It's not that incredible to break through the heavens in a few years. This kind of madman who wants to destroy the world has become more hidden, and the trouble is big ...

Human mages all turned green, and the orcs' faces were not very good-looking.

You know, the body of the **** of the 73rd **** is on the angry flame plane, the opponent will not give up anyway, and the coordinates of the angry flame plane in Northrend world is not a secret that only top powers can have. .

The humans of Del Rovana who want to return to the angry flame plane, don't be too simple, this crazy guy, it may be a little difficult to destroy the Northrend world, after all, the strongman of Northrend world But many, especially some ancient mage towers, have some super strong people who haven't been seen for thousands of years.

But Del Rovana wants to destroy the Raging Flame Plane, it's too simple, the strongest Raging Flame Plane is just some sky, and it is a low-level sky order ...

A group of people were horrified, and before they could ask anymore, the whole world began to tremble, and this world like a void began to tremble and shrink.

The portal when it came has disappeared, there is only endless void, and the pressure of the space is getting greater and greater at the location of the fearless card, squeezing the fearless signal and making a crunching sound, it seems to continue, shrinking The space may even squeeze the fearless waist into two halves, trapping everyone here.

"Let's get on board first, and leave here first."

Zhe Linyun sensed the surrounding space, especially the induction uploaded by Intrepid, and urged them to leave here.

A group of people flew towards Intrepid and boarded Intrepid's deck, but Lin Yun looked at Emperor Ranyan.

"Lord Norrrick, leave here with us. The space here seems to be completely closed ..."

The Great Emperor Yanyan looked at the body of God and shook his head flatly.

"There is my mission here, I will not leave here, Del Rovana will definitely return here, I am waiting for him here."

Zhe Linyun wanted to persuade him to flee the super-powerful Emperor Angry Flames.

Until now, Lin Yun did not know how strong the angry flame emperor was. Although it seems that the strength of the angry flame emperor has been greatly weakened, but within ten seconds, the dozen or so celestial orders were killed, but there was absolutely no No difficulty.

I haven't surpassed Heavenly Order, and almost have the strength of Heavenly Order.

With such a superpower around, many things are much easier, especially many things Lin Yun is full of doubts. No one is more suitable to answer than Emperor Fury.

I thought for a moment, the thing that Drolvana guy wants to do most is to kill the angry flame lord, and even destroy the world will be ranked second.

If Emperor Raging Flame followed, it would be tantamount to putting herself under the eyes of Del Rovana. After all, it is not yet known who the Ronaldo's reincarnation role is.

It is too obvious to be angry and angry, and you must not make it up ...

Lin Yun's thoughts changed, Lin Yun wanted to understand this problem, and the surrounding space was more turbulent to leave. In order to prevent the Intrepid from being stuck there, Elsa has ordered the beginning to slowly retreat Intrepid.

"Herald Merlin, hurry up, the battleship has started, we have no time ..."

Morgan's roar came from Dreadnought's deck.

Zhe Linyun waved his hand and looked at Emperor Nuyan.

"Lord Norric, what happened at the end of the age of God's rule? And ..."

Lin Yun quickly asked some of the key things he wanted to know, hoping that Emperor Fury could answer it. In addition to Del Rovana, now in this world, there are living people who can answer this question. I am afraid that There is only Emperor Fury.

But before Lin Yun's words were finished, Emperor Fury shook his head gently.

"Since I was born, I fell into a long sleep, and Del Rovana woke up earlier than me. From the moment I woke up, I started fighting with Del Rovana, cutting off time and space and costing me a lot. After that, he was reborn into the flames and became an orc.

We have not really been born after the end of the era of God's rule. My memory of this place is very vague. Only Del Rovana knows the secrets.

That soul just fell into a deep sleep for too long, too long. It has long lost its memory, and has become chaotic and crazy.

What you want to know, I ca n’t tell you, only the half of the soul that Del Rovana reborn into the Kingdom of Odin can tell you, I believe, you must have a way to find him, go, you ’re running out of time This is going to collapse Nirvana. "

"Norrique ..."

Zhe Linyun opened his mouth again to say something, but when Emperor Fury waved his hand, a gust of wind ignored Lin Yun's protection and flew him directly to the Dreadnought deck.

Falling on the deck, watching Emperor Fury slowly move towards the body of a **** like a sky-high peak, the edge of the world, the space is like a broken mirror, not only broken, and then collapsed towards the body of God, fearless The tremor of the number is getting worse ...

"It's too late, master, you must leave here, and if you don't leave, the Intrepid will be broken ..."

In Captain's room, Elsa decisively issued a retreat order. The fearless energy center, the abyss power that was constantly flowing out of the broken space debris was madly transformed and pumped, forming a huge energy permeating the fearless surface.

Suddenly, a layer of light film covered the surface of Intrepid, and those places that were squeezed and broken by the space immediately stopped the damage.

The fearless keel main frame is built from the body of God. The exploration of the void collapse here may not be damaged, but the rest of the fearless ship is not all built from the body of God. Many places are used inferiorly. s material.

Facing the collapse of a void country, it is impossible to be harmless ...

There was n’t much energy before, and the fearlessness was used to collect energy in the void, but the efficiency of this method was too low. The fearlessness was fully activated, and the magic required was just an astronomical number, Lin Yun ’s natural half-plane The magic water condensed inside cannot be supplied as fuel.

Now that I have a constant source of strength, I am willing to spend my strength to support a shield.

The huge power paid attention to the power system, and the Intrepid slowly moved backwards, and the shield was constantly rubbing against the gap in the space, blooming with horrible energy fluctuations.

When Intrepid exited the ripped space rift, everyone saw that the monster in front of it looked like a giant monster suddenly closed its mouth, and the rip closed, and even the space collapsed towards the inside. .

The mountain was turned into a rock again. Intrepid was like a pangolin, and a huge cave was drilled on the holy mountain.

I slowly exited this hole, and the whole world changed. To the naked eye, a transparent shield covering the sky and the earth from the distance was approaching the main body of the Holy Mountain.

A few seconds later, everyone fully saw that it was a huge and transparent cover. At the moment, the cover is shrinking rapidly. The inside of the cover is still the abyss world full of black smoke and sulfur. .

The outside of the hood turned into the original appearance of the sacred mountain. Even if it is still barren, there is no abyss.

The cover is shrinking faster and faster. The abyssal creatures exploded into a mass of black smoke and dissipated in the place swept away. Even the demon lord, after being swept by the cover, it would scream instantly and turn into a black smoke. Dissipate ...

"Go forward at full speed, rush out of here! The magic crystal cannon is charged and blasts a passage!"

Elsa gave orders. Almost instantly, the three major races busy in various positions of the Intrepid began to go all out to control the Fire Rock Dwarves of the Magic Crystal Cannon, and began to control the Demon Crystal Cannon to continuously blast the forward direction of the battleship. .

The Fire Rock dwarf with a long beard, staring at the hand of destruction, and then patted the magic crystal cannon in front of him to fire energy shells, and slowly regretted his face.

"Unfortunately, if you use the hand of destruction, you can open that space barrier with one shot ..."

The dense column of energy beams bombarded the shrinking transparent shield, which was the biggest reason for the spread of the barriers in space and the isolation of the holy mountain into another world.

After the Demon Crystal Cannon bombarded hundreds of times in a row, the direction of Intrepid went forward, the space seemed to be distorted, and the space barriers began to fluctuate. Intrepid hit the most violent place severely.

As if space was torn apart, the Intrepid tore a crack from there, and the huge body was rushed out of the crack by the force of terror.

瞬间 Then instantly, the torn and deformed shield shrank to the depths of the sacred mountain and disappeared. Looking back at the sacred mountain, there was no magma, no black smoke, and the earth was no longer bare and scorched black.

The earth is full of withered plants and dead Warcraft corpses. Except for these, Holy Mountain looks no different from before.

With the passage of time, as the closest place to the origin of the Raging Flame Plane, lush vegetation will soon grow back. After a few years, it will be exactly the same as before.

On the mountainside of the holy mountain, the huge big cave was left, like a bottomless black hole. The water poured into it from the edge. I did n’t know where it was ...

I successfully escaped. A group of Heavenly Orders was relieved, and a group of humans and Heavenly Orders solved the crisis of the destruction of the angry flame plane. No one would have the mood to continue the previous war.

After the Intrepid had flew a distance, Cross looked at Cromton complexly.

"Cromton, I took note of this time. For your part, I will not kill you, and let you solve the problems of your Northrend world.

After you have solved the other half of that crazy ancient **** soul, I will unscrew your head.

Let your head stay on your neck now! "

After speaking, Cross flew out of the Intrepid with the orc's order of heaven.

Cromton had a smile on his face, looking at Cross's back.

"Cross, do you think you can escape this? After I have solved the matter over there, I must purify you abominable fellow."

The orcs flew away, and Galsposi glanced back at Lin Yun, grinning and grinning, then put his hands on his neck and made a beheading gesture.

At the tip of Morgan's eyes, he could see at a glance that Galsposey was really looking at Lin Yun, and the thief rushed to Lin Yun's side, lowering his voice to provoke.

"Merlin, that guy said he was going to kill you. Hurry up, let your men fire, and blast that guy into ashes."

Lin Linyun smiled and glanced at Morgan and said nothing. Galsbossina had no intention of killing anyone.

克隆 And the dialogue between Cromton and Cross was also the result of no one's willingness to bow his head. Now, I am afraid that no one is willing to continue fighting with humans and orcs.

After experiencing this cooperation, the two sides didn't look good, but they just didn't look good.

After all, there is a huge threat from the ancient god. No one is in the mood to continue the war. Who knows whether to continue the war that spreads the entire plane, will it again trigger the origin of the angry flame plane, and will it not let Delroy Wana's lunatic jumped out to do something again.

I still quietly ...

Intrepid drove for a short distance, and the human heavenly mage opened the door of space one by one, and Lin Yun returned to the Four Seasons Plain with Intrepid.

The calamity of the Wrath of the Wrath didn't have much impact on the Four Seasons Plain. Even Warcraft is scary and scary here. Only some alchemists will appear from the plane from time to time.

的 The alchemy urns appearing on these planes are not much polluted by the power of the abyss, and the few wild alchemy urns affected are not enough to be demolished by the gray orcs.

After all, alchemy 傀儡 contaminated by evil forces will only become stronger, and the body parts will become stronger and scarce.

Most of the output on the Four Seasons Plain is metal minerals, and the mountains adjacent to the Four Seasons Plains have suffered a lot, and many Warcraft have been affected by evil forces.

But soon it was annihilated. Mountains and plains, relying on one, are rich in various medicinal materials, and one is rich in various magic metals.

Together, the Four Seasons Plain has become very prosperous here.

The orc's iron fortress is becoming more and more powerful, and now it has become a giant trading floor that radiates to the Northrend world.

淳 The simple grey orcs have slowly become savvy, and will no longer sell alchemy 傀儡 to human merchants here at a nearly low price.

I have a lot of resources. Various human foods and medicaments slowly flow into the hands of the gray orcs who have gradually become rich. This has also made the gray orcs stronger and stronger.

Coupled with the communication with humans, the orcs' accomplishments in alchemy have also begun to improve as a whole, and two creators have appeared.

Now the sky on the plane of anger flames is gone, and the cracks in space seem to be torn apart. The sky becomes blue again, and the magic in the air becomes stable again, and everything returns to its original state.

The Gray Orc Fortress once again restored its former prosperity, especially when the shadow cast by the Intrepid covered the entire Gray Orc Fortress, the law and order inside the fortress became perfect, and even some adulterers decisively put away their careful thoughts.

Intrepid opened its cover, and the huge hull shielded the sun. Even at high altitude, the huge pressure made everyone in the fortress feel a fatal crisis.

Most human mages don't know that this is the fearless number controlled by Lin Yun. A ninth-level magic wizard with cold sweat and a pale face, a lethal crisis that can't escape anyway, like a sudden appearance in the sky With a god, he had no courage to escape.

On the other side, a human businessman was struggling with a gray orc who looked dumb, and suddenly felt that there was a huge power that locked him, and suddenly the sky seemed to darken.

When I looked up, I saw a huge warship floating on top of the head. A giant muzzle extended out of the battleship, and there was also a largest muzzle, which was brewing a strong breath of despair.

As soon as he was locked in by this terrifying atmosphere, the fat businessman grinned and saw the gray orc who looked dumb and foolish.

"Oh my gosh, such a good alchemy urn must have a soul magic crystal. I just read it wrong. How can a tenth magic crystal be enough ..."

The fat businessman's face didn't know whether it was oil or sweat, and his face was pale. He quickly grabbed a magic crystal and put it in the hand of the low gray orc opposite him. In addition to the three soul magic crystals, there was a team of ten or two. More than ten levels of magic crystal ...

I looked up at the sky, and then saw the gray orc who grinned and looked up, with a look of fear.

Aunt, but is it just a bit lower price ~ ~ As for starting such a horrible thing to support you?

For a moment, there was chaos in the Gray Orc Fortress, and the terrifying lethal atmosphere was not an illusion.

In the Captain's Room of the Fearless, Elsa was dark-faced and point out a rune, and a picture of the weapon bay appeared in front of him. A Fire Rock dwarf with a black and red beard, which had reached the abdomen, stood in the hand of destruction. Laughing beside.

"Tell those guys that the great Fire Rock Dwarf is coming, and I want them to remember our reappearing picture forever, look, look, those guys who are about to scare their pants, and that guy, have scared Sitting on the ground, ha ha ha ... "

Elsa Tieqing shouted, yelling at the picture.

"John Paladin, you stupid, you will not be allowed to touch the magic crystal cannon for three years. Now give me the captain's identity and order you to immediately go and clean the entire fearless, and finish it, not allowed to eat, Do not sleep or drink! "

All of a sudden, the Fire Rock dwarfs in the magic crystal gunship's cabin were all dumbfounded, and then one by one immediately smiled, and they were busy with their own affairs with a serious face, and only John Paladin, who was standing beside the hand of destruction, laughed thoroughly Silly.

A few seconds later, a team of dark elves, ashes orcs, and firerock dwarves appeared together in the cabin with dark faces. Among them, those firerock dwarfs were black and almost the same as the fearless appearance. Already. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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