End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1046: Hesitate

Bronze orcs are not well-known among the angry flame orcs, because their natural earth moire, the most basic ability is to fuse the breath with the surrounding earth, and vent the power they suffered into the earth.

The low-level bronze orcs can only transform part of their power into the ground under their feet, and the range is very small.

Only at the stage of the sword sage can the attack power completely be exhausted to the ground under his feet. At this time, the range of the available land can be continuously increased.

In the Bronze Orc's tribe, the proportion of offensive forces that can be transferred at a low level is their knowledge of talents. At the stage of the sword sage, the size of the land that can release venting power is the most intuitive comparison of who is strong and who is weak. thing.

Therefore, they focus on the strength of defense and are evaluated by other orcs as the weak in the orcs. The orcs should fight in blood. Scars and blood are badges of bravery. Bronze orcs, however, regard the physical attack as a shame. For insufficient performance.

As soon as this difference in concept came out, other orc tribes looked down on the bronze orcs, and even the weak and scum-like guys of the gray orcs would not go to the bronze orc tribes when they exchanged food with alchemists.

I just didn't expect that after the advanced level, the bronze orc began to focus on the power of gravity. After adding extraordinary powers, it would become so strong that his defense was almost unsolvable to the strong players of the same level.

Lin Yun recalled that after more than 8,000 years, there was an orc who had been the saint of the earth, a pure earth swordsman.

He showed everyone how terrible gravity was, ever. Many people's fear of gravity just stays in the depths of the elemental plane of the earth, where the terrible gravity is. Even the space can collapse, there. The long river of time has become extremely slow due to the terrible gravity tear.

At that time, as long as the earth saint stood on the ground, his defense was invincible, and he could not be harmed by resisting an extraordinary spell. As long as he spread the breath and merged the breath of the earth, he could form an area of ​​absolute defense around him.

Within this area, the closer to his body, the higher the gravity, and any attack cannot penetrate the area covered by this gravity.

Legend has it that he has a range of one meter. Gravity can even reach hundreds of times.

At that time, everyone thought that he was just a strong defense, so not many people paid attention. In the exploration of the ruins again, the two sky-ranked mages wanted to **** his gains, but he let people see the horror of true gravity, not gravity. That kind of spell.

Not only did the bodies of the two sky-ranked mages be crushed and exploded with pure gravity, they even went to the power of that mage in person, just went in and walked around. All the buildings of the mage force were destroyed, and all the people were suppressed and killed because of the huge gravity.

Later, in order to find an advanced method, the saint of the emperor stepped into the depth of the elemental plane of the earth known as the soul cannot escape.

After more than 100 years. The Holy One of the Emperor became the first person to walk out of the death zone, and then everyone knew that he had only been in that area for less than a year.

There was a torn of gravity there. The flow of time and rivers is extremely slow, which is equivalent to the time flow of the outside world hundreds of times higher than there!

Wait until the Holy One of the Great comes out. He is already a ninth-level swordsman, but he only disappeared after one appearance ...

Lin Yun thought about it for a moment. Not surprisingly, the earth saint known as the darling of the earth may be a bronze orc!

The attack of the spell torrent has no effect on Shaq. The front of the spell torrent cannot attack Shaq, and before being attacked, it is torn to the ground. Those affected forces, for Shaq, follow Itching makes no difference.

Even the eighth-level spells can no longer hit Shaq directly. If they cannot hit it directly, the power of the spell will be reduced by half, and Shaq's defense will not be broken at all.

Lin Yun kept dodging, and even the men who were about to help him drank, letting them solve other bronze orcs.

But here, Lin Yun was still chased and hit by Shaq. The simple and direct giant sword is to increase the pure atmosphere of the earth, and then the effect is to continue to increase the gravity, and finally kill people by weight.

Don't underestimate this pure power. When fighting off-duty, you rely on pure power, but few of the same level of mage's shield can withstand a heavy blow from off-duty.

The shackles of this guy are extremely heavy, with less than tens of thousands of kilograms of force, plus several times or even ten times the gravity of the rich earthy atmosphere. Any spell and shield can be forcibly smashed. Broken.

Lin Yun lost the battle and was constantly suppressed and dodged by Shaq.

Shaq's defense is strong and his power is horrible, but correspondingly, in order to develop the effect of gravity to the maximum, he constantly gathers the power of the earth, and the speed can't be faster.

The torrent of spells that Lin Yun is best at has no effect on Shaq. Most of them cannot hit Shaq, and they cannot break defense at all.

This side was deadlocked. On a hillside a kilometer away, the members of the Henry family concealed their breath and hid behind the hillside. They were watching the battle from afar.

Anuo looked at the battlefield with a hint of worry on his face.

"Morgan, do you want us to help?

The Bronze Orc Swordmasters and Earth Warlocks were not Merlin's opponents, but Merlin also seemed to be suppressed by Shaq.

Unexpectedly, Shaq had broken through to the heavens and could use extraordinary powers.

Shaq's defense was too strong, and those of Merlin resolved the fight. I'm afraid they were not Shaq's opponents. Would we help out, even if we couldn't defeat Shaq and let him back? "

Morgan extravagantly used a magic weapon to hide their breath, then exposed a pair of eyes from the hillside, looked carefully, and hesitated.

Damn, isn't the bronze orc hailed as a shame in the angry flame orcs, how did this Shaq suddenly become so strong and got the news before entering the angry flame battlefield. Isn't this guy the pinnacle of the Ninth Grade Magister.

This stupid orc, before entering the flames. Fighting power is considered to be a weak presence in these orc tribes. How can this be the case now?

Mafammelin that strong horrible guy. It may be stronger than Didala. Against this Shaq, they were all suppressed and beaten. Malfay Merlin's spells could hardly hit this Shaq ...

Damn, I want to help, after all, now the orcs are powerful, everything on the battlefield of angry flames is facing the orcs ...

No, no, we are useless to help. If not, Shark, the stupid orc, would be killed together.

Ah, by the way, shit, I almost forgot. I also signed a contract with this sly guy, Mafammelin.

Damn, Mafia Merlin must have counted on the following things. Many of the magic crystals of the pseudo-level Warcraft are very precious, and the contract signed is to include all the pseudo-level Warcraft ...

Damn, now we are hunting hard for the pseudo-tiered Warcraft. Magic Crystal still wants to give him one fifth ...

Hey, by the way, what can we do for you, if Mafmelin is killed by Shaq's stupid orc. Then isn't our contract completely invalid.

In the future, the magic crystal of the pseudo-tier-level Warcraft will no longer have to be handed out for one fifth ...

Yes, it doesn't matter. Do a **** ...

A bunch of thoughts flashed in his head for a moment, and Morgan laughed twice. Then carefully again half of his head, and took a look at Lin Yun still being suppressed. A contented expression appeared on his face.

"Morgan, let me ask you something. Do you want us to help?"

Annoy looked at Morgan, who had been groaning and smiling quizzically, and asked again.

Morgan quickly put on a right face and frowned.

"Ano, I also want to help, but you have also seen that such a powerful guy as Mafam Merlin has been suppressed by Shaq.

Do n’t you know what the strength of Malfay Merlin is? He is a strong man who can fight against the real heavens, and this doesn't seem to be his limit. Who knows what his real strength is.

Maybe Malfay Merlin is stronger than Didala, and at worst it is as strong as Didala.

Powerful men like him were suppressed by Shark's stupid orc, and it was useless to help us.

You see, Malfammelin's spells are almost impossible to hit Shaq ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ What does this mean? Doesn't a powerful man like Malfammelin even guarantee a basic spell hit?

We did n’t make much use of it. Maybe we even killed it together. We still take advantage of this opportunity to quickly notify other people. It is only true that we have Didala's help. "

Morgan gave Arnold a serious perfunctory look. Arnold looked at the situation on the battlefield, frowned and nodded, then sighed softly.

"Well, you are right, who thought that Shaq broke through the heavens and could use extraordinary powers. We add up, I am afraid that they are not opponents. One accidentally, maybe they were killed together with us. It's ... "

Morgan nodded quickly, then continued to show a pair of eyes, staring tightly at the battlefield.

Damn, you can't leave now, you must see the results of the battle, just in case, if Merlin, this terrible guy, is not killed by Shaq.

All our spirit snakes were taken by him. He might find our existence. In case he was not killed, we saw the battle but ran away. The next time he meets, he will certainly not spare me.

It must be very easy to escape from Shaq and want to kill me.

I'll just keep watching, I'll leave when he is really killed by this Shaq ...

The members of the Henry family hid in the distance and peered. On the battlefield, the battle remained unchanged.

Lin Yun's men have almost resolved the battle over there. Only the last few of the bronze orcs were killed. These did not break through the heavens. Before the control of the earth did not break through a qualitative boundary, the defense was strong, but the combat effectiveness Not as good as other orc races. (To be continued ...) I1292

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