End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1031: Shadow Scepter

The light turned into a light ball of half a meter, the light ball slowly fell in front of Raphael, the light dispersed, and a book made of metal floated in front of Raphael.

The book is forty centimeters long and nearly twenty centimeters thick. It has the title written in ancient Nese script.

"It turned out to be an alchemy magic book! The title is" Multiple Alchemy Array Structure Formula ", and the author is Bill George."

Raphael picked up the magic book with a little confusion, opened the first page, there was no word in it, there were only countless runes and alchemy structures, and those runes and alchemy lines constantly changed shapes and looked extremely complicated .

But Raphael glanced at him with a shocked expression, and then put away the magic book without thinking.

Lin Yun, who was aside, heard the name Bill George, and her pupils suddenly narrowed.

How could Bill George's magic book be here? And it is still the "Multiple Alchemy Array Structure Formula", this structure formula will not appear until the next three thousand years.

Even in the future, Northrend ’s world-famous battleship magic weapon, the most fundamental core technology, was developed on the multiple alchemy formation formula.

出现 When this magic book appeared after three thousand years, it even caused a dozen wars of power, including most of the nations on Northrend.

In the end, there was almost a deadly battle between the top heavenly ranks. Because of this battle, there were nineteen destroyed planes.

If it is not the final peace talks, the contents of the magic book are shared with all the forces, and those mages who are out of anger will ruin the Northrend world in advance ...

魔法 The value of this magic book is no less than that of a real magic weapon, and for an alchemy, it is more valuable than a magic weapon.

But this magic book seems incomplete. Even when Northrend reached its peak, the full version of the multiple alchemy formation formula was written as a magic book that was one and a half meters thick.

Although the technology may not be complete, even the technology of Sky City may be difficult to understand, but for Raphael, the value of this magic book is still much greater than a top-level true magic weapon.

With Raphael's example, others immediately understood.

"Is this a reward?"

He asked a question uncertainly, and Morgan rushed out, pressing his hand on his exclusive magic mark without hesitation.

Suddenly, the quiet golden liquid in that translucent pillar surged again, and quickly poured to the point of nearly three meters, the golden liquid slowly calmed down, and the huge wall bloomed again. A ray of light gathered again into a ball of light and floated in front of Morgan.

The light ball's rays dissipated, and a large scale was exposed. At first glance, the scales looked like dragon scales, but they were a rhombus shape. The upper layers were covered with patterns, and those patterns were born into a kind of Alchemy lines, then before and after the scales, the alchemy lines converge into a whole, forming a complete circuit.

Seeing only a scale, Morgan's face showed a touch of disappointment, and he took the scale into his hand at will, and he couldn't see anything precious about this thing.

"This is the scale of the Nether Beast. The adult Nether Beast is at least a powerful creature at the top of the Heavenly Order, and the most powerful Nether Beast may even surpass the Heavenly Order, like a demon lord.

Their scales are innate magic weapons. Except that there are no magic weapon incarnations, their defense power is stronger than some low-level defense magic weapons, and the materials are extremely hard. Even the Netherstorm cannot be damaged. Just find one that is good at forging. The alchemist of the magic weapon processed it, which is equivalent to an extra life.

Look at this material, the owner of this scale is a very powerful void monster. "

Gao Linyun glanced at the scale, and a little flash of surprise flashed in her eyes. It was originally thought that there would be no such thing in the Northrend world. I did not expect to see it here.

In the era of Northrend's great colony, countless magic warships could even swim in the endless void. The behemoth of the void is the biggest threat, even greater than the danger of harsh environments.

There are some main supporting structures in the sheltered tower in the last days, using the bones of a void monster that surpasses the heavens as the material.

Zhe Linyun casually told Morgan the origin of this scale. He didn't say that Morgan could also find it. As long as the magic is input, the scale will automatically form a protective, natural magic weapon.

Morgan lifted the scales with an eyebrow and smiled. As a guy who fears death, this kind of strong defense is the favorite.

When Morgan completed it, the others went up one by one. Everyone found their own unique magic mark. Whenever someone pressed on that exclusive magic mark, the golden liquid in the translucent pillar next to it would rise up.

As the height of the climb is different, everyone gets different things. The first to go up are the men of their respective leaders.

除了 In addition to the cherished materials, they also have some magic books, psychic artifacts, all kinds of things may appear, and some of them are strange things that no one knows.

After a dozen people in a row, Raphael nodded thoughtfully.

"Did you find out? After everyone went up, the height of the golden liquid climbing was different. The higher the climbing, the more precious the reward you get.

Moreover, the height of the golden liquid climbing is directly proportional to the speed at which we can open the path of the spirit. The faster the speed at which the path of the spirit is opened, the better the reward. "

When Raphael said this, a group of people who were busy looking at their new treasures suddenly realized, and thought for a while, that seemed to be the case.

The people under my leadership went to collect it first. Now that the rules have been confirmed, the leaders of several forces have gone up to receive their own rewards.

After Joey pressed his hand on his own magic mark, the golden liquid pillar climbed to a little over two meters, and he got a magic book called Star Phantom.

When he got this magic book, Joey's face showed a surprise look. Although it was just an ordinary magic book, it was more valuable to Joey than a true magic weapon. .

His core meditation is star reflection, which seems very powerful, but this meditation is actually incomplete.

The complete reflection of the starry sky is a collection of psychic spells and starlight spells. When combined, it is a very powerful illusion with extremely terrible lethality, people with low mental strength, or people with weaker souls and weak willpower. Facing the full version of the starry sky reflection, it is basically waiting for the fate of being slaughtered.

The starry sky reflection of Joey lacks the part of the spiritual spell, and it has always been incomplete, and this starry sky phantom magic book is another part of the starry sky reflection. After the completion, the core formula of the core meditation idea will be improved by two !!

现在 Now Joey just hasn't broken through the sky order, and there is still a chance for completion. After the completion, the strength to break through the sky order will be several times stronger than the original. The main thing is that the future will be bigger.

What Herren received was a dark magic stone, which was used to purify the dark magic power. The dark magic power always produces all kinds of negative emotions, and it will grow stronger because of this.

Many dark mage have become distorted and evil because of this rapid ascension method, and some dark mage have not taken shortcuts, but they will be unknowingly eroded by the negative emotions. Finally ruined the future.

Hellen has been in the stage of one foot stepping into the heavens, even when fighting, he did not dare to relax the control of magic, because the magic has not been purified, and he has been performing the step of magic purification.

Now that he has this dark magic stone, he no longer has to worry about purifying the dark magic power. The magic power is purified, and the combat power will be increased. Moreover, he does not have to worry about controlling the magic power all the time, and he does not have to be guarding against the magic backwash. Will improve again, advanced to heaven, I am afraid sooner or later.

The off-duty got a drop of hard work with a heavy dragon coercion. Inside it was a phantom of an abyss blood dragon. After merging the blood of the abyss blood dragon, the blood of the off-duty will evolve again. Every subsequent attack , Will swallow each other's blood to recover their injuries.

For a human monster that is off duty, it is a treasure that is armed in the blood. With this ability, when facing a siege, plus the strong body of off duty, it is almost always a monster that will never die.

Gao Lena got a piece of Frost Spirit, a material that strengthens the power of Frost spells. For Lena, she can be used as a magic weapon.

The rewards received by a group of people are very good, and they seem to be very suitable for everyone's needs, and there is almost nothing that is not used.

At this time, everyone also understood what the purpose of that exclusive magic mark was, just to know what they needed.

Soon, there are only four people left to receive the reward.

The leader of the quicksand tower went up silently, and pressed his hand on the exclusive magic mark. Suddenly, the pillar of golden liquid climbed to a height of 3.5 meters. After the fluctuation of the golden liquid stopped, a mass gathered With the sand floating in the air.

Seeing this sand, the magical fluctuations of the leader of the quicksand tower are a little disordered, and he silently put away the sand and then backed back.

Lin Linyun squinted his eyes and thought that the leader of the quicksand tower would get a true spirit magic weapon, but he did not expect it to be an endless sand.

Some special earth element planes will become an endless desert world for various reasons. The quicksand in it is like the sea. Sometimes, there will be a huge sand tsunami with a height of thousands of meters. Except for some elemental creatures, any creature that enters them will be swallowed by the endless mad sand.

In this special plane, there will be a material called endless sand, which looks similar to ordinary sand, but weighs ten million times more, and each grain of sand weighs thousands of pounds.

And these sands, after consuming the magic of the earth, will split wildly into endless deserts.

The small amount of sand just now weighs almost 100,000 kilograms!

This kind of thing is more meaningful to the quicksand tower than the true spirit magic weapon. As long as this thing is there, they can guarantee the full combat power everywhere, and even at the critical moment, they can put the endless sand itself. Use as a magic weapon.

Zhe Linyun recognized it, but no one else recognized it, and no one asked to ask. Many people had obtained strange things before, but no one would inquire about such things.

The last remaining Dirac, Didal, Lin Yun, Dirac went up first.

His score is three meters high, and his score is very good. He can be ranked in the top five. What he gets is a translucent black scepter. The scepter is half a meter long and looks a bit illusive. Constantly changing.

After Gao had the scepter, Dirac suddenly cried out in surprise.

"Shadow Scepter! My God, hasn't this thing been destroyed? Why is it here?"

The shadow scepter is only recorded in the books of the Shadow Tower. In the very old age, the shadow scepter was destroyed, but the characteristics and appearance of the shadow scepter ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ have been recorded Come down.

Holding the shadow scepter, as long as you do n’t cast a spell and stand still, the mage will automatically enter a hidden state. In this state, there is no magic wave, and magic cannot be detected. Only spells like the real eye can. see through.

And the biggest feature of the shadow scepter is the blessing of shadow spells, which improves all shadow spells by half a level!

I got the shadow scepter, Dirac's mouth couldn't help but grin, couldn't help walking to Lin Yun, holding the shadow scepter, sneer.

"Malmamelin, do you see what this is? The shadow scepter, the legendary shadow magic scepter, acts like an extraordinary magic weapon!"

After having this thing in hand, my strength is equivalent to doubled, but this is something that is more suitable for me than the cloak of shadows, a real magic weapon! And it's also the top true spirit magic weapon!

Why don't you go up, let us all have a long experience, see what you will get, do n’t be afraid, do n’t worry, you wo n’t get everything, maybe you will get a soul magic crystal, it ’s a profit Already. "

Di Lasi laughed and laughed at Lin Yun, while urging Lin Yun to collect rewards.

Gao Linyun glanced at Diras lightly, a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

The stupid thing, the shadow scepter, the top-level true magic weapon, a magic weapon whose avatar has been abolished, is no different from an ordinary wand.

的 The peculiarities of the shadow spell, it is almost impossible to find a matching new magic incarnation. It is impossible to train a new magic incarnation, and it has suffered a devastating blow. R1152

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