End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1021: pilgrimage

The place that the Undead Mage doesn't like to go is the area controlled by the orcs. In that kind of place, they can only secretly dig out a large number of orc bones in the orc's graveyard. These bones are good materials for transforming the undead.

But unfortunately, these corpse souls have returned to the embrace of the earth. Even the most powerful undead mage, the transformed orc undead can only be the most common skeleton soldier.

Even if it is a strong among the orcs, the undead that the corpse can transform into, is still a skeleton soldier, just a little stronger.

这些 These most common skeleton soldiers, for the undead mage, are the most common cannon fodder, which is purely consumed in the undead sea tactics.

And those orc bones transformed into zu spirits to continue to guard the tribe, the undead mage did not dare to move. As long as he turned the bones into skeleton soldiers, it would be equivalent to bringing a positioning device anytime and anywhere, waiting for the orcs to hunt him down. .

So no matter how big the battle is, there are no more dead orcs, and the orcs never have to worry about the bones turning into undead, and what disaster will be caused.

For the first time, when I saw the countless orcs and undeads, all the orcs were shocked, and when they saw the undead coming, none of the orcs had any reaction.

The complexion of the chieftain is very complex, that is, sorrow and comfort, seeing that the endless undead has surrounded them, and the chieftain takes the newborn totem of the bleeding tribe.

The totem poles full of orc's first names just appeared, just as if they were attracted. The totem poles bloomed with soft light, and countless sounds like the murmur of the soul.

密 The dense text on the totem pole seems to come alive, constantly rolling and wriggling, it seems that there is a lot of text inside the totem pole, and it is rolling to the surface of the totem pole.

"Orc warriors, I, Krom Bloodfang, come to greet your souls. May your achievements be remembered by all the orcs. May your souls rest in peace."

The chief warrior yelled loudly as he held the totem pole.

Then the chief warrior began to sing the orc ancient songs with that rude voice, which was used by the orcs to remember tribal heroes after the war.

The vicissitudes of life, unyieldingness, the will to fight, the will to guard ...

A group of orc wolf cavalry pulled out their machete, cut their cheeks, and let blood flow out. They held the machete, almost roaring, and shouted the orc's ancient ballad with the chief.

Many people on the human side are ready to fight, and Dirac takes the cracked shadow cloak out and is always on guard.

Lin Linyun silently looked at all this, and looked at the orcs with red eyes and howling songs, and sighed softly in his heart.

Filled with blood, and as firm and steady as the earth, they will never retreat. Blood and scars are their medals. Only the most powerful fighters will get the respect and awe of the clan, and the coward will be subject to all orcs. cast aside.

At the oldest time, the old legendary orc, waving a broken totem, roared out the roar engraved into the soul of all orcs.

The orc never yields ...

It is a pity that only these oldest orcs may be so pure. For faith and for tribe, life is indifferent.

In the Northrend world, some orcs are even famous for being cunning ...

Zhe Linyun shook her head and looked at the undead. The fastest undead had rushed beyond four or five hundred meters.

Suddenly, the orc skeleton soldiers in front of them waving white bone weapons and silently screaming suddenly fell to the ground, and in their skulls, the fire of the seemingly violent soul flew from their eyes like a pale blue Like fireflies, they flew towards the Legacy Totem in the Warchief's hands.

And those orcs who have lost the fire of the soul, their bodies are like they have experienced thousands of years of weathering in an instant, and they instantly turn into a large amount of ashes, which fall into the ground and soon disappear on the ground.

As long as they are undead who have entered the chieftain's one-kilometer diameter range, their soul fire will actively fly out of their bodies and into the heritage totem.

Every soul fire submerged in the totem of inheritance, a name will light up on the surface of the totem of inheritance, and then the name will be rolled with the light of the totem pole, submerged into the totem pole, and there are more names from the totem. The inside of the post turns to the surface of the totem pole.

It seems that those names are welcoming their masters. Every name lights up, and there is a slight murmur.

The team began to slowly advance, more and more orcs undead appeared, and the level of emergence became higher and higher ...

No one speaks of humans. This picture looks really shocking. At this moment, even the most despised orc can't say any stigma.

"Merlin, wouldn't these orcs undead appear in front of orcs? What's wrong now?"

He Anda floated to Lin Yun and asked in a low voice.

Zhe Linyun shook her head.

他们 "They are all warriors, not undead."

After I finished speaking, Lin Yun continued to watch the undead army who rushed forward.

兽 The souls of these orcs are suppressing the Lord of Flames. Their bodies have become undead. The connection between the soul and the body cannot be completely cut off.

As long as the orc souls who are suppressing the Lord of Flames have not died, these undead will never disappear. Even if they are killed, their bodies will be burned to ashes. They will still be resurrected under the earth and crawled out again. Earth.

The endless breath of death, as well as the souls of the orcs, and even their unyielding will, are the forces that support these undead.

While those souls were still suppressing the Lord of the Great Flame, these undead, especially the high-level undead, had more or less some memories of their lives. They were not close to the orc's tribe, and they did not want the orcs to see it. They are completely normal.

The orcs and the undead certainly did not want the living orcs to know them, but those souls came together to form a new inheritance totem. These orcs and undeads were equivalent to losing control and leaving only pure instincts.

They will attack all living beings, just like normal undead.

According to legend, the emergence of undead is because of hatred of living beings, and they will instinctively attack any living beings. This is instinct, just like the instinct of people who need to breathe.

Zhe Linyun knew that the undead would surely appear, and this time, it was time to let the ancient souls of the ancient orcs rest completely.

The team is advancing very slowly. It is no longer known how many orcs and undeads have died. Their bodies are reintegrated into the earth, and the soul fire is incorporated into the inheritance totem.

Slowly, the orc undead at the level of less and less, and finally disappeared completely at the end, and continued to rush up, at least at least level 25 ...

After two hours, the undead below level 30 disappeared ...

Zhe Linyun also saw several "acquaintances." Several of the highest-level undeads that had been killed before were all resurrected. Behind them, the dark spirit, the ghost Beamon, and the undead shaman, all appeared ...

The dark breath of the dark zu spirit slowly dissipated, and the breath of death slowly dissipated. At the end, the body turned into a light blue light, like a long blue river, and rushed into the heritage from a distance. Among the totems.

And the ghost Beamon yelled in the sky, and seemed to cheer a little, the huge body jumped up, as if a big dog rushed to his master ...

His translucent body slowly dissipated, and also turned into a river of light, all integrated into the heritage totem ...

At the end, all the orc undead had dissipated, only the death shaman of the last heavenly order.

A shame of a slowly burning soul fire swayed in the eyes of the death shaman. His soul fire was not as crazy as other orc undead, just like a pure ordinary undead.

The flame of his soul was very calm, and his hollow eyes seemed to still carry a ray of wisdom. He looked at the totem of inheritance in the hands of the chief warrior in the distance, slowly landed on the ground, and came over step by step .

The closer He came, the stronger the light of wisdom in his eyes. When he reached the 300-meter range of the inheritance totem, the fire of his soul had not yet floated out.

Didala next to the puppet frowned and took out his metal staff. An orange flame ignited and the others burned out their own weapons and were ready to fight.

Zhe Linyun suddenly appeared beside Didala, reached out to stop Didala, and shook his head at Didala.

"It's okay, he's pilgrimage."

A hundred meters away, the flash of wisdom in Death Shaman's eyes was like an old wise man.

He knelt down slowly and his body, like an ordinary orc who went to pilgrimage, bowed to the totem of heritage.

The chief warrior walked down silently, put the heritage totem in front of the death shaman, and then stood as if to welcome the return of the hero ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ with the orc army on both sides.

The death shaman slowly walked towards the inheritance totem. When ten meters away, he raised his hands, took off his skull, and silently placed it in front of the inheritance totem.

In a hurry, the fire of the soul in his skull disappeared into the heritage totem and disappeared, his body was instantly dissipated into ashes, but the skull did not turn into ashes, but was attracted by the heritage totem and flew At the top of the Legacy Totem, it seems to be integrated into the Legacy Totem and grows on top of the Legacy Totem.

硕 A huge name flashed on the heritage totem, Lexar!

所有 Every other name is wrapped around this name, the inheritance totem suddenly blooms endless brilliance, a circle of halo spreads around.

Suddenly, the black and gray ground full of dead silence was restored to life, grass and vegetation grew from the ground, all the breath of death had dissipated, as if everything was just an illusion.

The chief warrior took the orc cavalry, and bowed respectfully before the Legacy Totem, before the Legacy Totem was collected.

Zhe Linyun looked at the skull on the heritage totem with admiration in her eyes.

This is a pure warrior. Everything he does, even if not an orc, will respect him. It has nothing to do with strength, just because of his actions.

(To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation. )

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