End of the Magic Era

Chapter 998: Demon Lord

Unfortunately, one day later, while an orc tribe was digging the veins, a demon lord who was suppressed under the black mark was accidentally released.

The moment when this demon lord was released, he destroyed this angry flame orc, the entire scarred mark, the most abundant mining area of ​​the angry flame plane, was destroyed along with it, all the mineral veins inside, all the precious things All were completely destroyed, and the scorched scars became a dead place full of raging flames.

This legend is considered to be one of the most widely spread legends of the Angry Flame Plane. After the city of the sky originally contributed to the area near the scar of the black spot, it naturally focused on the scar of the black, but found nothing.

Raphael was one of the people who first entered the Scorch, and now naturally recognizes that it is exactly the same as the Scorch.

The only difference is that it looks thriving here. The vegetation is very lush, and the hillsides are covered with plants instead of the scarred black stones, like the scars.

A group of people with astonishment on their faces moved cautiously into the deep valley without encountering any danger.

As he was about to cross the valley, the Odin royals warned.

"Orcs! Orcs ahead!"

Sure enough, after turning a corner, I immediately saw a group of orcs riding a giant wolf two kilometers away.

The orcs also seem to have found the crowd, and rushed towards this side on the wolf.

A group of people immediately took out the staff, and the magic wave circulated involuntarily.

Raphael frowned. There was concern in the voice.

"This group of orcs all ride on giant wolf mounts, and all of them have five-level swordmasters. The strongest one seems to be a nine-level orc warlock.

Although their strength is not as good as ours, they are three times more than us. When they fight, they are definitely not opponents.

But if the war starts here, the magic wave will spread very far, and those undead have only gone for two hours. If the death shaman had left behind any detective spells within ten kilometers, the fluctuations in the battle would certainly be discovered. "

Raphael expressed everyone's concerns. Those weirds appear weird and powerful and terrible. Who knows if those undeads will feel the battle fluctuations and then kill them back. In other words, because of the fluctuations in the battle, they were drilled from the ground.

A group of people stood by, and everyone was ready for battle. Didala stood at the forefront, and the fire dragon on the burning soul's robes had detected the orcs staring ahead.

But something unexpected happened for the people. The orcs rushed over on the giant wolves, stopped one hundred meters away, and a group of orcs watched the people vigilantly.

And all the orcs. It seems that they are just vigilant, without making any offensive actions, and they do not see any sign of hatred from their eyes.

This change. Immediately surprised everyone.

In the angry flame plane, the orcs and humans are the deadly enemies. As long as they find each other, a battle is inevitable. Even if they encounter the opponent's race that has fallen into a single order, they will either grab or kill them. There will be no third possibility.

But these orcs were just vigilant. But there was no hostile action, and there was no sign of an offensive.

"Who are you?"

The leader of the other party rode a giant wolf, came out under the protection of a group of orcs, and watched the people questioning vigilantly. Although the tone was not friendly, there was no sense of hostility in it. It seemed to be just a vigilance against a foreigner. That's it.

A group of people looked at each other and finally figured out something different.

Didala looked slightly, turned around and glanced at the crowd, giving them a wink, so that everyone should not move.

Out of the team, Didala gave a mage ceremony.

"We are human mages from other planes. When we shuttled the plane, the plane's road was chaotic, and we encountered a turbulent flow of space. We came here accidentally. local?"

Didala casually compiled a lie. This kind of thing is very common. When traveling through the plane, let alone encounter chaos in space. Even some minor accidents will cause the plane to be biased. It is possible to appear on any plane, and it is very lucky to be alive.

Now everyone does n’t know where it is, it ’s normal, even the orcs do n’t doubt anything. This kind of thing happens occasionally in the orcs, and occasionally there are humans who appear in the orcs because of problems with the plane. Territory.

After Didala had spoken, the leader of the orc cavalry was bewildered, and seemed to listen completely to what Didala was saying.

"What are you talking about? What is the road to the plane?"

In this sentence, Didala didn't know how to answer, and looking at the group of orcs, not only the leader was at a loss, the orc cavalry, all of them could not understand what he was talking about, it was impossible to pretend.

Dedala hesitated and explained the path of the plane.

"The road of a plane is the road from one plane to another. This road may be in danger. As long as there is a slight fluctuation, it may affect the direction. A little wrong direction may lead to other planes. Face, even endless void ... "

Didala explained for a long time, the leader of the other side was still blank, and seemed to understand nothing.

"Well, no need to explain, I don't care where you are from, this is the territory of our tribe, please leave here!"

The orc leader's face was vigilant and unhealthy, and the orc wolf cavalry behind him were all holding weapons. It seemed that as long as the human side made a little unfriendly move, they would immediately attack.

Then it seemed that the orcs did not expect that no one group of humans made any radical actions, and no one wanted to go to war.

A group of strong men who are standing at the top of their respective forces, each of them has great power. If someone is going to persecute them outside, they will definitely fight first.

But now. Everyone was relieved, as long as the war did not attract those undead ...

Didala did not argue with the orc leader, but nodded with an apologetic smile.

"Okay. Sorry, we didn't intend to break into your territory and leave now."

In addition to Didala, everyone else was very happy, which made the orc leader even more puzzled, completely confused how these people do this, is there any conspiracy?

"We will take you out of the territory now. We must watch you leave our territory!"

The orc leader's attitude is very tough, and it shows that he does not trust humans. To expel humanity from territory.

None of the people in the group felt angry, but felt that it seemed better.

These orcs have obviously lived here for a long time, and they are naturally very familiar with them, and they are certainly very familiar with those orcs.

They must know how to avoid orcs. Following these orcs, the probability of encountering the undead army will be very low, plus the protection of these orcs, the danger will be greatly reduced.

A group of people instantly wanted to understand this truth, and they were simply desperate. Someone had the best way to lead the way. Where would there be any opinions? Since these orcs were to be escorted and expelled, then hurry up. It is the truth to leave here quickly.

Although a group of orcs were sceptical and vigilant, they saw nothing but said that humans were very cooperative. A group of orc wolf cavalry surrounded the people and led them through the canyon.

Just less than three minutes after he walked, a roar came from deep in the canyon, and a thick plume of black smoke rushed into the sky like a wolf smoke.

The rich sulphur smell rushed towards the face, and the abyss smell spread along the canyon. After a few seconds, everyone saw a demon hundreds of meters high. He was smoky, with two huge curved corners in his head, eyes like two rounds of purple moons, metal-like claws on all four limbs, and a huge tail similar to a scorpion tail behind him.

The demon rushed forward, and all the vegetation was withered rapidly, the ground was quickly turned to ashes, and the earth became blackened. The height of the demon's hundreds of meters, sixty or seventy for each step. M, the big foot fell to the ground is a scorched black footprint with flames.

Behind this demon lord, there are more than a dozen devil lords of dozens of meters in height and almost the same length.

Seeing these demons, the leaders of the orc wolf cavalry suddenly shouted.

"Damn, it's the Purple Eyed Demon Lord. Be careful!"

A group of orc wolf cavalry dropped the humans in an instant and formed an assault formation. A half-footed orc sword sacred rushed to the forefront, leading dozens of cavalry and waving the great sword in their hands.

A series of red-gold combative chops flew out, combined into a huge combat-strength chop that was hundreds of meters long, and severely killed the past to the purple-eyed demon lord.

The purple eyes of the Demon Lord of Purple Eyes suddenly changed, turning into two rounds of purple meniscus, and in a hurry, its two huge claws swelled into two tens of meters in size. , Savagely confronted that dreadful fight.

The fighting spirit was chopped on the paws of the purple-eyed demon lord, but a series of sharp golden-iron staggering friction sounds were emitted. The huge fighting spirit of hundreds of meters long was like a huge metal sword, which was forcibly torn by the demon lord with his claws.

Molar-like metal tearing sounds ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ make the human face behind can not help but change.

Dozens of Swordmasters combined to strike, in the eyes of this demon lord, just like ordinary strikes, they can be shredded at will.


The orc leader shouted loudly, and the orc cavalry surrounded by them suddenly dispersed.

The next moment, the purple-eyed demon lord stretched out his giant claws and patted him **** the ground in front of him.

The earth shook fiercely for a while, and a large crack spread along the demon lord's giant claws, and instantly spread to the range of two or three hundred meters. In those cracks, a thick sulfur gas spewed out, tight Followed by a stream of hot lava.

Within a second, the range of two to three hundred meters was covered with magma, and the orc wolf and cavalry clawed away from the fiery magma spurting from the crack.

In three seconds, all the wolf cavalry had withdrawn from the magma gushing range, but there were still two wolf cavalry giant wolf mounts burned to death by the bright lava. (To be continued)

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