End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1011: almost

Lin Yun and Raphael constantly discussed the details of copying, how to find the alchemy lines and nodes of the alchemy circle, and even the runes in key places ...

The others, however, were completely confused. As the communication between the two became more and more esoteric, others couldn't understand.

Soon, the others hid aside and gave up the venue to Lin Yun and Raphael. The remaining three mages in the city of the sky began to prepare various tools in accordance with Raphael and Lin Yun's instructions.

With the exchange, the shock and admiration in Raphael's eyes became stronger and stronger. The three mages in the city of the sky could not help admiring Lin Yun's admiration, and even what Lin Yun said would be directly executed, and Not to ask Raphael again.

As time goes by, with Raphael and Lin Yun copying the alchemy circle, the abandoned manuscript paper has piled up into a hill, and dozens of bottles of ink have been used.

Decomposing the entire alchemy matrix into hundreds of parts, copying the structure and details of the alchemy matrix separately, it takes a lot of time, and the calculation required is an astronomical figure.

At the beginning, it was Raphael who brought the three mages of the city of the sky together. Later, the three mages of the city of the sky could only fight. Their copy speed was too slow and the calculation speed was too slow. .

If it is according to their speed, it will take less than four or five months to complete the copy, and Lin Yun has the magical formation support. In addition to the wheel of Wan Fa, the calculation speed is 20-30 times faster than Raphael. However, when Lintong completed less than one-tenth, Raphael took the initiative to fight Lin Yun.

Even so. It also took ten days to completely copy the entire alchemy circle, hundreds of crystal papers. Like a huge puzzle, they each represent a part of the alchemy circle.

The three-dimensional structure of the alchemy matrix, the structure hidden under the earth, have all been deduced.

Raphael and Lin Yun began to study this alchemy. Half a month later, the research almost entered a bottleneck.

"My Excellency, the current data calculation is almost at its limit. Without experiments, critical data cannot be obtained."

Raphael looked at Lin Yun's eyes with respect. The research for nearly a month has made him deeply understand how powerful this young and seemingly young man is in alchemy.

Many are data that can only be obtained by experimenting with alchemy personally, which can rely on powerful computing power. Roughly derived.

And this reduces the risk to a very low level. After all, the devil lord was suppressed there, and the alchemy circle was also changed. By accident, the demon lord was released and everyone was finished. Even if you don't know enough, accidentally let the power of the demon lord leak. A little more, everyone is dead.

"Almost, now we must try to change this alchemy circle. This alchemy circle is silent, and many data cannot be derived."

Lin Yun pondered for a moment and agreed with Raphael's proposal.

But then, Lin Yun added another sentence.

"We just understand the working principle of alchemy, and most of the construction, and many details must be determined through experiments. Changing the alchemy is very likely to be dangerous. Call everyone. "

Raphael nodded, and immediately went looking for other forces in the kingdom of Odin.

Half an hour later, a group of people came to the gorge again. Raphael and Lin Yun floated in the air. In front of them, a large number of crystal papers copying the structure of the alchemy array.

"Try to modify it from here. This is not a very important core area for the entire alchemy circle. Even if the problem is modified, it can be corrected in time."

Lin Yun reached out and pointed to one of the crystal papers. This is a part of the alchemy circle far away from the core area. Here, it is mainly to build the structure, not the energy circuit. If there is a problem, it is very easy to make up, and it will not Too big a problem.

Raphael nodded in agreement, and then the two took out a pile of alchemy metal plates made in advance, which engraved a lot of runes and alchemy patterns. The materials were also mixed with some eternal gold, within 10,000 years This metal plate will not have the possibility of decay, and it will take at least tens of thousands of years to lose its effect.

Lin Yun and Raphael floated in mid-air, and the two were separated by a distance of more than 600 meters. Each of them controlled more than a dozen alchemy metal plates and placed them in the predetermined place according to the predetermined order.

Pieces of metal plates fell to the ground as if they had fallen into a quagmire, and slowly fell into the ground.

Lin Yun stood at a high altitude, and the runes flowed in his eyes. He quickly framed the alchemy circle that was hundreds of meters below. As the metal plate of the alchemy merged into the ground, it began to merge with this local law circle. The runes also changed rapidly, and the magic energy formation was also operating at full capacity, calculating the changes here and capturing key data.

When the metal plate was integrated for more than half of the time, the ground around hundreds of meters began to tremble, and a trace of black smoke full of evil breath permeated from the ground. As the last piece of alchemy metal plate completely integrated into the alchemy circle, alchemy The legal array began to change drastically.

On the ridges within a few hundred meters, some began to rise, some began to collapse, and looking at the sky, it looked like a giant python bowed its body.

And this local change also caused the change of the entire alchemy circle. The entire mountain range began to tremble, and a roar seemed to come from another world. Within the canyon, there was a hundred meters thick at once. Black smoke rushed into the sky, and a three-dimensional abyss rune burning with black flames appeared in the black smoke.

This abyssal rune is like a triangle, with runes on all sides, and when viewed from different angles, different runes will be formed. Just a three-dimensional rune, like it contains countless runes in it. same.

The rune exploded, a roar came out of the black smoke, and a purple-eyed demon lord waved a thick claw. Coming out of the black smoke, behind him, there were dozens of little purple-eyed demon lords following.

Raphael floated in the air. Constantly observing the changes of the alchemy circle, my forehead was sweating, especially when I heard the roar that seemed to come from another world, my soul was shaking.

"Merlin, is that okay?"

Lin Yun's gaze was always staring at the earth, and the runes ran wild in his eyes, and his tone calmly replied to Raphael.

"It doesn't matter. Modifying the alchemy circle is an inevitable change. The demon lord felt the change and naturally wanted to break free, but he couldn't escape. It was just a leak of the power of the demon lord. Strength can only make him summon a low-level demon lord. "

Raphael breathed a sigh of relief and continued to record the changes in the alchemy circle. Lin Yun didn't even look at the demon lord summoned, and he tried to record all the data changes. The key data is here!

On the other side, the Purple Eyed Demon Lord just appeared. The long-awaited Didala turned into a dragon elemental creature, and rushed forward.

The raging orange flame turned into a sea of ​​fire, spreading rapidly to the sides of the canyon. The fire wave surged up into a huge fire wave dozens of meters high, and shot fiercely towards the purple-eyed demon lord.

A purple evil moon appeared in the eyes of the Demon Lord of Purple Eyes, with a smirk at the corners of his mouth, two sharp claws with metallic luster, and grasped it down fiercely.

Orange fire waves. The flame was torn into pieces in an instant, making the air twist. Burning to the Lord of the Purple Eyed Demon Lord, the black smoke on his body was weakened a little at that time, without much damage at all.

On the contrary, the huge body that was hundreds of meters high, after three or four steps, rushed to 50 meters in front of Didala. A purple meniscus appeared in front of the purple-eyed demon lord. The meniscus, which is more than thirty meters in length, is like a weapon. It is caught in the hands of the Demon Lord of Purple Eyes and thrown to Didala fiercely.

Noisy, a tiny space crack appeared in mid-air. The thirty-meter-long meniscus was like a huge sharp blade that instantly tore open the air and appeared in front of Didala, the horrible cutting force. , Even let the space be cut out of a space crack that stretches for hundreds of meters ...

The orange sea of ​​fire released by Didala was divided into two. The trace of space cracks with thick fingers only exploded a huge suction force. The orange sea of ​​fire around dozens of meters was devoured by this space crack.

Didala froze, and instantly displayed a flash of flames appearing dozens of meters away ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Moon Blade cut across from his side, and in a blink, Moon Blade flew hundreds of meters away. A ridge several hundred meters high was cut by the moon blade, just like a phantom, and there is no obstacle to the moon blade at all.

After the ridge was cut, the light of the moon blade slowly dissipated, but the ridge that was cut off was divided into two. From the top of the ridge to the mountainside, there was a crack that was only palm wide, from the side of the mountain. I can invite you to see the side of the mountain. The cutout is extremely bright. The mountains and stones are forcibly squeezed into glass-like things by the huge force.

Didala sneered and kept going back, but the purple-eyed Demon Lord chased after him. After chasing a kilometer distance, the others suddenly appeared from both sides.

The three mages in the city of sky control three floating fortresses that are more than ten meters in length, and madly release the spells to the dozen or so little demon lords in the rear. Joy, Heron, and Swordmaster of the sky take their people respectively , Help the mage in the sky city to fully attack the dozen demon lords in the rear.

On the side of the Kingdom of Odin, only the leader of the quicksand tower and Dirac helped Didara.

With the chanting of the mouthful of the spell, the ground under the eyes of the Demon Lord of Purple Eyes began to desert rapidly, and countless sand began to flow up against it, covering the legs of the Demon Lord of Purple Eyes, and even a large sand hand, grabbed Purple Eyed Demon Lord's thick tail.

The purple-eyed demon lord roared, and his arms suddenly thickened with a punch. The purple crescent moon in his eyes also became a purple full moon full of evil.

The two sharp claws patted the ground fiercely, the terrible shock wave swept away, and the large underground sand was swept by the shock wave. It could no longer condense in an instant and turned into a pile of ordinary sand. (To be continued) R466

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