End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 280 Discussion On Martial Arts Exchange!

Inside Zhenwu Hall.

Everyone sat upright, served tea to entertain guests, and exchanged greetings.

Zhang Sanfeng took the main seat, looking at Fang Han, he couldn't help being amazed.

When I met him for the first time, I already felt that this person was extraordinary.

The more I talk now, the more - I feel unfathomable!

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard, smiled and said: "Over the past year, the name of Mr. has been praised in the martial arts world. The old Taoist often hears about your deeds, and he admires and respects you very much!

I heard that Mr. visited famous families and talked about Taoism with martial arts. The old Taoist has been fascinated by this for a long time!

I don’t know sir, would you be interested in giving advice?”

In today's Jianghu, who doesn't know that this exiled immortal needs to discuss martial arts with him every time he visits a famous sect?

In one year, many well-known and famous sects were all defeated by him. Even the Songshan Shaolin Temple, which is as famous as the Wudang School and has a longer history, has all its foundations, and it is difficult to stop the momentum of this [Relegated Immortal]!

On the contrary, it casts its prestige! It is even more important!

It can be said that with his own strength, he defeated all the heroes of the martial arts world!

In fact, Zhang Sanfeng himself is also very curious, how high is the opponent's martial arts?

Although he can vaguely perceive that there is a huge gap between the two, but the specifics are still unknown. Naturally, he wants to experience it personally and see a thing or two.

Fang Han smiled and said: "Realist Zhang is too famous, and I dare not say it for advice, but this trip to visit the Wudang Clan is indeed for the real person. If it is possible, I will ask for it!"

After hearing the conversation, Song Yuanqiao and Yu Lianzhou, who had been accompanying them all the time, were shocked, and their expressions were filled with excitement and anticipation.

There are two people in front of me, one is the founder of the Wudang sect, a great master recognized by the world; the other is a banished immortal who has shocked the martial arts world! Martial arts are also recognized as extremely strong! Unfathomable!

The martial arts discussion between them...

Everyone couldn't help their eyes sparkling, even Yin Liting, who was in a gloomy mood before, forgot the depression and confusion in his heart for a moment, and focused his attention.

This kind of epic-level discussion of martial arts is an absolutely irresistible temptation for anyone in the martial arts world!

Half a minute later, the master of the martial arts training ground.

Fang Han and Zhang Sanfeng stood facing each other, and everyone looked up at them from afar.

Facing Fang Han, Zhang Sanfeng felt the gap, so he took the lead.

Swaying his hands slightly, the surrounding air seemed to become slightly viscous.

Tai Chi starts!

The shot seems to be slow and slow, but whoever faces such a blow, ninety-nine out of ten will have to be restrained and captured.

As soon as this Wudang patriarch made a move, he showed his peerless martial arts!

Fang Han's eyes brightened slightly, and he thought that during this time, except for the floor-sweeping monk at the Shaolin Temple who was quite good, everyone else was like a full-level gangster brutalizing Novice Village!

Apart from looking at some fantastic ideas, there is not much real gain.

It's just a matter of reputation.

At this time, seeing Zhang Sanfeng make a move, he was quite happy to see Liexin.

In the second round of simulation, although he visited Wudang and had martial arts exchanges with Zhang Sanfeng, that time belonged to the early and mid-stage of the simulation. Fang Han was able to fight against him because of his terrifying skills, but only in terms of martial arts realm , is not as good as Zhang Sanfeng.

And time goes on, when Fang Han gradually comprehends deeply, learns the strengths of hundreds of schools, and becomes a great master of martial arts, this real Zhang has already passed away.

This time I can see his attack again, but I can see a thing or two.

Fang Han didn't use his true energy either, he just stretched out his hand with the same force and pushed away the unceasing but soft Tai Chi force.


Zhang Sanfeng looked in admiration, after fighting for a while, the gap like a gap became more obvious, but it also made him more excited.

At his level of martial arts, it cannot be said that there is no way to advance, but the future is bleak, it is nothing more than accumulating over time, and the skill is often deeper.

Therefore, he has been practicing Tai Chi in retreat for these years, and gradually created the prototype framework of [Tai Chi Sword]. After careful consideration, he is actually doing an overall and meticulous sorting out of his own martial arts.

Hope to be able to innovate and improve.

Now seeing Fang Han's understated ability and feeling the gap, it is inevitable that there will be a kind of sincere joy to glimpse the future!


There is still a way!

Zhang Sanfeng was very happy, he couldn't help laughing and said:

"Mr. Fang is really good at martial arts! The veteran is going to fight with all his might!"

After many years of practice, the extremely pure [Pure Yang Wuji Internal Force] circulates, and there is a warm and scorching aura lingering in all directions!

…… Ask for flowers O………

Hoo hoo!

Fang Han said with a smile: "Master Zhang just do whatever he wants!"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to meet the sudden palm!


There was a slight to weak inaudible air vibration, but Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou and the others' hearts were beating violently, extremely heavy, as if something was pressing them down.

Their eyes were wide open, watching the changes in the field.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought each other for dozens of rounds!

Zhang Sanfeng's more than one hundred years of kung fu poured out once, like a landslide and an earth cracking, the abundance is endless!

Although the martial arts of the Wudang lineage mostly use softness to overcome rigidity, it is not impossible to be rigid, especially this Wudang ancestor, sometimes extremely fierce and sometimes soft like water, combining hardness and softness, transforming at will!

When the two fought, the ground cracked inch by inch and shattered like dust, and the energy flowed vertically and horizontally, surging!

Seeing Song Yuanqiao's scalp tingling and gasping for breath, even though they were far away, they couldn't help but be terrified and frightened.

The power of the two fighting against each other is simply terrifying!

Yu Lianzhou was in a daze, even if she couldn't take her eyes off it, she couldn't see clearly. She could only vaguely see the sweeping dust vibrating, stirring, and rewinding as if it had turned into a tangible force. When it touched a little bit, the bluestone bricks on the ground were shattered!

Even if you are far away, you know that it is dangerous and terrifying!

Is this the real strength of Master and his old man!?

Before Zhang Sanfeng was middle-aged, he traveled around the rivers and lakes, wiped out groups of demons, and made many moves, but after he founded the Wudang lineage and established a sect, he seldom made moves.

Although the Seven Heroes of Wudang worshiped Zhang Sanfeng as their teacher, they rarely saw him attack with all their strength, and it can even be said that they almost never saw him.

Song Yuanqiao had seen it before, but it was a long time ago.

How can they be on the same level after decades of difference in skill?

Seeing this scene now, the shock he endured is no less than those of the third and fourth generations of disciples.

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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