End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 281 Zhenwu Seven Segment Formation!

When everyone was shocked, the two had fought for thousands of rounds!

Zhang Sanfeng's expression was slightly condensed.

In the eyes of others, Chen is even in power.

But he himself knew the situation.

Not at all.

I have exerted all my strength, but the opponent is doing it with ease, understatement!

You can see the gully in it!


Zhang Sanfeng draws a circle with both hands, borrowing and accumulating power from Tai Chi, and uses the strength and strength that have been gradually accumulated since the fight so far, and uses the hundred-year-old strong skill of [Pure Yang Wuji Gong] to release it instantly!

"Mr. Fang! Be careful!"

This blow!

It's like a rock breaking the sky!


A resounding sound like thunder suddenly appeared! The surging dust dissipated in an instant!

A group of Wudang disciples who were looking up and watching from a distance felt their minds tremble, their dizziness was "four zero seven", and many of them passed out on the spot. Even the leaders, Song Yuanqiao and Yu Lianzhou, felt chest tightness and shortness of breath. After a little relief, everyone was horrified!

It's hard to imagine how terrifying power is hidden in that blow!

Fang Han's eyes brightened slightly, and he admired secretly.

An all-out blow from a Grand Master figure!

Really very good!

If it is the time when he just returned, no matter what, he needs to be cautious.


In Fang Han's mind, the strong and incomparable power was absorbed by the characteristics of [Bei Ming].

It contained Zhang Sanfeng's incomparably pure [Pure Yang Wuji Internal Force], which was quickly refined and belonged to himself, slightly enhanced.

What is shown outside is Zhang Sanfeng's strongest blow, like a mud cow entering the sea, turning into nothingness and disappearing.

Stop the riots!

Even in Zhang Sanfeng's state of mind, seeing this scene, he couldn't help being slightly stunned and stood on the spot.

That moment just now is almost the quintessence of his many years of martial arts!

I thought that even if he couldn't win, at least he could get a glimpse of the opponent's true strength.


How could it be so.

It's just that!

What kind of martial arts is this!?

After a while, Zhang Sanfeng came back to his senses slightly, looked at Fang Han with a complicated expression, shook his head slightly, and sighed a long time: "It is true that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people! Mr. Fang's martial arts are world-class, and the old Taoist school is not as good as the rules!"

In the vigorous and powerful voice, there seemed to be shock, emotion, embarrassment, and deep wonder and joy!

Shocked and moved by Fang Han's high martial arts, it's unbelievable!

Even he didn't have the ability to test out his true strength.

No wonder he was able to become famous throughout the martial arts world in just one year, even the abbots, celebrities, and divine monks of the Shaolin Temple were all defeated by him, and he also broke through the famous formations such as the [Eighteen Bronze Man Formation] and the [Vajra Subduing Demon Circle] Law!

It is because he has been invincible all over the world since he entered the rivers and lakes, and he has never been defeated. Who knows that when he is more than a hundred years old, his martial arts realm and skills are becoming more and more profound and exquisite, and even when he gradually introduces the old and brings forth the new, he unexpectedly On the way of martial arts, he lost to others.

It is inevitable that there will be some sighs.

Never experienced it!

But Zhang Sanfeng is an open-minded and enlightened person, so he only felt a little bit emotional about it, so he didn't take it seriously.

He is definitely not a person who is aggressive and aggressive, and he doesn't care about those false names.

There is more joy in my heart.

Because in Fang Han, he saw the realm of martial arts!

The so-called Chaowen, death is dead!

At this moment, Zhang Sanfeng felt the sincere joy of seeing the Dao!

Even if he couldn't see the details of Fang Han's martial arts, nor could he see where his full strength lies, but after all, he knew what lies ahead.

There is still a way!

In the journey of martial arts, you can continue to study, study, and explore!

Fang Han smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said, "Master Zhang, I've accepted it!"

During the conversation between the two, Song Yuanqiao, Yu Lianzhou, Zhang Songxi and the others just recovered from the shock just now, and their lips were full of shock!



And claiming to be far inferior to this Mr. Fang!?

Everyone is unbelievable. It should be known that Wudang Master Zhang's reputation has been synonymous with invincibility since decades ago. Now this unshakable myth has completely collapsed!

In addition to being unbelievable, thinking about the scene just now, my mind is also shaken.

Song Yuanqiao and the others knew very well that for Master's attack just now, no one of them would be directly killed if they stepped forward.

That power is too terrifying!

Unless the Seven Heroes of Wudang gather together and form a perfect [Zhenwu Seven-section Formation], then it will be possible to block it.


This [Zhenwu Seven-section Formation] is incomplete, two of the seven are missing.

While thinking about it, he suddenly heard Fang Han's clear and calm voice.

"Master Zhang, I've often heard about the prestige of [Zhenwu Seven Segment Formation], could you let me learn a thing or two?"

Song Yuanqiao and the others were startled, they looked at each other in blank dismay, secretly wondering

I never thought that this Mr. Fang would not be satisfied after the martial arts competition with his master, and he wanted to see the [Zhenwu Seven-section Formation].

It should be known that this [Zhenwu Seven-section Formation] is the culmination of Wudang Formation!

It was Zhang Sanfeng's observation and realization of the two mountains of turtles and snakes, the majestic momentum of thickness and agility, and created an extremely superior and exquisite martial art, which can even be called the best martial art in Wudang martial arts!

Because the martial art comes from the mountains, it's too vast to be performed by only one person, so he divided it into seven sections and passed them on to the Seven Heroes of Wudang respectively.

If two people form an formation, they will have both offensive and defensive capabilities, and their power will increase greatly; if three people form an formation, the power will be doubled compared to two formations, even though there are two formations, it is still better than four formations; Doubling the power is like the power of eight people; after that, each additional person forming an formation will double the power! Forming an formation with five people is equivalent to sixteen people; forming an formation with six people will be the master of ten altars!

When seven people form an formation, it will be better than sixty-four equal masters!

Such power, superimposed layer upon layer, can be described as unpredictable!

The great reputation of the Wudang Seven Heroes is not only due to their excellent martial arts, but also the true martial arts seven-section array is one of the important reasons.

Since its prestige has been extolled, no one in this world would dare to challenge Wudang's [Zhenwu Seven-section Array].

The [Vajra Subduing Demon Circle] is rumored to be able to rival the thirty-two masters of the world with the power of three people, but this formation is the Zen skill that the three-time eminent monk has been practicing for decades. , was able to form the Buddhist formation!

In terms of practicality and upper limit, it is as difficult as the real martial arts seven-section array!

This Mr. Fang actually wants to challenge the [Zhenwu Seven-Part Formation]

It had been a long time since they had heard such a request, and everyone was unavoidably a little stunned, but they quickly came to their senses, looked at each other, and smiled wryly to themselves.

The five of them formed an formation against the might of Master's attack just now, and none of them could resist it, but this Mr. Fang did not know how to use some miraculous skills to counteract it, silently, it was shocking!

Facing him, not to mention forming an formation with five people, even the perfect [Zhenwu Seven-Segment Formation] might not be able to withstand it...

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