End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1047: Burned to death

However, after breaking through to the heavenly rank and mastering the extraordinary power, he became Shaq, and instantly became a powerful heavenly rank strong. In terms of combat effectiveness, this guy is a little stronger than the golden orc general who fought before . Read the full text of the latest chapter (from шщш.щ)

Especially the powerful defense is simply desperate.

Avoiding Shake's epee again and again, Lin Yun's brows frowned.

Gravity is really troublesome, especially this only enhances the atmosphere of the earth, not the gravity effect of casting at all, there is no other way than hard resistance.

Float, which can resist gravity, can only offset twice the gravity. It has no great effect on combat ...

Most of the spells cannot attack his body ...

Suddenly, a book with a gray flame appeared next to Lin Yun, and the powerful breath belonging to the extraordinary magic weapon spread instantly.

In a moment, the strong earth atmosphere was forcibly dispersed, and the super-gravity attached to Lin Yun disappeared instantly ...

The book of Wan Mang slowly opened, and a gray flame gathered into a pair of eyes, appearing on the surface of the Book of Mantra.

Lin Yun's eyes flashed a light.

"It just woke up, Theodorus, ready, and burned this guy in front of him."

Since Theodorus became the magical incarnation of the Book of Mantras a few days ago, and then the spells in the Book of Mantras have been restored to turn the world in the Book of Mantras into a flame world, Theodos has been Fallen into a deep sleep, complete the final adjustment with the book of Mantra, and adapt to the new world of fire in the book of Mantra.

Now finally woke up, the terrible breath belonging to the extraordinary magic weapon instantly dispelled the extraordinary power of Shaq!

The book of mantras floated beside Lin Yun, and the pages of the book opened automatically. The mantras on each page disappeared with a layer of flame, all disappeared, and replaced by pieces of burning different flames.

It seems that every page is a small world, and every page has endless flames.

Lin Yun dispersed the lava incarnation, transformed into a pure fire elemental incarnation, and then spit out three runes. Three burning runes that swayed like flames just appeared, and three vortexes of flames of 30 to 40 meters appeared in midair.

Suddenly, the endless crimson flames burst out from three flame swirls.

In a vortex of flames are all pure red elemental fires, and a blazing white flame. 800 spewed out like a river of flames, and the last swirl of flames spewed out a silent dark red flame.

As soon as these flames appeared, they were torn to the ground by the huge gravity around them.

In a hurry, the range of hundreds of meters around it seemed to be transformed into a lake of flames. The flames compressed by gravity gather together to form a sea of ​​fire like liquid ...

Shaq sank to the sea of ​​fire, looking at the surrounding flames, and laughed dismissively.

"Stupid human, do you want to burn me with flames? It's so funny, these flames can't burn even an ordinary bronze orc ...

It seems that this is your last resort, **** guy, I don't have time to play with you, come here to kill! "

Lin Yun sneered, ignoring Shaq's shouting.

Shaq is invincible in his own defense. There is no plan to dodge at all, and he cannot avoid this sea of ​​fire. His strength is only strong when he steps on the ground. After leaving the support of the ground, his strength will plummet at least six or seven to make.

The sea of ​​fire appeared, and Theodorus immediately opened the Book of Mantras, and three flame runes flew on three pages. These flame runes formed three long spells and fell into the sea of ​​fire below.

One of the spells was composed of red-gold flames, and one was composed of black-gray flames. One is composed of off-white flame.

Three spells fell into the sea of ​​fire, and for a while, these elements of gravity, which were compressed by gravity, shrank rapidly. Hundreds of meters of elemental fire quickly dissipated.

Those three fire spells, like three monsters, constantly devour the surrounding fire elements, and those fire elements are like ordinary fuel, swallowed by the three spells.

In less than two seconds, the flames of the three elemental flames evoked by Lin Yun's full force became barely enough to devour the three spells.

In three seconds, the entire sea of ​​fire became a flame ocean of red-gold flames, black-gray flames, and off-white flames.

The heat of the flame climbed up. It increased by hundreds of times in less than three seconds. As the three fire spells collided and merged, the runes finally dissipated.

The flames of the three colors began to fuse, and within a short time, the temperature of the flames doubled again, and the characteristics of the flames were also exerted to the extreme.

The red-gold fire of purgatory, the black-gray corroded melanitis, and the gray-white corroded fire were all fused by Theodus, and a flame of two or three hundred meters turned into a black-gold flame ocean. .

Shaq, the deepest in the flame of the sea, felt a little ugly at this time, and the flames around him could not approach his body at all.

But in just two or three seconds, he felt the earth he was in. The atmosphere of the earth suddenly weakened, and it seemed that the earth was about to be burned out.

Lin Yun floated in the air, spit out each rune with cold eyes, and Theodorus transformed into two flame eyes and floated on the book of Mantra, constantly controlling the flow and fusion of the flames.

With infinite elemental flames as fuel, a large number of fires of purgatory, melanitis, and corroding fires were spawned.

Any of these three kinds of flames can pose a threat to the heavenly powerhouse. The fire of purgatory is known as the flame with the highest temperature. It burns everything that can be burned.

Bone rotten melanitis, for any creature's bones, even undead creatures, as long as there are bone creatures, they will continue to burn until they are burned to ashes.

And after the fire of corrosion has accumulated to a large enough amount, even the space can erode a hollow, let alone the breath of the earth.

These three flames were forcibly merged by Theodorus using the Book of Mantras to form a flame, which is ten times stronger than any of the three flames! Even the characteristics of the three flames have been enhanced to the extreme.

Pure flame, pure burning!

For five seconds, Shaq was finally a little panicked, and he felt that the strong earthy breath around his body was being quickly penetrated.

The atmosphere of the earth like a city wall now seems to be forcibly eroded by a force, one by one, and the entire city wall is facing the fate of collapse.

Even his earthen armor, which looks like yellow crystals, has now become turbid, slowly turning from translucent topaz to brass, and his strength is slowly weakening.

Shaq hesitated, but decided to leave the sea of ​​fire from the ground first.

But suddenly, Theodus and Lin Yun, who had been watching the situation in the sea of ​​fire, reacted at the same time.

Lin Yun spit out five runes in succession and flew into the sea of ​​fire, while Theodorus fused the three flames at the feet of Shaq!

Suddenly, a black-gold flame erupted from Shaq's feet, and the earth within 300 meters was forcibly burned and disappeared.

In one second, with Shaq as the center, a large pit with a diameter of 300 meters appeared on the ground. The pit was more than 30 meters deep. All the land here was burned to nothing by black gold flames.

Shaq lost the power of the earth, and his strength plummeted by more than half in an instant, and then wrapped in endless black gold flames. His earth armor was burned by the flames and rapidly decayed, as if he had experienced ten million in an instant. In the years of the year, big holes appeared in his earth armor.

Then those decayed armors became scorched, and finally burned into nothingness.

Suddenly, the endless flames around it seemed to find a vent, and rushed into Shaq's body.

The terrible screams sounded, and Shaq's eyes, mouth, and ears began to emit black gold flames. Within three seconds, the bones of the whole body were first burned into nothingness, and then burned to ashes with his body. The moment the ashes had not dissipated, they were wrapped in endless black gold flames, and even the ashes burned into nothingness ...

Everything that does not belong to the flame of black gold will be burned into nothingness here ...

Burn Shaq alive, black gold flames are still spreading all around ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Burn everything that touches, all the rubble on the ground is dissipating rapidly, the ground seems to be slowly Collapse towards the ground.

Feeling that Shaq was completely burned into nothingness, and the dead couldn't die anymore, Theodorus controlled the Book of Mantras and absorbed all the black gold flames that were spreading like crazy invading into the Book of Mantras.

The black gold flame turned into a flame dragon, and quickly poured into the book of Mantra, leaving a large pit of several hundred meters in place. The pit was full of black marks, and the remaining flame was filled with flames. Aura of violent destruction.

Shaq was burned to death, Shaq's men were all killed by Lin Yun's men, and the power of the bronze orcs in the battlefield of Fury was basically completely destroyed.

Lin Yun's eyes flashed a sigh as he looked at the Book of Mantras floating beside him.

Super magic weapon, this is the power of the super magic weapon. The super magic weapon with the magic weapon incarnation, under the control of the magic weapon incarnation, exerts its strength, which is comparable to a real heavenly order powerhouse!

This is because Theodos has just become the incarnation of the Book of Mantras, and the world in the Book of Mantras has been regrouped and reconstructed, and Theodos himself is just a heavenly order.

As an upper-level magic flame elf, Theodus is more than just a magic weapon incarnation, his power can continue to improve, his strength becomes stronger, and the strength of the Book of Mantras will also become stronger.

Now there is the Book of Mantras, and Theodorus does not need to look for all kinds of flames to devour. In the flame world of Mantra, there are so many infinite spells that can summon various fires. The spell, Theodorus was there, and slowly used the spell to summon the flames. (To be continued.)

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