End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1055: experiment

Suddenly, Raphael laughed.

"Her Maelin, the magical crystals of the pseudo-tiered Warcraft required by the first drop of blood of the beast **** were brought together by us.

It stands to reason that this first drop of the blood of the beast **** should be the fusion of His Excellency Merlin. Moreover, the treatment of the blood of the beast **** also requires that His Excellency Mei Lin take the shot himself. It is still a problem ...

This first drop of blood from the beast god, even if it is the experiment of His Excellency Merlin, if it is fruitful, he can decide how to use this blood of the beast god.

If it is successful, I hope that when you gather up the magic crystal of the pseudo-level warcraft, His Excellency will help to deal with the blood of the beast god, and then the magic crystal that I hunted will be given to His Excellency Merin for a fifth.

In addition, all the materials obtained from the pseudo-sky order Warcraft were given to His Excellency Merlin as a reward ...

Of course, like Lord Morgan, two-fifths will do ... "

After Raphael spoke, Morgan's face changed.

Lin Yun smiled and said it casually.

"I made a deal with His Excellency Morgan before, and I accidentally discovered the weaknesses of those pseudo-Sky Warcraft. It would be much easier to hunt with their weaknesses.

I told His Excellency Morgan this method, and the price was the pseudo-tiered Warcraft he hunted, and the magic crystal would give me one fifth.

His Excellency Raphael can also trade this method.

As for the blood of the beast god, it has not been determined whether it can be processed by alchemy to the point that humans can also be fused, let's experiment first. "

Raphael remained firm.

"His success, Merlin, I wo n’t change my decision. I ca n’t let you do it for free. The blood of the beast **** is the blood of the devil after all. I am also an alchemist. Understand the difficulties.

Lord Merlin deals with the blood of the beast god. One-fifth of all the magic crystals of the pseudo-tiered Warcraft we hunted must be paid to you. Coupled with all the materials on the Phantom Sky Warcraft. "

Morgan on the side was anxious.

Damn, Raphael, this bastard, it ’s a real blood, he ’s the best at business, does n’t it mean that the alchemists of the city of the sky have their heads burned down by alchemy, why Raphael This shrewd.

Damn, I must have been cheated by him. This big adulterer came to grab my business.

Morgan immediately reluctantly stated that he could afford more than Raphael ...

Raphael and Morgan will not compromise at all in this kind of thing. Whoever breaks through the heavens first will get more benefits, and the ability to protect themselves will be greatly improved.

Maybe someone will be killed by those stupid orcs before ascending to heaven ...

The two men were in a hurry to take advantage of Lin Yun's hand, and you still do n’t just look down on us, do n’t do it ...

Lin Yun's face was distressed.

"I think it's better to redeem the blood of this beast **** first. The processing is successful, let's talk about other issues."

Suddenly, Raphael and Morgan tacitly stopped the argument.

Lin Yun also let me click on the icon of the blood of the beast god. The number of magic crystals on the high platform of pseudo-sky-level Warcraft has also been reduced by one hundred.

The light flashed on the platform, and numerous golden lights were intertwined to form a golden light ball. The light ball slowly spread out, and a stone-made bottle appeared in the air, with a drop of golden blood floating inside.

Putting away the stone bottle, Lin Yun dropped a word and opened the door of the half plane. Stepped into the half plane.

Studying the blood of the beast **** requires a lot of alchemy equipment. And it must not be disturbed, it is absolutely impossible in the battlefield of Raging Flames. The only condition is the half plane.

Entering the half plane, a smile appeared on Lin Yun's face.

The method of processing the blood of the beast **** has a complete record in the future. When the orcs madly searched for the blood of the beast **** scattered around, some alchemists have already begun to study the blood of the beast god.

Orcs can use the blood of the beast **** to complete the last step of transformation, but other races are not.

This kind of thing, in the future, how can those crazy alchemists not study.

The complete method is documented.

How to deal with the blood of the beast god, and then let human beings use the power of the blood of the beast **** to complete the last step of transformation, are all fully documented.

But the content that can be entered into the barren library is only the end result. Other details are not recorded.

However, now you need this complete method, follow the steps, and finally process the obtained things to allow humans to fuse and complete the transformation of the last step.

However, Lin Yun himself can't use this method. Only strong masters who have surpassed the title magic wizard and one foot has entered the sky order can use this method.

And this method has a sequela that says it's not big or big.

Using the blood of the beast **** to complete the transformation, there will be a flaw in your own perception. This flaw has no effect at the low level of the heavens, but the stronger the strength, the greater the impact.

After all, the transformation of this last step is not accumulated by one's own feelings. The foundation of the heavenly order is not laid by itself. When the peak of the heavenly order is reached, it will become a big trouble.

When the Northrend world reached its peak, the plane was colonized, and after the baptism was invented, the titled magician walked on the street. With such a large base, the number of heavenly powers began to explode. .

At that time, only some old titled wizards who were about to die would use the blood of the beast **** to complete the final step of transformation.

A slightly younger titled wizard, as long as life has not come to an end, almost never use this method.

After all, in that era, everyone's physique was not a problem. Every mage had the expectation of becoming a top powerhouse. Who would use this method of killing expectations ...

However, in this era, the influence of the blood of the beast **** can be ignored. In this era, the plane colonization can only be regarded as the beginning, and the era of the plane colonization has not yet arrived.

Titled wizards are considered to be strong, and the ranks of the ranks are even less pitiful. Those ranks themselves are probably not confident that they can advance to the ranks of the ranks in their lifetime ...

Anyway, Lin Yun himself would definitely not use this method. He has a Constanta's skull, and the potential is terrible. This way of ruining his future is simply a brain breakdown.

Even after leaving class and Lena them, Merlin was not prepared to let them use the blood of the beast god.

The off-class continuous integration of the blood of several dragons, three golden dragons, Taigu poisonous dragons, abyss blood dragons ...

These mighty beings, all of which are drawn out are beyond the order of heaven. When they are the strongest, they can even be compared with the mighty beings of gods and demons. The potential is even stronger than the blood of this weird beast god.

Lena is also an empty shell magic crystal of the Archaeopteryx, and the nature of life has changed. It may even surpass the first Frost Dragon in the future.

You know, in the age of gods and demons, the most powerful dragons were the terrible existence that gods and monsters must avoid.

The main thing is that the blood of the beast **** is very strange in itself. What the beast **** needs for his resurrection is the blood of the beast god. Who knows how many secrets are hidden inside.

These secrets were not completely unlocked even when the Northrend world was destroyed. As the resurrected beast **** was exiled to the endless void, they would never be able to return again. These secrets were destined to be completely unlocked ...

Looking at the blood of the beast **** in front of him, Lin Yun's eyes did not feel the treasure, but he was full of vigilance.

You know, in this age, the beast **** has not been resurrected yet. Who knows if there is something weird and undiscoverable hidden in this drop of blood.

No one can say that he can fully understand the blood of gods and demons, especially the source of this power is the **** beast god.

Entering the alchemy laboratory, Lin Yun began processing the blood of the beast **** according to the recorded method.

Various materials and auxiliary tools are needed in the natural half-plane. Many cherished materials can be found in the battlefield of Raging Flames, and many have been stored before.

Release the five flame hands, place them on the bottom of the five flasks, and condense pure water into the five flasks.

Then divide the prepared nineteen kinds of materials into five groups, and each group completes the extraction in a specific order to extract the required ingredients.

The extraction of materials is the simplest part. Lin Yun completed the extraction of all materials in only a few minutes.

And the next is the most difficult. The five groups of materials, each component's component must not have the slightest deviation.

There are only two materials in the first group of materials, and the fusion process is very smooth. The ratio and speed of the two materials need only be fixed.

However, there are seven materials in the fifth group of materials, and the order of fusion of the seven materials ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and the amount of input per second, and the method of fusion, all have strict requirements, a little deviation, may be Will fail to merge.

Such semi-finished solutions cannot be used at all, or use these solutions to treat the blood of the beast god. The medicine obtained is very defective. When it is fused, it will be dangerous and it will be dead ...

Now this method is the most perfect extraction method that will take a lot of powerful people's life in the future ...

Lin Yun looked seriously at the five flasks in front of him, and five glass tubes filled with runes were inserted into the five flasks.

The amount of solution in each flask is also different. Slowly, the solution flows through five conduits everywhere and flows into a rune-filled flask at different speeds.

The fusion of the five colors came together, emitting colorful light, and finally turned into a transparent fusion like water.

After finishing, Lin Yun was relieved slowly.

The solution that was finally configured became a transparent solution with no color at all. (To be continued)

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