This is not that Lin Yun can't make a powerful alchemy puppet, but that an individual can make one or two, and whether the production line in the alchemy puppet base can be made, it is completely different.

This is the gap between laboratory products and formal popular products. The time required for a thing to be manufactured from the laboratory to control the cost and popularize it may even be a gap of an era.

The best way to upgrade the alchemy 傀儡 base is to go to the alchemy 傀儡 plane. There, almost everything about the alchemy 傀儡 can find a solution.

I may have some parts that could not be manufactured at a low cost in the base, but there are a few unclear alchemists on the alchemy plane. There are such parts on the alchemy ...

At this time, Lin Yun remembered the stowaway that had been caught and imprisoned before.

Byron is going crazy, he is imprisoned by Lin Yun using the power of the half plane, let alone the shadow of the plane, even if the shadow of space cannot be integrated into it, it is equivalent to Lin Yun drawing a circle, He could only stare out of the circle, but couldn't take a step out.

I am so proud that I have no use now, and want to break out by my own hard power? Don't make a joke, just fall asleep and continue dreaming.

The growth of the natural half-plane now not only has the blessing of eternal dark gold that is absolutely comparable to the existing amount of the entire Northrend world. Over time, those eternal dark gold will be integrated into the half as the half-plane grows. Among the planes, in this way, it is equivalent to the half-plane itself having the ability of eternal dark gold.

Coupled with the embers of the magical fire that acts as the sun at the top of the half plane, the light shrouds the entire half plane, and the ability of the plane sneakers is completely annihilated.

Come to a heaven order, at this time, will be crushed to death in the half plane!

Lin Yun came to the place where Byron was imprisoned, and he untied the captive crackdown on the half plane. He saw Byron indifferently, his hair and beard had grown to his chest, and it looked like he was living somewhere. Like the savage for decades, his body is smelly.

When I saw Lin Yun, Byron stared at him, even forgetting that the cage in which he had been imprisoned had dissipated.

"Spiritually broken?"

Lin Linyun was a little dumbfounded. How could this guy be a titled wizard and also a stowaway? How could he be debilitated after being locked up for such a short time?

All those who stole the plane have better patience than assassins. In order to successfully sneak into one plane, these guys can even be transformed into the shadows and merge into the shadow of the road of the plane, then eat and drink, and maintain this. Slowly consuming the state of magic for years.

In order to find an opportunity, the longest record of plane stowaways incubating in one place is 28 years!

The plane stowaway who set this record at that time was stolen, and the plane master who stole the coordinates of the plane could not get angry, and even gave a precious magic weapon required by this plane stowaway to the generously. Got each other.

In order to steal something, it turned into a shadow and lurked for twenty-eight years. A group of magisters of Tianchen ranks can't get angry. There is even a strong man who surpasses Tianjie. I think that guy is very persevering. He has a big plane ...

But the guy in front of him, just being locked up, even collapsed?

Zhe Linyun stared at Byron for a long time. Byron's eyes were not very glorious, his eyes were empty, it looked like his soul was torn, his spirit completely broke down, and he became an idiot ...

Zhe Linyun sighed, and finally found a plane stowaway. Although it can only be regarded as a plane stowaway apprentice, it is very difficult in this era.

As soon as Lin Yun turned around and was about to leave, Byron's eyes immediately recovered, and then the whole person's body turned into a shadow and disappeared instantly.

Lin Yun sensed the wave behind him and looked back. Byron's figure had disappeared. Even by the magic wave, he couldn't find out where Byron was. He relied on the help of the magic energy and the help of rule runes Barely able to capture a little bit of Byron's sometimes moving traces.

There was a smile on the corner of Zhe Linyun's mouth, and he glanced into the distance, then left and left.

"If you can escape here, I will let you go."

Byron turned into a shadow, his heart was full of fear, and he kept in a state of being integrated into the shadow. As an insurance, he didn't dare to integrate into the shadow of other things. The shadow that arrived, Byron gave up, but sneaked into the shadow of space directly.

I felt that Lin Yun didn't seem to find himself, and Byron was able to laugh.

恐怖 This horrible guy is so terrible that he can hold me and can also hold me in captivity. Fortunately, I was smart and thought about it for a long time, waiting for him to relax a little.

Who knows this **** guy, it ’s been so long since I came to see me, is it just to arrest me and imprison me to death? It ’s better to lie to him, but I ca n’t be caught again.

Let me find out where the entrance to the Plane Road is, oh damn, the entrance to the Plane Road is actually in the air. It's a sly guy, but it doesn't matter. I have been integrated into the shadow of the space. Neither can stop me.

Hey, sly and terrible guy, I'm gone, it's best to never meet again ...

Hey, do I want to get the coordinates of this plane, forget it, do n’t provoke this horrible guy, who knows if he gets to kill me after I get the coordinates ...

Byron sneaked cautiously, even following the fluctuations of the space little by little, and slowly drifted towards the mark of the space road left by Lin Yun when he entered.

三 For three consecutive days, he quickly floated to the position where Lin Yun came in, and there was a portal corresponding to the coordinates left by Lin Yun when he came in with the angry flame plane.

Lin Yun has long ignored Byron. Most of the natural half-planes are now completely under the control of Lin Yun. Now it is the last step to control the rules here, but this process is a very slow process, at least, etc. Only after Lin Yun realized it was possible to take control.

But I want to discover Byron who is transformed into a shadow and blended into the shadow of space. It is too simple. Watching Byron float like a thief for three days before floating to the entrance.

Lin Yun, who was in the alchemy base, immediately laughed and said something to Master Shawn who had been bored all day long.

大 "Master Sean, haven't you been particularly boring lately? I've got some fun for you, but don't kill me, I have a lot of use."

After speaking, Lin Yun told Master Shawn the location of the entrance. Master Shawn, who was so anxious, immediately became energetic and grinned towards the location of the entrance.

Master Sean floated near the entrance, but found nothing unusual. As soon as his eyes turned, he floated in the air, closed his eyes, and pretended to be asleep.

Twenty meters away, Byron approached the entrance slowly, but found that the weird ghost wolf had no response at all, and then he was relieved.

Until walking to the entrance and taking a step to leave here, Byron still didn't notice anything about that weird ghost wolf.

Then he grinned and almost fell out of the shadows.

Damn guy, I can finally leave this **** place, **** it, look at some people here, a horrible guy who can find me and even hold me in captivity, and that huge base seems to be constantly Local production of alchemy urns, the lowest alchemy urns all have more than 30 levels ...

Damn, and the people of the Quicksand Tower and the Tower of Shadows are all here as the lowest level of labor, and they don't seem to dare to resist ... 冇 ...

I want to leave here immediately and return to the Northrend world, no, go to a plane that will never see that horrible guy ...

Byron melted into the shadow with joy, rushing towards the entrance along the shadow.

When I squinted at the shadow of the road that was about to step into the plane, a dark golden light wall appeared in this place that the ordinary mage couldn't notice, and Byron bumped into the light wall ...

"Oh, **** it, what's that ..."

In mid-air, Byron's figure suddenly emerged, and an obvious blood pack on his head made his body's magic power unstable.

Suddenly, Byron was a jī spirit. At first glance, he saw the ghost wolf with his eyes widened and grinning, then looked around, only to find that he had fallen out of the shadow state ...

He didn't wait for him to turn into a shadow before seeing a flash of light in the grinning ghost wolf's eyes. Byron suddenly screamed, his face paled like a dead man, and fell from the air To the ground.

Master Sean grinned and laughed as if he had found some fun toy. He chased Byron and rushed into it. Next time, Master Sean drilled out again. One paw touched his chin, hesitating.

Mei Lin said that this guy can't be killed. It is very useful. What if I go in and accidentally tear up this guy's soul? Forget it, let's take a closer look, eh, just go and see ...

Drilled into Byron's head again. After a second, Byron made a terrifying scream, the pupils of his eyes were scattered, his body fell to the ground and convulsed, as if he was about to die The same ...

Master Sean carefully drilled out of Byron's head, and looked around, and immediately jumped out this time, and then gave Byron a slap.

"Stupid, get me up quickly, don't pretend to be dead, great Lord Sean, you have a very modest hand, I know you must be okay, damn, you don't blame Master Sean anymore ..."

Speaking, Lord Shawn breathed into Byron's head. For a while, Byron seemed to be resurrected with blood. He climbed up in astonishment, and looked at Master Shaun's eyes as if To a devil who plays with the soul ...

"Devil, **** it, you are the devil in hell, the most vicious soul teaser ..."

Before speaking, Byron continued to hold his head and screamed on the ground.

Master Shawn looked upset and patted Byron's head with his paw.

"Stupid, the great Sean is a soul walker, isn't it the dirty devil, those stupids, can they be compared to the great Sean?"

Twenty kilometers away, Dougto raised his head, listening to the vicious screams distantly heard, and the roaring curse of Lord Sean, and Dougtu couldn't help showing a smile of gloat.

Which idiot is this, even to provoke Lord Sean, even to provoke Lord Merlin, do not provoke Lord Merlin's demon magic incarnation, no, those incarnations are definitely the most evil devil, the most evil in **** The devil does not necessarily have these horrible guys to torture people.

But it ’s okay. Someone is going to attract the attention of the new adult Sean, and we are safe. Enjoy it ...

Twenty-three days later, Byron cried and cried for loyalty to Lord Sean, and then actively requested to join the army of half-plane labor reform ...

It is a pity that neither Dougto nor Dirac want to accept this guy. It must be said that the manpower is very sufficient and there is no need to replenish the laborers. In this way, only Byron can use his strengths to sort out ordinary people. Where to go ...

Twenty-five months passed quickly, and the news that humans and orcs were negotiating again came, and Lin Yun was naturally invited as a human negotiation participant.

的 As a result of this negotiation, Lin Yun could guess without going there.

The angry flame plane has gone through this disaster. Both humans and beneficiaries have the fear. They dare not start a full-scale war. Who knows if the original power of the angry flame plane will be motivated again by the war.

I want to know that the body of the demon is still asleep in the depths of the angry flame plane, and the soul of the demon has not been destroyed, who knows if the other party will take the opportunity to bring about any doomsday disaster.

It's very important that I don't dare to fight. What's more important is that after this disaster, the plane of anger and flames rolled, the sky torn, and after the recovery, the benefits brought a lot.

The energy storm rushing down in the torn sky will make the environment of the angry flame plane worse and worse when the doomsday comes. With the original magic of the angry flame plane being swallowed up by the demon, these chaotic energy storms Will destroy the flame plane.

But now, the angry flame plane itself has stabilized, and these chaotic energy storms have begun to calm down under the action of the origin of the angry flame plane.

In this way, for a long time, the magic power of the angry flame plane will continue to grow, and the variety of magic power will also increase. This is a great benefit, both for humans and orcs, and even for the angry flame plane. The generation of many resources is of great benefit.

The tearing and rolling of the earth brings the most intuitive benefit, that is, many precious resources that were buried in the depths of the earth and are almost impossible to be found have been turned to the ground or appeared in the shallow layers of the earth. Can be explored to the place.

And these resources are very old, many of them are precious resources that are endangered, and there are even several kinds of ore that take a long time to breed, all of which have magic metal veins.

For a moment, there were more resources on the Fury Plane than before, and even the quality of the resources was much higher than before.

Recently, more than thirty new veins have been discovered on the Four Seasons Plain, and many precious resources have been discovered in large quantities. These abundant resources have immediately improved the research of the Alchemist Base by a level, and the progress has accelerated a lot. The grey orc fortress, a city that has already gained its fame, has been getting more and more people recently.

The level of the alchemy urns patrolling in the gray orc fortress has all been upgraded to level 35 and above. Each team and leader of the alchemy urn are all level 37 alchemy urns. The five members are also level 35. .

The captain-level alchemy cricket is a 39-level battle alchemy cricket newly developed in the alchemy cricket base. If the required materials are too high, it will take too much time and manpower to produce in large quantities. Lin Yun has the heart to turn all the alchemy urns in the gray orc fortress into thirty-nine.

With these cold alchemy cricket guards, no one in the Gray Orc Fortress dares to make trouble. After all, the alchemy crickets can only execute according to the set order, but they do not care what the other party ’s identity is. There are three family members killed, and even one 39th-level mage who wants to protect shorts. Several 39th-level alchemy squadron captains are torn to pieces.

The other's family could only recognize it by holding their noses. They did not dare to come to Lin Yun's troubles. Lin Yun's strength has now spread almost. In addition, the fearlessness has solved the energy problem. No one really dares to provoke Lin Yun.

出现 The emergence of the three major races of the Dark Elves, Fire Rock Dwarfs, and Ash Orcs has not caused much impact, mainly because no one rushed to provoke them at all, after all, all the people of the three races were on the fearless.

The power of the dense magic crystal cannon on the Intrepid is almost all seen on the sky of the angry flames, especially that main gun, almost shot down the Holy Mountain, this is not low Heavenly Order can have ...

I went to participate in the negotiations, although humans and orcs could not help but curse each other with each other, and even couldn't help but go outside to take a big shot, but at the beginning of the negotiations, the two sides first reached an agreement.

The war must stop, and now the resources of the angry flame plane are absolutely enough for everyone to support, there is no need to start a war to grab territory and resources.

What I need to discuss is just how to distribute this benefit.

Zhe Linyun sat on this round-shaped round table with her eyes closed and was not involved in these things at all.

In addition to the territory of the Meilin family, Lin Yun now occupies a remote area originally occupied by the Dark Iron Orcs, where the vegetation is sparse and the environment is relatively harsh. Except for mineral resources, no plants can be found at all.

In such a place, the mineral resources now become richer, but it is not too exaggerated.

The Four Seasons Plains and the basin mountains adjacent to the Four Seasons Plains are the areas that Lin Yun focuses on. Now, the mineral resources and plant resources are rich and terrible. After the contaminated Warcraft and demons in the basin mountains have been cleaned up, there have been many previous ones there. No magic plant.

Unfortunately, in such a place, no one dares to let Lin Yun spit it out. With these two places, Lin Yun is also very satisfied. After all, the territory of the angry flame plane has almost been divided up. Now there are some arguments More controversial.

这些 Almost of these places are far away from Lin Yun's territory. Lin Yun is too lazy to listen to these people. After coming here, after confirming his own interests, he is too lazy to care about how they fight.

The interests in the angry flame plane, again, can not compete for much now. There is a road to the plane of the four planes on the plains of the four seasons. The benefits of the plane are even more than the whole of the angry plane. It ’s a lot, Lin Yun really doesn't like the little mosquito legs.

Unfortunately Lin Yun was closing the eyes to understand the rule runes, but some people still drew the topic to Lin Yun.

The Tower of Shadows and the Black Flame Orcs are arguing about who the territory bordering their territory belongs to, and talking about it, the heavenly powerhouse who came to participate in the negotiations of the Tower of Shadows suddenly saw his eyes closed and ignored the others. Lin Yun.

As soon as Joseph's eyes turned, a sneer appeared.

Malfoy Merlin, at this time, even if you don't ask here, also, the resources of the Four Seasons Plain are now richer, where the four seasons are as warm as spring ~ ~ Not only are there more mineral resources than before, The species are more abundant, and the vegetation resources are more abundant.

The most important thing is that there are almost no World of Warcraft on the Four Seasons Plain, all of them are alchemy maggots that do not know where to come out. Those alchemy maggots don't have any idea about those cherished plants, and this time all are cheap Mafammelin ... ...

Damn, this guy, just need to firmly grasp the Four Seasons Plain and the basin and mountains, and the harvest will be more than that of each of our forces, let alone a city has been established there, and every day The profit generated by throughput is definitely comparable to a large city in Northrend ...

Fortunately, how could Bilbo ’s idiot die? It ’s okay to kill Mafiamelin before his death. If this time Mafiamelin dies in the holy mountain, the territory of our Shadow Tower borders his territory and robs the four seasons. Plain is too easy.

But now it is also possible. Our territory has not been finalized yet. One third of the Four Seasons Plain is sandwiched between the territory of our Shadow Tower and the territory of the Black Flame Orc. As long as this part of the territory is seized, it will be a big profit. .

I believe that the greedy Black Flame Orc will definitely not reject this proposal. One-third of the Four Seasons Plain has resources and benefits much larger than the place where our two territories border ... (to be continued. If you like it) This work, you are welcome to () vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.) [This text provided by Kaihang Update Group @ 冰山 berg123]

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