End of the Magic Era

Chapter 999: War Song of Sacrifice

Chapter 999: Sacrifice of War Sacrifice

After a face-to-face meeting, the orc wolf cavalry team was suppressed. The demon lord's mouth with a sneer of sneer seemed to be dismissive. He walked in the magma to catch up with the orc wolf cavalry.

Suddenly, the dozen or so little lords behind this purple-eyed demon lord growled and raised his arms, and a large black smoke spewed out of them.

In a hurry, there were large meteorites with long black smoke tails falling towards the orc wolf cavalry in the sky, and huge dark green giant fireballs caught in the meteorite rain.

The massive abyss spell fell, and with the onslaught of the purple-eyed demon lord, the orc wolf cavalry was completely suppressed.

Behind the orc wolf cavalry, several orc warlocks raised their beast bone wands, the body's moire lit up one after another, a large cloud of fire emerged in the sky, and a flame meteorite with a diameter of 78 meters Falling toward the flame tail, towards those purple-eyed demons.

There is an orc sacrifice in the back with his arms raised, singing the ancient war songs of the orcs aloud, and the savage ancient atmosphere spreads out. All of the orcs suddenly seemed to take the potion of rage, and their eyes became red when they swelled. All became very violent.

After a courageous battle song is sung, the orc sacrifice continues to sing the second battle song. The high voice is very penetrating. It seems that a flame is burning, and the humans behind cannot understand the ancient tone and language of the battle song. But you can feel the flame power gathering around.

A group of very pale red flames enveloped all the orcs, but none of them were harmed. Instead, they had very high resistance to the spells released by the purple-eyed demon. The magma fell on those orcs and could not burn them. body.

Behind him, a strange look flashed in Lin Yun's eyes.

The Battle Song is a blessing method exclusive to the orcs. It is very powerful. During the group battle, there are no orc priests. The fighting power of the orcs will be several times different.

This orc priest sings a song of courage and sacrifice, both of which are very old tones. This kind of war song is now very rare in orc tribes. Except for some long-established tribes, other orc tribes are simply impossible This ancient battle song.

War song of courage, to enhance the orcs' all-round strength, and make them fearless, to show stronger strength. The spread of this song of war is relatively wide, but only the following sacrifice war song, only some of them inherit For tens of thousands of years, the orc tribe may inherit.

的 The orc blessed by the war song of sacrifice can ignore the burning damage of the fire and walk in the fire without feeling anything. Even some strange high-level fires can meet most of the damage.

The orcs are just a squad. How could they sacrifice war songs?

There was a hint of doubt in Zhe Linyun's eyes, because no orc of the Horde had an inheritance of war songs of sacrifices.

When Lin Yun was puzzled, the battle between the orcs and the purple-eyed demon completely opened, the green poisonous fire kept falling, and a large abyss meteorite with corrosive toxicity fell overwhelmingly.

The flame meteorite and the fighting slashed, and the scene was completely chaotic.

The purple-eyed demon lord of the heavenly ranks rammed through, relying solely on the flesh, he could resist all the spells. The two giant claws, more than thirty meters in size, were shining with metallic luster, whether it was spells or vindictiveness. Was easily shredded.

In three minutes, an orc wolf cavalry was unable to escape, and was swept by the sharp claws of the purple-eyed demon lord. Then there were sharp nails more than nine meters long. After scanning, the orc wolf cavalry's weapon, body, and even The mounts were chopped into two pieces and shredded instantly.

Within five minutes, five orc wolf cavalry were torn to pieces by this purple-eyed demon lord.

The orc defeated each other, the orc priest was pale, two powerful war songs had almost emptied all his strength, and now chanted again, giving all the orcs a headwind war song to speed up all orcs.

But the defeat is unavoidable. More than a dozen little purple-eyed demon lords are constantly casting spells. The purple-eyed demon lords are charging and fighting in person, and they cannot resist at all.

As the orcs continued to retreat, when the purple-eyed demon little lords cast spells, they also included human beings. Meteorites with black smoke continued to fall, and large areas of poisonous fire were mixed inside, polluting the surroundings. The air is so toxic.

With the spread of poisonous gas from the poisonous fire, the vegetation within a few kilometers of the canyon quickly withered, and the vitality was completely extinct. Even some small animals and bugs were poisoned before they could escape, and the corpses were quickly withered and decayed.

我们 "We have to fight, if these orcs are killed by demons, we will certainly not let us go, and we don't know if there will be undead here, we must resolve the battle here as quickly as possible."

Didala looked back at the crowd and made a decision to fight.

Everyone had no objection. The current situation was that everyone was confused. First, they encountered the Dead Sea, then they met the orcs who did not fight with them with red eyes, and now they met a purple-eyed demon lord, and a dozen more. Little lord.

This messy experience has been a bit embarrassing for a long time, totally confusing.

But now they still know that they have to fight. The **** purple-eyed demon lord obviously has no plans to let them go. The orcs are dead. Do n’t think about it. Do n’t fall into a few people. Do n’t try to defeat this purple-eyed. Demon Lord.

The purple-eyed demon is a noble among the demonic races. There are 72 kinds of demon races. Although the purple-eyed devil is far less than the blood of the top ten golden royal families, it can also be regarded as the blood of the nobles, and it is powerful and cruel. When they encounter the ten golden bloodlines weaker than them, they will be mercilessly killed.

I began to frighten my fleeing journey from appearing on this steppe. Everyone had already burst into a stomach. Didala didn't say that everyone wanted to do it.

Now that the mind is unified, where can there be hesitation, Didala rushed out first, a large orange flame burst from his body, and the burning robe of the Burning Soul also instantly merged, turning him into one. Flame element creature with a dragon head.

The orange flame turned into a whirlwind, and the body of the propeller Dedara rushed towards the purple-eyed demon lord. In an instant, hundreds of orange fireballs appeared beside Didara. The fireball dragged a long tail. , Quickly rushed to the purple-eyed demon lord.

Zimu Demon Lord laughed and waved his two claws to grab it, as if preparing to forcibly tear the spell as before.

However, as long as these orange flames touch the body of the purple-eyed demon lord, they will explode directly. In a moment, the dense flames will explode continuously, turning the purple-eyed demon lord's body into an orange flame. In the ocean, the orange flames that exploded like blasts of bubbles swelled one after another.

The explosive force of horror was superimposed in one second, so that the Demon Lord of Purple Eyes could not resist it, and the huge body involuntarily moved backwards by three or four hundred meters.

The purple eyed demonic lord roared, the purple meniscus in his eyes slowly grew, and finally turned into a purple moon reflecting in his eyes, and the evil breath turned into a storm.

Dedala and the purple-eyed demon lord confronted each other, and for a while, the wind did not fall. This guy's explosive power was terrible. Even if he borrowed the power of the magic weapon, he could truly exert the power of heaven. .

Zhe Linyun glanced at Dedala who was rushing forward, and one person could drag the purple-eyed demon lord, and sighed in his heart that this guy was really good, and immediately began to attack those purple-eyed demon lords.

Temporarily lost the threat of the purple-eyed demon lord, and the remaining people all helped the orcs to deal with the dozen purple-eyed demon lords.

A group of purple-eyed little demon lords, the strongest one is 39th level, the weakest one is 37th level, facing a group of 9th title magic wizards and 9th level swordsman, plus dozens of thirty-five Orc wolf cavalry above the ranks were quickly completely suppressed in the past.

Dark Arrow, Quicksand Bondage, Fire Storm, Frost Nova ...

After a large block of spells fell, under the suppression of violent spells, for a dozen seconds, a little purple-eyed demon lord was torn into pieces by the violent spells.

In seven minutes, more than a dozen purple-eyed demon lords were all torn into pieces, and then all the talents began to attack the purple-eyed demon lord.

Didala topped the front and back, the mage of the quicksand tower urged quicksand to sand the earth around the purple eyed demons, and the huge body of the purple eyed demon lords began to quickly fall into the ground, no matter how they struggled, they could not escape.

The mage of the Tower of Shadows also cast shadow restraints. Dozens of shadow giant hands stretched out from the shadows on both sides of the canyon, tangling around the Demon Lord of Purple Eyes.

The four mages in the city of sky ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ control four floating fortresses that are more than ten meters in length, and large blasts of spells blast out violently, looking far away, like four rivers of violent elements, from The four floating fortresses rushed out and linked to Zimu Demon Lord.

The black gas of the main body of the purple-eyed demon collar that violent spell blasts violently fluctuates, the thick abyss protection is getting weaker and weaker, but the purple-eyed demon lord roars angrily, but how can it not escape from the place .

A member of the Odin royal family held a miniature dragon-gun-like staff. After the spell was chanted, a golden dragon gun tens of meters high appeared in the shadow behind him. The golden dragon gun rushed towards the body of the purple-eyed demon lord.

On the other side of Andalusia, Joey's spell is like a river flowing through the stars, Heron's dark spell, and the heavenly swordmaster's sky.

He shattered over the body of the purple-eyed demon lord.

The most attractive person is Lin Yun. Several people held Lin Yun holding the dragon's staff. Behind him came a deep giant roulette wheel with eight giant giant vortexes on top of his head. Yes, these eight elements swirl into a large circle, and eight tens of meters of spell torrents rush out of these eight element swirls.

The torrents of these spells converged and merged together in mid-air to form a storm of terror elements that was sixty or seventy meters thick, and suppressed them fiercely on the Demon Lord Purple Eyed.

Andersen and Patch Alchemy 傀儡 stand together, also exhibiting Elemental Storm and Spell Torrent. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the Sailing Update Group @ 我 若 写 情 情]

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