End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1013: make up

Di La Si grimace did not speak.

Now there is no evidence. If Hu Lai, this Malfama Merlin may grab my handle, so that the people of the Kingdom of Odin can't support me. Damn, these **** in the city of the sky, even with Malfama Merlin, Wait, this thing is not over ...

Di Lasi stopped talking, but the men next to Di Lasi sneered, walked to Lin Yun's body, and directly overturned Lin Yun's computing table.

Suddenly, Lin Yun's full calculations were suddenly interrupted. After raising his head, the runes constantly flowing in his eyes slowly dissipated.

Zhe Linyun looked up, looking at the person in front of him in shock and anger.

Lin Yun hadn't spoken yet, Dirac's men raised their heads, sneered and looked at Lin Yun who seemed a little shocked.

"Maffa Merlin, our young master asked you, how dare you pretend that you didn't hear me, **** bastard. If you don't give us an explanation that pleases us today, you are finished!"

骤 The sudden changes here suddenly awakened everyone who was immersed in calculations. The three alchemists in the city of the sky looked at Dirac's men with horror.

Suddenly Raphael's calculations were interrupted, staring at Dirac's men in shock and anger.

Di Lasi's men did not feel a bit, even though Di Lasi also seemed to seem wrong, but still sneered and looked at Lin Yun.

"Mafmelin, today you must give us a satisfactory explanation!"

Su Linyun's expression calmed down suddenly, and she said to herself.

"Any satisfactory explanation? Okay!"

Chantillas's sneer sneered.

"The Andalusian country guy is just cheap, if you don't show me a bit, I think ..."

Before the next sentence of Dilath's hand was finished, he suddenly gave birth to a **** vine, which was like admitting that the **** vines with thick arms spread wildly, and immediately restrained Dilath's men.

The black and red vines covered with spikes were like a python. In less than a second, they completely wrapped Dirac's men, and a thorn pierced into his body, hell. The vine is like a python eating, shrinking one by one.

And as the vines wriggle, those spikes piercing into his body, like a knife piercing into his body, slowly cut through his flesh and blood.

The blood was sprayed out, but no drop fell to the ground, all absorbed by the **** vines.

Suddenly something changed, and suddenly Dirac was stunned, and quickly urged the Shadow Cloak to protect himself.

"Mafmelin, **** it, what are you doing ..."

Before I finished speaking, I heard a sound of bones being crushed. The **** vine was like a bloodthirsty python. With the full force of Lin Yun, he swallowed the whole blood of Dirac's whole body. Clean, and then squeezed the bones of his body into pieces.

The **** vine, who had a full meal, dropped the twisted, immature corpse and disappeared into the ground again.

The guy who overturned Lin Yun's table was already dead and clean. The magic, blood, and even the soul were all under the anger of Lin Yun, swallowed by **** vines as flower fertilizer, and digested that soul. This **** vine may turn into a real plant Warcraft, maybe it will form a forbidden area in **** ...

Zhe Linyun raised her head expressionlessly, looking at Dirac.

"If you want to explain, then I will give you an explanation."

Cold Diracy's forehead was so cold that he couldn't help taking a step back.

Damn, **** it, this guy really dare to shoot at us, he dare to kill the people of our Tower of Shadows directly, isn't he afraid of the revenge of our Tower of Shadows?

这么 There are so many people here, he can never hide it. The Tower of Shadows will definitely avenge him. He really dare to kill me?

Lin Yun directly kills people, Dirac ’s confidence is not as full as before. Thinking of Lin Yun ’s fighting power that erupted before, that horrible explosive power can even directly erupt the heaven-level combat power. Dirac felt that Cold sweats from behind.

剧烈 Suddenly there was a dramatic magic wave, and even people were dead. How could other people not even notice it.

Didala rushed to the scene first, and saw the dry corpse whose body was broken on the ground, and couldn't help frowning.

Chantillas brought someone to ask just now, and he didn't stop him, and he really couldn't help it. Today he fought three waves of demons a day, and he was a little tired.

But I didn't expect things to reach this point.

"What's going on?"

Didala just asked a word, and Dilath quickly hid behind Didala, pointing at Lin Yun with a bit of shock.

"This **** guy, I just came to ask what's going on, he just killed the people of our Tower of Shadows, and now he wants to kill me!"

The thief yelled to catch the thief. The wicked sue first, and immediately exposed the murderous power in Lin Yun's eyes, and suddenly a fierce magic wave surged on his body.

At this moment, Raphael seemed to have just woke up, and rushed over to grab Lin Yun first.

"Merlin, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive ..."

He calmed Lin Yun a little, and then Raphael turned his head at once, yelling at Dirac.

"Diracy, is your brain broken? Do you even have basic common sense? I don't know how massive the alchemy calculation is?

Damn bastard, we spent five days and finally got most of the data, and the most important part of the data and changes are also obtained today. As long as the results are calculated and evolved according to these data at one time, today, we can The periphery of this alchemy circle is complete!

Now, **** bastards, all wasted, rushed into the alchemy laboratory, turned over Merlin's table, interrupted the calculation process, and told you that all of our five-day efforts were scrapped by your idiot. Hands.

What's wrong with killing him? Merlin doesn't do it, and I have to kill this stupid person myself.

I'm a fool, and I want to frame Merlin, and tell you that most of the calculations here are done by Merlin alone. We just help calculate the secondary data. The main data must be calculated by one person at a time.

只有 Only Merlin has this ability, and Merlin has been calculating all day long, all ruined in the hands of your idiot! "

Dilath froze for a while, and finally remembered that something was wrong, and Didala turned his head and looked at Dilas with a mischievous look.

Even if you are strong at this level, even if you are not good at alchemy, the basic common sense is understood, and simple alchemy can be arranged or cracked.

I still don't understand why Lin Yun will be furious and kill the killer directly.

Didala heard Raphael's anger, and Mars burst out in his nostrils.

He opened his mouth to spray a flame on Dirac's corpse, and instantly burned the guy's distorted corpse into ashes.

"Deserve it, whoever gave him the courage to interrupt the work of a creator!"

With a look of humiliation, Candilath could only hold his heart in his heart, daring to anger and not to speak, and even had to quickly clear the relationship.

"I didn't instruct this stupid to do this, I just want to inquire about the progress, who would have thought that this stupid went over his own table and interrupted his calculations ..."

Lin Linyun was so cold that she wanted to kill Dirac now.

After Raphael scolded Dilath, he quickly grabbed Lin Yun.

"My Excellency, I also watched this matter. Although His Excellency DeLas had made a mistake, he did not forcibly interrupt our progress after he arrived. It may be that we encountered three waves of demons today, and everyone was not in a good mood. .

This is understandable. The stupid person made his own claim. No one expected it. He was so stupid that he died. He died when he died. I would tear him to pieces if he didn't die.

This kind of **** that wastes our time and wastes our energy is also harmful to alive.

Since that idiot is dead, let's forget about it, we continue to speed up the progress is the main thing, do you think? "

Raphael persuades Lin Yun with good words, for fear of Lin Yun's anger, he will kill Dirac by hand.

Didala understood the situation, and although she was also angry, she couldn't watch Lin Yun kill Dilas, but now she mainly relied on Lin Yun, and Dedala could only follow a good word to persuade him.

"Merlin, that idiot died when he died, but this matter has been delayed for a long time, and if we continue to delay, we may not be able to hold it back.

His Excellency Deirath was wrong, but he couldn't blame him all. I want to say that I will meet the demon later and let His Excellency do his best. Let's stop wasting power here. What do you think?

As much energy was wasted, let His Excellency Dilas compensate! "

Didala and Raphael are persuading Lin Yun to suppress the anger and look at Dirac blankly.

Dilath dared to be angry and dared not to speak, but his lungs exploded, but he dared not refute anything. No matter what he said, as long as he grasped it, everyone's five-day effort wasted. Will look at him unpleasant.

Didala didn't respond for a long time to see Dirac ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and frowned immediately.

Di Lasi's face was flushed, and after waiting for more than ten seconds, he gruntly took out something from the space ring.

"I also have some sober potions and physical potions, all of which are the best materials used. I have invited the top potion alchemist to configure the true spirit potion.

Certain pens and inks of some of the best materials in the collection ... "

He took out these things with a painful face. These were the things that were most suitable for compensation. All were related to alchemy. They were either top-level tools or alchemy aids for alchemists.

The potions that can be used by the alchemist are all valuable, much more expensive than those used by the mage or swordsman in the battle, because the potions that can assist the alchemist are very strict and the effect is too poor Or if there are side effects, it will not work.

Only a few of the most perfect parts of the same potion can be used as auxiliary potions for alchemists. It is normal that the market price is dozens to hundreds of times more expensive than normal potions.

Raphael and Didala persuaded Lin Yun again, and Lin Yun was unwilling to accept these compensations from Dirac.

The experiment continued, but the progress was slowed down. In the next few days, with the experiments of Lin Yun and Raphael, the frequency of touching the alchemy array became higher and higher, and the intensity gradually became more Stronger, more demons appeared. (To be continued)

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