End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1038: Python

If it is integrated into other magic tools, it is also the limit to be able to integrate these components into one, and the limit is still very large, and it is impossible to exert its true power at all.

Is the fate slate really a magic weapon component of the Book of Mantras?

Lin Yun kept thinking about everything about the tablet of destiny, and the more he thought about it, the greater the possibility.

The Book of Mantras claims to contain all the mantras in the world. Every time you open the Book of Mantras, you can see that the mantras are completely different.

Lin Yun has been watching those spells ever since he got the Book of Mantras. Now how many spells he has seen, Lin Yun himself can't remember it, but until now, he still opened it every time and saw nothing. The same spell.

In addition to the rumors of the Book of Death and the Book of Mantra, Lin Yun has always felt that the Book of Mantra is a true magic weapon. This is an incredible thing, because according to the ability of the Book of Mantra, how do you say it? It should be an extraordinary magic weapon.

But the book of Wan Mang is the real magic weapon. The most important thing is that there is no magic weapon incarnation of the Book of Mantra until now!

It is an abnormal thing in itself that a potion comparable to the top-level true spirit magic weapon has no magic weapon incarnation.

This in itself illustrates a problem, the Book of Mantras is incomplete!

Just like the book of death, Bain received the book of death, and once said that the book of death hides a lot of secrets and seems incomplete.

So until now, where Lin Yun was able to use the Book of Death was mainly the power of several magic artifact components in the Book of Death.

Lin Yun kept pondering. The last one gritted his teeth, took out the book of Mantra, and at the same time took out a tablet of fate.

Fate the slate on the book of Mantra. Instantly, the book of Wan Mang floated, and a colorful light wrapped the book of Wan Mang, and the fate stone turned into a streamer, which merged into the book of Man Wan.

In just a few seconds, the slate of fate disappeared, but the Book of Mantra did not seem to have changed much. Looking over it, there are more spells appearing on each page. And the spell that appears is more powerful, unlike the spells of lower-level spells, which are nothing good or bad at all. Finding a good spell depends on luck.

But now, after Lin Yun turned it over twice, it was determined that the probability of strong spells increased.

Holding the Book of Mantras, Lin Yun took out the second fate slate, and looked at the second piece if he was not successful.

As long as the second piece can be integrated, it means that the fate slate itself is a component of the Book of Mantras. If it cannot be integrated, then it is not. It doesn't matter if you waste a piece, at least the Book of Ten Thousand Mantras becomes stronger.

The second piece of fate was shot on the Book of Mantra, and the same colorful light appeared again. A ball of light wrapped the Book of Mantras. After three or four seconds, the light disappeared and the fate stone disappeared ...

Seeing this scene, Lin Yun's face couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

I did not expect that the record that was not valued turned out to be true, and the slate of destiny was really a component of the Book of Mantras!

Think of this. Lin Yun took all the remaining eleven fate slabs and merged the fate slabs into the Book of Mantras one by one.

slowly. The Book of Mantras has also undergone earth-shaking changes. The cover of the book has become a bronze color, just like it is made of metal. The size has also become several times larger. On the surface of the book, there is a chain of spells. Walk around.

It seems to be a spell that has been drilled out of the Book of Mantras, constantly changing the spell, and the chain is bound to the Book of Mantras. If it is not the owner of the Book of Mantras, it can only be instantly opened from those mantra chains to open Mantra Book of Spells.

But those spells are constantly in and out in the Book of Mantras. The mantras of the Book of Mantras are constantly changing, and there is no possibility of duplication.

Those who can instantly pass the spell chain and find the mantra that opened the Book of Mantras, the strongest at the top of the sky order are impossible. If you want to think about it, you can only use the mantra corresponding to this second of the beginning of the year. can do it.

Incorporating twelve fate tablets, the Book of Thousand Mantras has undergone tremendous changes and is becoming more and more powerful, but there are still no magic incarnations and no advanced magic weapons.

Looking at the last piece of fate in his hand, Lin Yun gritted his teeth and patted him on the book of Wan Mang fiercely.

If there are only thirteen fate slabs, all of which are integrated into the Book of Mantras, it is equivalent to making the Book of Mantras complete, and it will definitely be an advanced magic weapon.

If the Book of Mantra has more than thirteen components, integrated into this last piece, at most, it will become stronger.

The last piece of fate came into contact with the book of Wan Mang, and the colorful light burst out instantly.

But this time, the blooming colorful light swelled rapidly, and instantly expanded to a height of hundreds of meters.

A hundred-meter-high colorful light ball floated in the midst of the sky, and the bright light continued to spread to the surroundings. At the same time, there was a trace of terrible coercion in the crazy climb.

Within a few seconds, that terrible coercion exceeded the limits of the true spirit magic weapon, and it seemed that there were still some terrifying creatures born in this colorful light ball.

A wave of horrible energy spreads toward the surroundings like tide. Below the colorful light balls, the earth is like a crumpled pool of water. A wave of waves surges and the soil spreads to the surroundings. In just a few seconds, the earth A huge pit of several hundred meters appeared.

Then the light bloomed, and the floating clouds in the sky seemed to be forcibly torn apart by a giant. The sky within a few kilometers became a pure sky blue in an instant.

A few kilometers away, a few wolf-like wolf-like World of Warcraft seemed to sense something, sorrowful in sorrow, and fled towards the distant place with a tail.

Under the colorful light ball, Lin Yun's face was a little flushed. The huge pressure made him a little difficult to breathe, supporting the triple shield, plus the three flame shields. His whole bones were suppressed by this huge pressure. Crunching.

As the breath emitted from the colorful light **** became stronger and stronger, Lin Yun had to step back for a while to barely resist.

The mage army has already retreated two or three kilometers away, and the rest of the class and Lena can't bear the pressure and retreat to one kilometer ...

Only Lin Yun stood a hundred meters away from the colorful light ball.

Lin Yun's eyes flashed with surprise, and the Book of Mantras really had thirteen magic artifact components and thirteen fate slabs, all in one go.

Now the book of Wan Manchu has begun to transform towards the supernatural magical instrument, and the breath of a creature that is conceived in it is the incarnation of the magic weapon that is being conceived in the Book of Mantra.

The extraordinary breath spreads around like a tide. With each wave, you can shoot the triple flame shield under the forest clouds. The only thing that can resist is the rune shield.

The process of transforming a magical instrument into an extraordinary magical instrument is when this magical instrument blooms the strongest breath. This can be said to be the only time that an extraordinary magical instrument can bloom without the control of human beings and without the support of strength. a chance.

The book of Wan Mang is a powerful magic weapon that contains all the spells in the world. The breath emanating from the advanced magic weapon is completely beyond Lin Yun's estimation. This breath is so powerful that his master can hardly bear it.

Feeling this breath, Lin Yun knew that after the transformation of Wan Manchu's book was completed, he would not be able to exert the full power of Wan Manchu's book for the time being. Only when he advanced to the heavenly order could he truly master Wan Manchu's book. The power of the book exerts the strongest power of the Book of Mantras.

The terrible energy wave lasted for a full half an hour. At this time, a depressing roar passed from the colorful light ball. The colorful light ball began to twist and fluctuate, and slowly collapsed toward the center.

And the speed of collapse is getting faster and faster. When the collapse is only 50 meters, all the final collapse processes are completed instantly.

The light converged to the center, a colorful book half a meter long quietly floating there, the countless spells on the surface of the book flowed like living things, and there were countless spells around it to form a chain, nestled like a halo. Book of Mantras.

Around the newborn Book of Mantras, there is also a gray python that is dozens of meters long. The mantra opened his mouth and bit his own tail, forming a circle to surround the book of Mantras in the center.

As the python spins its body, it slowly spit out its own tail from its mouth, and the more it spit out, the body becomes larger and larger.

By the time it fully spit out its tail, the body had become a giant python that was seven or eight meters thick and over one hundred meters long.

The python opened the vertical pupil of the rhombus, the body twisted, and swallowed down the body of the book of Wan Mang for the first time, and then the giant kiss that was more than ten meters suddenly sucked at the surrounding area. The infinite colorful light is like being dreaded by some horror, forcibly torn into the giant kiss of the python.

With the body of the Book of Mantra ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ began to devour the horrible energy that escaped around, the breath of the python rose rapidly, and within a few seconds, it was removed from a fifth-level magic wizard Climbed to the top of the title Magister.

The huge body also quickly expanded to the length of three or four hundred meters with the energy released from the book of Mantras. The thickest part of the body was twenty meters thick!

After the python has swallowed up all the energy released when the Book of Mantra was promoted to the transcendent magic weapon, its breath seems to have reached a critical point and suddenly erupted to the level of heaven.

The power of the surrounding elements is more like an invisible tear, constantly immersed in the body of the python. Its gray body slowly changes color, once it becomes red, once it becomes ice blue, and it radiates. With white light, there will be a breath of darkness ...

After more than ten seconds of continuous change, the body of the python returned to the ordinary gray again. At this time, the python's breath slowly calmed down, but within 10 kilometers of the surrounding area, a living creature was looking for After that, those Pseudo-Sky Warcrafts were scared away by that terrible breath.

Lin Yun looked at this python with surprise in his eyes. (To be continued)

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