End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 34 The Three-Year Period Has Come...


Another two years passed.

Fang Han's "North Ming Divine Art" has become more and more proficient and refined.

The "North Dark True Qi" in his body gradually filled up and grew stronger.

Not fast, but neither fast nor slow, slowly strong.

"Lingbo Weibu" has also been successfully practiced. He is extremely agile in moving, dodging and lightening his body.

And because of this skill, every time he walks for a week, he can accumulate an internal force, and Fang Han uses this internal force to grow stronger.

As for "Following the Wind Swordsmanship" and "Taizu Changquan", Fang Han did not fail and continued to practice.

Whenever practicing these external moves, Fang Han can clearly find that the power of "Northern Darkness True Qi" is far greater than before.

In addition, there are several "Yaowangzhuang" external martial arts taught by Cheng Lingsu, especially the method of concealed weapons.

It is also quite profitable, making up for the shortcomings.

This is the harvest of martial arts. In terms of medicine, he also learns from Cheng Lingsu every day. He reads "Lingshu", "Su Wen", "Acupuncture Classics", and even "Yao Wang Shen Pian", and gradually masters the knowledge in it. , Mingxiao, and comprehension, the medical ability is steadily improving.

It's a pity that compared with Cheng Lingsu, it's still far behind.

after all......

Fang Han's medical ability is improving, so is Cheng Lingsu the same?

Naturally impossible.

This girl's medical skills have also become more and more exquisite in the past two years.

And she has recently successfully bred a kind of the world's most poisonous thing——

"Seven Heart Begonia"!

Colorless, odorless, without trace!

This thing is extremely poisonous, even if a person with profound inner strength touches some of it, his body will instantly become stiff and poisoned to death.

Fortunately, this "Seven Heart Begonia" will not be poisoned as long as the root, branch and flower are not damaged, otherwise, Fang Han will get hairy after seeing it.

Well, in fact, he usually keeps a respectful distance from this poisonous flower, which is the most poisonous in the world.

I'm afraid that the simulation will end if I'm not careful...

Because of this, Cheng Lingsu misunderstood at first, thinking that Fang Han was disgusted.

Cheng Lingsu is now focused on Fang Han, and suddenly panicked, like a little girl who has done something wrong, she promised Fang Han that she would no longer serve these poisonous flowers and weeds, and would destroy the newly cultivated "Seven Heart Begonia" .

Haoxuan was stopped by Fang Han.

Fang Han was afraid that he would lose it by accident, but he didn't dislike the "Seven-Hearted Begonia", and naturally he wouldn't blame Cheng Lingsu for it.

Thinking of the original book, Hu Fei didn't say anything to Cheng Lingsu on the surface, but he vaguely disliked this ice-snow and smart girl who always associates with poisons. As a time traveler, Fang Han naturally has no such prejudice and will not make such a mistake.

What's more, how about his wife, isn't he still at ease?

And stop...

"Seven Heart Begonia" is good!

This thing has a great effect on his future plans!

How could it be destroyed so easily?

Hearing Fang Han's explanation clearly, Cheng Lingsu was relieved, but he still planted the "Seven Heart Begonia" far away, even though it was already far enough away.

this day.

Fang Han's eyes lit up slightly after he finished practicing his inner strength.

Feeling the internal force of "Northern Darkness True Qi" gradually growing in the dantian in his body, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"With such a foundation, we can proceed to the next step..."

To practice "Beiming Divine Art", you can't say that you can't do it on your own, but if you do this, you will give up the most important characteristics of "Beiming Divine Art".

Absorb the internal energy of others for your own use!

This is what Fang Han values ​​most.

His own bones are really average.

Practicing "North Ming Divine Art" is slow and obscure.

If you really want to completely rely on yourself to practice, you may not be able to cultivate such a deep inner strength after practicing for a lifetime.

Therefore, from the very beginning, he planned to rely on "Beiming Divine Art" to absorb the internal energy of others for his own use, and quickly become stronger!

Fang Han didn't care if there were hidden dangers or not.

For one thing, whether there is such a thing is still two things to say.

Second, he is now in a life simulation, even if something goes wrong, it will be a big deal to return to reality.

There's nothing scary about it.

In the end, he had planned for this simulation.

Rely on the "Beiming Divine Art" first, and become stronger as quickly as possible, so that he can capitalize to seek other opportunities.

Being strong is the foundation.

In the first round of simulation, many opportunities were not available. Apart from Fang Han’s reluctance to save his life, his own lack of strength was also a major factor.

Even the biggest factor.

In this round, no matter what, you have to do a good job of your own foundation first, and then worry about those.

If he can have a strong and powerful internal force, then no matter what he wants to seek, it can play a huge role in getting twice the result with half the effort.

"If you absorb people's internal energy, there is a good place right now."

Fang Han glanced at the cliff above the valley with deep eyes.

Infinite Sword Sect!

The three-year period has come, I, Fang Han...

cough cough! Forget it, stop playing with this old meme!

Fang Han stretched his body and stood up.

Go to the vegetable garden that Cheng Lingsu tends nearby, and pick some back.

After the two made lunch, they began to talk.

Fang Han also told Cheng Lingsu about his intention to leave.

After hearing this, the sister of the Cheng family looked at the things in the stone room with a little reluctance in her eyes.

The two or three years she stayed here were the most relaxing and comfortable days for her.

In the bottom of my heart, I may not have the idea that this will always be the case.

I hope that I can live in seclusion here with Fang Han for the rest of my life.

But how could she refuse Fang Han's decision,

"Brother Fang, wherever you go, Lingsu will go."

In the clear voice, there was a sense of firmness.

Fang Han can naturally see the little girl's reluctance, but as long as he wants to, he will go out and make a living.

Those unique magical skills and opportunities!

Now it's just a life simulation, no matter how real it is, he can't indulge in it.

Reality is where it really is.

Holding Cheng Lingsu, Fang Han whispered: "Sister, with your words, I feel more at ease than anything else."

Cheng Lingsu smiled softly, and gently buried herself in Fang Han's arms.

Both of them stopped talking, feeling inexplicably at ease.


Jiang Ang! Jiang Ang!

A strange cry sounded!

(ps: ask for flowers, ask for comments, ask for monthly tickets, ask for comments~)


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