Before the dark elves and the ashes orcs opened their mouths, the Fire Rock Dwarf in the procession rushed up first, and severely beat John Paladin.

"Stupid, you stupid, below is the owner's fortress, the owner is still on the deck, what did you do!"

"Pay attention to the starting point, don't kill him, as long as you can't kill him, hit this stupid fiercely!"

It was like going crazy with a few Fire Rock dwarfs, and his feet kept greeting John Paladin in the palm of his hand. After three minutes, he pulled John Paladin with a swollen face and a swollen face out of the cabin.

This is a picket team chaired by Elsa. It is composed of three major races. If anyone makes a mistake, the picket team will clean it up.

Every time someone makes a mistake, the same tribe gets heavier, because as long as someone makes a mistake, they will definitely be laughed at by the other two races for a long time.

This time, the Firerock Dwarf will surely be joke by the Dark Elves and the Ash Orcs for years ...

The unexpected vignette ended, and the destruction of the fearlessness dissipated, but the huge body brought tremendous pressure beyond words.

For a while, the thief in the gray orc fortress dared not stretch out his hand.

And those frightened humans finally knew from the cheers of the gray orcs, this is the master of the fortress returning ...

A ninth-ranked magic wizard stared blankly at the fearlessness floating above his head, looking complex.

Maffamelin? The Merlin family was really lucky. When the Merlin family was the most difficult, a Thornton Merlin appeared, and the Merlin family rose.

Now another Merlin Merlin appears in the Merlin family, this is a more horrible guy.

I set up a city on the plane of rage, where orcs and humans live in peace, even those orcs who have great hatred against humans. He would cheer for a human city master.

He is really an incredible guy. Looking at these grey orcs, he seems to respect him. Even the children smiled because of his return.

How did he do that? Hearing the previous war with humans, the Gray Orcs have withdrawn from the war. The gray orcs from the entire rage plane are gathering here.

The Shadow Tower adjacent to the Four Seasons Plains. When you want to invade here, the first resisters are not humans, but the gray orcs ...

I ca n’t stand it. The rise of the Merlin family can't stop anyone now. It is said that they went to the holy mountain before. With the exception of Malfay Merlin, all of them are heaven-level powerhouses, but no one thinks that Malfay Merlin's strength is not good, terrible guy ...

Zhe Linyun returned and did not return to the Gray Orc Fortress. After listening to the report below, he immediately carried the Intrepid to the mountain basin adjacent to the Four Seasons Plain.

There are still many contaminated World of Warcraft there, and even demon remains.

Let the people of the three major races go to the contaminated Warcraft and demons in the Qingying Mountains, but Lin Yun came to the fortress of the Black Iron Orcs.

This is the fort originally occupied. The masterpiece beyond this era, the huge alchemy mill factory hidden under the fortress, the entire underground base is a behemoth of the heavenly alchemy mill.

I have now. Can finally move into the natural half plane! Nuisance

When I entered the underground base, I heard Lord Sean's high curse.

"Stupid! Stupid! Nothing as simple as this, you are still alive ..."

Master Shawn, who was scolding people, stopped suddenly and turned around to see Lin Yun appear.

"Merlin, **** it, how long are you going to leave me here, it's so boring here, only these stupid hopeless guys are here, and there is no fun to find something ..."

Zhe Linyun looked around. The underground base is functioning normally. Those gray orcs who were arrested. Now I ca n’t fight anymore, there is not only perfect equipment here. There are also sufficient resources to create any alchemy tincture that can be made. As long as they can think of it, they can use the resources and alchemy equipment here to experiment.

没有 No problem here, Lin Yun took Lord Shawn into the half plane. As soon as he entered, he first saw the captives of the original Quicksand Tower and the Tower of Shadows working hard.

The shadow tower mages led by Didieras, the task of building the palace has only been completed a little bit now, because a palace has not been completed yet, more tasks will appear immediately, don't even stop.

The two orcs who wandered away three-eyed wolf all day long had an unbelievable obsession with building palaces and temples for their wolf gods. The two Lin Yun guys could n’t even summon them. These guys who became supervisors and the Tower of Shadows don't even want to have a good life.

Even let go of their magic, allowing them to build faster and better quality, their days are not as good as when the magic was sealed ...

Because of two crazy orcs, they stare at them like crazy dogs. As long as they are slightly crooked, they will be punished immediately.

Ignore those guys in the Tower of Shadows, these guys don't want to go back, work hard here.

Seeing Lin Yun appear, Dilath did not dare to look at Lin Yun, but lowered his head to busy his work. This arrogant guy seems to have not been cleaned up recently, at least he has become a lot smarter, knowing that he cannot Resisted ...

Lin Yun smiled, and then turned to look at those of the quicksand tower. With the continuous evolution of the natural half-plane, the land of the half-plane will grow exponentially each time. Now the vertical and horizontal, the narrowest places have been There are thousands of kilometers away.

For such a large land, I want to sort out all the river channels on the land and plan it again. There is no seven or eight years. Don't think about it, especially now that the ocean has appeared, and the place near the continental shelf of the sea is a need to sort out the plan. Big project, these guys want to finish it all, and it will take more than ten years to say less ...

But for more than ten years, the natural half-plane did not know what would happen, and the growth rate was definitely faster than their combing speed.

The Slytherin sifting through the towers of quicksand has been subdued, and when Slytherin was in the abyss, he did a good job. After Lin Yun left, the amount of eternal dark gold sent by the sacrifice increased. Obviously Slytherin had taken the shot himself, otherwise it would not have been possible.

I now have nothing to do with grievances, and then hold on to the quicksand tower. Is not suitable ...

I thought about it, Lin Yun felt it. Let ’s forget about Dougtu. Anyway, now the natural half-plane has buried a lot of eternal dark gold, and the protection has been integrated into the half-plane. In addition to Lin Yun nodded in person, others are entering the half-plane. Plane, don't think about it.

No one on the plane can sneak into the half plane. Besides, the natural half plane is still growing. Coordinates are not very meaningful, nor are they afraid of being discovered.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yun flew to Doug Tu.

"Lord Dougto, you can leave."

For a word, Doug Tu suddenly stopped, then seemed to think of something, his face pale.

"Master Andrfa, I don't leave, I don't think about running away. I can clear this river today ..."

Lin Yun stunned, and immediately understood what was going on. The guy of Anderfa must have become his appearance, tossing these poor guys, now that he wants to let them go, he dare not leave ...

"My Excellency Dougtu, I'm Mafam Merlin, not Anderfa. The grudges between you and your quicksand tower are over, so please clean up. I'll send you away."

He seemed to think of something, and Dougtu looked at Lin Yun in amazement. It took several seconds before it was fully confirmed. Standing in front of them are real people, not the plot of Anderfa ...

"My Excellency Merlin, I ... Could I have to leave, I think it's good here ..."

Zhe Linyun sighed. Anderfa, a mentally troubled guy, looked at what it was like to toss a good mage to others. He wanted to let the other party go, but the other party was unwilling to leave, and they were tortured silly ...

"My Excellency Dougto, I have no mood to make you play, I mean seriously, you can leave here with your Master of Quicksand Tower and return to your Quicksand Tower."

格 Dougtu shook his head firmly.

"My Excellency, you don't need to persuade me, I have decided, I will stay, I think it is good now, and it has never been so good!"

Zhe Linyun left with a sigh. For the first time, he saw that the prisoner was addicted to hard labor and made him unwilling to leave the prison ...

Zhe Linyun chose a place in the half plane to leave the giant alchemy urn, and left.

Then Dirac found a chance to rest and secretly found the Doug.

"Her Dougto, what did that guy Malfam Merlin tell you? Does he have any conspiracy again? Is the demon of Andefa coming again?"

Doug Tu honestly said Lin Yun's words.

"Lord Merlin let me leave here."

Chantillas' face changed, a little surprised, and then a smirk appeared.

"Muffin Merlin, definitely wants to use this kind of shoddy trick to play us, and said to let you go, in the end it is not to keep you stuck in this **** place."

Doug Tu shook his head.

"I didn't want to leave here. I think it's good here. I will continue to fight and kill when I go out ..."

Gandhilas stared at Doug Tu with an incredible look, and Doug Tu looked utterly ashamed as if he had worked hard and stupid.

"Lord Dougto, you are really crazy ..."

After I said, Dirac turned away and was too lazy to talk to someone who had gone mad.

He waited until Dirac left, and there was a smirk in Doug's mouth.

This idiot, Dilath, will always be a idiot. With such a good opportunity in front of him, he just wants to escape?

What a fool, this is a half-plane, and it is a very special half-plane. I have never seen any half-plane develop so comprehensively, like a real world.

In addition to His Excellency Mei Lin himself letting people go, even if it is Heavenly Order, don't want to escape from here, but also think about escaping, it is really a stupid guy.

The most important thing is that this is a constantly improving half plane. The ground fire, water and wind are stable, and the four elements are balanced. There is no difference from the real world.

Similarly, the rules can be felt here, even if it is not a complete world here, the rules are better understood, especially when the half plane is growing and the rules are shaking.

At that time, the rules were like a vague picture spreading out in front of me. When I felt any rules, it seemed like I had guidelines. Ten times stronger than in Northrend. We rely on the rules of perception. There are more than a hundred times more chances of advanced heavens.

Such a good opportunity. Even if it wasn't necessary, he was still thinking of going against His Excellency Merlin and running away. It was a stupid guy who deserved to be tortured by the devil of Anderfa.

But it ’s okay. With this guy in here, the devil in Anderfa will definitely ignore me, **** guy. That guy must be a magic weapon incarnation of a devil.

As an incarnation of a magic weapon, I am even more terrible than the most evil demon I have ever seen ...

肯定 I'm sure I won't leave anyway. Since Mr. Merlin would let me go, he must have reconciled with the quicksand tower. Otherwise, with his character, I don't think it is the quicksand tower that made him bow his head.

This way, I can't go any more. Here, it is much stronger than in the quicksand tower. When I am as stupid as that idiot ...

Lin Yun didn't even know the careful thoughts of Dao Getu and Di La Si. He is now busy releasing his magic power, slowly enveloping the power of the half plane onto the huge sky-level alchemy urn of the underground base.

庞大 This huge alchemy 傀儡 is too large, and it is a road that opens casually. Don't even think about passing, you can only slowly cover the entire alchemy base with magic and the power of the half plane, and then move to the natural half plane in an instant.

I spent half an hour, Lin Yun's magic power was exhausted three times before covering the entire underground base.

Suddenly, on a plain of the half plane, dazzling rays of light flickered. These rays seemed to distort, quickly converging into the outline of a huge base. Slowly, these outlines are like colors appearing in a black and white picture. Piece by piece condensed out.

The fluctuations of the space spread like a tide to the surroundings for a full three minutes. The spatial fluctuations completely dissipated, and on the plains, a behemoth of a thousand kilometers appeared.

The huge body with a height of hundreds of meters and a large amount of dirt and stones attached to the surface, the whole looks like a giant alchemy machine, and even some busy grey orcs and portals can be seen from some portals. Alchemy badger.

After appearing here, this giant alchemy maggot lost a stable supply of energy. In the fortress of the Black Iron Orc, there is also a large alchemy array that steals the power of the abyss as energy, but it is moved to half After the plane, the Alchemy Circle of the Black Iron Orc Stronghold is useless.

The energy in the alchemy base is rapidly consumed, and within a few minutes, one percent of the energy is consumed.

Lin Yun spit out three ruled runes. In a short time, the power of the half plane was mobilized by Lin Yun, and the power of the magic vine tearing from the void was poured into the alchemy base, and even controlled a small The magic vine, which provides magic power to the alchemy base.

This pure magic power is much better than the power of the abyss. This alchemy base is not like the fearless. It is made of the body of God. The power of the abyss is just ordinary energy for the fearless. What's the difference.

But for the alchemy base, the difference is big. After changing to pure magic power as energy, the stability and accuracy of many alchemy equipment have been greatly improved. This has both the research and manufacturing of alchemy puppets. Great benefit, a lot of things that could not be completed before, may now be completed ...

I moved the alchemy base to the half plane, and Lin Yun was completely relieved.

Everyone knows that Lin Yun has an army of alchemy puppets, and anyone can see that the alchemy puppet army that is not tired, fearless, or afraid of death is definitely not created by the alchemists one by one.

An alchemy cricket base is an inevitable thing, and it is not that no one has played the idea of ​​the Lin Yun alchemy base. Unfortunately, no one can find where the alchemy cricket base is. The black iron orc fortress and the gray orc fortress are even those who distorted. Where the idea person focuses on the idea.

If this alchemy 傀儡 base is a leak of Tianjie Alchemy 或者, or it was discovered, I believe many people dare to tear their faces to **** ...

I finished this, Lin Yun was wondering if I was going to see the alchemy plane ...

After all, the biggest purpose of the construction of this underground base is to serve as a bridgehead to march into the plane. There may be a larger base in the plane.

And whether it is patch alchemy 其他 or other alchemy 傀儡 ~ many materials or parts can be found on the plane.

The parts of the Heavenly Alchemy Puppet are the most precious. If you want to restore the patch Alchemy to the strength of the Heavenly Order, you need a lot of Heavenly Order parts, and there are fewer parts that can be matched. Maybe you need to kill several Heavenly Alchemy. Only after simmering can we gather enough materials.

But the most important thing about the plane is the alchemy 傀儡, where is the alchemy 傀儡 paradise. If you want to build a real alchemy 军 army, it is necessary to go to the alchemy 傀儡 plane.

At present, there are only two types of alchemy cymbals in the alchemy corps. One kind of melee blade alchemy cymbals. After this alchemy corps forms a legion, it is like a torrent of blades when facing a large number of opponents with weak individual strength. Same, invincible.

However, if you encounter some elemental creatures that are strong in defense, or that have been severed without being damaged, and some special creatures, the combat effectiveness of the Blade Alchemy 傀儡 legion will plummet.

Another alchemy maggot that relies on only a huge torrent of spells. This power is also only applicable to large-scale legion warfare. It does not have much effect on the strong. After all, the number of low-level spells is There are many spells that can hit the target at the same time.

Limitations are too limited. When encountering some legions with strong restraint against caster alchemy, the caster alchemy corps may be mostly abolished. (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. )

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