End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1059: rest assured

Lin Yun nodded.

"Okay, I'll get you a medicament, but I advise you to take a break. Your mental state and physical condition are not suitable for taking the medicament. You'd better adjust the state before I configure the medicament. This will allow the medicament to achieve the best results. "

After Lin Yun's words were finished, Morgan closed his eyes and fell to the ground, and the instant snoring sounded ...

Zhe Linyun shook her head, opened the channel of the half plane, and entered the half plane.

配置 The second time to deploy the gold seductive potion, it went a lot smoothly. In less than half a day, all the configurations were completed, and even the configuration was fine. It was better than the first time the gold seduced potion.

I walked out of the half plane, Morgan was awake, and his face was ruddy again. Like a pet waiting for food, he stared at the stone bottle in Lin Yun's hand.

"Merlin ... Merlin, does this configuration succeed?"

Morgan was embarrassed, and the configuration of the potion was not completely successful. The more difficult the potion, the smaller the chance of success. If you think of this gold potion, there is a 30% to 40% probability that it is an alchemist. The level is very high.

If the configuration fails, he can only be considered bad luck ...

This is the rule of all alchemists. They bring materials to configure the pharmacy. The alchemist does not guarantee success. Failure is also a helpless thing. The materials are destroyed and you can only admit that you are unlucky.

Zhe Linyun stuffed the stone bottle into Morgan's hands.

"Configuration succeeded ..."

Morgan was ecstatic, and after getting the stone bottle, he was ready to pour it into his mouth, but suddenly stopped, and he gave the stone bottle to Anuo with a look of perseverance.

"Arnold, let's break through first. After you break through, the strength will be greatly improved. After breaking through to the sky order, the power will become very powerful. If you are in danger, you can fight and someone is injured. You can also help with the treatment, or it's more cost-effective for you to take it ... "

A smile appeared on Anuo's face and pushed the stone bottle back.

摩 "Morgan, what we need now is strength, real combat power, or you can take it. You specialize in dark spells. After breaking through the order of heaven, the combat power will definitely be much higher than mine."

Lin Yun glanced at Morgan a little unexpectedly. The tradition of the Henry family, each team has two leaders, but after all, it is a family who started a business. It has a natural instinct for chasing interests. It can be modest in such things. Not like the Henry family ...

At least Morgan is not bad by nature. Although there are many shortcomings, Lin Yun feels that this guy can communicate with each other. At least in the current relationship, don't worry about Morgan's stabbing knife in the future. .

For Morgan, it can be compared to the temptations and benefits of breaking through the heavens, I am afraid that there is no more ...

After some excuses, it was still Morgan who took this bottle of gold seduce.

It's almost the same as Raphael's breakthrough. After taking the gold to seduce the demon Ji, countless rule runes surround Morgan. Those rule runes form a golden round ball to wrap Morgan inside, and slap each rule rune. Continuously integrated into Morgan's body, slowly, Morgan's breath also began to strengthen.

的 The breath of extraordinary power emerged, and the surrounding light seemed to be completely swallowed up.

Hundreds of meters range, forming a pure dark area, only at the center of the center, there is a golden ball flashing constantly.

A few minutes later, as those regular runes were fully integrated into Morgan's body, the hundreds of meters range completely turned into a pure dark area.

No light can shine into this area. It can even be seen that some light twists into an arc when it hits the dark area, and passes around the outside of the dark area.

The horror of darkness is permeating. The surrounding plants and the earth, everything seems to be eroded by darkness. At the edges of the dark area, the speed of time seems to be accelerated by countless times. The plants wither to ashes, the earth decays and deserts, everything seems to wither. Withered like ...

Slowly, the dark area began to shrink towards the inside, turning into a pure illusion appearing behind Morgan, and Morgan's body could only see a vague outline, and the whole person was wrapped in darkness.

The terrifying and dark breath emanated from Morgan's body, and then frantically sank into the dark shadow behind him. The dark magic of Morgan's body was quickly purified and became very pure, without any impurities in it.

And the dark shadow behind him seemed to contain horrible evil, and the evil thoughts almost broke the boundaries and spread to the surroundings ...

Soon, Morgan's figure emerged from the darkness, and the dark breath of his body became extremely pure. The negative effects of the dark spells did not exist in the slightest. All the negative effects formed a kind of power and opened up. Half plane.

He even has these accumulated negative emotions, and the speed of the birth of the elemental **** in his half plane will be much faster than that of being betrayed.

This is the characteristic of the dark spell. It is very difficult to break through the order of heaven. It may even be affected by the dark rules. It will unknowingly produce negative emotions. If you ca n’t resist it, you will completely lose yourself, and eventually your soul will be swallowed up in turn.

But as long as it breaks through the heavens and opens up the half plane, these negative emotions and various magical impurities that are far more powerful than other mages will pull out the body and put into the half plane.

In the half plane, everything can be completely controlled by the mage. These accumulated strong negative emotions, magic impurities, and various things that prevent the dark mage from breaking through the sky.

Now has become the best embryo of the elemental god. The speed of the elemental **** will not only speed up a lot, but the moment it is born, it will be much stronger than other elemental gods, and it will be more cruel and powerful.

After Raphael broke through the heavens before, he opened up the half plane directly. Because of this, Anuo asked Morgan to break through the heavens first.

As long as the half plane is opened, the birth of the dark monsters will be very fast. Within a month, the dark element **** of Morgan may be born.

At that time, Morgan had the help of the Dark Monster, and he was more powerful than other mages who had just broken through.

Dark Heaven-ranked Master, there are many of them, most of their strength is in the dark element **** ...

Twenty-eight thousand years later, there was turmoil in the abyss. A dark lord appeared in the abyss to fight in the abyss. At least hundreds of demon lords were killed, and he was killed by one.

This mysterious demon, known as the Dark Lord, fought in the abyss for nearly a thousand years, and was finally suppressed by several demon Lords who had awakened from sleep in the depths of the abyss.

怎么 How did this dark lord suddenly appear, it was not discovered for more than a thousand years.

At that time, the Northrend world fought around. The great colony made many strong people not in Northrend world. The demons of the abyss wanted to take a chance to glimpse Northrend world. The war between Northrend world and the abyss continued to appear in Northrend. The number of demons in the Sund world is increasing.

While most of the strongmen in Northrend were not in Northrend, the abyss demons destroyed a kingdom, occupied a piece of land on the ground in Northrend, and then began a large-scale invasion, countless mage Falling, sacrificed mage, most of them are unclear.

A piece of land comparable to what it is now in Andalusia has completely become scorched earth, polluted by evil forces in the abyss.

At the time, many strong men were pinned in other planes and could not escape.

So at that time, a strong man who was later known as the priest of the old age of the Dark Saint, quietly entered the abyss. At the last moment of his life, he released his dark monster.

He sacrificed his own half plane, sacrificed his strength and the last remaining life, so that his dark monster can become a real individual and a real being that can live in the big world.

大部分 Most of the combat power of the Dark Saint is in the Dark Monster. After the sacrifice, the Dark Monster directly surpassed the order of heaven and became a Dark Lord.

最后 The Dark Saint's final order to the Dark Lord is to endlessly battle in the abyss, consuming the power of the abyss.

And the instinct of the dark monster to devour negative emotional growth has not disappeared, but has become stronger.

In the evil place of the abyss, the endless negative emotions can be devoured by the Dark Lord.

Soon, the Dark Lord began an endless battle. The internal chaos in the abyss was endless, and the Demon Lord was involved. Suddenly, these demon had no power to fight in Northrend World.

When the strongmen of the Northrend world returned, there was a furious strongman, who personally killed the abyss, fought a demon lord, and solidified a purgatory door in the depths of the abyss ~ www. ltnovel.com ~ Put a lot of demons into the abyss.

The pleasure is even greater. The abyss's demon and hell's devil, the hatred of the two, is imprinted on the soul. Both of them fought for thousands of times at a time until the Northrend world began later. When the world is on the way to destruction, the war between the abyss and **** has not yet ended ...

Lin Linyun looked at Morgan and involuntarily thought of things before Northrend's world began to enter the destruction. There is even a saying that the beginning of Northrend's world's entry to destruction was because of the demon who smelled of sulfur.

"Merlin, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Yun returned to God, Morgan has successfully broken through to the heavens, and now he is looking at Lin Yun with a look of joy.

"It's okay, I thought of something, Mr. Morgan. You have already broken through to the heavens, and you should be able to go a bit farther to hunt. If you see Lord Joy and Heron, let them contact me for a month I have n’t seen them in time, and I do n’t know if they have any accidents ... ”

Morgan patted his breast and promised to find Joey and Heron.

"Merlin, please rest assured that even if you don't go hunting, I will help you find His Excellency Joy and Heron.

If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I won't break through the heavens so quickly. No, it would be unknown if I could break through the heavens without you.

Your Excellency Mei Mei ... "(to be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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