End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 273: In Quanzhen Sect, Fairy Chilian!

Miejue Shitai nodded slightly and smiled with satisfaction.

Zhou Zhiruo pursed her lips and asked curiously: "Master, that Mr. Fang who competed with you the day before yesterday, he..."

Xiu's face was slightly red, her heart was beating violently, she didn't know why, when she saw that person that day, she felt very kind, as if she had seen him somewhere before, her heart was beating violently.

Every time I think about it now, I still feel a little nervous.

Although he didn't understand what was going on, he was subconsciously very curious about it and couldn't help asking about him.

Miejue Shitai saw the little apprentice talking, his face gradually turned rosy, and his expression was ashamed.

Can't help but startled, frowning slightly.

Miejue Shitai is now in her forties, how can she not see the shyness of the little girl, and when she contacted Mr. Fang's handsome and handsome appearance, she suddenly realized it.

She is a little apprentice, I'm afraid she has been moved.

But Miejue Shitai was not surprised by this.

That Mr. Fang can have the title of "Exiled Immortal", his charm can be seen, and at the same time, his martial arts are profound, even she is far from being an opponent, and he is also the head of the school!

Appearance, martial arts, status, and even prestige, fame, everything can be said! It can be called dragon and phoenix among people!

If Zhiruo had to meet such a fairy-like person, it is human nature to adore her heart and have secret feelings for her

Looking at Zhou Zhiruo's delicate and elegant face, as beautiful as Zhilan, Miejue Shitai had a delicate expression, thoughtfully, and asked softly, "Zhiruo, do you like that Mr. Fang?"

Zhou Zhiruo's eyes widened when she heard the words, her face turned red like blood, and she stammered, "Master?! I, no... The disciple is just a little curious. That Mr. Fang looks young, but his martial arts skills But it's amazing..."

The more she explained, the more nervous she became, she stumbled and her speech was a little confused.

Juejueshi saw it too, smiled slightly, and became more certain about his guess.

Touching Zhou Zhiruo's hair, her expression was slightly ponderous.

Speaking of it, Mr. Fang seems to be in his 20s or 30s if he only looks at his face.

Ridiculously young!

I didn't realize it at the beginning, just because of his demeanor, elegant speech, and introversion, it is easy for people to ignore his age, and even Miejue Shitai didn't realize the problem at ten o'clock.

At this time, Zhou Zhiruo said a word, and then came back to his senses.


He is obviously not very old, but how can he have such great ability!?

Could it be that he is really a banished immortal?

Zhou Zhiruo didn't know the idea of ​​exterminating the master, she lowered her head and said weakly: "Master"々"

She heard Senior Sister Jingxuan once mentioned about Senior Sister Ji Xiaofu, and thought that Miejue Shitai hated such things very much.

In fact, she didn't know what was going on with her, but she couldn't help feeling anxious when she saw the master was silent.

Master Miejue came back to his senses, looked at Zhou Zhiruo who was looking restless, smiled and said comfortingly: "Zhiruo, don't be nervous, I won't blame you as a teacher.

Now that Zhiruo is growing up gradually, she is a young girl, and it is quite normal for her to be in love for the first time.

Let alone her, during the martial arts competition that day, all the Emei female disciples in the gate were not flushed, and their eyes were basically shining.

Could Miejue Shitai still be angry because of this?

And in fact, the Emei Sect does not prohibit marriage and love. Before she became a nun, she also had a marriage contract with her senior brother Gu Hongzi. It was only because of the demon sect Yang Xiao that her senior brother Gu Hongzi died in depression. Failed to make a good marriage story.

Otherwise, she must not be the head of the Emei School now, the head of the Emei School should be Gu Hongzi, and she should be the wife of the head of the Emei School.

Also because of this incident, Miejue Shitai was distraught and indignant, and became a nun, and made an oath that in this life, he will definitely wipe out the Demon Cult!

As for Ji Xiaofu's matter, the main reason for her anger is actually because her apprentice and Wudang Six Hero Yin Liting have already made a marriage agreement with a matchmaker.

But when she was ordered to investigate [Golden Lion King] Xie Xun, for some reason, her whereabouts were unknown. When she reappeared, it was several years later, and she was accompanied by a little girl who looked very similar to her. affair.

How can Miejue Shitai not be angry if she becomes pregnant before marriage, or when there is a marriage contract?

At first, she didn't really believe this matter, but Ji Xiaofu would rather wander outside, but never returned to the teacher's school to report, even when she explained clearly the situation back then, it was inevitable that she gradually became suspicious.

About a year and a half ago, she got accurate information about Ji Xiaofu, who was active in Yingzhou area. Miejue Shitai originally wanted to go to find it in person, but after learning about Zhou Zhiruo's talent in martial arts, she stumbled for a while. , until he went to look for it, but he disappeared again, only a few clues were found.

It was vaguely heard that Ji Xiaofu and the little girl seemed to be heading west.

Miejue Shitai thinks about this place, Weiwei Tianshen.

In fact, she had guessed at the beginning whether her apprentice would rush back to the Emei sect just in time, but she waited and waited, and half a year had passed, and it was not likely that she would return to the sect.

Miejue Shitai couldn't hide his disappointment.

Ji Xiaofu can be regarded as her proud disciple, and she is also the daughter of the Hanyang Golden Whip Discipline Hero.

If Zhou Zhiruo's talent hadn't been revealed, she actually intended to establish her as the heir and pass on the mantle of the head of the family.


Miejue Shitai frowned and said nothing, with a light rain on his face.

Zhongnan Mountain, Quanzhen Sect, Chongyang Palace.

A graceful, apricot-yellow figure flashed past, and passed behind a house briskly.

Li Mochou's peach blossom eyes swept over lightly.

Liu Mei frowned slightly, seeming to have doubts.

She also tried to sneak into the Quanzhen Sect before, looking for the inner strength secrets of the [Quanzhen Method], as well as the formulas of the heart method, but she was helpless in the Chongyang Palace, and there were so many Taoist priests patrolling.

Even outrageously many.

Moreover, they patrol during the day and at night, and they are divided into three teams that take turns day and night.

Seeing this, Li Mochou was numb all over.

As a result, she never found a suitable opportunity, and she didn't dare to rush in rashly. This matter needs to be kept secret. If she is discovered even once, it will be dangerous, and if she wants to do it again next time, she will face it. For a more stringent defense!

Fortunately, more than a year later, the Quanzhen Sect has gradually withdrawn from the state of fear and panic, and the patrol strength has continued to weaken. Today, it is even weaker, forming a very sharp contrast with before.

Let her sneak into the Chongyang Palace relatively easily all the way, it is inevitable that there will be a sense of unreliability caused by being too smooth.

Secretly suspicious.

Something is wrong only.


What happened to Quanzhen Sect!?

While Li Mochou was thinking, her expression suddenly changed.

The body retreated slightly and sneaked into the rear, hiding the figure.

Several Quanzhen disciples moved from far to near, and their voices gradually became clearer. Li Mochou held her breath and listened intently.

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