End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1006: Good at

For a long time, the morale of the Bloodfang tribe was high, and the soldiers on the top of Jin were a little embarrassed and shocked. Obviously many battles did not know that they had foreign aid ...

Kraft wiped off the blood on his face and sneered.

Take out a totem pole that is more than three meters high. On the deep totem pole, there are slowly dense ancestral sacrifices. At the top of the totem pole, there is also a golden crown mark, which is a totem symbol falling on top of the gold.

Puppet Kraff threw a totem pole, roaring loudly to summon the sacrifices, and in a flash of time, a dazzling brilliance bloomed on the totem pole. The ancient and vicissitudes instantly filled the entire battlefield.

The golden light blooming from the totem pole turned into a giant golden crown. A crown of hundreds of meters appeared on top of Kraff's head. A giant ancestral spirit of more than 150 meters tall landed from the center of the crown. Came down.

The ancestral giant giant spirit body is covered with ancient orc sacrifice, and there is an obvious golden pattern on the forehead, and the magic pattern is even older and more powerful.

Kraft glanced around with killing eyes, and finally fixed on Lin Yun.

"You all have to die, it's dead!"

He said, Kraff took out a golden crown again, and slowly put it on his head.

Suddenly, the huge golden ray crown in the sky fell, and it was carried on the head of the ancestor that fell on top of the gold. This crown resonated with the crown on the head of Kraff, and the ancestor took a step towards Kraff. The giant body shrank dozens of times instantly.

In two or three steps, the ancestral spirit with the golden light crown was integrated into Kraff's body. The two crowns were fused together, and Kraff ’s breath began to expand wildly.

The body also swelled violently to more than three meters in height, and the body surface was covered with a faint light, and two arms with two light were added to the arms.

Kraff's own arm held the staff in one hand and the totem in the other. The two ray arms were empty and nothing, but the ray arms gently clenched their fists, and the air was pinched. Burst, crackling thunder flashes in the light fist.

"Everyone die! The golden orc is invincible! And that **** guy, the last time was a sneak attack of good luck. This time, depending on how you sneak attack, I will crush your bones and take your soul. Eternal repression is here to make you a dirty undead! "

Kraft hissed aloud. In a moment, the breath of horror turned into a strong wind, and all the orc battles around were blown away. The horror breath had exceeded the limit of the titled wizard. Only heaven Only the strongest of the ranks can emit such a terrifying atmosphere.

Kraff summoned the ancestors that fell on top of gold, and then merged the ancestors. The strength soared to the strength of the heavenly order. It only took a few seconds. The human side was shocked. The warriors of the Bloodfang tribe were anxious and seriously injured. The big shaman was struggling to stand up and fight again, but when he moved his body, a thunder burst out of his body, making him unable to move at all.

Kraff waved his staff, and in an instant, there was an infinite amount of cricket power turned into a huge wave pouring out of his body. Hundreds of seven-eight-meter-large flame meteorites coagulated out of his body in front of the air, like arrows. The same burst out.

For a while, both humans and blood pressure orcs could only passively defend, and were constantly retreated by suppression.

A wave of meteorites flew out, and a large number of meteorites followed the condensation. These seven or eight meters-long meteorites smashed towards the human side like rain.

Suddenly, three wolf knights of the Bloodfang tribe were killed alive by successive meteorites, and even their steppe wolves were smashed into mud.

Each group of humans cast their defense spells to withstand this dense meteorite rain, barely able to withstand this outbreak of terror that completely disregards the consumption of magic power.

But within three seconds, I saw Kraff sneer and waved a totem pole. Suddenly, a totem pole's phantom flew out, expanding and expanding rapidly in mid-air, and it became a hundred meters high in the blink of an eye. Giant totem pole phantom.

The totem pole phantom is wrapped in horrible power, like a mountain peak falling from the sky, and the turbulent air is forcibly repelled to both sides by the totem pole phantom.

In the face of this, this is not the power that the titled wizard can exert at all. Whether it is human or bloodfang orc, they all hurriedly dodging around.

The totem pole phantom hit the ground fiercely, with the deafening roar, the earth shuddered fiercely, a huge crack spreading around the totem pole phantom as a center, and a shock wave visible to the naked eye Shocked in all directions.

There are more than a dozen orcs in the Bloodfang tribe, and several orcs falling on top of the gold can't escape. They are hit by the front of the shock wave, and their bodies are like ashes converging into sand, instantly turning into ashes.

The floating fortress in the city of the sky was lifted by the shock wave, and the mage of the quicksand tower was wrapped in sand and flew out like a sand ball.

The people of the Tower of Shadows turned into shadows and fled back quickly, but as soon as they escaped dozens of meters, they suddenly burst out of the shadows and spit blood in large mouths.

The Henry family desperately destroyed a real spirit magic weapon, and barely resisted it. The Odin royal family flew out on a mount.

Andalusia's side was protected by Lin Yun alone. A half-curved earth wall covered with runes appeared in front of the crowd. The shock wave hit the earth wall, and the runes on the earth wall instantly flowed into the ground. With the earth wall as the center, it spread to a range of 100 meters, and all the shock waves were introduced into the earth.

如此 Even so, a group of people are unstable, their magic powers fluctuate violently, and their spells are a bit difficult to release.

In the face of Kraff who suddenly exerted the power of the sky, everyone was shocked. The chief warrior in the sky wanted to help, but was entangled by the chief warrior who fell on top of gold.

Didala was full of orange flames, fierce fighting style, and constantly shook the sky-level warlock on the top of the gold, but now can not be distracted to help the battlefield below.

But the Great Prophet of the Bloodfang Tribe was unable to fight, and the Great Shaman was seriously injured, and no one could resist Kraff.

Klaf Haha laughed wildly, the light arm under the rib suddenly skyrocketed, turned into two dozen-meter-long giant hands, and shot fiercely towards the human side.

"Damn bastard, I'm going to crush your bones all over, you all have to die, my strength, can you resist it?"

The strength of the human side is strong, but in addition to Didala, other people may also have the lead beyond the title of the magic wizard, but have not yet reached the ranks of heaven.

Everyone else is basically a ninth-ranked magic wizard, and the gap between them and the ranks is terrible. Even if Kraff does not have extraordinary power now, he can still play the ranks of combat.

He blends the ancestors that fall on top of gold. The magic is more than that of a true Heavenly Order. When casting, there is no need to worry about the consumption of magic. The speed of casting and the intensity of casting are greatly improved. There is no extraordinary. But the power of spells can make up for it.

This kind of warfare, however, makes everyone more uncomfortable than facing a real order of heaven. They can only be passively beaten, and they cannot break through.

As everyone kept backing, Kraff was even more proud.

"Damn bastard, I know you, Mamma Merlin, I'll tear you to pieces first, and then let others go with you."

The two giant giant gigantic giant hands span a distance of dozens of meters and shoot at Lin Yun.

Lin Yun looked at Kraff with a sneer, and suddenly a huge magic power exploded in the seemingly single bó's body. The magic power turned into substantial raindrops, which continuously dripped from around Lin Yun's body. The surrounding elements fluctuated. Flow, all of which can be suppressed in an instant and cannot flow.

A giant roulette phantom appeared behind Zhe Linyun, a purple brilliance flashed on the dragon's staff, and a moment later, a giant phantom of the purple dragon appeared in the back of Lin Yun. The dragon was holding the ten-meter-long roulette, and stared at the opposite Kraff with that solemn and cold look.

In the blink of an eye, Lin Yun's height actually doubled up.

One step out, the hot magma emerged at Lin Yun's feet, and the magma quickly covered Lin Yun's body, making Lin Yun instantly become a magma giant.

In the second step, the magma giant transformed by Lin Yun soared to a height of nine meters, and the magma turned into a giant wave at the feet of Lin Yun.

的 An ancient book bound by a metal chain appeared in Lin Yun's left hand. The chain broke and the book opened automatically. A streamer flashed through. The magma giant transformed by Lin Yun skyrocketed to fifteen meters high again.

The original momentum of skyrocketing skyrocketed again, and instantly exceeded the limit of the title magic wizard, and the momentum can only be reached on the order of heaven.

The magic that has condensed into raindrops quickly turned into magma **** floating around Lin Yun. Lin Yun looked at Kraff coldly, spit out a rune again, and two runes blessed again on the book of death. On your body, the body of the lava giant is once more elevated by more than one meter ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Kraft, last time you were lucky, and your generals were protecting you. This time your generals are not here, who can protect them? You little chicken. "

Kraft was slightly surprised, he could clearly feel that Lin Yun seemed stronger than the last time, but Kraft still sneered.

"The last time you just attacked, good luck, this time you are dead, I will slowly torture you ..."

The human side is all dumbfounded. Looking at the fierce Lin Yun, it seems that he was just an insignificant herbivore just now, and it became a fierce Tyrannosaurus in a blink of an eye. Not to mention the fighting power, it just radiates. Magic fluctuations, soared at least ten times than before!

Zhe Lin Yun's face was expressionless, and everything around him was set aside in an instant. The surging magical power suddenly exploded. In a hurry, the surrounding area of ​​300 meters at the same time melted at the same time.

Lin Linyun's figure disappeared instantly. In less than a second, he used the magma pool to flash beyond 200 meters, and the distance between him and Kraff was instantly lowered to more than 100 meters.

Kraft was a little surprised, at this time Lin Yun had flickered to the distance of sixty or seventy meters in front of him. This distance was already very dangerous for this level of battle. It can even be said that some instant spells Can condense in front of your face. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the Sailing Update Team Eros @ lapse 落 decupid] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. ) Bring Mrs. @

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