End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1022: Sneak attack

There are some legends of any race, which are admirable and awesome. To this, even foreigners will give sufficient respect, but there are very few.

Lexar, the legendary orc shaman, is one such existence.

The skull looked like there was no gloom, but there was a huge and stable will in it, vast and pure, this is the oldest will of the orcs.

After losing the obstacles of the undead army, the next journey became very fast. In more than a day, I came to the outside of Jin Ding.

The Bloodfang tribe came to attack. This was not expected by the people on the top of Jin Ding. When the army rushed to the outside of the top Ding Jin, the talents on the top of Ding Jin reacted.

The chieftain who fell on top of the gold was wearing an animal skin armor, which was made from a scaled armor of the heavenly giant, which was much stronger than the metal armor, and could be perfectly integrated with the combat armor. Let the defense force rise to a very high level, which is far more powerful than pure warframe or combat warframe.

"Krom, you daring guy, the injury is already healed, come to attack our gold top and fall, since it is here, you don't want to leave alive today, I will send you this stupid **** back Arms of the Beast God! "

The chief warrior, who fell on top of gold, roared in a rage, and instantly turned into a pale golden light, flying towards the Bloodfang tribe.

Before Crom had spoken, Didala snorted coldly. The orange flame enveloped him instantly, and the whole person turned into a dragon flame elemental creature. Fly into the sky to meet the chief warrior on top of the gold.

Uh ...

A series of flames exploded, and Didara floated in the air, and the endless orange flames exploded. The space within a few hundred meters was all shrouded in flames. Behind Didara, a phantom of the dragon head appeared, and an invisible flame burned around the dragon head.

For a while, the surrounding space seemed to be twisted by the burning, and Didara waved the metal staff. Suddenly there were hundreds of orange fireballs that were seven or eight meters in length.

A group of orange fireballs dragged a long glowing tail, showing a half-encircle. The chief warrior rushed towards the top of gold.

At a distance of two or three hundred meters, they arrived in an instant. The speed of those fireballs' impacts exceeded the speed of sounds. When a group of fireballs rushed to the top of the gold and exploded in front of the chief. The roar of the air behind it rang.

Rumble ...

There seemed to be a continuous explosion of thunderstorms, which sounded in the ears of everyone, and a horrible explosion distorted some of that space.

But Didala kept his face cold and didn't stop. He continued to wave the metal staff, a swirl of flames of more than thirty meters appeared in front of him, and a fire dragon composed of a dark orange flame flew out of the flame. Vortex, rushed towards the explosion.


moment. The explosion area composed of the dense orange fireball explosion was forcibly opened up by a powerful force, and a ten-meter-old golden crown appeared. The golden crown composed of pure light slowly shrinks, and then turns into a crown made of pure gold and falls on the top of the golden chief.

A layer of pale golden halo shrouded the top of the gold, and the pale golden combat armor was condensed out, and a dull and massive oppression bloomed.

The chief warrior on the top of Jin was cold, his fists punched hard in the front. The violent fighting spirit spewed out, forming a golden punch of 40-50 meters. Collided with the fire dragon Nirvana released by Didala.

The golden fist exploded, and the fire dragon also exploded with it. The flame of participation was like a river of flames. It instantly drowned the top of the gold and drowned the chief, but in the flame sufficient to evaporate the steel, the flame did not seem to be right Nothing hurt him.

The golden crown on his capital continued to sprinkle a layer of halo, and that layer of halo was blended into the animal skin battle armor and the combat battle armor, completely resisting the power of the flame.

This is the magic pattern ability falling on top of gold!

Bloodfang tribe's bloodfang magic pattern can increase their attack power beyond the limit. The weapons turned out are blood-colored fangs, carrying a very weak demon breath, which is enough to break the bloodfang. The vast majority of defense.

The magic pattern falling on the top of the gold and the golden crown transformed into a golden crown also bring a very weak breath of gods and demons, but they can increase their defense power beyond the limit, just like the demons encountered before, low-level spells, It was hard to hurt him.

The chief warrior waved his hand at the top of Jin, and his spirits blew out, tearing the sea of ​​fire around, and staring at Dedara opposite.

"Krom, a traitor who betrays the glory of the orcs, dare to attract outsiders, stupid guys, you have to pay for your impulse. You are facing the people of the beast god, the chief warrior Ral Jinding .

The beast **** has given us the golden crest pattern. My body will be stronger than the hardest ore in the wasteland. Your spells will not be effective to me at all, and your fire will not burn my hair.

Coming here is the last day of your life. As a respect for the strong, I will blast your head with my fist. "

Lal growled loudly, floating in the air, covered with gold, like a true God of War, and looked very impressive.

Didala sneered.


Suddenly, a large amount of flames flew out, ten flames swirled into a circle, and floated behind Didala, and the endless flame spells were ejected.

Suddenly, the mid-air turned into an orange sea of ​​fire, and the golden vindictive ray of light continued to flash in the sea of ​​fire.

Didala fought with Lal, and on the other side, the sky warrior falling from the top of the gold also flew out, and the sky warlock sneered and looked at Krom.

"Krom, you stupid guy, dare to attack our gold top, and it seems you haven't learned a lesson yet.

These outsiders helpers you found. Also a stupid guy, how strong is Lal's defense, don't you know?

That arrogant guy. You will be crushed by Lal, and you will die under my spell. This time, the lesson you will get is death.

After you die, your Bloodfang tribe will also be exterminated by us, the last time did not destroy you. This time you send yourself to death, let me send you back to the arms of the earth! "

The heavenly warlock who fell on top of gold laughed. It seems that Krom is here to kill him. As long as Krom is dead, the Bloodfang tribe will only have the Great Shaman and the Great Prophet, and there will be no opponents who fall on top of the gold.

Krom's response to the Tier Warlock was a rough fight. The battle immediately opened ...

On the ground, the Bloodfang Wolf Cavalry of the Bloodfang Tribe also met the Golden Peak Wolf Cavalry that fell on top of the gold. Both were the most elite legions in the tribe.

The bloodfang wolf cavalry soldiers all held their fangs and knives, chopped into one piece, and chopped down towards the Golden-Wolf Cavalry Corps, while the Golden-Wolf Cavalry Corps all urged them to form a golden round Halo. Protect them.

The two most elite legions began to collide, and the remaining strong men and soldiers who fell on top of gold were all stopped by the human side.

Lin Yun glanced into the army of warriors who fell on top of the gold. At a glance, you see the golden orc clown hiding inside.

Kraff also wanted to use the last trick to disguise himself as a golden-topped orc, and then summoned the ancestors who fell on top of the golden to attack.

Lin Yun spit out three runes, and suddenly, the ground in front of Kraff suddenly swelled, and a large, lifelike hand rose from the ground. Slap it hard at Kraff.

Kraft was frightened and summoned the ancestors who fell on top of the gold. Gaia's hand was resisted by him.

The giant hand that was more than ten meters patted on the top of Jin Ling's ancestor. The tremendous power almost made the ancestors fall.

Kraff's face was ugly, and Lin Yun was seen in the distance.

Without any thought, Kraff sang a spell quickly, merging with the ancestral spirit falling on top of gold.

The huge ancestral spirit took a step, as if to step into Kraff's body, and instantly merged into Kraff's body. A golden light crown appeared on Kraf's head.

In an instant, Kraff ’s breath soared to the level of heaven, and the magic wave spread to the surroundings like a tide. If only the magnitude of the magic was discussed, no one in the field except Lin Yun could talk to him. Than.

Borrowed from the magic power of the ancestral spirit, that magic power is almost endless, and the ordinary order of heaven does not have such a huge magic power.

Kraft floated in the air, shouting at Lin Yun almost in anger.

"Damn bastard, the first sneak attack, and the second sneak attack. Today is still a sneak attack, a despicable guy. Today I will pay you the price of my life. I will wash my shame with your blood!"

Kraft flew in mid-air, and used his magic pattern for the first time. The huge magic surge instantly turned into a circle of golden halo over him.

The light forms a very old-fashioned armor. The translucent armor is wrapped in a crucible, and a rune is poured out, and the shape of a magic pattern is attached to this translucent armor.

The first time I was fully prepared for defense ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Kraft was full of confidence, but the next moment, he saw a five-meter-long cannonball rushing in front of him, and behind it, a white air wave The passage, which is a sonic boom formed by breaking through the air, it is impossible for him to hear any sound before being attacked.

Lin Yun's four series of detonation bombs hit Kraff's body in front, a blast of explosion, and the violent power swelled from five meters to tens of meters in an instant. Kraff was wrapped in the center by the violent destruction force.

A second later, a figure flew out of the blast of violence and hit the ground hundreds of meters away.

The ground collapsed, and the ground in the range of tens of meters seemed to explode. At the most central place, it collapsed into a large pit that was three or four meters deep.

Kraft was lying in the big pit, with blood on his face, and the armor of the chest had collapsed, and cracks spread along the center to more than half of the armor ...

But those cracks are recovering at a rapid speed, and the places where the center of the armor has collapsed are slowly recovering, and within two or three meters, they return to normal ...

"Dirty bastard, sneak attack again!" (To be continued)

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