and one small, looked at each other and giggled.

Lan Fenghuang stretched her slender waist, showing a graceful curve, looked around, and praised: "It's really nice here~"

The expression is joyful, and I like it tightly.

Qu Feiyan glanced at it, and muttered, "I don't know if it's okay or not, but I know that Sister Lan, you definitely want to live here forever.

Lan Fenghuang looked back and smiled, blushing on his face, and said sweetly: "Feifei, you guessed what my sister is thinking~"

Qu Feiyan curled her lips, thinking to herself, is there any need to guess?

What you think, as long as the eyes are not blind, you can see it!

Lan Fenghuang walked up to Qu Feiyan and hugged the little girl into his arms, giggling and said: "Let's sleep in the same room tonight, I want to sleep with you~"

This little girl was born pink and jade-carved, soft and soft, she likes it so much.

Qu Feiyan whined for a long time before breaking free, raising his hand to say something: "Sister Lan, let's agree first, you are not allowed to take those poisonous insects and snakes with you!"

While talking, thinking about those centipedes, poisonous snakes, poisonous spiders and other things, her face turned slightly pale. For those poisonous things, even if the little girl is well-informed, she is still somewhat afraid.

Lan Fenghuang was stunned, then giggled and said, "Don't worry~ I won't take it."

When I saw that【Seven-Hearted Begonia】, after obtaining consent, to test its toxicity, all the poisons on her body died. "She really doesn't have any poison hall on her body now.

If they were placed elsewhere, she would definitely have to grab some and bring them back.

Otherwise, wouldn't it have cost her most of her poison skills?

However, through Cheng Lingsu's suggestion, she also realized the limitations of her own poison technique, and planned to reorganize her studies.

Qu Feiyan finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the words.

It would be a nightmare if some snakes, insects and centipedes suddenly appeared while sleeping!

Fragrance bursts, inside the light veil.

Li Qingluo stretched out Weiyingsu's hand and pushed Fang Han, her phoenix eyes smiled and said: "You don't go to Lingsu's place, what are you doing here?"

Seeing Fang Han smiling but not saying a word, Li Qingluo also understood what he meant, she smiled slightly, and hummed slightly: "Why, are you still afraid that I will be sad? For a father like him, even if I shed tears for a few days, I am worthy of him! Now He has gone, and there will be no such fetters from now on, which is very good!"

Han: "


A few days ago, who was crying to death, with teary eyes, I won't say.

But thinking of Wu Yazi, Fang Han couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This old Tarzan...

It stands to reason that Wu Yazi's body is full of vitality under the characteristic of [Shen Zhao Gui Yuan], and even if all the energy of more than seventy years is exhausted, it will never stop.

But in the end, it was still the same as in Sims, after everything was arranged, he passed away peacefully.

Rather than dying at the end of life, it is better to say that it is complete and silent.

What he said at the beginning, "the end is approaching", is because it is also an excuse.

I really don't know, should I say that he sees through life and death, or should I say...

Fang Han shook his head slightly, wrapped his arms around Li Qingluo's waist, and softly comforted him: "Compared to that time, it's much more complete now."

During the simulation, Wu Yazi was completely paralyzed until his death, and he never saw the two blood relatives Li Qingluo and Wang Yuyan, nor did he clean up the house himself.

From this point of view, in his words, it means that there is no more obsession, and you can leave safely without any worries.

For Wu Yazi himself, it seems that it is not a complete relief.

Li Qingluo murmured, leaning on Fang Han with her head, and remained silent.

After a while, the beautiful woman seemed to think of something, she got up and urged Fang Han: "Yuyan will come over later, we girls have something to say about ourselves, don't you want to stay?"

Fang Han smiled, said hello in a warm voice, leaned over to take a bite, and then got up and opened the door and walked out with shame and anger in his eyes.

Just after walking for a while, I saw Wang Yuyan coming towards her. She must have just bathed and washed, her hair was slightly damp, exuding strands of heat, and the faint fragrance seemed to be there, refreshing.

Dressed in a pale pink dress, her pretty face is rosy and ruddy like warm jade.

The two looked at each other, Wang Yuyan's eyes flickered slightly, and after a few words in a low voice, she left calmly, opened the door and entered Li Qingluo's room, and the faint voices of the mother and daughter could be heard.

Fang Han's expression is delicate, all the emotions of this girl are restrained to the extreme, it is very hidden, and the expression is as plain as water, if it is not known that she has a simulated memory, and Fang Han is extremely sensitive and subtle after creating the "Bei Ming Han Hai Jing", and can vaguely detect Come out, I'm afraid she will have to hide it.

Wang Yuyan's martial arts talent is too high. When teaching the essence of martial arts in the first few months, Fang Han found that she was 100% at the level of a martial arts master in the second round of simulation.

If Fang Han hadn't used [Ling Yun] to add points, integrate various martial arts, and create a deduction, it is estimated that 813 would be hard to say that the realm of martial arts is better than hers. If she wants to hide her emotions, it will naturally be difficult to detect it.

Thinking of this, she also thought that some time ago, she was assisted by Wuyazi's Seven Success Powers, and directly used this to open up the Twelve Orthodox Meridians, the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, as well as many belt woods and profound entrances in her body!

It is estimated that it will not take many years to return to the situation in the simulation!

And looking at her breathing, she must have thoroughly understood the essence of the martial arts taught earlier.

Fang Han expressed his astonishment.

This girl's talent and savvy, high or low, can be called a golden legend, and her potential is huge!

If she can be properly cultivated, her achievements will be extraordinary!

After thinking about it, I gradually arrived at the garden in the courtyard.

In the small pond, the reflection of the moonlight is slightly rippling.

Fang Han stopped and stood still, as if watching the beauty of the night.

His expression was pondering, and he thought to himself:

Calculating the time, it has been almost a year since he returned to reality.

There are only a few days left until the next round of simulation refresh time...

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