End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1027: Marvel

Malfammelin's explosive power is terrible, but this explosive power consumes a lot of magic power. When he shot before, the fighting time was very short, and the time when he broke out powerful power was very short.

When dealing with that golden orc, they also used the eighth-level spells. Those orc heroes are pretty good in strength, and should not be the opponents of Malfurm.

But for eighteen consecutive battles, this guy's advantage will completely disappear. The further to the back, the smaller his advantage, the last two and a half hours, it is not bad to go out.

If I do n’t get it, I will die in it. Hey, this guy is better to die in it, so that I can take over the Four Seasons Plains, **** bastard, so a good place, even this guy occupied it.

And those stupid gray orcs who surrender to humans are incredible ...

Just as the people in the temple kept speculating how long Lin Yun would pass through the path of the spirit, Lin Yun also stepped into the light gate.

Entering the light gate is an upward staircase. From the outside, this staircase seems to have no end, but after entering, it is found that this staircase has only eighteen floors.

Going up the stairs is a small platform with a very old orc soul floating next to it. The upper body of the old orc is very solid and looks no different from a real person. His face is covered with wrinkles, as if on that face. 5 % Leaves traces of endless years, and his lower body is like smoke.

This is a pure soul body, and it is a very powerful soul body. He was definitely a great prophet of a super tribe before his death. Only this existence can have such a strong soul.

"Brave warrior, are you ready to challenge the path of the spirit? Your level is the eighth-level magic wizard. There will be eighteen orc-level orc spirits waiting for you and defeat them. .You will gain your glory through the Spirit Road! "

The old orc sang out an ancient language in a frustrating tone. Lin Yun didn't know what language it was, but he could understand it. It seemed that the old orc's language was directly talking to the soul.

Lin Yun nodded.

"let's start!"

The old orc waved his hand at the void in front of the platform, and a revolving light gate appeared.

Lin Yun didn't hesitate, strode into the light gate, and the next moment, he appeared on a vast square with endless scope. All around seemed to be void, looking towards the front, and every other distance, an orc's spirit stood waiting.

The first thing he encountered was a three-meter-tall orc. He held in his hands a giant sword that was more than three meters long and nearly half a meter thick. There were dense runes attached to the giant sword. The surface of the orc body was In addition to the magic lines, there are some extra magic lines attached. Standing there is like a mountain, with great pressure.

Obviously exuding the breath of the eighth-level swordsman, the pressure brought by it is far more than the eighth-level swordsman.

Lin Yun knew in his heart that the challenge of this spiritual road. How is it possible to arrange opponents according to the level? Although his level is the eighth-level title wizard, the magic power is at least one to twenty times that of the eighth-level title wizard. This orc spirit also exists.

Level eight swordsman, but the breath is stronger. There should be the strength of an ordinary nine-level swordsman.

But the nine-level swordsman is still not enough ...

Lin Yun spit out a rune. Instantly in front of him a five-meter four-series explosive bomb coagulated.

There was a muffled sound, and the four series of explosive bombs disappeared in place instantly, faster than the speed of the sound, and the orc hero was hit in a blink of an eye.

The four series of explosive bombs collided with his giant sword. The severe explosion released a huge destructive force. The orc swordmaster was drowned instantly. A figure flew out from the center of the explosion. In midair, this The orc hero's body was transformed into countless light spots.

Spike ...

Lin Yun continued to move forward. A thousand meters ahead was the second orc hero. This is an orc warlock, which is also an eighth-level magic wizard level, but it is significantly stronger than the ordinary eight-level magic wizard.

For more than ten seconds, the orc warlock was overwhelmed by the dense explosion of inflammation, and was blown to death ...

After three minutes, Lin Yun had defeated nine orc heroes. The tenth orc hero was a wolf cavalry. In addition to the orcs, there was a 38-level giant wolf mount.

Three consecutive series of explosive bombs flew this guy upside down with pure power. The wolf was blown up and dissipated, but the orc's body flew up a distance of thousands of kilometers. The sleeping orc hero closed with eyes closed awake.

The awakened orc shaman roared, summoned two lightning shields at once, and then joined the battlefield with a lightning rod.

Unfortunately, the orc wolf cavalry was on the verge of dying, and it was dissipated by Lin Yun's supplementary explosions. This orc shaman also solved it in less than twenty seconds.

But the moment the orc shaman dissipated, a voice rang out in Lin Yun's ear.

"double kill!"

Hearing this voice, Lin Yun froze.

double kill?

I didn't have such a voice before killing nine orc heroes in succession, now suddenly reminded ...

By the way, the orc shaman joined the battlefield before the orc wolf cavalry died, which is equivalent to dealing with two orcs at the same time.

Looking at the orc hero who was still asleep in the distance, Lin Yun thoughtfully, then turned and walked backwards.

Where it came in, the light gate was still there. Lin Yun stepped into the light gate and came to the small platform where the old orc was again.

"Sir, can I clear the customs again?"

The old orc looked at Lin Yun, a flash of light flashed in his old eyes, nodded, and continued to speak in a frustrating tone.

"Brave warriors, when facing challenges, they will always move forward and never shrink back."

Then, the old orc waved his hand again.

Lin Yun entered the light gate again, and sure enough. The orc heroes who had been beheaded before appeared again, all standing still. Sleep with eyes closed.

Lin Yun lost a Pyroblast to the first Orc Swordmaster and awakened him. Then immediately cast flying and acceleration to run forward, dropping a Pyroblast again to awaken the second orc hero.

It wasn't until the four orc heroes were awakened in succession that Lin Yun began to fight with the four orc heroes.

After three minutes, all the four spirits had dissipated, and sure enough, another voice sounded in the ear.

"Quadra kill."

Lin Yun nodded thoughtfully.

Listening to the words of the old orc, it seems that this path of spirituality is a test in itself.

I felt that my opponents of the same level had hit one by one before. And no time limit, no means, no limit.

Even if it is an ordinary mage, the probability of getting through the path of the spirit is very high. For all these people who come in, they are all elites. It will be very easy to pass through. How much time.

Now it seems. The real test is how many orc heroes can be defeated at the same time. The highest difficulty should be besieged by eighteen orc heroes at the same time, and then defeating them!

Lin Yun defeated the siege of four orc heroes. Just move on, this time without paying attention to the orc heroes encountered.

Sure enough, as long as no offense is made. These sleeping orc heroes were completely unresponsive, and they would not wake up all the way.

Lin Yun went all the way to the end of this road. The last orc hero is an orc prophet.

A relatively weak orc prophet. His most powerful offensive force is summoning a 38th-level ghost wolf.

Then all kinds of war songs blessed the ghost wolf.

Lin Yun did not rush to kill the orc prophet, but let him release the war song constantly, and after all the means were used, he killed him in seconds.

The strength of the road, where a huge stone gate stands, there is endless void in front of it, but now, the stone gate is silent, with eighteen marks on it, and now five are lit.

In other words, no matter how you fight, you can only open this stone door if you defeat all eighteen orc heroes.

There are no restrictions on the course of the fight, and it is entirely up to you.

Lin Yun fights back from the last orc prophet, and then fights these orc heroes one by one. Each orc hero fights for at least ten minutes, allowing the orc hero to fully release all the abilities he has mastered. Only Lin Yun would kill this orc hero.

Hit back all the way, hitting all 14 orc heroes all over again ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Sure enough, the strength of the road, the stone gate started to light up, Lin Yun can simply leave the stone gate and leave.

Lin Yun did not leave, but returned to the small platform where the old orc was again.

"I want to challenge again!"

Entering the challenge again, Lin Yun cautiously played the first four orcs slowly, and after fully grasping the abilities of the four orcs, he returned to the old orcs.

"I want to challenge again!"

The old orc always smiled, and was not impatient at all, every time he said exactly the same thing.

When Lin Yun was about to enter the path of the spirit again, four hours had passed unconsciously ...

In the temple, everyone looked weird.

In that broken small world, Lin Yun's fighting power burst out was very strong. Although he had not played against Didala, it would not be too far away, and he could also exert the power of Heaven.

But now, four hours have not passed the path of the spirit ...

Four hours is already the slowest record. Even the two mages brought by Joey and Helen in the Cloud Tower and the Black Tower have the weakest strength here, and it only took three hours and five. In ten minutes, the path to spirituality was opened.

DeLath raised his head, with a bright smile, walked up to Heron and exclaimed.

"Ah, for four hours, Mafam Merlin is really the number one in our ranking. I am going to scare me to death. Four hours have not yet come out.

I remember wasn't someone saying that Malfam Merlin came out the fastest? Am I remembering it wrong?

Isn't anyone particularly confident in Malfay Merlin? How come this guy hasn't played for four hours now? (To be continued ...)

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