End Of Life, You Tell Me It's A Life Simulation?

Chapter 95: Shenmu King Cauldron!

Su Xinghe's heart was pounding, his face flushed red, he was extremely excited for Fang Han to have such supernatural power!

so capable!

Almost like the posture of the legendary sword fairy!

Even if Ding Chunqiu is amazing, how can he resist it.

How can the fire of a firefly candle write about the struggle between the sun and the moon!?

But this is not the time to think too much, Su Xinghe quickly calmed down the horror and excitement in his heart, and said:

"Reporting to the head of the sect, the old man has already spread the news ten days ago. After the investigation of my deaf-mute members these days, there are quite some clues."

Su Xinghe is actually the head of one party.

Back then he was forced to make a poisonous oath, and since then he has never heard of it, and since he was afraid that Ding Chunqiu would harm his eight proud disciples, he expelled his eight friends from Hangu, and founded the deaf-mute sect, recruiting deaf-mute people as disciples to help the public. As a subordinate.

Otherwise, no matter how great he is alone, it would be difficult for Wu Yazi to serve dozens of tails.

Previously, Fang Han ordered to spread the news, and it was also for these deaf-mute disciples to spread the news. At the same time, they also collected information about Ding Chunqiu.

Su Xinghe said: "There is news that Ding Chunqiu seems to have left Xingxiu Sea to go to the Central Plains long ago, and the time is even before I spread the news."

As he said that, Su Xinghe also looked a little strange.

Although this Ding Chunqiu has been sending people to watch him, he rarely leaves Xingxiu Sea.

In general, they stay on the side of Xingxiu Sea.

Looking around for the secrets of the Xiaoyao School.

Well, he was the one who lied to him back then.

But at this moment, it is strange that he suddenly left Xingxiu Sea.

Although he discussed with his master before to spread the invitations, but after all, they have not been released, and even the invitations have not been prepared, so Ding Chunqiu's visit this time should not be because of his problems.

So, why?

Could it be that he has fully realized that there is no secret book of the Xiaoyao School in XingXiu Hai, and wants to persecute him?

Or do you want to cut the weeds directly?

Su Xinghe couldn't understand it.

But Fang Han listened thoughtfully.

In fact, although he knows a lot of plots, it is impossible to know every detail after all. How can he remember everything about these supporting roles clearly [even Ke Neng didn't pay attention at all.

But hearing what Su Xinghe said about Ding Chunqiu, he seemed to have left for the Central Plains long ago, after careful consideration, he probably had some clues.

"Shenmu Wangding"!

Ding Chunqiu's trip to the Central Plains is very likely because the "Shenmu Wangding" was stolen.

"Shenmu Wangding" is the treasure of the Xingxiu Sect!

It has the effect of attracting poisons from all over the world.

To practice the "Great Transformation Technique", one needs to use the world's poisonous substances as the capital of cultivation, and absorb them into the body for cultivation.

But the key is the world's poisons, ordinary ones are fine, those strange poisons are rare, if there is no "Shenmu Wangding" as an attraction, it will take a lot of time and effort to find them by manpower alone!

And because of Ding Chunqiu's "Huagong Dafa", there must be no shortage of poisons, or even stop, otherwise, if there is no new toxin suppression, the many toxins absorbed in the body will directly backfire, causing disasters, extremely terrifying!

Even Ding Chunqiu himself can't stand it.

He may have many strange poisons in his collection, but one day the collection will run out, and at that time, he will inevitably face threats.

With such a treasure being stolen, it's no wonder they came to the Central Plains from Xingxiu Sea.

Fang Han thought about this, and suddenly thought: "The "Shenmu Wangding" is interesting, it can attract poisons from all over the world, it is a treasure, if you have a chance, you can use it for Lingsu

Ms. Cheng's medical skills are extremely terrifying, as can be seen from her ability to refine the "Zhu Clam Panacea".

Those poisons that people in the world think are extremely poisonous may be able to turn poison into treasure in Miss Cheng's hands.

Moreover, with the addition of the "experience book" in the medical classics of the Xiaoyao School, Miss Cheng's medical skills may have to be improved to a higher level. It is hard to imagine what kind of point her medical skills will reach.

Wouldn't it be icing on the cake if we got this "Shenmu King Ding" again at that time?

But this "Shenmu Wangding"

It should be on Ah Zi now.

The little girl's whereabouts are even more erratic and difficult to trace.

Fang Han made a point in his heart, if he met, he would take the "Shenmu King Ding", if he didn't meet, then forget it "no force.

Su Xinghe continued: "Master, I had eight disciples under my sect. In the past, because of Ding Chunqiu, I had to expel them from the Xiaoyao Sect. Now... I want to deal with them. Whether or not that old thief Ding Chunqiu summoned them all back, each of them has achieved quite a bit, especially my apprentice Xue Muhua, who has some contacts in the Jianghu, can actually call many people to come to help."

Fang Han looked calm, glanced at Su Xinghe, and said: "If Mr. Su has anything to say, you might as well speak up."

Fang Han glanced at Su Xinghe, and his heart skipped a beat.

...asking for flowers...

Hearing this, he was even more surprised.

There is quite a feeling of being seen through by the other party.

Secretly more in awe.

Su Xinghe showed shame and said: "The old man was incompetent back then, so he could only drive them out of the sect to avoid disaster, but now he wants to call them back to contribute to cleaning up the sect, then he will have the face to kneel down and beg the master to take them back again." In the Xiaoyao faction..."

Fang Han smiled: "It's not a big deal, since they are all your apprentices, you just need to make your own decisions.

The eight friends of Hangu, each of whom are top figures in various fields, will only increase the strength of the Xiaoyao faction if they take back the Xiaoyao faction.

Fang Han will not judge a person's ability simply by looking at the strength of a person's martial arts.

Like Xue Muhua, he has strong medical skills, and his connections in the original book are amazing. As soon as the invitation was issued, a group of heroes from all corners of the world immediately gathered to meet Qiao Feng.


If Qiao Feng's biological father Xiao Yuanshan hadn't rescued him in the end, Qiao Feng would really have died in Juxian Village.

Even though it was because of A'Zhu's delay at the time, facing the siege of a large number of people, if Qiao Feng had not left, it would indeed be extremely dangerous.

A person at the level of a miracle doctor has such an exaggerated network.

Most of the other Hangu Eight Friends are top figures in their respective fields, and they are all talents.

Regarding this, Fang Han naturally had no reason to refuse them to rejoin the Xiaoyao faction.

When they joined the Happy Sect, what they added was the influence of him, the head of the Happy Sect.

Why refuse?

In addition, this Su Xinghe can now be regarded as an elder of the Xiaoyao Sect, so he still needs to give face.

Why not do things that go along with the flow and are beneficial to you?

But Su Xinghe insisted: "This matter absolutely needs to be decided by the head of the sect!"

Knowing the old man's stubbornness, Fang Han was not surprised, and said in a clear voice: "I agree with you to admit them again, but just let them recruit people for this matter, forget it.

Why do you have to deal with something that can be done casually, as if you are facing some wild beast.

Whenever Ding Chunqiu came, he would directly kill him!

What's the use of having a bunch of people come, as spectators?

Fang Han is not so leisurely and elegant, he still has a lot of things to do.

(ps: Ask for custom order, ask for full order, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass, ask for comments~)


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