End of the Magic Era

Chapter 1060: Earth Demon Rhino

Morgan didn't have any consciousness of the Heavenly Order Powerman. Tian patted his **** constantly, the blush that everyone around him heard, but Morgan didn't realize it ...

In the end, Lin Yun couldn't take it anymore, and let Morgan get away quickly.

Morgan left again, and Lin Yun quietly stole the alchemy array that had been laid out before. The last movement of Raphael's breakthrough was not small. No one expected that after taking the gold decoy potion, the strength broke through too much. The flames of Fury cannot suppress that extraordinary power.

Maybe the orcs have already found that they have a mage to break through to the order of heaven. This time, Lin Yun prepared the alchemy matrix in advance, in conjunction with the natural suppression of the angry flame battlefield, to suppress the fluctuations of Morgan's breakthrough near.

Let Morgan get out of the way, Lin Yun began to think about the movement of the orcs during this time.

For more than a month, the orcs had no response, and they seemed to have avoided human beings on their own initiative.

Except for the connected Morgan and Raphael, Lin Yun was not seeing any other forces. The weakest forces, Joey and Heron, had no news.

The research on the Demon Crystal is also very slow. Lin Yun always feels that there are more and more secrets in this angry flame battlefield, and it is not only the pseudo-level order magic crystal, even the blood of the beast **** is not so simple ...

Lin Yun's men continued to hunt, while Lin Yun's own was buried in his head and began research.

Time passed quickly, and the week passed quickly.

To say who ’s the most comfortable and happiest in this week, it must be Morgan Henry. The new Heavenly Rank Powerhouse is hunting the fake Heavenly Rank Warcraft several times faster than a week ago. And it's even easier.

A separate pseudo-tiered World of Warcraft, Morgan can get it in less than five minutes alone, and a lot of time every day is looking for pseudo-tiered World of Warcraft.

I was flying in the air, Morgan's eyes were constantly glancing around, and the magical induction was maximized. I was not worried about whether it would be discovered by the orcs.

Suddenly, Morgan's eyes brightened.

快 "Fast, there is a pseudo-ordered Warcraft in front!"

I shouted at the Henry family, and Morgan flew over.

After a few minutes, Morgan came to the induction place, and at one glance he saw a giant cricket lying on the ground with a height of 40-50 meters, which greatly demonized the rhinoceros.

But now, the eyes of the earth demon rhino have been blinded, there are not many wounds on the skin that is as hard as steel, only the head is covered with small wounds like baby's mouth, what seems to be The force forcibly ripped apart.

The earth rhino's eyes and ears are constantly bleeding with blood. Several black shadows are like the monster's claws, tied to the limbs of the earth rhino, and some shadows run down the earth rhino's head. Extends from its eyes and ears.

Not far from the earth's rhinoceros, several figures all covered in black shadows fluttered silently, all the shadows like shadow monsters, all extending from the vicinity of these people.

The head-headed man, wearing a black cloak, chanted the seemingly absent mantra.

Morgan poked his lips and looked sullen.

"Damn, I was taken first, and I am still the Tower of Shadows. This idiot, Dirac, has good luck. I have been searching for a long time, and I haven't found a pseudo-level Warcraft.

Looking at this guy, it seems stronger than before ... "

There was a hint of fear and disgust in Morgan's eyes. Although the forces of the Kingdom of Odin did not have a good relationship with each other, they were allies in the flames of anger.

The last time Raphael was chased and killed by a blood-bone orc, Dirac met, but turned around and ran away. This is not only a problem of character, this is a naked act of betraying allies.

No matter what angle you stand on, Dirac's behavior will be cast aside.

The same is the mage power of the Kingdom of Odin. The most basic requirement here is to help each other when facing orcs, and not to stab a knife behind them.

Chantillas almost finished all the things he couldn't do, and the evaluation of the Shadow Tower itself is not good, it is even worse now.

But the spells of the Shadow Tower are mostly strange shadow spells. The magic wave of this spell is very weak, and it is a weapon for sneak attacks.

In fact, most of the people killed by the mage of the shadow tower were killed because of an unintentional attack. The several killing powers of the kingdom of Odin were all controlled by the shadow tower in secret, targeting the mage's assassination. It is also the main source of income for the Tower of Shadows.

So the evaluation of the Shadow Tower in the Kingdom of Odin is very poor, but it will always be used, hated, but not lost.

Coupled with these insidious guys, the knife behind them is really easy to play, and few people offend them.

Morgan gave a grim look and was about to turn and leave, but as soon as he turned around, Morgan suddenly froze.

Aunty, I've broken through to the heavens, half planes have been opened up, and the dark monsters are almost bred up. I'm afraid what that stupid Dirac is doing?

Damn, I'm based on the rules laid by the rules of darkness. Even if the shadow spell itself is an extension of the rules of darkness, if the **** Dirac dared to say more, I would just kill him.

Yeah, anyway, there is Raphael in front of me, I killed him, it can be said that he wanted to attack me and **** my prey, but I was killed ...

Alas, by the way, what am I going to do, anyway, I also found this pseudo-Sky Warcraft, there is also a copy of me, I will be magic crystal, and other precious materials, all let Dilasi this fool ...

Morgan showed a smile, and almost forgot that he had broken through to the heavens, and now there is no need to avoid Dirac as before.

Morgan looked at the battle in the distance, suddenly burst into the breath of the heavenly ranks, flew over, flew directly to the head of the earth magic rhino.

The people at the Tower of Shadows sensed the breath of the heavenly ranks, and there was a slight deviation in the control of the earth's rhinoceros. One by one, they looked at Morgan flying fast in the sky.

Morgan sneered, and waved his hands to release three corrosion arrows. The dark corrosion arrows shot into the eyes of the earth rhino, a large amount of smoke came out, and the flesh around the eyes of the earth rhino was corroded into a large hole.

Already suffered the dying earth demon rhino, and was hit again, struggling like crazy, and the shadows bound to the limbs of the earth demon rhino were instantly broken, and then ran sulking with his head in one direction. past.

A mage of the Tower of Shadows was too late to dodge, and was almost kicked to death by this giant giant rhinoceros. His shield was wiped by the big rhinoceros's feet. Instantly, the gray-black shield followed Like a bubble, it was easily popped.

Morgan glanced at it like this, hehe laughed, and roared in his mouth.

不用 "Don't panic, I'll deal with this **** guy!"

Speaking, Morgan released a few dark spells, a dark mist pervaded the earth's rhinoceros, and then there were a few dark hands flying into the black mist, a few bangs, the earth's rhinoceros The tragic scream came, and there was no more voice within seconds.

The black mist that permeated hundreds of meters quickly gathered, and then turned into a black smoke flying to Morgan's side. The Morgan thief stretched out a hand and caught in the black mist, and a magic crystal was instantly taken by him. Tucked into the space ring.

On the ground, the head of the earth demon rhino is almost gone, and most of the head is corroded by the power of darkness, looking like a pair of disgusting carrion.

He looked at the corpse of the earthen rhinoceros, his head disappeared, and the magic crystal in his head was not seen. Naturally, no need to think about where he went.

Dirac raised his head with a black face, looking at his face proudly, and exuding the richness of the Capricorn in the ranks of the Capricorn. All the things that were taken away by the magic crystal were put behind. Celestial matter ...

Morgan, this stupid guy, has broken through to the heavens?

What a joke, is this fool able to break through the sky order in this life is an unknown, he can break through the sky order here?

And he is still a dark mage, his magic has not even completed the most basic essence, how did he break through the heavens?

And looking at him, it doesn't look like the soul is infected by darkness, it is exactly the same as before, which shows that this guy who has taken the **** is a breakthrough without sequelae ...

Damn, what the **** is going on ...

He looked a little dull, his head seemed to be buzzing a bit, and Didala broke through to the sky order and was still acceptable.

But Morgan is almost the weakest leader in the group of the kingdom of Odin who entered the battlefield of Raging Flames. Whether it is Didala, Raphael, or even his Dirac, it is stronger than Morgan.

On the road to heaven, Morgan can be said to be the slowest of the six leaders ...

Morgan looked at Dilath's dull face ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The pretended serious expression on his face couldn't be maintained, and he couldn't help showing a smile.

Seeing this idiot like Dirac now, it feels even better than breaking through the sky ...

I did n’t think of this stupid idiot, Uncle Ben could break through the heavens first, hahaha, **** guy, this kind of idiot is a little bit clever. Where is Uncle Ben, who has great wisdom? .

I knew before that His Majesty was the strongest, and His Majesty was a creator. These idiots, only to see His Majesty the power of Andalusia, and only to see His Majesty is just an eighth level Magister.

Hey, let me just say, Lord Merlin's strength is the strongest. The eighth-level magic wizard can already have the sky-level combat power, and is the creator joking.

There is no distinction between the Andalusian and Odin kingdoms of the creator. The creator is the creator. He did not see Raphael, who had eyes above his head, and respected Lord Merlin.

I asked it in private, and His Excellency Raphael admired His Excellency Merlin's alchemy and sent the City of Sky to join the Merlin family ...

Except for Lord Merlin, no one can make the golden potion in the entire angry flame battlefield.

This idiot, Daniela, went to the death and offended Lord Merlin, and even wanted to kill Lord Merlin. Now he is watching this uncle with envy and jealousy. (To be continued) [This text is provided by "Sail Update Group" Mo Soul Male God @ 丨 pin soul posture, provided]

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