End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1054: exchange

But now, Bartholo does use the name "you" ...

Because just now, Rice, the president of the Alchemist Guild, made people take a word down.

"Ask the Master Merlin, if there is an opportunity to study in the Mercury Tower for three months, can I switch to the remaining alchemy formula."

At that time, Bartholo's face changed ...

Where is the Mercury Tower? It is the alchemy shrine of the kingdom. Every alchemist dreams of entering there, because not only is there the best research atmosphere, but also the most comprehensive and esoteric alchemy knowledge. If you are lucky enough, you may even have May get the personal guidance of the giant.

However, the Mercury Tower rarely contacts the outside world, and it does not recruit disciples. The alchemists there are like ascetic monks, burying themselves in research day after day, in a way, The Mercury Tower is a true independent kingdom, an independent kingdom that belongs only to alchemy.

This independent kingdom is almost isolated from the world. Only when the legendary giants need to change assistants will the outside alchemists get a chance to enter the mercury tower.

This opportunity is very rare ...

In a year, there are no more than a dozen. The chance to get this opportunity is basically the major alchemists' guilds in the kingdom. Like the Qianfan City Alchemist's Guild, they will get one every few years. Others do n’t say, just Pakistan Solow has applied for ten years in a row. Although it fails every year, Bassoro does not give up every year.

Because Basolo knows that with his talent, he has come to an end on the road to alchemy. If he works alone, I am afraid that he will stay at the current level for life. If he wants to make progress, he must enter the mercury tower. Those legendary alchemy knowledge has been instructed by those legendary giants.

But this opportunity is so rare ...

Even if Bartholomew's status in the Alchemist Guild is not low, but to get this opportunity to enter the Mercury Tower, he can only pin his hope on luck.

But now, such an opportunity has been taken out in exchange for an alchemy formula!

When he heard this, Basolo's face changed ...

Not because of the opportunity to go to the mercury tower, but because of the value of this alchemy formula.

Although Rice's reputation in Qianfan City is not very loud, in the Alchemist Guild, Rice is so prestigious that most people can't imagine it. It is a status that is almost deified, no matter how important and complicated it is. In a word of Rice, there would never be a voice in the entire alchemist guild.

This is not the case with Saruman in the Sage Tower ...

Although Saruman Megatron Qianfan City, in the Sage Tower, it is only one of the three-member parliament. Once major issues are involved, a three-member parliament must be convened and the three giants will jointly discuss and decide.

But Rice was at the Alchemists' Guild, which was truly supreme, and almost dictatorship determined everything.

Just as it is now, how precious is the opportunity to go to the Mercury Tower, but Rice determines the ownership in one sentence, and there is no voice of doubt.

Even Bassoro, who has applied for ten years in a row, only looked at Lin Yun with envious eyes when he heard the news ...

"Bassolo Alchemist, this question is a bit inappropriate ..." Lin Yun looked at Bassoro with a smile, although he didn't say it, but the ridicule in the smile was clear to the fool.

"This ..." Bassoro was so smiled by Lin Yun, his face suddenly felt a little awkward.

This question is indeed a bit inappropriate ...

For an alchemy store, the alchemy formula is everything. Whoever has a better alchemy formula can combine better formulas, and whoever formulates a better formula can occupy a larger market.

It ’s like a gilded rose. It was originally a small alchemy store, but it did n’t add up to hundreds of thousands of gold coins. However, with the emergence of the hope potion, the gilded rose became the focus of the entire Qianfan City. It is bound to flourish. As long as no mistakes are made in operation, it is only a matter of time to become the first alchemy store in Qianfan City.

This core technology, which is enough to determine life and death, asked me so hurriedly that it seemed to be a bit inappropriate ...

But it does n’t work without asking ...

"Well, Master Merlin, our alchemist guild does not mean that you want your alchemy formula, we can come up with conditions to exchange with you ..."


"What do you think of a million coins?"

"Hehe ..." How could Lin Yun not know the value of the remaining alchemy formula? It can be said that as long as there is a certain level of alchemist, he cannot refuse the remaining alchemy formula.

Therefore, the price of Basolo's one million gold coins was directly "hehe" by Lin Yun ...

"This way!" Being so "haha" by Lin Yun, Barthoro was anxious at once, and quickly changed the conditions: "exchange the formula with a formula, as long as you are willing to come up with this formula, our alchemist association is willing to come up with three ... No, the five unique formulas are exchanged with you. We guarantee that these five formulas are unique to the Alchemist Guild. You cannot find them anywhere in Qianfan City! "

"Ha ha……"

"..." Bassoro's sweat is coming down, why is he ...

The dignified alchemist said everything he could, but in exchange for two "hehe", for a moment, Bartholo was really dead.

It just can't be hard ...

This is the character of Saruman standing behind him. If the old butcher is unhappy, even President Rice must carry the bag.

What's more, this Malfay Merlin himself is also a division. You can see that wind blade just now. You can't even react to the three divisions. If it is a direct battle, Bartholomew asks himself. The self-confidence to live under that wind blade.

On the background of strength theory, this Malfay Merlin already has the qualifications to sit on an equal footing with himself, not to mention, they have now come up with an alchemy formula that even President Rice is heart-warming.

Faced with such a character, no matter how reluctant Basolo was, he could only negotiate with patience ...

In the end, Bassoro gritted his teeth and took out his hole cards.

"Well, Master Merlin, an opportunity to study in the Mercury Tower for three months in exchange for the alchemy formula you have."

Bassoro said at the end that the whole face was twisted because of the pain in the skin ...

No more, no more ...

The opportunity to wait for a few years is gone ...

Then, Pasoro saw the young mage smiled: "No!"

"No ... don't change!" Bassoro almost jumped up, and that look really looked like he was seeing his wife into the hotel with others.

No change, no change ...

Basolo's mind kept turning like this ...

"You you you ... how can you not change it!" At this time, Bartholo had no regard for grace, the whole face seemed a bit distorted, and a pair of eyes stared fiercely at Lin Yun.

If it wasn't for the amazing combat effectiveness of the opponent, Bassoro would even like to ask him by the neck, if you are an idiot, how can you not change it? Do you know what the learning opportunities of the Mercury Tower mean, do you know how many alchemists apply every year and fail, do you know that Lao Tzu is one of these alchemists?

"Well, Bassoro is a big alchemist. That alchemy formula can be exchanged, but I am not interested in the learning opportunities of the mercury tower."

Seeing that Basolo was so excited, Lin Yun was also embarrassed to appetite. After thinking about it, he gave some hints ...

In fact, Lin Yun came to this hearing today in order to sell this alchemy formula.

As for the other ...

For example, "Papa" Granger's face is just incidental to Lin Yun ...

Otherwise, Lin Yun will not write down the four alchemy formulas on the draft paper. If he just wants to prove that Crewe has drunk the dispersing potion, Lin Yun has a hundred ways, and he does n’t need to use such a troublesome one, so, Lin Yun wrote four alchemy formulas, but he hid the most critical one.

The general alchemist may not see ...

However, those top alchemists who have stayed in the realm of big alchemists for many years and are extremely eager to step into the ranks of giant artisans can certainly see that there must be one behind these four alchemy formulas, and this one is the most important and core As long as the last one of the alchemy formula is made up, the entire formula will change dramatically immediately. At that time, a new alchemy potion was prepared, an alchemy enough to allow the large alchemist to enter the ranks of the giant. Pharmacy.

Therefore, what Lin Yun is going to sell today is actually a chance to step into the master!

This is much more precious than the learning opportunities of a mercury tower ...

Moreover, for Lin Yun, entering the mercury tower is just learning knowledge.

Lin Yun is not short of knowledge now ...

What Lin Yun lacks is more alchemists ...

The whole Qianfan City ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ How fast and can save more places to provide more alchemists, only the Alchemist Guild!

However, these words do not need to be told to Barthoro, business is talked out, just give Barthoro a hint, let him come and talk to him slowly.

"By the way, the Alchemist of Bartholomew, I think the Alchemist Guild should make a good investigation, who is actually slandering the gilded roses behind it, this is simply challenging the rules of the entire industry, and it will happen a few more times. I am afraid that prestige will be affected ... "

After Lin Yun said this sentence, he never left the opportunity for Barthoro and left this empty conference room.

There are only three big alchemists left, where you look at me, I look at you ...

For a moment, all three alchemists were stunned.

Every day I asked for votes and my voice was dumb, and I would roll out if I didn't vote again!

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