End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1036: Plane destruction

On the ground, the orc wolf cavalry waved his machete. First he cut off his mount's neck, then he laughed and put the machete on his neck. The neck twisted and half of his head almost fell off ...

Kodo beast, orc warlock, orc shaman, orc warrior ...

Hundreds of millions of orc army hang themselves together on this grassland, the tragic breath mixed in the blood, the sky was stained with blood.

The blood of millions of orc army swarmed up against the sky and floated towards the sky. The alchemy formed by the alchemy was getting bigger and bigger, and finally the whole world seemed to be wrapped in. One by one, the faintly glowing souls floated out of the corpse, but none of them The orc's soul hesitated and timid, and none chose to integrate the soul into the earth.

For a while, the wasteland seemed to have countless fireflies floating towards the sky, and those souls cursed loudly, cursed, and growled ...

The murmur of the soul converges, forming an invincible belief that is so large that even the demon lord can suppress it. Millions of people boasted here that the dying belief broke out all at once, all against the demon lord. .

Suddenly, the burning black inflammation on the demon lord was suppressed, his body was suppressed in place, the power could not be released, and the space that could be easily torn apart now cannot be shaken anyway.

"Dirty demon, go to hell!"

"Damn reptile, stay here forever!"

"The orcs will never yield!"

"Hey brother, wait for me ..."

喃 The murmur of countless souls rang, imposing, as if they were just completing a small task, it was not like going to death at all, and they did not care that the soul could no longer rest ...

Lexar sang an ancient orc war song, eyes red, looking at the generous orc dying, hissing and screaming ...

Countless souls converge in the alchemy circle formed by pure blood in the sky. The blood-colored light radiates the whole world, and a layer of blood-colored light falls from the sky.

Slowly, the big **** ball shrank to several kilometers, and the demon lord was trapped inside ...

The bottom began to tremble, a huge crack cracked on the ground, and the blood cell continued to shrink, slowly sinking into the crack ...

At this moment, Lexar turned around, and seemed to turn around to face the crowd again through the crystal ball.

"My time is running out. In order to prevent the demon lord from escaping this broken time and space, we can only suppress it with our soul.

Later, if you can see this image, then it means that you have come to this broken time and space, and the temple is the time and space breakpoint where I stayed on the plane of angry flames.

The flow of time is not something we can control. If we want to truly exile the Demon Lord into time, we can only abandon the flame plane completely, but this is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, there must be a time-space breakpoint connection for the Raging Flame plane.

Moreover, the power of the demon lord is so strong that time can't restrain him, the passage of time has almost no special meaning to it.

One day, its power will erode the entire fractured spacetime. At that time, the demon lord will break through the seal. This fractured spacetime will in turn devour the entire rage plane and merge with the rage plane again.

At that time, the entire angry flame plane will fall under the rule of the demon lord. What I can do now is to give the latecomers enough time to find a way to truly solve the threat of the demon lord.

A long time ago, only the orcs, no demons, and no calamity were on the rage plane. All of this was changed by the arrival of the Constant Lord of Wisdom.

主 The Lord of Wisdom came to the plane of angry flames. No one can resist. The glory of the beast **** has dissipated. In the face of the powerful demon, the Lord of Wisdom, we have no choice or resistance.

The Lord of Wisdom put his kingdom of gods and demons here, and then built a channel. He wanted to use the power of the abyss, and even specially trained a demon servant to guard the channel.

的 No one knows the secrets of it. After the Lord of Wisdom fell, the demon servants he tamed rebelled.

Demon servants ruled the Raging Flame plane and destroyed countless orcs. The entire plane was about to collapse by it, so we can only seal it.

The Great Lord of Wrath of Flames is the demon servant tamed by Constance, Lord of Wisdom.

The latecomers, if they really want to solve the threat of the Lord of Fury, they must find the answer in the demon kingdom of Constance, the wise master.

We cannot enter the kingdom of the Lord of Wisdom, nor do we know what the answer is. I hope that the latecomers, you can use the time that we gave up our soul and life to find a way to enter the kingdom of the Lord of Wisdom and God, and go there to find This answer.

只有 All I can do is the people of the beast god, the statue of the beast **** in front of you, is the blessing we left behind, and the beast **** will give you blessings to make you stronger. "

Lexar said, Joey keenly captured the keywords.

"This old orc is talking about the people of the beast god. He must think that all those who can enter here are the angry flame orcs. He never expected that we humans would enter the angry flame plane."

Suddenly, Heron next to him understood what Joey wanted to express, Heron's face was a little heavy.

"Lord Joy means that the Raging Flame Orcs will become stronger here?"

Heron and Joey's faces were very heavy. Their two strengths had suffered very heavy losses before. The real magic weapon was destroyed. The strength is here, almost at the bottom. It is natural to get this bad news now. stand up.

Everyone else is also in a heavy mood. The orcs enter the battlefield of angry flames, and they will have a natural blessing. They can play a stronger strength than outside.

Now I have the blessing of the beast **** again. This blessing is definitely not improved a little, maybe it will make the orcs entering the battlefield of angry flames ascend a whole lot.

Everyone's mood was heavy, but Lexar in the crystal ball continued to explain.

"Beast God's people, I have left a lot of special World of Warcraft domesticated here, go hunting these World of Warcraft, this is our test, I have left all our treasures here.

You can get the magic crystal obtained from hunting here, and use the magic crystal to exchange the treasure I left. What you can get depends on your strength.

That's all I can do. The next thing is up to you. The people of the beast **** will never give in. The devil will be completely sealed. I hope you will let the time we fight for not be wasted. Off.

My time has come, may the beast **** bless you. "

Lexar finished, turned and walked towards the huge scarlet ball.

The blood-colored ball slowly sank into the cracks of the earth, but from the outside, you can still see that the demon lord is struggling madly. The blood-colored ball constantly changes shape, suddenly Small, it seems very difficult to seal the demon lord.

There was no fear or hesitation on Rexxar's face. His body continued to wither as he walked, flesh and blood quickly disappeared, and the blood ejected from the body disappeared. It seemed that his blood had dried up. Now ...

When he walked to the big **** ball, Rexxar was like an undead creature, leaving only a layer of skin covered with scars on the bones.

Suddenly, Rexxar's body stopped, he stood still still, the breath of life completely dissipated, a soul with a soft light came out of this corpse, and then flew into the blood color In the big ball.

"Stupid demon, go to **** together!"

Lexar roared, and the soul merged into the scarlet ball. Instantly, dense runes appeared on the scarlet ball. The souls of the orcs, next to each other, formed a huge scarlet net.

In the big net, the demon lord screamed and struggled, but was dragged by the **** big net and dragged to the endless abyss of the ground ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ After a long time, the demon lord's angry roar disappeared Now, there is only a huge black hole on the ground, and there seems to be an endless dark abyss below.

The cracks that cracked the earth slowly closed, and all living beings disappeared. There was only a dense layer of orc carcasses on the ground.

画面 The silent picture is full of tragic breath ...

The picture continues to grow, the world is slowly shrinking, and it seems that time is advancing rapidly.

Everyone saw that the devil who burned the flames of the abyss in the broken time and space, and then constantly emerged the demons of the abyss, and the demon lord would appear from time to time.

With the passage of time, slowly, the flames of black smoke in the broken space and time began to erode the angry flame plane, and demonic creatures began to constantly appear in the angry flame plane.

From the little devil that appeared at the beginning, to some little demon lords that later appeared, and even some demons that crossed time and space, appeared on the angry flame plane from the broken time and space ...

This shows that the power of the demon lord has eroded to the flames of anger, it is sooner or later to break away from the broken time and space ...

频繁 The frequently flickering picture on the crystal ball came here, the previous picture disappeared completely, and a countdown began to appear on the crystal ball.

"One hundred years and three months from the destruction of the angry flame plane."

All the pictures disappeared, and a group of people did not speak, quietly thinking about the things Lexar had just said. The blood-red countdown on the crystal ball was like a sharp sword on his head. Now Everyone knows when this sword will fall. R1152

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