"Senior brother, why is there such a mobilization of teachers and people in the teaching? Could it be that something big happened?"

"It is said that Mr. Fang Han from the Happy Sect [Exiled Immortal] is going to visit my Quanzhen Sect! So the head teacher has ordered you to pay attention to it!"

"Xiaoyao Sect? [The Immortal]? Who is this big man? Why have I never heard of it? The head teacher was so alarmed that he came forward to tell him personally!?"

As the second generation head teacher of Quanzhen Sect at this time, Ma Yu devotes himself to cultivating Taoism in ordinary times, but he doesn't pay much attention to the affairs of the teaching. He is one of the seven sons of Quanzhen Sect who is quiet and scattered, and is also his wife Sun Bu before becoming a monk. Second take care of.

At this time, he suddenly heard that the head teacher Ma Yu personally ordered the matter, and the Quanzhen Taoist couldn't help being extremely surprised.

"Haha, Junior Brother, you have been taking care of the affairs of the apse for the past six months. It's normal if you don't know. This Mr. Fang Han who visited my teacher has been a famous figure in the martial arts for the past six months. His name is【 The head of the Xiaoyao School, martial arts are world-class, and swordsmanship is superb! Everyone calls him "The Immortal!"

Hearing this, the Quanzhen Taoist exclaimed in surprise, "But I don't know what deeds he has done? So that he has such a great reputation?"

Another voice sounded: "Mr. Fang Han went out to travel in 057. In more than half a year, he visited many famous sects. He was highly respected for his martial arts theory. The great master of Hengshan School called him an exiled immortal. The Kongtong Five Elders of the Tong School..."

The sound moved from far to near, and then quickly faded away, gradually becoming inaudible.

Back, hidden place.

Li Mochou listened carefully, her expression couldn't help being dazed:

"Fang Han......"

She is naturally no stranger to this name.

Not only because of my junior sister, but also because of...

As if thinking of something, Li Mochou's charming face blushed.

What I saw at the beginning was too fresh in my memory.

So much so that she often tossed and turned, unable to sleep all night.

Ling Bo often made complaints about her washing the bedding too often.

Li Mochou thought about this, her heart flustered for a while, her calves felt a little weak.

But while blushing, she was also secretly shocked:

"Is his name so big?"

And peripatetic

Sure enough, as she had guessed earlier, he came from a Fang Yin sect!

It seems that the extremely exquisite martial arts of the younger junior sister were indeed passed down by him.

Li Mochou bit her lip slightly, thinking that he is going to visit the Quanzhen Sect now, didn't the younger sister explain to him the gap between the Ancient Tomb Sect and the Quanzhen Sect?

Now he has traveled all over the rivers and lakes, gained a great reputation, and now he is returning to Zhongnan Mountain

Li Mochou's expression changed slightly, and she thought of another possibility:

Could it be that he and his junior sister came back to the ancient tomb specially?

This thought made Li Mochou startled.

If these two people go back to the ancient tomb, how can they ever get out of the tomb!?

A junior junior sister, she couldn't stand it anymore.

If there is another Fang Han, what will she bear?

But this is just a guess after all, Li Mochou can't be sure, and this is not the time to think about it.

Li Mochou took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and looked around, observing carefully.

Standing up slightly, he dodges straight into the Chongyang Palace.

The most important thing now is to seek the secrets and formulas of the "Quanzhen Fa".

This is the prerequisite for practicing [Jade Heart Sutra]. Now she has practiced a lot of external skills of the Ancient Tomb School and Quanzhen School, but she is short of this core internal skill.

During this period of time, I have been looking for opportunities, but I have not been able to do so, and this is the best time.

Not to mention why that person visited Quanzhen Sect, it is good for her to seize Quanzhen Dharma first.

The martial arts of the Ancient Tomb Sect are based on lightness and quickness, and the lightness kung fu is very delicate. Even if Li Mochou has not been able to practice the [Jade Heart Sutra] for the time being, his lightness kung fu is still very good.

Soon he bypassed some Quanzhen Taoist priests, entered a Buddhist scripture pavilion, and searched carefully.

Outside the Chongyang Palace.

Zhao Zhijing and other Quanzhen Taoist priests welcomed the guests into the Chongyang Palace respectfully. Outside the main hall, the head teacher Ma Yu and the other Quanzhen Seven Masters were all there.

Seeing the leader, Ma Yu looked solemn, stepped forward and said politely: "I've heard the name of the [Relegated Immortal] for a long time, and I can meet you today, it's just like the rumors! Poor Dao Ma Yu, be polite!"

The other [Quanzhen Seven Sons], Qiu Chuji, Tan Chuduan, Wang Chuyi, Hao Datong, Liu Chuxuan also stepped forward to pay respects.

If it is just ordinary martial arts people visiting, even famous martial arts masters from famous sects may not be able to get the [Quanzhen Seven Sons] to welcome them together.

But this Mr. Fang in front of him cannot be judged by common sense.

Anyone who hears about his deeds will inevitably be in awe.

All the famous sects in front of him all admired him extremely and respected him. He is so capable, and how can he be compared with others?

Fang Han also returned the salute slightly.

He just looked at [Quanzhen Seven Sons] and Zhao Zhijing who had just come out to greet him.

But secretly sighed in my heart.

This Quanzhen sect can be called the orthodox sect of Taoism.

The martial arts of the Quanzhen lineage, even compared with the Wudang sect, are not far behind!

When Wang Chongyang first founded the sect, it could be said to be at its peak!

Who doesn't know the prestige of [Central Supernatural Power] who is the first of the Five Absolutes? Who doesn't accept it?

Unexpectedly, the beginning is the peak, and the trend is getting weaker and weaker with each generation, and gradually declines.

The generation of [Quanzhen Seven Sons] is not weak in martial arts, even if it is placed in the Jianghu, it can be called top-notch. If they form the [Tiangang Beidou Formation], even the [Five Uniques] can be equal to it .

This ability is not uncommon for an ordinary famous sect.

But when it comes to the Quanzhen Sect, it is inevitable that it is not enough to bear the name of the orthodox Taoist sect in this world.

This is not bad, although [Quanzhen Seven Sons]'s martial arts are hardly top-notch, at least their character is commendable, but in the third generation......

Who are the leaders?

Zhen Zhibing, Zhao Zhijing...

The former, no need to mention it

And the latter.....

Fang Han glanced at Zhao Zhijing.

Shaking his head secretly.

Speaking of which, because of Zhen Zhibing's death, this Zhao Zhijing has gained a lot of benefits. He has gone to a great enemy, the three generations of Quanzhen Sect's chief, and if there is no accident, it is very likely that he will fall into his position. on the head.

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