End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1026: Yingling

Lin Yun's second opponent was World of Warcraft, a three-eyed evil wolf up to fifteenth level, fighting with Lin Yun for one minute with a near-fifth-level undead spell, and finally falling. ※ r />

Lin Yun, while seizing the time to recover the magic, came to the center of the round arena with anticipation. Sure enough, three golden chests appeared out of thin air. However, Master Sean's patient persuasion, Lin Yun once again chose the gold chest on the far left. .

"It's the magic crystal again!" As soon as the golden box opened, there were more than a dozen magic crystals, and Lin Yun's murderous heart suddenly became.

"Don't be impulsive, you don't need to be impulsive first, look at the quality before talking!" Master Sean saw that the situation was wrong, and quickly stopped Lin Yun who wanted to cut off the supply of magic power.

Then Lin Yun discovered ...

The quality of this batch of magic crystals has really improved a lot, the lowest ones have reached the tenth level, the highest ones have even reached the twelveth level. You must know that every time the quality of the magic crystals increases, the value will almost increase by one. Fan, Lin Yun calculated a little, and found that the value of these two batches of magic crystals has doubled!

The result of this calculation is a bit amazing, so much so that Lin Yun forgot to settle the bill with Master Sean. If the value of each reward will be doubled, the reward can be bought after more than ten or twenty times. Is the whole Northrend world right?

"Do n’t dream, do you not find out that the fighting power of this three-eyed evil wolf is too much stronger than the previous group of rock wolves? After a dozen or twenty times, you may face the king of dreams directly ... "Lord Sean poured cold water mercilessly.


In fact, it is far less than ten or twenty times.

When the sixth opponent appeared, Lin Yun's cold sweat had already come down ...

That's exactly ten heroes ...

These heroes of the warriors followed His Royal Highness before their death. After death, they still couldn't get rid of the power of the bloodline spell. They were buried in this dark arena and their souls became heroes. Always guarding His Royal Highness, who has been asleep.

At a glance, the ten heroes were wearing silver armor and holding enchanted swords. The crisscross wounds showed that when they were alive, they were already battle-hardened warriors, each of whom had level 15 or higher. I am afraid that he is still above the fifteenth level swordsman who is also fifteenth-level.

Looking at the whole Qianfan City, this lineup can be put out. I am afraid there are only a few top forces such as the Silvermoon Mercenary Corps.

"I said, Master Sean, can't think of a way yet ..."

"Don't be kidding, what can I do, just the magic you gave me. You can't even show me the incarnation ..." Master Sean's voice finally revealed a hint of panic, although the Lord The binding force from the contract is not very strong, but once the master dies, it is still an extremely heavy blow for Master Sean, and it is likely that this true spirit artifact will fall to the level of the psychic artifact ...

"You're embarrassed to say that you are a true spirit magic weapon?" Lin Yun had only scolded this sentence and was already involved in the battle by ten heroes.

It was a battle without a prelude. The two sides used their strongest power almost immediately. When the ten heroes rushed up, their anger was burned directly, and the giant sword chopped down with a heavy sound of breaking through the air. The dazzling anger of the sword body instantly broke the ice and fire shield on Lin Yun's body.

Lin Yun also desperately as soon as he came up. At the same time that the shield of ice and fire broke, Lin Yun took a few steps back with the huge power from the giant sword. Followed by a large number of mantras spit out of the mouth, the most powerful fire dragon with a roar. Just rushed towards the heroes ahead.

Lin Yun clenched his psychic staff in one hand, and constantly changed his casting gestures in one hand, and in conjunction with the spells spit out of his mouth, within three seconds, he released three fire dragons in a row!

This method of casting is completely fatal, and magic backlash may occur anytime, anywhere.

But at this time, Lin Yun couldn't control so much. Lin Yun's idea was very simple, that is, to attack a wave of fierce enough offensive, at least to kill one or two heroes. In this case, he still You can rely on the full magic provided by the psychic staff to entangle with the remaining psychic warriors.

Unfortunately, Lin Yun's first thought failed ...

The ten heroic warriors formed an array and stood up against Lin Yun's crazy pouring spell.

Although a few heroic warriors were seriously injured and seemed to have lost their combat effectiveness, Lin Yun's heart was very tight ...

Because Lin Yun knows that this is the dark arena. The heroes are in the dark arena. The recovery ability is really immortal. These are usually serious enough to cause death. For these heroes, it ’s just spend more. Just a few minutes to recover.

But the battle has already begun, and Lin Yun has only one way to go dark. After a wave of casts that completely disregard the consequences, the magic of Lin Yun has been reduced to half, but then, the fighting style displayed by Lin Yun is even more fierce. Taking advantage of the serious injuries of several heroes, the spells in Lin Yun's mouth sounded again, flame barrier, serial rockets, elemental cutting, frost bursts ... The most powerful and powerful spells, one after another poured onto these heroes. .

The battle had just begun for thirty seconds, and Lin Yun's damage was enough to scare any division.

However, the number of heroes is still at ten ...

Moreover, after paying a large part of everyone who was seriously injured, they are getting closer and closer to Lin Yun, and their raging fighting spirit seems to have reached Lin Yun's eyes.

Lin Yun knows that his first opportunity has passed ...

"Hell ..." Lin Yun cursed fiercely and had to cast the incarnation of the element ahead of time. With the flames that had spread out before, a flame flashed again to distance the two sides.

"Stupid, you are so stupid that you can't help it. Didn't you find out that these heroes have formed an array of life connections? Do you think you are a top wizard, you can kill ten heroes at once?" Lin Yun gave a flame Immediately after the flash had landed, there was a scolding voice from Master Sean's popularity.

"Of course I know it's a life-connection array. The problem is, I don't have a way to break the life-connection array!"

"No, you have!"

"I have?" The expression on Lin Yun's face froze instantly.

"I feel a familiar wave of magic in you. It should be from the death garden in this mausoleum. Get that thing out quickly!"

"Chapter of the Sage?" Lin Yun suddenly felt strange. The extreme spells stored in the chapter of the Sage were indeed the most powerful weapon in his hand, but it was not enough to break the array of life links?

It's not that Lin Yun hasn't thought about using extreme spells ...

But after previous attempts, Lin Yun already knew that the ten heroes who blessed the life connection array were extremely scary. Even if they used extreme spells by themselves, they would only create two heroes multiple times. It is not very helpful for the whole battle.

No way, now Lin Yun has the ultimate magic power, which is about the fourth-level spell level. If you want to kill these heroes at once, you also need at least six levels of spells, that is, close to the level of the titled wizard. .

"Is that thing called the chapter of the sage? Forget it, whether it is called the chapter of the sage, anyway, as long as this thing comes from the death garden, it can be used to deal with these heroes. Do you forget that the death garden is Is it somewhere? "

"Wait, you mean ..." When Lord Sean spoke of the garden of death, Lin Yun suddenly understood it.

That's right, the chapter of the sage comes from the death garden!

Where is the death garden? That is the place where infinite death forces converge. The sage chapter born of this infinite death force is even above Lord Sean. The death force contained in it can only be described as terror.

At the same time, what kind of existence does the Spirit Warrior have?

Heroic warriors are affected by the power of Bloodline Spells. They are completely transformed into souls and souls. What they fear most and hate most is the power of death.

If at this time a huge death force erupts, these heroes will be affected 100%.

However, to what extent this impact will be, even Lin Yun cannot guarantee ...

Lin Yun held the Sage's Chapter tightly in his hands, but he could not help showing a hint of hesitation.

This is not a joke ...

The sage chapter in hand is already Lin Yun's last hole card. Once the death force is released ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ the three extreme spells will definitely disappear with it. If that time, you still ca n’t break the hero. If the life is connected to the array, then Lin Yun will have no chance of turning over.

There is not much time left for Lin Yun ...

Ten heroic warriors have already stepped across the sea of ​​fire, watching the heavy giant be about to lift again. However, at this time, Lin Yun has no second elemental incarnation to use. Once these heroic warriors approached him, Lin Yun is trying to get away, but the difficulty is too great.

"Let's do it!" Lin Yunmeng gritted his teeth and directly cancelled the three extreme spells on the Sage's Chapter.

Suddenly, a huge force of death spewed out, and a thick black gas permeated the entire sky of the dark arena. Numerous fires of souls burst out of the Sage's Chapter with a sound. The earth-shattering roar suddenly exploded in the middle of the dark gladiatorial field, and turned into countless grieving spirits and countless bones. The entire dark gladiatorial field looks like a dark graveyard.

At the same time, Lin Yun clung to the psychic staff in his hand and began a second wave of fierce attacks.

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