End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1008: Exist in the past

The chieftain's voice was loud, and in an exaggerated tone of indignation, he cursed the orc who fell on top of Jin loudly.

来 "Come, warriors, we have a grand bonfire dinner for you, fat barbecue and spicy wine are waiting for you ..."

The chief chief said, he was going to pull everyone out.

Su Linyun suddenly came out a sentence.

"What the **** is this world, or this wasteland?"

When the chief warned, Lin Yun continued to ask questions before he said anything.

"And what's going on in that valley? What's going on with Jin Ding Luo, why did they come to attack the Bloodfang tribe?"

The chief warrior patted his forehead suddenly, smiling and explaining.

"The gold bulls fell on top of those idiots. They have been enemies with us for a long time. They must have known that we had just experienced the battle of the demons, so they came to attack us.

Lin Linyun smiled.

"The chief hate, the hatred between the Bloodfang Tribe and Jin Dingluo, no matter how big, that is also the hatred between the two tribes. Let an alien race pretend to be a golden top orc and sneak in. They will be spurned by their ancestors and all The people cast aside. "

In a single sentence, Lin Linyun exposed the lie of the chief.

While others looked blankly at the chief, waiting for the chief's explanation, everyone was wondering how this **** place would leave, and how the undead on the prairie like ghosts might appear at any time. Going on.

Didala asked with a calm face.

"Chief, we must know the truth, how to leave this world."

The smile on the chief's face narrowed, and it took a long time before he sighed.

"No one can leave this wasteland. Someone once wanted to leave this wasteland, but when they reached the edge of the wasteland, they disappeared forever and never returned.

We have n’t known how many years we have lived here. No tribe has ever been able to leave, and it is impossible to leave this wasteland. Outside of the wasteland, no one knows what it is.

As for the gold top, the hatred between our two tribes has been a long time. As long as there is a chance, they will attack each other. We also knew that the gold top came back to attack.

I just didn't expect that they actually used outsiders. Our two tribes spread a legend that whoever can unite the whole wasteland can get the blessings of the ancestors, and may even get out of this wasteland.

现在 The tribe of our tribe is fewer and fewer, and the wasteland is becoming more and more barren. We have to find new land and open up new territories.

So we and Jin Dingluo are both trying to attack each other. Whoever wins is the last winner, and whoever can get the blessing and protection of the ancestors.

Then defeat the filthy demons that constantly appear in the canyon, so that the people will never make unnecessary sacrifice ... "

The chief chief said a lot, and finally wanted to pull everyone to celebrate, everyone refused under the pretext of consuming too much magic and exhausting magic.

Everyone got together and started to discuss the information just received.

Didala's face was very cold, and his face was very unsightly.

"This world has problems, big problems."

I finished talking and looked at Lin Yun who first asked the chief.

"Her Mafam Merlin, I believe you have discovered a lot of problems, 冇 tell me what you think."

Lin Linyun rubbed her eyebrows.

"I think our troubles are big. The Chief Chief just now may have concealed some things. The main point is that this world is not a complete world. It may be as big as this wasteland ..."

刚 Just said this sentence, everyone was shocked.

Zhe Linyun continued to talk.

首先 "First of all, the orcs here have no concept of planes, and the road to planes is completely unknown. They don't seem to know about this plane or other planes outside the world.

What the chief chief said just now is this wasteland, not this world. In retrospect, when we first came here, we were hunted down by undead. It seems that we have never really come out of this wasteland.

This wasteland is very large, but it is far from a plane.

So, I think this is an incomplete world, a fragmented plane.

Second, the Bloodfang tribe and the Golden Crown are the oldest orc races on the Angry Flame Plane. They only existed in that era.

Third, the ravine is exactly the same as the scorch mark. His Excellency Raphael should have observed the scorch mark. "

Raphael's face was a bit unsightly, and he nodded.

"I have observed that the canyon is exactly the same as the scorch mark, and the surrounding terrain is almost the same as the scorch mark. If the scorch mark is not mined, it should be exactly the same as here!"

Chantillas looked at Lin Yun with a sneer.

"Mafmelin, what do you want to say? Do you know what is going on in this world?"

Zhe Linyun frowned, and said the final conclusion.

"My guess, this incomplete world is the past that existed on the plane of the rage, and it is the ancient times of the rage."

This sentence came out, everyone was shocked.

"Merlin, you mean, this world exists in the past?"

Qi Linyun nodded.

"Only the orcs in that era would not know the plane and the way of the plane, and only in that era would there be Bloodfang Tribes and Golden Tops.

After the bloodthirsty tribe and the top of the gold fell into the battle for the hegemony of the flames, after their extinction, the rise of other small tribes, the subsequent fury of the angry emperor, and the current fury orc eight tribes.

Similarly, it is only the rage plane of that era that the scarred marks will look like here.

There won't be two identical planes, and there is a demon lord there.

Combined with the history of the Raging Flame Plane, here may only be the Raging Flame Plane, and it is the Raging Flame Plane that existed in the past! "

There was a bit more terrible speculation. Lin Yun didn't say it. These things must be discussed with the big shaman later.

Zhe Linyun's speculation, no one refuted, because this is the most reasonable truth, and no other truth can meet all the conditions except this.

But this truth makes everyone's faces look ugly. What can achieve this is the existence that everyone needs to look up to. Knowing it, there is no way to leave this world.

"Malmamelin, what you say so much, what's the use, it's not all nonsense, we still don't know how to leave this **** world, we don't know the **** undead, and the **** orcs ..."

Di Lasi is a little irritable, anyone who is trapped here, can not go out at all, will become irritable, so that everyone can not find a way out, Lin Yun, became the target of Di Las's vent.

Zhe Linyun ignored Dirac's irritability, but pointed to the distance.

"We don't know, but some people know that those gold orcs have been the angry flame royal family for many years. They should have entered the angry flame battlefield the most times, and they have the most knowledge of the angry flame battlefield. Since they came in, it is inevitable. Know more, such as how to leave this hell. "

Chantillas grinned.

玛 "Maffa Merlin, are you too naive or too stupid to think of asking such a stupid idea of ​​the Golden Orcs, do you think those Golden Orcs will be happy to tell you?

The golden orcs are now the royal family of the angry flame plane. The hatred between humans and human beings is the biggest. They only entertain us with sharp swords and spells. There is no other nonsense except for vicious curses.

You want to ask the golden orc, is your brain broken? "

Lin Linyun glanced at Dirac lightly.

"Thanks to the poor knowledge of His Excellency Dirac, you should not have heard of torture and forced confession. All of them are captured. In the world of mages, there are people who have stronger willpower than steel, and there are also orcs who serve the Shamanism wholeheartedly, but It's impossible that all the golden orcs can do it, at least those golden orcs can't do it all, and someone will always speak. "

Di Lasi's face went dark, staring at Lin Yun coldly. Before he said anything, Didala decided.

好 "Okay, let's catch the gold orcs, hoping that their souls are harder than their bodies. They are now falling on the top of the gold, then we will attack the gold on the top and fall and catch all the gold orcs."

Raphael next to him, shook his head in a little embarrassment.

"What about the undead? The location of the top of the gold is easy to find, but how do we get there? Those **** orc undeads will not approach the orcs, but they will suddenly come out from the ground and besiege us, not solving the problem of the undead army, We have no way to fall on top of gold. "

Everyone shook their heads, and things were very troublesome. If they wanted to get out of this wasteland, they had to find the golden orcs. Only they knew how to leave the world.

As for going out of the wasteland directly, who knows whether to leave the world directly, or it will fall off. The Bloodfang Orc has been here for so many years. The people who left have disappeared forever, and no one knows who those who left are Dead or really leaving, no one dares to take risks.

And if you want to catch the golden orcs, you must attack the top of the gold, but the problem of the undead army is a big problem. If it is surrounded by the undead army on the grassland, even if the strength of Dedala is comparable to a real sky The guys of the strongest may be piled alive by endless death ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Lin Yun thought for a moment, and suddenly thought of the great shaman of the tribe, the chief warrior concealed a lot of things, so as the tribe's big Shaman, he must have concealed more.

The orc tribe believes in the strength and heritage of their ancestors. On the human side, there is a clearer definition of these orcs. They believe in shamanism.

Puppet prophet and shaman are the two most important people in the orc tribe. Prophets control the tribal knowledge inheritance, and shaman, strictly speaking, is responsible for the tribe's doctrine and puppet soul.

This kind of thing, obviously, the shaman knows a little bit more, from the last thing, it is enough to explain.

Zhe Linyun stood up, left the room, and went to find the big shaman.

When I saw the big shaman, the big shaman was lying on a wooden bed, and the walls of the room were covered with runes delineated by blood. There was no other thing in the room except a big bed. Even the big shaman The bed was also covered with scorch marks of lightning strikes.

Obviously, this is that the amount of lightning power that the Shaman has led is too much. The lightning stored in the body has exceeded his limit, and the body will release the lightning unconsciously.

When Lin Yun stepped into the house, it was as if he had attracted the thunder light inside the house. All of a sudden, the electric light flashing on the surface of the big Shaman rushed out towards Lin Yun. (To be continued) [This text is provided by the Sailing Update Team Eros @ lapse 落 decupid] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. ) Bring a stupid Nanyi @ 泪 自 惜 丶 花 殇

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