End of the Magic Era

Chapter 994: Withdrawal

In front of this, although it ’s just that Ghost Bemon has lost his body, although the melee strength will be reduced, the ability to take damage has increased several times. Physical attacks have almost lost its effect on this guy, and his resistance to spells is also Much stronger than the behemoth or behemoth, very troublesome.

Didala broke out at full strength, exerting a combat power comparable to that of Heavenly Order. For the time being, he could be tied with this ghost Beamon, but it was just a tie.

The orange flame erupting from Didala has little damage to this ghost Beamon. It can only slowly wipe away the breath of death outside the body of Beam Beamon, and the death here is thick and fast. The plane is almost the same. It is just a joke to try to kill the ghost Beamon by this method ...

And the ghost Beamon only has the ability to melee, suppressed by the spell can not approach, can only continue to charge, the scene instantly stalemate.

But here is not only this ghost than Mongolia, the greater threat is that the tide is flowing like a tide, almost endless orcs, these guys are the real threat.

Most of the power of the crowd was attracted by this ghost Beamon, and there was not much cleaning up for those orc undeads that were chased behind.

As the crowd backed, casting a spell, ten minutes later, the ghost was more than chasing after the mad dog, and he dared to launch another charge, and the orc undead who chased after him more and more ...

Suddenly, Lin Yun's face changed slightly.

The undead reared like an ant. It seems to be orderly.

The orc skeleton soldiers with the largest number of creeps slowly formed the shape of an army, like snakes. There was a little space between each orc undead, and this little distance kept them from chaos when they ran.

And the empty places in the middle of this team of orc skeletons were all left to those senior undeads. A team of undead wolf cavalry and skeletal Kodos rushed on this vacated road, and the speed increased instantly. Times more.

When the orc skeletons piled up in a crowd, and ran wild. Many orc skeleton soldiers will be trampled to death by the undead in the rear after the fall, and the scene is very chaotic.

And those senior undead. If you want to rush out, you must kill a blood path in these orc skeleton soldiers.

现在 But now, everything suddenly becomes orderly. Even the two-legged skeletal dragons in the sky, which are as wasteful as headless flies, started to form a team and fell to the ground.

The orc undead, who are all tall, ride on the backs of the two-legged dragons. The bone shooters, spear pitchers, and necromancers, combined with these two-legged dragons, instantly become a large group of undead knights.

Large swaths of bone arrows, bone spears fell from the sky, and a group of skin-wrapped necromancers burning green flames in their eyes are constantly releasing necromancy spells.

With such an obvious change in the undead, as long as he is not blind, he understands that the trouble is great. The existence that can lead these undead appears ...

Sure enough, a small orc undead in the rear undead army. It looked like a dead body, wearing a tattered robe, holding a wretched white bone wand in one hand, and a greenish skull in one hand.

"My God, is another heavenly order, or a death shaman ..."

A terrified scream came from the ranks of the Kingdom of Odin. Everyone's face suddenly changed.

Death Shaman, who leads the existence of orcs undead. A heavenly death shaman can definitely control all the undead here, including the ghost Beamon.

You must know that a group of undead who rushed in like a headless flies, and a group of undead who were under the control of a command, were not in the same grade at all.

The latter can play at least three times more than the former!

This is not yet the strength of the death shaman itself ...

He didn't wait for everyone to take any action. The death shaman floating in the air waved a short bone-bone staff, and a circle of gray-black halo spread.

All of a sudden, all the orcs and undeads shrouded in halo shouted in unison, and the pale white bones of those undeads shrouded a layer of gray-black light.

The speed of the rampant rampant increased by 30% in an instant. The breath of the undead gathered together, and a large cloud of death condensed in the sky, and the momentum doubled.

"Damn, the blessing of the group death, this guy can bless hundreds of thousands of undead ..."

Anderfa's three-faced thriller, the three faces screamed together.

"Completely assist the death shaman, it's over, let's run away ..."

Zhe Linyun's brow frowned, and things were in trouble. It would be better if it was a heaven-level combat death shaman, but it turned out to be a completely auxiliary death shaman.

I abandoned the ability to fight directly, but raised the commanding ability of this death shaman to the extreme. Its combat power is fully reflected in this endless orc undead.

The spells that He will use are all blessings for these undead.

But this is even more troublesome, because this death shaman can at least make this group of brainless undead play five or even ten times more combat power!

The final result is that everyone will be dragged to death. The undead are tireless and have no concept of time at all. Even after chasing the last year, for these undead, it is no different from an hour.

But human beings are different, let alone a year. For a maximum of ten days, everyone here will be dragged to death!

And the death shaman released a blessing of group death. After blessing more than 100,000 undead at one time, he raised the skull of his left hand, and the burning soul fire in that skull swayed wildly, making a weird murmur. The spell seemed to sound directly in the souls of all people.

For ten seconds, everyone could only watch the death shaman chant the spell.

With the end of this spell, the breath of death on the ground began to boil, and the various broken bones on this grassland began to gather rapidly.

敲 The broken undead are resurrected one after another, and those broken bones are combined into new undead.

The dark gray smoke swept across the prairie, and between 50,000 and 60,000 dead souls appeared on the prairie in a hurry ...

"Group Resurrection ..."

Andef's voice started to tremble a little.

王国 Over the kingdom of Odin, everyone's faces became pale, which was frightening ...

Morgan muttered murmured to himself.

"Fuck, is there such a strong death shaman with pure assistance? Is it so strong? Resurrected tens of thousands of undead in one go. What the **** is this man fighting?"

Although it has been known for a long time that the purely assisted death shaman will only increase the cast range and control the number of undead as the level increases, but who would have thought it would be so strong.

Death shaman, this kind of existence is not much in the undead plane. The orcs believe in the ancestors. After death, the soul will either return to the earth or become the ancestor of the guardian tribe.

The heavenly death shaman has never appeared in the Northrend world. Only the records have appeared on the undead plane, and the purely auxiliary death shaman, even the higher undead lord, will not provoke him. .

Now everyone understands why, this guy is just a hooligan.

Not only can the undead army be controlled like its own arm, but it can also continue to bless the undead army, plus the resurrection of the group, unless the bones of the undead are burned to ashes, otherwise, how much to kill , The other party can be resurrected as much.

It's not surprising that a group of low-level undead have exhausted a heavenly order.

The spell of death and shaman was released, and Dedala, who had been fighting and retreating, immediately made up his mind and took out a silver-blinking magic weapon.


With a roar, Didala threw out the silver glittering magic weapon in his hand, and the magic weapon flew towards the ghost Beamon, suddenly burst in the air, and turned into a silver giant net covering a range of hundreds of meters. .

Ghost Beamon's claws pierced through the holes of the silver giant net, tearing the silver giant net constantly changing its shape, but it seems that it is impossible to tear the giant net for a while and a half.

There are a half-meter-long awl on each of the four corners of the giant net. The top of the awl is engraved with a statue of a giant beast below the ground. This beast is extremely heavy, as big as a mountain, once asleep is thousands of years. Rising up is an ordinary mountain.

The awl fell on each of the four corners, and the silver light flickered a bit. The four statues on the awl seemed to come alive.

Suddenly, the ghost Beamon was completely trapped by the giant net. As the ghost Beamon struggled and torn apart, the ground around a thousand kilometers around was trembling, and the magic weapon merged with the ground. The weight of the horror, even if it was The Mongolian giants can't break free, but although the material of the silver giant net is good, it is a matter of time before it is torn.

Didala froze, gave up the attack decisively, and yelled.


In this case, there is no way to fight.

With a group of people fighting and retreating, without the ghost's charge, the pressure was suddenly less than half.

"What to do next, let's talk about it. It won't work like this. There are too many undeads, and there are death shamans. These undeads are blessed with death blessings, and they can at least show five times their strength. Coupled with the death shaman's mastery of the resurrection technique, these undead can exert at least ten times their strength.

And these undead are tireless and can be pursued endlessly. We do n’t know exactly where this place is, but it is definitely not a particularly large plane. If we ca n’t find a way to leave, we may be forever dead by these undead. Go hunting.

As long as we have one more alive, these undead will not stop, it is possible to catch up with for decades.

We must find a way to get rid of these **** undead ... "

Didala's face was not very good-looking, she said these words gloomily, and looked at everyone after speaking.

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