End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 94 Almost Looks Like A Sword Fairy!

I practiced the "Six Meridians Excalibur" in Dali before, and once I cast it out, within six feet, the "invisible sword energy" is almost invincible!

But this range of six feet is only the farthest that "invisible sword energy" can reach.

When the sword energy reaches six feet, its sharpness has disappeared.

It can't be said that there is nothing that can be done, but it is not far behind the breeze.

Jiumozhi fought with Fang Han, his position was about two or three feet away, within two or three feet, the sharpness of "Invisible Sword Qi" was the most frightening, he dared not face the edge directly; Then the power will drop, and Jiumozhi can resist it with his own "Flame Saber Strength".

Such a situation has already shocked all the eminent monks of Tianlong Temple, and Jiumozhi who faced the "invisible sword energy" was even more terrified!

Now, Fang Han Yun and his inner strength can easily open a solid wooden wall three feet away. The blessing brought by this powerful skill is very huge!

If he used martial arts, or even used the "Six Meridians Excalibur", then what a terrifying range would his "Invisible Sword Qi" cover!?

Thinking of this, Fang Han got up and pushed the door out.

With a light step, he came to the courtyard in an instant.

Between thoughts, the "Six Meridians Excalibur" is activated!

The two sword qi of Shang Yang and Zhong Chong came out, merged and condensed into one, like an invisible three-foot sword, condensed on the fingertips! 420

"Six Meridians Excalibur", just like its name, is a sword technique, not a fingering technique.

The "Six Meridians Excalibur" in the whole article should be based on the "invisible sword energy" to display the exquisite swordsmanship of the six meridians, rather than simply pointing out finger force like the "Yiyang Finger".

The attack mode of Duan Yu in the original work is purely because he is not familiar with the six-meridian swordsmanship, and he has only practiced the "invisible sword energy" of the six-meridian sword, so he can only simply urge the sword energy away.


It's like holding a divine sword. If he doesn't know how to use the sword, he will just stab the enemy with the sword in a daze. However, in the real "Six Meridians Divine Sword", the divine sword and the sword technique should be indispensable to each other. Yes, it must not only have the divine sword condensed from the "invisible sword energy", but also have the exquisite six-vein sword technique, so that it can exert its greatest power!

Fang Han is familiar with the "Six Meridians Excalibur" of the entire chapter, not only has he practiced the "Invisible Sword Qi" of the six meridians, but he has also practiced the six meridian swordsmanship extremely proficiently! Naturally, it is impossible to be like Duan Yu!


Fang Han's heart moved at will, and he displayed Shangyang swordsmanship and Zhongchong swordsmanship!

Zhongchong's swordsmanship is majestic and majestic, because of the combination of heaven and earth!

As soon as the sword is released, the stone will break the sky!

Shang Yang's swordsmanship is ingenious and flexible! Unpredictable!

Fang Han is like a swordsman holding a long sword, urging his superb swordsmanship, sometimes moving like thunder, sometimes ingeniously shocking!

That incomparable sword qi continuously swayed and overflowed from the invisible three-foot (cebe) sword, and the sword qi criss-crossed the whole body!

Within ten feet, the air flow seemed to hang upside down, like a violent wind and rain!

With a slight sweep of sword energy, sword marks instantly appeared on the soil, bluestone, and bricks on the ground, and they were separated from them.

Until the two sets of sword techniques were finished, Fang Han stabbed far away, and in an instant, the "invisible sword energy" was clear and clear, rushing straight for more than ten feet!

Push all the way to the end, and then slowly dissipate!

Fang Han slowly restrained his sword energy, and fell into a deep silence as he watched the countless sword marks around him that were affected by his sword energy.


I feel so terrified myself!

Fang Han stood quietly for a while, calming down.

Don't turn your head to look at Su Xinghe, who was already standing in awe in the distance, and asked in a clear voice: "Mr. Su, has the news spread? Did Ding Chunqiu make any movement?"

It's just that Su Xinghe didn't seem to hear this clear and gentle voice at all.

He looked around in shock, unable to return to his mind for a long time.

Just now there was a loud noise in the quiet room where Fang Han was retreating, and he had already heard it from a distance, worried about any accidents, so he hurried over.

As a result, I happened to see Fang Han's posture of casting the "Six Meridians Excalibur".

Su Xinghe was horrified by the terrifying sword qi!

As Wu Yazi's eldest disciple, he is well-informed.

But this kind of scene has never been seen before!

Almost like the legendary sword fairy!

My heart is like worship!

Su Xinghe even thought to himself: 'I'm afraid Master is still alive, so it's hard to do something like this!?'

In fact, he really thought about it.

First of all, the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School tend to be immortal and elegant, and the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School are absolutely no worse than the "Six Meridians Sword", and they even win in terms of subtlety!

But the more exquisite the martial art is, the more delicate it is, understatement, the power is unparalleled!

As for the "Six Meridians Excalibur", let alone its six-meridian swordsmanship, its "invisible sword energy" belongs to the type that works miracles with great strength.

Insufficient internal strength, not even qualified to practice.

But once the internal strength is achieved, you can even skip the pre-position of "Yiyang Finger" directly, and you can do intensive training!

And the more internal strength, the stronger the power of the sword!

It may be difficult to say how brilliant Fang Han is, but the most terrifying thing about him is precisely his unparalleled internal strength!

Now that he has refined Wu Yazi's lifetime skill, his internal energy has directly increased by more than two times! And it is even more pure!

Unleash the "Six Meridians Excalibur", the natural sword energy is terrifying! The power is far greater than before!

In fact, if the sharpness and scope of the "invisible sword energy" are excluded, his Shangyang swordsmanship and Zhongchong swordsmanship can only be said to be "small successes", and they have not really mastered or even reached perfection!

But because the power is too explosive, what is shown is this kind of sword energy!

Although Su Xinghe had seen his master take action before, but the style of martial arts was different at that time, and he didn't understand the core unique knowledge of the Xiaoyao School, so naturally he couldn't see the subtlety; the two Wuyazi had been paralyzed for decades, and in the past , His skill is far less powerful than in the following decades, when he continuously cultivated Beiming Zhenqi and Xiaowuxiang internal energy!

In other words, the scene where Su Xinghe saw Wu Yazi make a move was many years ago.

The more powerful Wu Yazi's skill is, the body is paralyzed, and he can't even make a move. Su Xinghe naturally doesn't know how terrifying it will be if his master's attack power of more than 70 years urges him to make a move.

Now that Fang Han has Wu Yazi's lifetime skill, and his own skill, in fact, the purity of internal power is a bit behind Wu Yazi's, but he wins in terms of depth of skill!

When he used the "Six Meridians Excalibur" this time, it was naturally a terrifying scene that Su Xinghe had never seen before!

It's normal to be frightened for a while!

Seeing his shocked expression, Fang Han knew that his mind had not returned, so he spoke again: "Mr. Su..."

This time, when he opened his mouth, there was a faint amount of internal energy, it wasn't an ingenious way of doing it, it was just a trace of inner energy that was used to open the mouth, but when Su Xinghe heard it, his heart was shaken, like waking up from a dream.

Seeing that Fang Han had walked in slowly, he couldn't help saluting in a panic: "The master's skills are unrivaled! The old man has little knowledge and was frightened for a while, so he couldn't hear the master's words... Please forgive me

Fang Han sighed softly: "Mr. Su doesn't have to be like this..."

Xu Shi didn't know much about Fang Han's temperament.

This Su Xinghe was always extremely respectful when facing Fang Han, and would kneel down and salute every now and then.

After talking a few times, he changed to bowing slightly.

Fang Han wondered if the rules of the Happy School are so strict?

But thinking about it, it seems that it is not incomprehensible.

For the Vulture Palace, another branch of the Xiaoyao Sect, kneeling down and saluting are nothing but commonplace.

It's just that I'm not used to seeing a skinny old man with white beard and hair who would kneel down every now and then.

Fang Han shook his head slightly and didn't say much.

Asked about business directly.

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)

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