End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1005: Who did it

In the sky, there were two orc-ranked orc powerhouses floating in the sky. One was tall and the body was full of strong fighting light, similar to the chief warchief of the Bloodfang tribe.

The other was a bit thinner, but holding the staff in animal skins, and three fuming fireballs floating around his body, apparently an orc warlock.

Seeing the orcs coming out to attack, Meng suddenly exclaimed, just released a hawk-eye operation.

"They fall on top of gold!"

Suddenly everyone was exclaimed, apparently feeling incredible. The appearance of a long-extinct blood-tooth orc was very surprising. Now seeing the orc falling on top of gold again is enough to show that this is too bad. Normal.

Lin Yun blessed himself with an eagle eye technique and looked towards the battlefield outside the tribe. Sure enough, the **** tribe orcs and other orcs had a golden demon pattern on their foreheads. The center of the demon pattern was on the eyebrow. It looks like a golden gem. Two complex patterns look out of this gem, inserting the corners, it looks like a golden crown.

This is a typical feature of orcs falling on top of gold. It is much more recognizable than the characteristics of **** tribe. All orc races, orcs with such magic patterns on their foreheads, are the only kind of orcs with golden tops!

"Damn bastard, you dare to come and attack our tribe. Don't even think about leaving today, I will send you back to the arms of the earth now!"

The chief warchief of the Bloodfang Clan snarled and held the great sword over three meters long. Fighting against the chief warrior falling on top of gold in the sky, the golden light and blood light are intertwined, and the figures of the two Heavenly Order Swordmasters are terrible fast. You can only see the collision of fighting spirit in the air.

The rays of light are constantly staggered in the mid-air, and soon you can only see the light flashing in the sky, and you can't see the two people in the battle at all.

Only a few fighting spirits occasionally spilled, and a dozens of meters of golden fighting energy fell to the ground, just on the dozens of meters high wooden fence on the outermost edge of the Bloodfang tribe, which has been fenced by blood and totems for countless years. , Much stronger than stainless steel. Now he was cut with a blow to make a gap more than thirty meters long.

The sky-level warlock that fell on top of the gold battled the big shaman of the Bloodfang tribe. The flames and lightnings are constantly interlaced, and the flames are constantly exploding, and the lightnings are flying in the air like thunder snakes.

Raging magic waves. It makes people feel thousands of meters away from their chests.

But everyone can see that the situation of the big shaman is not very good. When the last time he fought against the devil, the body of the big shaman was almost on the verge of collapse. In order to improve the combat power, the body was used to lead the thunder and lightning to the body. The damage is great, and has not yet recovered.

In addition, here is the blood tooth tribe, the big shaman also has to prevent the opponent's spell from falling into the tribe. Since the beginning of the battle, he has been in passive defense, and it is a matter of time before he loses.

On the tower of the Tatar tribe. The crowd watched quietly, and Raphael pointed to the fight outside the tribe.

"Would we like to help these Bloodfang Orcs? The Great Prophets of the Bloodfang Tribe consumed too much soul power in one battle. Now they also need to guard the tribe. There is no way to fight.

The chief warrior is no different from the chief warrior who fell on top of gold. In a short period of time, it is impossible to determine the outcome, but the big shaman may not be able to hold it for long.

若 If they are defeated. what should we do? "

Everyone looked different, Dirac shook his head indifferently.

"Blood Tooth Tribe and Jin Ding Luo are old opponents. No matter how they fight, that is also between their orcs. We rushed in, even if we won, I'm afraid I won't get the feeling of Blood Tooth Tribe. And hostile to us. "

Everyone did not refute, because this is an orc-traveling tradition in the eyes of humans. The battle between two orcs, other people go to help, even if they help win the battle, you may not get a sense of jī Instead, it may be hatred.

I walked up to help. From the perspective of the orcs, only cowardly or brave orcs need help from others in the battle and will be looked down upon by all orcs.

If you are looking for the same tribe, if you are looking for help from another tribe, it is to break the long-established rules of the orcs, and the orcs being helped are more likely to be rejected.

As a tribe, fighting between such tribes cannot be easily intervened.

Suddenly, Lin Yun, who had been watching the battlefield, showed a hint of surprise.

On the battlefield outside the tribe, among the cavalry, there was an orc that looked similar to the golden-headed orc, and even a golden-headed moire pattern was painted on the forehead. At first glance, no one can find that this guy is not Golden Top Orc.

And there are also several golden orcs who also disguised themselves as golden-topped orcs. If Lin Yun hadn't seen this guy, he would hardly have found it.


When Lin Yun shouted the name in surprise, Joey's face changed greatly, and she screamed.

"Kraft? The chief of the Golden Orcs? Are they here too?"

All of a sudden, all the people changed color, and did not expect the Fury Orcs to come here, and they were still golden orcs.

Dian Dala's body burst into orange flames, and the metal staffs were all taken out.

"Gold Orc? Where?"

Zhe Linyun pointed at the battlefield and pointed out where Kalf was.

"I've seen this guy before, but I didn't expect him to come here, but also got together with Jin Dingluo. I said why the people at Jin Dingluo suddenly came to attack the Bloodfang tribe. It turned out to be a helper ..."

Didala looked at the battlefield with a cold face. There is no contradiction between humans, whether they are golden-roofed or bloodfang orcs, but the angry flame orcs are different, especially the royal gold orcs of angry flame orcs, and humans. But revenge.

Now the Golden Orcs have joined the Golden Orcs' tribe. If they want to attack the **** tribe, then they must be destroyed. Who knows if these Golden Orcs have any conspiracy?

加上 Plus the Golden Orcs know much more about humans than here. Their tribe has experienced the history of the angry flame plane, but it is not as dark as humans.

"Must help the Bloodfang Tribe!"

Didala was ready to shoot after saying this. At this moment, the big shaman fighting in the sky was losing ground, and he had to re-engage the thunder and lightning, but within three minutes he suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground.

The warlock that fell on top of the gold did not miss this good opportunity, released a fire ball more than 20 meters in size, and chased the big shaman and fell under the shadow of the tribe.

The big shaman braced his body. I want to intercept this huge fireball, but instantly. The lightning strikes on his body surface exploded, and a scorched black mark appeared on his surface.

At this point, Didala had flew out of the tower, and the magic incarnation on the Robe of Burning Souls flew out. Together with the Robe of Burning Soul Burning, it instantly merges with Dedala.


A roar came out, and Didala quickly turned into an elemental creature with a dragon head in mid-air. Before the huge metal staff waved, the orange flames were like a chain, swiftly winding to On that huge fireball.

Orange flames tangled up quickly. Instantly, the speed of the fireball falling slowed down, and then more and more orange flame chains were added. The fireball was squeezed and deformed, and finally was completely suppressed in the air.

With a loud noise, the huge fireball over 20 meters exploded instantly. The terrifying flame power spreads around, and it seems that it will impact the tribe below.

Didala roared, and the orange flame on his body instantly condensed into the shape of a fire dragon more than twenty meters high behind him.

The beacon dragon opened its mouth and took a sip against the blasting flame. Those flames that exploded with violent maggot power seemed to encounter some nemesis, and turned into a flame dragon, which was quickly devoured by the orange fire dragon.

I stopped the attack. Didala released the severely wounded shaman, and then rushed to the flame warlock in the sky.

The orange flame turned into a long river. Didala stepped on the waves of fire, rushed into the sky, and shook all the spells of the flame warlock, even the orange fire dragon behind him, still consuming the spells of the flame warlock.

Within a few seconds, the scene was intercepted by Didala, and even a strong close-range caster forced the flame warlock to move the battlefield away from the tribe.

Didala shook the heavens, while other humans flew outside the tribe and began to join the team of the Bloodfang tribe.

"The coward of the Bloodfang tribe, even if outsiders come to help, it has completely lost the face of the bloodfang tribe!"

The sound of thunder sounded like a thunder in the air. The chief warrior falling on top of gold saw the human beings appear, and immediately began to yell at the thief.

Sure enough, in a word, the chief of the Bloodfang tribe was distracted and fell into the wind instantly, while below, the strength of the bloodfang tribe soldiers was also affected and was caught by the people who fell on top of the gold Have the upper hand.

Seeing the appearance of human beings, Kraft opened a scream of joy when he was overjoyed.

"Warriors falling on top of gold ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Kill these cowards and wipe the Bloodfang tribe from this land! Kill!"

As soon as Crawford shouted, he suddenly felt a faint magic wave appearing in front of his face. Instantly, a human-sized water polo condensed in front of his face, and then hit him.

Kraft made a scream, almost fell off the mount, touched his nose, blood was flowing, and his head was full of water.

"Damn bastard, who did it ..."

Zhe Lin Yun floated in the air, looking at Kraff, a little unsmiling.

"Claf, can you grow your brain, it's better to have a magic line on your forehead, it is actually painted on, your Jinding orc costume is really not like ..."

Kraft suddenly felt a shock, touched his forehead, touched a piece of gold powder, and the fake magic pattern painted on it had been messed up.

Suddenly, the soldiers on the top of the gold and the Bloodfang tribe can clearly see that Kraff turned out to be a fake Golden-Top Orc.

"The despicable golden-headed orc, even finding an outsider to attack the Bloodfang tribe, and disguised as a golden-headed orc, is really too mean, we really can't stand it, and expose the true face of these crooks!"

"Warriors of the Bloodfang tribe, twist off the heads of these mean guys ..."

"Kill this despicable guy who dared to violate the orc zu training ..." (to be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. )

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