End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1037: Destiny Slate

One hundred years later, the Demon Lord will be able to break free of the seal, and the broken time and space will in turn devour the Raging Flame Plane. By then, who can resist the power of the Raging Flame Lord?

Even if they have conquered the Raging Flame plane now, what use is it?

One hundred years later, when the Demon Lord came, everything here would be destroyed. Whether human or orc, there was no difference to the Demon Lord.

All creatures other than demons are the targets of the Demon Lord's destruction ...

I was silent for a long time, and Morgan's eyes turned around, and he walked towards the statue of the beast **** himself.

"This beast-god statue can bless people. Does the old orc know that there will be humans entering the flames of anger in the future? It is estimated that whoever comes will receive a blessing.

I'll try it first, maybe it will allow me to go straight to the heavens ... "

Morgan carefully touched the big beast **** statue's big foot, but did not respond. After thinking about it, he took two strokes and touched the huge stone sword, but still nothing.

Suddenly, Morgan seemed to think of something. He pierced his finger and dripped a drop of blood onto the giant sword. Instantly, the entire statue began to bloom with a dazzling brilliance, full of majestic breath, as if exploding, the pure breath hit Morgan Body.

Morgan's face turned white, and he retreated in horror. The magic shield, elemental shield, rune shield, and even a defensive magic weapon, wanted to withstand the sudden impact of the front.

But in an instant, the shield propped up by the magic weapon was torn apart, and even the magic weapon itself experienced the weathering and decaying in thousands of years in an instant, and turned into a pile of ashes ...

The majestic atmosphere was like the savage cow who launched the charge, breaking Morgan's shield one after another. The triple shield was like three soap bubbles, and it was easily pierced.

A loud bang was like a giant hand reaching out and slap on Morgan's body. Morgan's body turned into an afterimage and flew out. When the person was still in the air, his body's bones issued a series of lettings. The breaking sound of cold sweat ...

After flying for a hundred or two hundred meters, Morgan's body fell to the ground, and tumbled a few dozen meters on the ground again. The robe became tattered, covered with blood, and the bones on his body did not know how many were broken. He vomits blood continuously with one mouth.

Sudden changes suddenly made everyone stunned, one by one sweating, looking at the statue of the beast **** in horror.

Just just radiating the majesty, he would seriously hurt Morgan. If it was not for the magic weapon, Morgan would be dead now ...

For a few seconds, everyone was in a state of stagnation, one after the other, meeting the Lord of the Undead, and backing up involuntarily. Everyone wanted to stay away from the statue of the beast god.

Morgan's miserable scream came, and Anuo woke up from the shock. He rushed over to look at Morgan's injury. He was given three bottles of life potion in succession, and one bottle was taken to restore bones. The potion of the wound, Morgan's screams stopped ...

After a full half an hour, the dozen or so bones disconnected by Morgan barely recovered, and there was no problem walking, but the fierce fighting was not enough. At least three consecutive days of medication were needed to recover.

Didala looked at the statue of the beast godly.

"This time the trouble is so great that the power of this statue of the beast **** is so strong that the strong man who left this statue is definitely a super strong on the top of the sky.

How Morgan's strength also has a nine-level title wizard, but was seriously injured by a breath, and almost died, the blessing of this beast **** must be very powerful for those orcs.

雕像 This statue should be an orc who only recognizes the blood of the beast god. The other races are all in the exclusion range. With the wisdom of the old orc, how could such an unrestricted thing be made, now it really is ... "

除了 Except for a crystal here, it is a statue of a beast god. Everyone searched for a long time and found nothing of value.

The appearance of the Beast God statue made everyone feel a sense of urgency. After a casual discussion, they decided to leave the temple to hunt.

After leaving the temple, sure enough, at the gate of the temple, there appeared a platform, the center of the alchemy circle divided into three parts, a simple stone platform with a ray of light flowing on it. According to the guidelines, this thing A place to put that weird heavenly order magic crystal.

But now all people have no magic crystals. After coming here, all the magic crystals are used to open the portal of the temple. Entering the temple will consume the magic crystals.

Now with this stone platform, the magic crystal can be exchanged for things, and everyone can't wait. In addition, the threat of the angry flame orc suddenly becomes larger, and it is the main thing to quickly improve their own strength.

The people separated again, and each faction started a separate hunt. Lin Yun took his people away from the temple.

After walking for more than a day, he finally merged with the mage army who did not enter the temple. Before entering the temple, Lin Yun decisively let the mage army leave the temple.

The orcs entering the battlefield of Fury are very powerful, and here they are inherently stronger than outside, especially the Gold Orcs general Galsworthy. When I saw him last time, Lin Yun Can't beat him, Lin Yun even felt that Galsworthy didn't exert his full strength at all.

When I went to that temple, the crowd was guided by the magic crystal, and the orcs had a better understanding of the secret of the angry flame battlefield and would definitely come to the temple.

If the Mage Legion meets the strong of the orcs, they may lose a lot.

So when Lin Yun entered, he let the mage legion leave the temple and go hunting and killing Warcraft, collecting herbs and materials alone, the preciousness of the magic crystal. Before entering, Lin Yun thought about it, so many days have passed now, again Find the Mage Legion, and sure enough, they have hunted 12 magic crystals.

With the strength of the mage legion, at most, it is a single battle against a pseudo-ranked World of Warcraft, which can hunt twelve, which is already very good.

When seeing Kraff in the broken time, Lin Yun knew that he thought more. The Raging Flame Orc must be a temple entered from other places. They may have some special methods that can save a lot of magic crystals. .

I only saw Kraff a golden orc in the broken time and space, Lin Yun confirmed this guess ...

After the confluence with the mage legion, Lin Yun continued to move in a remote direction, while hunting down the fake Heaven-level Warcraft, and took out those fate slabs to study.

Almost every slate of fate can control the existence of fate. Recalling those who got the slate of fate in the future, almost every one has left a legend. Each one has become a top powerhouse and even has special abilities.

How to use these thirteen destiny slabs, Lin Yun hesitated a bit. After looking at all the thirteen destiny slabs, Lin Yun's look moved, and suddenly he thought of a speculation about the fate slabs.

In the future, the frequency of fate slabs is not high, but the fastest is three or four hundred years and the slowest is more than one thousand years. There will always be a fate slate.

The simple fate slate has no effect. Only after it is integrated into something, the effect of the fate slate will appear, and no one can determine what effect it is before integration. It can only depend on fate.

这种 And this kind of characteristic, it was once speculated that the fate slab is actually a magic artifact component, and it is a magic artifact component of a powerful magic artifact.

But the fate slate never appears two at a time. In addition, the fate slate can be integrated into almost anything. The inclusiveness is very powerful and encompasses almost everything.

No one can determine which magic artifact is the component of the fate slab. There is even a saying that the fate slab itself is a universal construction that applies to all magic implements.

It was not until the time when Northrend's world reached its peak that several of Bain's strong men appeared in turn. Then there was a rumor that was said to be from Bain's strong man.

The fate slate is indeed the construction of a certain magic weapon, and it is also the magic weapon component of the Book of Mantras!

Unfortunately, no one has confirmed this rumor, nor can it be confirmed. The time between the appearance of the Book of Mantra and the Tablet of Destiny is very different. In addition, the time of the appearance of the Tablet of Destiny has spanned almost 10,000 years.

The fate slate that has appeared has already been fused by some powerful strong men. It is absolutely impossible to get together the fate slate that appears ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Those who have obtained the fate slate are not any. What a messy character, how could you surrender the fate of fate.

Not to mention robbing, everyone who gets the tablet of fate will have special abilities, just like the guy who boldly integrated the tablet of fate into a spell, and a momentary movement can appear on another plane , Want to catch him, stop joking ...

随着 With subsequent research, when the ninth fate slate appeared, people who had once obtained a fate slate obtained this fate slate.

His original plan was to reintegrate the fate slate into his magic weapon, but unfortunately, he failed, and he integrated a magic piece of fate slate, which could not be integrated into the second fate slate.

This is the only place in tens of thousands of years where fate slate cannot be integrated.

It is a pity that this incident has not spread at all, and it has happened only once when a person got two tablets of fate.

记载 This record is also only available in the barren library in the last days. No one can be sure whether this record is true.

Lin Linyun frowned, thinking that when he saw this place, Lin Yun didn't care. He was just reading a story.

Now it seems that if it is true, it means that the fate slate is indeed a certain magic weapon construction. Only the magic tools that can be integrated into the fate slate will have no limit on the number of fate slabs that are incorporated.

It is like a magical construction on the book of death. Only when it is integrated into the book of death can it exert its real power. When used as a magic weapon, it is not very strong, just a little special. R1152

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