End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1012: Ask well

Before the Purple Eye Demon Lord attacked the leader of the Quicksand Tower, Didala held the huge metal staff and released hundreds of orange explosives in succession. A large number of explosive inflammations accumulated on the body of the Purple Eyes Demon Lord. The front exploded, and the horrible explosive power caused the body of the Zimu Demon Lord to tremble involuntarily. The abyss magic on the surface of the body turned into black smoke and continued to dissipate ...

The purple-eyed demon lord roared constantly. When the two claws were waving, the space seemed to be torn. After tearing all the orange flames in front of him, he suddenly found that the surrounding area became dark, and there seemed to be a layer of sky. Covered up all the light, not only the light was covered, but the magic fluctuations disappeared ...

之外 Beyond the shadow canopy, Dirac continuously enters the magic into the shadow cloak to maintain the shadow canopy.

In the sky, a large expanse of sand flows, sanding all the feet of the purple-eyed demon lord, slowly engulfing the purple-eyed demon lord.

On the other side, Didala held the metal staff, and at the top of the staff, a golden red flame emerged, and the atmosphere that clearly belonged to **** permeated.

With Didala's chanting, this fire of purgatory rushed to the top of the shadow canopy, slowly expanded, and finally turned into a tens of meters of gold-red flame swirl, filled with ominous and weird atmosphere of hell, There seemed to be some roar of **** creatures in that flame vortex, and they wanted to rush out of that flame vortex.

At this moment, the shadow canopy suddenly dissipated, the Demon Lord of Purple Eyes also felt the breath of hell, his eyes became scarlet instantly, and a phantom of the purple evil moon appeared on his head instantly, apparently he felt the breath of hell. This guy wants to escape.

Cruel abyss demons, and devious demons in hell. But infiltrated into the bone marrow, into the feud of the soul. Facing this situation now, the Demon Lord of Purple Eyes knows that he does not have any advantage, and **** creatures will definitely greet him when he appears.

The demon lord of Zanzimu summoned the evil moon and wanted to escape, but his body was bound by the quicksand, and he couldn't jump up at all.

His thick arms slammed on the ground fiercely, trying to catch the force of the anti-shock to break away from the shackles of quicksand, but the anti-seismic force just appeared. The shackles of quicksand suddenly disappeared.

The quicksands that originally bound him to the ground suddenly burst into a huge impact and rushed his body into the sky.

When I watched as I was about to rush into the evil moon's shadow, a shadow spread silently and shrouded the brightness of the evil moon. For a moment, this evil moon's shadow like a space channel completely lost its effect.

The body of the demon lord with purple eyes passed through the dim shadow of the evil moon, and plunged into the vortex of flame above.

Half of the body of the Demon Lord with purple eyes rushed into the vortex of flames, struggling frantically to return. But his huge body, like being dragged by some horrible monster, was pulled into the swirl of flames stiffly.

As soon as the purple-eyed Demon Lord disappeared, Didala interrupted the cast decisively. A flame dissipated in the wind, and the Purple Eyed Demon Lord disappeared.

I sent this purple-eyed demon lord to hell, everyone was relieved.

Purple Eyed Demon Lord is in the abyss. It can also be regarded as the noble blood of the 72 demon races. Their most powerful body is the body. The power is terrifying, and the body resists a spell of the same level without serious injury. In addition, there are powerful talents that can summon the evil moon's shadow to escape.

General space ability, transmission, teleportation, and general space interference will make this kind of space ability invalid. The strongest in the order of heaven will almost always have the ability to open the door of space. As long as there are coordinates and there is not much interference, it can directly Teleport.

But this ability is impossible for anyone except the Master who specializes in space. The huge interference will make the door of space impossible to open. Even if it is barely opened, it does not know where it will teleport. It is possible to teleport directly to the ground or even the void.

However, this kind of disturbance of violent magic power is invalid to Zimu Demon, they can easily summon the evil moon ghost to teleport away.

I won't be able to fight once, and it will be very troublesome.

Using the power of the shadow, he masked the evil moon's projection, making the transmission of the Purple Eye Demon Lord impossible, and then opened the gate of **** and sent the guy directly to hell.

I believe that those insidious and devious devils in **** will be very happy to entertain this demon lord, and do not make this purple eyed demon lord to make a specimen and hang it on the gate of the palace, all of them are sorry for him ...

The most difficult purple-eyed demon lord was solved, and the battle on the other side was almost at the end.

A dozen or so little demon lords were unilaterally killed by the three floating fortresses in the city of the sky, plus six of them by Joey.

When Didala and the three of them designed the purple-eyed demon lord, ten or so little demon lords were already beheaded and killed ten.

Joy, Heron, and Sky Swordmaster, each with a subordinate, cooperated with the siege of the remaining little demon lords.

Joey's starry sky turned into a starry sky, surrounded by a little demon lord. The endless stars seemed to light up in an instant, and the stars fell down. Within ten seconds, the little demon lord Smashed his head.

Heron was hidden in the darkness, and a dark canopy passed quickly. After ten seconds, a scream came out in the darkness, and the dark canopy dissipated, revealing a little demon lord whose heart and head were corroded. .

The Swordmaster of the sky, the legendary old swordsman in Andalusia, used the most orthodox fighting swordsman fighting method, one after another to slash, and extremely hard to cut a little demon lord into several Ten pieces of corpse ...

The remaining demons were then used by the three mages of the city of the sky to control the floating fortress and violently blasted these little demon lords into spells ...

The puppet battle soon ended, while in the air, Lin Yun and Raphael were still capturing changes in the alchemy circle.

After a few minutes, the changes of the alchemy formations calmed down, and the surroundings turned into the ordinary mountains, and the energy fluctuations slowly dissipated.

There was a hint of surprise in Raphael's eyes.

"Sir Merlin, I have captured the key changes here."

The runes in Zhe Linyun's eyes slowly dissipated. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's almost there. The key data and changes here have been recorded by me. We can continue to study this alchemy. After correcting the data, we can move on to the next place."

Raphael's eyes were pleasantly surprised, and his face was even more difficult to hide.

"I did not expect that the first experiment was so smooth. The power leaked by the Great Lord was only the strength of the lowest-level Demon Lord. With this time's success, it will be easier for us later, at least not releasing the Great Lord. Danger. "

Zhe Linyun and Raphael took the three mages of Sky City. Drilled into the temporary laboratory to continue research, others continued to wait here in the canyon. Lin Yun and Raphael had already said that during the experiment, it was inevitable to leak the power of a great lord. Their task was Stop those leaked forces.

几天 For several days in a row, Lin Yun and Raphael took the three alchemists in the city of the sky, starting from the periphery of the alchemy circle, and tried to modify the alchemy circle little by little.

With their experiments. The inevitable touch of the alchemy circle itself, every time the alchemy circle is touched, the power of the demon lord will be leaked out.

Every time the power of the Great Lord is leaked out, a lot of demons will emerge. At most, two unicorn demon lords appeared with more than thirty little demon lords.

In the face of two demon lords, all of the humans shot. Some are difficult to resist, or the chief of the Bloodfang tribe came to personally. Only beheaded the two demon lords.

But as Lin Yun and Raphael modified more and more, they got closer and closer to the core area. Demons appear more and more frequently, much more often than normal.

On the fifth day, one day, the demon appeared three times. On the third time, two demon lords appeared, and there were more than sixty little demon lords.

This time, not only Lin Yun's men shot together, but the Bloodfang Tribe also pulled out a team of wolf cavalry. It took two hours to kill all these demons.

After the battle ended, Lin Yun and Raphael, who recorded changes in the alchemy circle, immediately returned to the temporary laboratory.

Others were immediately dissatisfied when they saw this scene.

He had a pale face, which was a sign of fierce consumption of magic. He looked at the demon corpses on the ground, and then looked at Lin Yun and Raphael who returned to the alchemy laboratory regardless of it, and immediately became a little angry.

"Damn bastards, it's been five days, what are they doing? Five days, it just keeps touching this **** alchemy circle and letting the power of the Great Lord leak out.

Fighting, fighting, endless fighting, they touched boldly at will, but let us risk our lives to fight. After five days, it has no effect. What are they doing? "

The people in the Odin royal family were also a little bit dissatisfied, and could not help complaining.

"It's been five days, and there will always be a result. If you continue this way, no one will be able to withstand it. Today, one day, you have fought three games, and the frequency of demons is getting higher and higher. Without them, our people will die first ... "

The others were exhausted, three battles a day, and each time a demon lord appeared. Such a high-intensity battle is almost as good as when hunted down by the undead army. The most important thing is the frequency of the demon. Getting higher and higher ...

Chantillas had a somber face, and the mage of a shadow tower next to him was also somber.

"Master Diras, I think that Andalusian hunk is special, he is specifically to touch the alchemy, let the power of that **** lord continue to leak, and then constantly weaken us and use the power of that lord , Frame us, and go on like this, we will die here sooner or later ... "

With a look on his face, he looked at the temporary alchemy laboratory in the distance, his eyes flashing.

Yeah, that **** Malmell Merlin has good strength in alchemy. Whatever it is, he is a creator. Although he is a creator who is good at alchemy potions, his accomplishments in alchemy circles seem to be stronger than Raphael .

It ’s been five days, why did n’t it work? This is impossible, it must have been intentional by this **** guy!

第三 The demon that appeared for the third time today, where one of the demon lords appeared, was the closest to me. If it were not for the shadow cape, I might have been torn by that **** demon lord.

家伙 This guy definitely wants to take advantage of this opportunity to publish personal hatred, use these demons to hang me, this time without success, the next time will definitely continue to increase the intensity of damaging me, I will never give up without killing me.

And if I was killed by those demons, he could get rid of the suspicion, at best, it was because I was unlucky and weak.

I ca n’t, I must stop him, stop him now, and go on like this, tomorrow I may encounter more powerful demons, or even more demons to kill me ...

Di Lasi's men ignited the wind next to him, Di Lasi thought more and more wrong, suddenly gritted his teeth, and walked to the temporary laboratory with a cold face.

"I'm going to ask this Malfammerin today, what the **** is going on!"

With his men under his belt, Dilath rushed into the temporary alchemy laboratory aggressively, and Lin Yun and Raphael were busy calculating the formula of the alchemy matrix.

Di Lasi aggressively approached Lin Yun ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Zhangkou accused loudly.

"Mafam Merlin, five days have passed, and your achievements have not been achieved at all, but more and more demons have appeared. Do you not even think about how to really suppress that great lord, but want Let go of that lord? "

Zhe Linyun was busy calculating a key piece of data. In her eyes, the runes ran wildly, and she didn't even care about Dirac, holding the quill pen on the manuscript paper and writing the key data of the calculation.

This critical data must be calculated all at once, because the beginning of each operation is different, and the process will be different. After stopping, it is not a complete operation, and the result obtained is bound to be wrong. The results of the operation modify the alchemy matrix, but that would be a big deal.

Lin Linyun ignored Dirac, Dirac's face turned blue and white, his face was very ugly, and he could not help raising his voice.

"Maffamelin, what am I asking you, are you deaf? You must give us a satisfactory explanation today!"

Zhe Linyun continued to ignore, and Dilax face was somber that he was about to continue to say something. The mage of a city in the sky raised his head in dissatisfaction.

"Lord Diras, we are doing rigorous calculations. We have reached a critical point. What is the matter? We will talk about it after we have processed these calculations."



[To be continued] "This text is provided by the sailing update group @ 情 不知 所 起 hj". If you like this work, welcome to support the author. 】

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