End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1032: Play bad

The replacement magic weapon incarnation will only reduce the power of this magic weapon, it is better to use it as an ordinary wand.

As for the alternative cultivation method of the magic weapon incarnation, after eight thousand years of this thing, a mage will put forward the prototype of the theory ...

Lin Yun was too lazy to care about Dirac, and got a piece of waste, and he was so proud to show it off, but it was just an ordinary magic spirit wand ...

Before Lin Yun went up, Didala couldn't wait. After pressing on the exclusive magic mark, the golden liquid climbed to a height of more than seven meters.

"Oh my god, more than seven meters, is it Lord Dedara to get an extraordinary magic weapon?"

Morgan couldn't help but exclaim, although he knew the difference was quite big, but he didn't expect such a difference.

The people who had a gap of half an hour before were all within one or two meters, but Didara was more than three meters higher than the second place, nearly double the height!

For a moment, all the people stopped talking, watching the shining wall quietly, waiting for the reward received by Didala to appear.

After the light had dissipated, three magic artifacts appeared.

There were three burning fireballs, one with a crimson flame, one with a black flame, and one with a green flame.

After seeing the three fireballs, Didala's eyes suddenly lighted up. Using magic to control the three fireballs, three different feelings appeared.

Three fist-sized fireballs floated around Didala, looking nothing special. But everyone saw the smile on Didara's face.

Lin Yun's eyes flashed a little surprise. Before, I felt that Didala would definitely not get a super magic weapon, but he did not expect that he would get a set of real magic weapon.

The difficulty of that heroic path is related to his choice. Only the more orc heroes defeated at the same time, the better the results will be.

If those orc heroes are single, the strength is naturally not the opponent of everyone, but the difficulty increases linearly with each increase.

The strength of the eighteen orc heroes is at least a hundred times stronger than that of a single orc hero!

Although Didala cleared the path of the spirit in an hour, he still defeated the orc hero one by one.

In this way. Even if you beat one in one hit, you can pass the Path of the Spirit in a few minutes. It may not be an extraordinary magic weapon.

If you can get a super magic weapon in this way, then you can defeat the eighteen orc heroes and join forces to get what you can imagine.

But this set of true spirits is for Didala. The effect is no less than an extraordinary magic weapon.

These three fireballs should be the flame magic weapon set used by the lunatic known as the blood magician at the end of the third dynasty.

Elemental Fire, Destructive Flame, Soul Devouring Flame.

Three true spirits can summon three kinds of flames. The stronger the strength, the stronger the summoned flames.

It is said that the elemental fire can summon the elemental flame that has evolved three times, and the temperature can burn through the earth.

The flame of destruction destroys everything, burns the ashes into nothingness, and the poisonous flame of soul-stealing poison. Undead can't exempt this toxicity, because this flame can infest the body of the undead and burn it to ashes.

Without getting a magic weapon, Didala was very satisfied with a combination of true magic tools. After returning, he began to use the magic power to continuously merge with the three real magical artifacts.

In the end, it was only Lin Yun who hadn't received the reward, and Dirac smiled and encouraged.

"Maffamelin, why don't you go? You are alone and you don't have to worry about receiving rewards. Although your grades will be lost, I can't bear to say, but there will still be.

Maybe there will be a 30-level magic crystal. Oops, maybe it's the 31th-level soul magic crystal.

That's a 31-level soul magic crystal! "

Speaking, Dirac held Morgan.

"Morgan, don't you think that the 31st-level soul magic crystal is also a precious treasure. You can't waste it like this ..."

Morgan laughed twice and glanced at Lin Yun awkwardly. He said nothing. Lin Yun's clearance time was really embarrassing to say ...

Lin Yun ignored the strange yin and yang words of Dila Si, and walked in front of the wall calmly, thinking about what he would get. The rewards to everyone were all things that everyone could use. So what things could he use?

Lin Yun pressed his hand on his own magic mark. Instantly, the golden liquid in the translucent pillar on the right was violent.

Those golden liquids that were flush with the horizon seemed to explode, and suddenly rushed to ten meters high, and those golden liquids rushed to eighteen meters high without any delay.

The translucent pillar was only eighteen meters high, and the golden liquid rushed to the top in less than a second, but after it seemed to have reached the top, the golden liquid was still a little bit unsettled. It kept rolling and seemed to want to continue to rush , But couldn't rush out.

A few seconds later, the pillar that seemed to be embedded in the wall began to tremble slightly, as if to explode ...

At the rear, a group of people were dumbfounded when they saw this scene ...

There was a mocking smile on Dirac's face, but now it became stiff, and he stared indifferently at the pillar completely filled with golden liquid, and opened his mouth slightly, totally unaware of what to say ...

It even reached the top. What's going on? Isn't this guy, Mafammelin, the last one to pass the path of the Spirit?

Isn't this calculated based on the speed of customs clearance?

Did this pillar break? Why did Malfay Merlin, the slowest guy, take four or five hours to pass, and almost died in it, now why did he get such a good result?

The 18-meter-high pillar reached its peak in an instant, wasn't this golden pillar determined by the speed of customs clearance?

This is impossible. Absolutely impossible, everyone can make the golden liquid climb at the same speed as the clearance. The highest in Didala and the lowest in Andalusia's countryside.

Whoever has the golden liquid is better, whoever gets the better, but why is this so ...

Damn, there is no end, the **** golden liquid has not stabilized yet. Does Malfay Merlin, who almost died on the Road to the Spirit, will perform well beyond the display limit of this pillar?

Dirac stared. Seeing a demon.

The golden liquid will climb to the height corresponding to each person within a second or two, and the golden liquid will reach the corresponding height after each person. It will settle down within a second or two. When the golden liquid stabilizes, the reward will appear.

But now, the pillar that has been completely filled with golden liquid is trembling slightly. The golden liquid inside is constantly rolling, and there is no tendency to calm down. Anyone who sees it knows that this is the golden liquid and it will rush up. But reached the limit, there is no way to continue rushing ...

Didala also did not care about using magic to fuse the newly acquired set of true spirits. Looked a little in a daze at the completely golden pillar ...

On the side of the Kingdom of Odin, all of them have opened their mouths, shocked and incredible expressions ...

Andalusian side. Joey and Heron glanced at each other, but found that the other did not seem to be very surprised, and they even felt relieved.

Damn, Your Excellency Merlin is so amazing, I know that things must not be that simple. His Excellency Merlin must have discovered something different.

Otherwise, to the strength of His Excellency Merlin. How could it take so long to pass the Path of the Spirit and still suffer such a serious injury ...

Too exaggerated, maybe this pillar will burst?

Those golden liquids even wanted to rush up. What did His Excellency Merlin do, such a thing would happen ...

A group of people were all confused and couldn't figure out why this was the case. Looking at the constantly shaking pillar, they were a little worried that the pillar would explode ...

Off-duty holding his arms, hey sneered, looking at Dirac proudly.

"Stupid, Lord Merlin, how could it be so simple, I said, Lord Merlin must be the strongest, how could it be the weakest, what path and what is Merlin's encounter with? It must be different from us.

The damage that can cause Master Merlin to be so severe is definitely much stronger than the orcs we met. Now, the gold liquid in that pillar is not displayed. "

DeLax was black-faced and ignored the off-work ridicule.

On the wall, the pillars filled with golden liquid slowly stopped shaking, but the translucent pillars began to appear one after another.

Starting from the bottom, one rune after another appeared, and thirteen runes appeared in succession. Those tumbling golden liquids were regarded as completely stable.

Suddenly, the huge wall began to shine, all the dense and complicated patterns lit up, and a light ball with a size of three meters was condensed and slowly floated in front of Lin Yun.

The light of the light ball slowly dissipated. Thirteen slate slabs about the size of an ordinary book were exposed. The thirteen slate slabs were all blue-gray. There was no magic fluctuation, nor a special breath. It was like Thirteen pieces of crude work carved by the lowest-level stoneworkers.

The slate is like the most common blue limestone, and then it is cut casually. There are still some rough edges and corners. The only thing that makes this slate look different is that each slab has a simple rune. .

The rune looks very simple, but no one has any meaning to it.

Others originally saw a three-meter-sized light ball appear, and thought that Lin Yun had gotten an extraordinary magic weapon, but did not expect that it would be thirteen ordinary-looking slabs.

Didala frowned at the thirteen stone slabs floating in the air, her eyes full of doubt, she didn't know what it was.

The others are almost the same, all very confused.

What other people get, even magic books, will bring a trace of magic wave, whether it is treasured material or magic weapon, at least people can see that this thing is precious. Without magic wave, there will be some special The breath is either weird or powerful, or with a hint of regularity.

But these 13 stone slabs have nothing, no magic fluctuations, no special breath, or even a little powerful feeling. They are the 13 most common blue limestones.

Although a group of people were puzzled, they didn't ask.

Dirac was also suspicious, but he laughed.

"For me to see, this thing must be broken, or the faster you can pass the Spirit Road, the better you get.

It must be that I do n’t know how to judge that thing, and I do n’t know how to give the rewards for customs clearance, so the golden liquid in that pillar has not been calmed down.

It must be that no one has used it for so long to pass the Path of the Spirit, and the reward of a magic crystal is not enough, which brings out thirteen **** ... "

Although saying so on his mouth, Dirac's eyes flashed, staring at the thirteen slate.

Damn bastard, this guy must have discovered a secret we didn't know, so he could let the golden liquid climb to the top in an instant.

These thirteen slabs look ordinary, but they must be precious treasures, but we don't even know them.

Mafammelin, I'm afraid I don't know what these 13 stone slabs are. Huh, even if I get good things, I don't know how to use them. It is also waste ...

Di Lasi laughed at two sentences, but there was no one around him, and finally Di Lasi laughed.

Lin Yun's attention was completely attracted by the thirteen slabs in front of her, and she certainly didn't hear what Dirac said.

Facing the wall, Lin Yun's eyes were shocked with concealment, because these 13 slabs, he really knew ...

Destiny Slate!

Damn it ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Damn it, **** it, how could such a thing appear here? And thirteen pieces appeared at once!

In the legend, how many fate slabs are in total, no one knows. In the last days, the records in the barren library, the total number of fate slabs that have appeared is only nine!

Thirteen pieces now appear all at once, my God ...

Lin Yun's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up, and now he can feel that there are very few things shocked, even in the broken small world before, knowing the demon lord who suppresses there, knowing that there is a lord who is sealed with the time of rift No surprises.

But now I can't help feeling that my heart beats faster.

The fate slate, when Northrend reached its peak, was a precious treasure that could cause a war between the two forces.

When the fate slate first appeared, it should be three thousand years later. At that time, there was a mage named Nowitzki. His talent was not very good, but his perception of magic was very amazing. Break through to the nine-level title wizard. (To be continued)

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