End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1023: combustion

"Ha ha……"

Lin Yun took out several magic crystals from his pocket and handed them to Master Shawn. At this time, Master Shawn returned to the soul walker with satisfaction, and then Lin Yun took out a bottle of medicine, slowly squatted down, and put the medicine Into Yass mouth: "Take us."

"OK, OK ..."

Yas nodded like a chicken pecking rice. After drinking a bottle of potion, his complexion gradually returned to ruddy, and even the injuries on his body recovered most of them in just a few seconds, and then stood up awkwardly.

But when looking at Lin Yun, his eyes showed deep fear. In the past few minutes, it was like walking in hell. The pain is more horrible than any torture. Just think about it and let him Trembled.

Although he was desperate for his situation, he could be killed anytime, anywhere as the Ronghuo tribe was destroyed, but he didn't want to experience the pain again ...

If he could, he would rather choose to die than to try again.

Moreover, the Ronghuo tribe no longer exists. It seems to make little sense to conceal the news of the chief ...

Thinking of this, Yass' psychological burden has been reduced a lot. After leaving the tent, he led the way in front of him and took the entire team along a rugged path for more than half an hour before stopping. , Came to the so-called Holy Land.

"That's it ..." Before Lin Yun asked, Yas flinched.


To be exact, Lin Yun and others are in front of a valley. Standing in the mouth of the valley, everyone can feel a horrible temperature hitting them. Those who are in the ranks of wizards are in the ranks. The forehead was covered with sweat, and the big ones rolled off. Just spent less than a minute in Taniguchi, and the mage's robe was soaked.

This is just Taniguchi ...

If it were inside the valley. I'm afraid that only the strongest of the title wizard level can withstand the high temperature.

Then, after a brief discussion between Lin Yun and Weiss, it was decided to leave all the Magisters in the team outside the valley, and the two great forces named the Magisters to enter together to explore.

Suddenly, the number of the team was reduced to a dozen ...

"Let's go ..." Everything is ready, Lin Yun looks at Yas aside. Lightly: "Take us in."


Aston was startled, and his face became pale. If he could, he really didn't want to enter the holy land, but if he refused the young mage, he would end up with a bad life, and struggled a little in his heart before finally nodding hard , And more than ten titled Magister Strong. Go side by side towards the valley.


However, just after walking through Taniguchi, Yas in the team suddenly froze. His face changed drastically, a scream screamed, and his body trembled violently. Those dark red runes on his body seemed to have life and burst into red. The whole body was flushed with red, and there was a terrible high temperature. Immediately thereafter, Yass's nose, throat, and mouth were emitting black smoke.

"what's going on……"

Sudden changes, everyone in the team was standing still, obviously frightened by this weird scene, could not believe their eyes, they were all powerful men with the title of magic wizard, and did not notice anything in advance The anomaly did not have any fluctuations, but when Yass passed through Taniguchi, he would somehow spontaneously ignite.

"Going into the Holy Land with outsiders, it really will be punished by the ancestors ..." At this time, Yas roared miserably, with endless fear and remorse in his voice. When he spoke, a cloud of flame came from his mouth. Out of here, in a moment, the strange flame spread to his body ...

Just a few seconds later, Yass was burnt to death, and the weird flame extinguished in silence, as if it had never appeared.

The whole world seems to be suddenly quiet, everyone is standing there. This scene is really shocking. Although the strength of the angry flame orc Yas is not very strong, it is also equivalent to the strength of a titled magician, but now The sudden flame directly took Yass life.


The crowd couldn't help taking a sip of cold air, a chill rose from the soles of their feet, their eyes full of horror and shock, they couldn't believe that Yass, who was okay before, was dead now and was burned to death. This At that time, almost everyone's face was full of anxiety.

Even Lin Yun frowned.

"Don't waste your time here, go to the holy land to find the chief ..." In the procession, Weiss gritted his teeth. Even though he saw the strangeness of the holy land, he didn't want to give up easily. At this step, Heta invested too much. Even if Heron wanted to give up the magic weapon, he would not agree.

Immediately afterwards, a group of titled magic wizards walked towards the valley, where there were flames everywhere, and even the rocks beneath them were burnt. It is incredible that some strange trees were on fire. Growing, and revealing a strong vitality ...

This is a world of flames. When you look at it, you can only see the flames.


Soon after Lin Yun entered the valley, he clearly noticed that the magic elements of the fire system were so rich and terrifying that they were almost substantive. I am afraid that the entire Northrend world and the Thousands Plane could not find a second Where he can compete with himself, he estimates that if he casts a fire spell here, he will receive a strong increase. Any fire spell can increase its power by at least two levels.

For example, when casting the fifth-level spell fire dragon in the valley, the power of the explosion is enough to be comparable to the seventh-level high-level spell, even close to the eighth level ...

Although these people who entered the valley had the strength of titled Magister, the terrible high temperature here still caused everyone to frown, and the Master's robe was thoroughly wet and close to the body.

If a wizard comes in, I'm afraid he's dying now and even dying ...

This is an extremely dangerous place.

Everyone in the team looked dignified and cautious, relying on intuition to explore the deep valley, and the surrounding hot snakes continued to hit. However, at this time, the ground suddenly swayed violently, the rocks that were burnt hot, more It was annihilated in silence, a breath of terror suddenly rose ...

"Booming ..."

With the earth-shattering sound, the earth cracked a huge black gap, and the dark red magma swept through the horrible high temperature, spraying out from the gap, like a sky curtain, shrouding everyone ...

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Weiss in the team exclaimed, trying to remind everyone, but it was too late. A second-level titled wizard from the Black Tower was the closest to the place where the earth cracked. When the dark red magma splashed on him, he had no time to dodge, and even the whole person was almost frightened. In the meantime, the staff in his hand burst into a dazzling light, and with a strong magic wave rising, an elemental shield appeared.

The second-level title wizard just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but then came a sound of "嗤嗤", and suddenly the expression on his face was completely frozen ...

The dark red magma splashing on the element shield has not disappeared, but is slowly eroding the element shield. With the sound of "嗤嗤", the element shield emits a blue smoke, which is most incredible. The thing is, the Elemental Shield is dim to the naked eye ...

Just before the Elemental Shield was about to burst, a dark palm, carrying a rolling force, swept across, taking away the second-ranked magic wizard from the Black Tower.

A blaze of fire rose into the sky, and the overwhelming flame was rolled up like a wave. With a loud noise, a huge figure appeared in the eyes of everyone present. This was a flame entangled with hundreds of meters. Magma Giant ...

It swept through the whole body with a hot breath, and was covered with dark red magma. With a slight movement of its huge body, countless magma splashed out.

The crowd suddenly showed an incredible look ...

It was a magma giant that attacked them!

The magma giant is nothing, but is this magma giant too strong? The magma that just splashed out almost caused a second-level title wizard to fall.

This is what really makes them incredible ...

Of the dozen or so titled wizards in this team, most of them stay in the flames all year round and participate in various competitions. Natural elemental creatures such as the magma giant will not be unfamiliar.

The magma giant has been regarded as a high-level elemental creature, and it often appears on the major battlefields of the angry flame plane. It is usually summoned by the angry flame orc mage. Although the strength is very strong, it can never be against the title magician The strong pose a threat. Generally speaking, their strength is probably at the level of the wizard.

However, the strength of this magma giant is far beyond the wizard ...

How is this going?

But at this time ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ they have no more time to think about these issues. With a loud roar, a large swath of dark red magma enveloped the sky, and it fell like a fire and rain, see At this scene, everyone in the team felt scalp.

The power of those dark red magma is really too terrifying, even the elemental shield of the second-ranked magic wizard strong can't resist it ...

"Hell, how could this magma giant's strength be so strong, at least level 35 or above ..." Suvir cursed fiercely, and the old face was full of shock, followed by a quaint His staff was across his chest, and long, long and mysterious mantras were spit out from his mouth ...

In an instant, an amazing magic wave rose ...

Along with this, there was a deep coldness. I saw a lot of frost condensed in the air. The fiery snakes swaying all around were faint, and the sky became white and blank, followed by a "click" sound. , The sky above everyone's head was frozen frozen ...

This is a seventh-level high-level spell that can only be cast by the titled Magister Strongman, and the ice barrier! (To be continued ...)

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