End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter Thirty-Three "Northern True Qi"


Knowing that this meridian map is not easy to practice, and it is very easy to conflict with his own many years of memory, Fang Han also became cautious about it.

After several attempts.

It has successfully run for a week.

It's just that it requires him to concentrate and not let up in the slightest. It's really not an easy task to be as relaxed as the previous three pictures.

Fang Han is not in a hurry, just grind slowly.

It's been so many years since the first life simulation, still afraid of this little setback?

Well, with the help of Cheng Lingsu, Fang Han is very tough.

You can't just spend a day here, not to mention that he is exhausted and can't concentrate for a long time. Cheng Lingsu has been guarding him tightly, so he needs to rest.

So the two discussed it, and decided that they would practice "Beiming Shengong" every morning, practice "Lingbo Weibu" in the afternoon, and take a good rest at night to recharge their batteries.


Every morning thereafter, Fang Han began to practice and run the thirty-six meridian diagrams of the "North Ming Divine Art", with Cheng Lingsu protecting the Dharma, and if he made a mistake, he would take action at any time.

Stop until the mind is exhausted.

Cheng Lingsu would occasionally look after flowers and plants and pick some medicinal materials. Fang Han sometimes went with him, and sometimes went out to set up some hunting traps and held tooth sacrifices.

In the afternoon, the two practiced the footwork of "Lingbo Weibu" together. Cheng Lingsu didn't know much about "Book of Changes and Bagua", so Fang Han explained to her one by one. Of course, the footwork couldn't be practiced all afternoon. , In spare time, Fang Han was studying medicine. At this time, the two turned around and became Fang Han taught by Cheng Lingsu.

Of course, they will often practice with each other, feed each other moves, and discuss martial arts.

Until the evening, I was almost exhausted from the whole day's work.

I simply ate food, washed up and rested.

Between husband and wife, intimate interaction is indispensable.

Although Fang Han added the experience of life simulation, his mental age has to be doubled several times, but...

He said responsibly that sometimes, sex has nothing to do with age.

What you think is boring is actually just powerless.

Now that his body is just young and young, with strong energy and blood, the need is naturally normal, and it is vigorous and energetic.

As for Cheng Lingsu...

This girl is a first-time wife, and she loves Fang Han so much, so she has a bit of a taste for it.

In this way, the two spent half a year in Wuliang Mountain.

Fang Han thoroughly memorized the running routes of the thirty-six meridian maps and formed a memory habit.

In this way, although it cannot be said to completely forget what one has learned, it will not be confused anymore.

With this premise, after Fang Han adjusted for a day, he really started to practice the inner strength method of "Beiming Shengong".

In the past, he was only guided by the sense of qi, and he only practiced the diagram of energy absorption and energy storage, but now he wants to re-cultivate his inner strength!

"Beiming Shengong" actually has three parts.

The method of absorbing power, storing power, and Beiming's true energy!

The former two are the reliance of "Northern Divine Art" to absorb and store the internal energy of others, while the latter is the real foundation of "Northern Divine Art", the essence of inner strength and mental method. You can cultivate "Northern True Qi" ", and can also truly refine and integrate the absorbed and stored internal force into one's own "Northern True Qi".

The reason why Fang Han skipped "Northern Darkness True Qi" before was because he was worried that if he cultivated his inner strength and accidentally strayed into the thirty-six meridian diagrams, it would be an extremely dangerous situation.

And only run with Qi sense, even if there is a mistake, it will not be so serious.

Coupled with the assistance of Cheng Lingsu, it can be guaranteed to be safe.

Therefore, after careful consideration, he naturally did not practice the foundation of this "North Ming Divine Art" first.

Instead, first run the thirty-six meridian diagrams with the sense of qi, and after proficiency so that they will not be confused with the "health-preserving inner strength", then turn around and start to really practice the inner strength and heart method of the "Northern Divine Art"-"Beiming Infuriating!"

Fang Han sat upright, closed his eyes and concentrated on breathing.

Although he has never actively practiced the method of practicing "North Dark True Qi", he has long been familiar with it.

This time with the thought together, the sense of qi will slowly run and advance according to the inner power and mental method.

Although the body is empty due to the Sangong exercise half a year ago, and there is no trace of internal force, but this is exactly in line with the conditions for practicing "Beiming Shengong".

One week passed, and a tiny ray of internal energy was finally born from the mutton!

As soon as this internal force was born, Fang Han's spirit was shaken, and he was keenly aware of the gap between the internal force of "health-preserving internal force" and "beiming magic power".

It can be described as the difference between cloud and mud!

The internal force of "health-preserving inner strength" is tepid, ordinary and impermanent, but the inner strength cultivated by this "Northern Darkness Divine Art" is not only infinitely pure in the initial stage, but also contains mystery.

Fang Han was delighted in his heart, but he quickly restrained his thoughts and concentrated on running.

Second Sunday...

The third Sunday...


This practice lasted for five full hours.

From dawn to dusk.

That sliver of Beiming's internal energy was gradually strengthened by Fang Han.

Fang Han slowly recuperated, his eyes were bright and he was very refreshed.

Normally, he only practiced "Health-preserving Internal Kungfu" for at most two hours, any more would consume his mind and mind, but he didn't seem to have such a problem when he practiced this "Beiming Divine Kungfu". The more he practiced, the more energetic he felt.

I have to sigh:

Absolutely learned magic skills, really extraordinary!

"Brother Fang..."

The beauty called softly, which brought Fang Han back to his senses. Facing Cheng Lingsu's delighted and slightly worried eyes, he couldn't help but happily embraced Cheng Lingsu in his arms, and laughed loudly: "Lingsu! This "North Ming Magic Art" I'm done! "

Although it is only the beginning of practice, the most important hurdle of practice has been cleared.

Worry-free from now on!

All that is needed after that is to continue to practice enlightenment.

It's really not easy...

Counting the time of the first round of simulation, decades!

Finally got his wish, Fang Han is also a rare gaffe at this time.

The main reason is that what he is facing is Lingsu. If it is someone else, no matter how excited he is, he can still do things like keeping calm.

Cheng Lingsu felt his pulse, and then touched his whole body. After confirming that it was correct, he was completely relieved, snuggled into Fang Han's arms, and smiled softly: "That's really good... "

(ps: ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for monthly tickets, ask for comments~)


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