End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1007: repel

Chapter 107 Repels

Two giant light giant hands patted towards Lin Yun from both sides, and a large number of meteorites quickly condensed out and smashed over Lin Yun.

Lin Yun flickered just once, and then cleared out the pinch of the two giant hands. The ones facing me were like meteorites rushing across, and the magic energy array was running crazy. In one second, it was calculated The trajectory of these hundreds of meteorites over the next three seconds.

The huge body of ten meters high in these meteorite rains, just like the most flexible elf, did not use defensive spells at all, relying only on the most basic evasion, it passed through large meteorites. Lin Yun.

Even the impact airflow of those meteorites was calculated by Lin Yun in advance to avoid the position and time, and the impact force between these meteorites was used to make them offset each other.

During the dodge, Lin Yun's eyes were looking at Kraff. When he hit 50 meters in front of Kraff, Lin Yun sang three runes quickly.

Suddenly, in the huge roulette behind the shadow of Lin Yun, countless runes spewed out like a blowout.

Boom boom boom ...

As if someone lit a dozen huge torches in an instant, the sound of the flame suddenly rose, mixed with the rolling sound of water.

Twelve seventy-eight-meter-high lava vortices appear as a semicircle, appearing on both sides of the front of Kraff.

As these lava vortexes began to spin frantically, the endless lava spells turned into a torrent, rushing towards the central Kraft.

Facing this horrible explosive attack, Kraff's face changed greatly, and he quickly retracted the two huge radiant palms. The radiant giant's hands were like shields, standing in front of Kraff, and stubbornly resisting those Torrent of lava spells.

一 As his body receded toward the side, magic erupted while summoning hundreds of huge meteorites in mid-air toward Lin Yun.

At this moment, the distant whispered quietly for the Anderfa who helped the Bloodfang Orcs to attack the Golden-Top Orcs.

"This golden orc is really a fool. Merlin is close to you dozens of meters, is it to make the spell form a semi-encircle?"

Sure enough, Kraff stepped back a dozen meters, but suddenly felt that a more terrible magic wave appeared behind him, a dozen giant magma **** with a height of sixteen meters appeared behind him.

At this time, Kraff also finally understood why Lin Yun was so close, because it was necessary to allow the spells to condense behind him, forming a true violent spell encirclement ...

The twelve lava swirls are just appetizers, this one is the dinner ...

After four magma **** came under pressure, Kraff had nowhere to hide. He could only urge the magic to form a shield, and then added the two giant hands to form a dozen layers of protection, preparing to resist this spell.

Kraft stayed in place and continued to bless himself, at this time, Lin Yun rips a scroll of half a meter long. At the top of the sky, there seems to be a bright light tearing apart the space appearing here. Kraft fell and fell down.

But at this time, Kraff had been submerged by the magma, and the shield outside his body had been torn apart layer by layer, and the two shining hands were soon revealed.

The twelve lava vortices also circled the city, surrounding Kraff Central, and the endless lava spells turned into a torrent of spells, which continued to impact and suppress the Kraff Central.

Twenty seconds later, Kraff finally took a step back, his face flushed from the spell flood.

"Damn asshole, you've run out of opportunities ..."

But Kraff's words have not been finished, but suddenly found that Lin Yun actually retreated, Lin Yun blinked back in the lava pool, and blinked away more than a hundred meters away ...

Horrible oppression came from above Kraf's head. At this time, Kraf only found a meteorite above his head. He fell at a horrible speed. When he looked up, he was still at least a kilometer high, but it was already a blink of an eye. It's dozens of meters above his head ...

Kraf screamed in horror, thinking about dodging, and patted the meteorite with those two giant hands ...

When the ten-meter-long giant hand of light first touched the meteorite, it exploded instantly, and the light spots disappeared into the sky ...

The meteorite rubbed Krafft's body and fell to the ground. The terrible air slaps Kraff's body like a giant, slamming Kraf's body to the ground.

At this moment, the meteorite fell to the ground, and the shock wave exploded suddenly. Kraft fell into this shock wave.

The body that was more than three meters high was like a ball at the moment. It was dropped by a giant and fell to the ground, but before it landed, it just kicked off again ...


A crisp sound appeared, and Kraff screamed and flew out, and a crack appeared in the golden crown on his head ...

Cracks appeared on Kraff's body surface, and that layer of halo protection collapsed instantly. The golden-headed ancestors flew upside down as if they were torn from Kraff's body by a force. A body more than ten meters high is on the ground as if a small mountain peak had collapsed ...

The arms of the Jinding ancestor disappeared, and it is still slowly recovering. The surface of the body is covered with dense cracks, just like a porcelain that is about to break, just add a little bit. Power, it will smash into numerous fragments ...

Kraft opened his mouth to spit blood, and was furious, one arm was twisted into a strange shape, apparently broken ...

In front of Lin Yun who rushed up again, Kraff resolutely chanted a spell.

巨大 A huge golden crown phantom emerged from his head. The light dripped from the golden crown phantom, covering the golden crown ancestors and Kraff. Instantly, their figure disappeared into the golden crown phantom in midair.

After they disappeared, an infinite number of spells landed where he was just now, the ground collapsed, and a large pit of tens of meters appeared in place ...

Zhe Linyun looked at it for a moment.

"Reverse Summoning? How dare this guy have the courage to fear death in the summoning process?"

The channel that Summoned summoned was not too difficult for the pure spirit body such as the ancestral spirit, where there was no air, no element, nothing, and ordinary people would explode when they entered.

Although the orc's physique is strong, it may be uncomfortable to pass a reverse call, and it is good luck not to explode his lungs ...

It was like a person suddenly appeared in a vacuum environment, without gravity, without the surrounding air pressure, the body would swell and then explode with a bang.

I can only resist this kind of environment if it is only Heavenly Order ...

Kraft escaped, Lin Yun did not continue to chase, instead flew to the sky, ready to help Didala.

On the ground, the people of the Kingdom of Odin looked at Lin Yun with horror in their eyes.

Before Raphael, he just felt that Lin Yun's strength in alchemy, especially the rune writing, was faster than all the alchemists he had seen, and it was terrible. I am afraid that the basic skills are very tough.

Now I saw Lin Yun's fighting power ...

So strong explosive power, is this guy really a seven-level title wizard? No wonder he can be the leader of a power. It is no wonder that several people in Andalusia are very kind to him. Andalusia has ten places, and he occupies the most, while others are very happy.

Instantaneously erupted beyond the limit of the title wizard, the combat power may be stronger than the newly-advanced mage, at least stronger than the explosive power, I am afraid it will not be much weaker than Didala.

It would be very difficult for Didala to win against this Malfay Merlin if Didal is going to win. It is estimated that it was about the same at the beginning, and finally Didal was dominant. After all, this Malfay Merlin is just a seventh-level title Magister, if you fight for a long time, it is definitely not Didala's opponent ...

On the other side, Morgan and Arnold's expressions really look like this, the two looked at each other, and they all felt that this was Lin Yun's true strength ...

But Dirac disdain.

Damn bastard, what's so great about its explosive power, it's not borrowing the power of magic weapon, if that stupid golden orc, if you be more careful, how can this Malfammelin be run away in less than half a minute.

Just a seven-level title wizard, this combat power broke out, I am afraid that the magic power will be used up all at once, or you will not use the scroll in the end.

The stupid golden orc, as long as he persists for a few seconds, he can tear up the already exhausted guy Malfama Merlin into pieces, it is really stupid ...

But the Golden Orc is the enemy, and Dirac didn't say anything ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ No matter what other people think, they are relieved.

After all, an enemy who can exert the power of the sky is a huge threat to them.

If the Bloodfang tribe is breached, these people will not end well. In the face of the siege of the golden top and the golden orcs, they will be dead and wounded ...

Kraft took the lead in fleeing, and the chief warrior and sky warlock who fell on top of gold suddenly lost the desire to continue fighting.

I watched Lin Yun flying into the sky. The magician of the sky-ranked warrior falling on top of gold burst out a magic power, released a large flame storm and rushed to Didala, and he retreated backward.

In the sky, the chief warrior falling on top of Jin yelled and retreated.

"Fool of the Bloodfang Tribe, today you are lucky!"

Soon, the cavalry team that fell on top of Jin had retreated for two more days, and the Bloodfang tribe suffered no small loss and no pursuit. The human side was even more afraid to pursue it. Who knows if it will fall into the undead after chasing it out? Surrounded by ...

The battle came fast and ended quickly. The appearance of the top of the gold, a group of people are inexplicable. Now it is more certain that the world has problems.

He repelled the attack from Jin Dingling, and the chief of the Bloodfang tribe personally thanked him.

"Brave warriors, thank you for debunking the conspiracy of those idiots on the top of gold, and for helping us to fight back those wicked guys, those brave idiots who have forgotten the orc's heroism, sooner or later will be abandoned by their ancestors ..."

(To be continued) []

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