End of the Magic Era

Chapter 993: Ghost Beamon

Chapter 993 The Ghost Beamon

The glory of the Sage's Chapter flashes frequently, and it is advanced again. Now it is possible to print the sixth-level extreme spells, and swallow so many undead essences, at least for a long time.

The undead in the range of hundreds of meters was emptied, but the undead in the back still rushed forward, Lin Yun sneered, and took out five and a half meters of scrolls, and even a one meter long super scroll.

The first four are all eight-level magic power of meteorites landing, while the last one is Lin Yun's modified scroll, relying on the number and size, forcibly increasing the power of spells. The power of spells is not as good as that of extraordinary spells. Not much difference.

Ripped the five scrolls together, and then Lin Yun began to flee wildly.

The horrible magic wave appeared in place, and the first four slightly smaller moments disappeared into streamers. The fifth largest scroll, however, floated into the air, and the scroll spread out into a scroll with a length of more than seven meters. The dense runes and textures piled on top, the horrible magic wave spread and finally rolled into ashes, a thick light flew into the sky and disappeared.

Thirty seconds later, a terrifying roar came from the sky. A giant meteorite whistled towards the earth with four smaller meteorite.

Lin Yun glanced at the meteorite with a size of three kilometers, and his face suddenly changed. I knew that this spell was very powerful before. I didn't expect that luck was so good. The summoned one had a diameter of three kilometers, and it seemed to be one. Meteorites with metal deposits ...

Three kilometers in diameter, when it falls on the ground, it may be tens of meters, but if it contains metal veins and the impurities of the meteorite are burned and burned, the power after landing is definitely larger than a few hundred meters. The rocks fell much bigger ...

Zhe Linyun's face was a little green. At this time, he could not care about the soul fire and undead essence behind him ...

"Hurry and run ..."

Lin Linyun quickly caught up with the crowd, and continued to run without stopping for a moment. They knew Lin Yun's words without any hesitation, and they all exerted all their strength and fled.

I have the foundation of the previous incident, and Joey didn't dare to ask more. Lin Yun did what he said. Nine people brought patches to alchemy, and a group of people fled forward like crazy dogs ...

The skeletal two-footed flying dragon chasing in the sky, a group of unknown meteorites rushed towards the falling meteorite, but they could not touch the meteorite at all.

The meteorites falling from the sky are terribly fast. The last second was still a few kilometers high, and the next second was about to fall to the ground. The violent hurricane wrapped in the fall swept away, and the two-footed flying dragon in the sky instantly Shredded more than a thousand ...

Boom ...

A loud noise first spread through the earth. The whole earth seemed to be trembling. A mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and it could be clearly seen several kilometers apart, at least a thousand meters high.

Then the terrifying shock wave spread, and within a second, it rushed out of a few kilometers. The undead swept by the shock wave were all torn into pieces, and even the soul fire was completely annihilated ...

A few kilometers away, the power of the shock wave suddenly diminished, only to kill some low-level undead ...

Lin Yun and others running in front of them were instantly hit by the shock wave, but here, the power is no longer the strongest.

A group of people were wearing a shield, but they seemed to be flying like crazy leaves.

After landing, a group of people were embarrassed. Everyone was a mouthful of dirt, the shields were torn apart, the robes were tattered, and they were more or less injured, but this injury , A bottle of life potion goes down, even the scars are gone ...

I stood up again, and a group of people looked at the scene behind them, all with a horror.

A large pit of nearly one kilometer on the ground, there are several small pits of more than a hundred meters around, and the terrain within a few kilometers of the surrounding area has been completely destroyed. The ground is torn apart, and the originally flat grassland has become high low……

"Merlin, this ... Do you want to kill us all?"

Andrfa's three-faced thriller, his voice shook a little.

Zhe Linyun swallowed a bottle of life potion, and his face was a little green, and he couldn't explain it, because the meteorites from outside the sky summoned this spell, which was a bit of a face in itself.

If only a meteorite with a rock structure is summoned, it will be burned away if it falls below the ground. The power is almost the same as a powerful eighth-level spell.

But if you take the **** and call out a meteorite containing metal veins, the power will increase linearly, and it will not be exaggerated ten times ...

Because of the meteorite that contains metal veins, there will be less burned parts in the process of falling friction, and it will be bigger when it falls to the ground.

In addition to the impact, a metal ball must be larger than the impact of a stone ...

When the spell is called, it's not about the structure, but the overall size of the meteorite. It can be torn by the magic package, and it only depends on the size.

Therefore, the power of this spell really depends on luck. For a long time, ordinary meteorites were called, and Lin Yun didn't care about it. A super scroll specially made turned out to call a meteorite with metal veins. .

The power after falling to the ground is comparable to a superb spell covered in a large area of ​​nine levels.

If you run slowly, everyone may be killed by Lin Yun's spell ...

"Hurry up, no time to explain ..."

Zhe Linyun perfunctory and continued to move forward.

And with such a big movement over Andalusia, how could the Kingdom of Odin not see it, Didara saw a little greenishness when she saw the power of this spell.

Chantillas' face was completely white.

Damn, there is an extraordinary scroll on this Malfurm Merlin. The magic spell is absolutely the strongest spell released by a second-ranked strongman. No, at least the third-ranked strongman may release this. Terrible spell ...

Huh, that ’s good luck. They were n’t surrounded by undead, but this extraordinary scroll is used up. If they are surrounded again, see what they will do ...

Damn bastard, good luck, I haven't seen what the extraordinary scroll looks like ...

Morgan stood aside and wiped cold sweat involuntarily, muttering in her heart.

Extraordinary scrolls, this guy from Merlin even has such a big killer, but without the extraordinary scrolls, these undead can't stop Merlin's footsteps.

Even if we are all dead, Merlin and Didala should be able to escape ...

了 Taking advantage of his shit, he summoned a meteorite ten times more powerful. The pursuit of the undead was blocked for a short time. In this case, it was precious.

Neither the people of the Kingdom of Odin nor the people of Andalusia have any plans to fight hard ...

There are too many dead spirits ...

The people on both sides came together again, and before they spoke, the earth shuddered again. In the undead army behind, a group of necromancers came together to cast a large summoning spell.

The breath of endless death converged, the earth trembled violently, and a giant at least 150 meters high got out of the ground.

This big guy's body is surrounded by a layer of richness to death. His body is like a chimpanze that has been enlarged hundreds of times. He is half-sat, half-lying, two arms supported on the ground, and each paw has three more than twenty meters long. Claws.

The head is like a fusion of a crocodile dragon and a hippopotamus. Two tusks that are as thick as ivory are bent out of their lips, and three rows of canine teeth are interlaced with sharp teeth.

He cooperated with that evil breath and was very oppressive.


There was a roar, as if the thunder blew in the middle man's ears, and even the orc skeleton soldiers within dozens of meters of the behemoth exploded one after another, and all the fire of the soul was extinguished by this roar.

Seeing this behemoth appear, everyone's face suddenly changed, and both Dedala and Lin Yun's faces changed slightly.

"My God, the heavenly ghost Beamon ..."

A pitched scream sounded in the crowd, everyone was sweating.

"Kill this guy, don't kill it, we don't want to get rid of these dirty undead ..."

Dedi Dala gave a decisive command, and rushed to the front. The robe of the Burning Soul was completely integrated with him, and he went all out.

The huge flame spell descended from the sky and turned into a huge wave of flames. He shot fiercely towards the ghost Beamon, and all the orc undead along the way were burned to ashes.

Ghost Beamon arched up, exposing his sharp teeth, blood-red eyes staring at Didala, a roar, ripples appeared from the front of him, the sound of the wind was blowing, and the ground in front of him collapsed into an instant. Pieces of varying sizes.

数十 The tens of meters wide flames of flames were slightly blocked by this roar ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ But the ghost Beamon did not take advantage of this opportunity to escape, but rushed to the ground with his limbs.

The claws, which are more than twenty meters long, slammed them towards the fire waves. The terrible force caused the space in front of them to fluctuate. Where the claws caught, there were constant cracks in the space. The ground flashed.

The fire wave that was tens of meters wide was torn apart by this ghost Beamon. The ghost Beamon grabbed two claws staggered, and forcibly pierced through the fire wave. The flame was nearly 200 meters long. Changhe, in less than three seconds, was forced to pass through this ghost Beamon, and the river of fire was also shredded into a common elemental flame.

Seeing that this ghost is so fierce than Mon, everyone's face sank, no one could keep his hand.

The Beamon giant was originally a war killer at the bottom of the box. Only when encountering a large battle will the Beamon giant appear.

This is a terrible monster that has no pure physical power. In melee, the dragons are not their opponents. The king of the Beamon gold is Beamon, but the only one in the Northrend world can Creatures fighting golden dragons among the five-colored dragons.

The golden dragon among the five-colored dragons has the most powerful dragon family. The strength of melee is the highest existence of all creatures, and the three-headed golden dragon can be said to be the creature with the strongest melee combat ability besides the demon.

The comparison of Bibei's melee with Jinlong is enough to show that these big guys are powerful. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the Sailing Update Group @ 我 若 写 情 情]

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