Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen

A group of mages, like panic refugees, quickly retreated and hid behind a mage tower.

Then the shock wave swept slowly. This nine-story mage tower burst into the strongest magic wave in an instant. The mage tower's protection was automatically strengthened to the limit in an instant. A layer of rose-shaped crystal enchantment. Shroud the mage tower.

But without waiting for the relief of many heavenly mages, a rosy crystal came from the rose crystal floating on the top of the mage tower.


The moment the sound of this rang appeared, Labrador's face turned completely green, and then he unconsciously released his strongest protection means, and put it in the shell of the turtle.

The crystal floating on the top of the mage tower instantly exploded into shatters, and then the layer of rose-colored enchantment was like a layer of paper, forcibly shredded by a rough guy.

A water wave-like space shock slowly hit the mage tower. In a hurry, the magic wave permeating from the ninth-floor mage tower dried up quickly, and then three seconds later, the mage tower collapsed and torn, and the mage tower was above it Five layers, instantly turned into a sky fragment, and followed that wave to fly to the rear ...

The lower floors of the Master Mage Tower, the surface is constantly peeling off large pieces of debris, in many places, the walls have disappeared ...

After the oscillating wave of space swept away, everything seemed to disappear, the dark wind blade and the dark blue moon blade also annihilated and dissipated, and the little space that was crushed also returned to peace.

周围 Around the battlefield, the sky was filled with dust and debris, and chaotic magic waves lingered there.

Everything calmed down, and Labrador dispersed the Fusion Shield and came out with a smile on his face.

It was over, and it was completely over, and Lord Blackman killed His Excellency Maffa. We are afraid that we have no good results.

What if the adult above asks me?

说 Didn't the Lord Mafah just reach the depths of his ancestors, and broke the first time through the Mist Fault, which kept the fastest record for thousands of years, and then was killed by Lord Blackman?

The adults above may even throw us directly into a remote plane as a miner, not to mention the monster of Thornton Merlin.

If he heard about it, he would definitely remember the bad memories of that year, maybe he would not be able to get out of bed only for the year that Lord Blackman was ravaged. Take care of yourself ...

A group of sky-ranked mages, no one will hold the idea of ​​going to the theater this time, one by one downcast, this kind of thing happened, and they don't think about it.

When Redman stabilized his body, the first thing was to fly into the dusty chaotic magic wave area, gnashing his teeth and rushing to where Blackman was.

A ruled rune burning with burning flames flew out, and within a short time, Redman spit out a series of rapid mantras.

Fireballs dragged streamer tails like little suns, and fell to Blackman like rain.

"Stupid! Stupid! Blackman, look at what this stupid stupid guy has done?"

You guys who are not as sensible as Orcs are fighting this time. This time is not only a disaster, but it also ruins the future of the Merlin family.

滚 Go and explain to Lord Balakla yourself, and the monster of Thornton Merlin. After he returns, how can you explain this to him?

Stupid, you stupid ... "

Redman gritted his teeth and stretched out a hand. The fireball, like a little sun, turned into a torrential rain, completely drowning Blackman, and the roaring explosion sounded incessantly.

And Blackman was awake at this time, his face was tangled, his head was shrunk against the shield, and Redman's offensive was carried hard. He did not dare to refute it, and let Redman gas.

瑞 Just as Redman was swearing at Blackman over and over again here, and with a black face constantly releasing the spell violent Blackman, a breeze emerged in this area filled with chaotic magic waves and dust.

A large swath of dust was blown away, and slowly, a figure came out of it.

The gust of wind released by Xun became a breeze. Lin Yun smiled and shook his head, watching the tattered robes on his body, and sighed.

It really is a strong man with the bloodline of a Caucasus combat mage. The fighting style is abnormally violent. I used all the means and I could only tie with the opponent in front of him, and the opponent just released the strength of the Tier 2 ...

And the power of the balance rule can only use a little more than one minute now, that is, when Blackman only releases the strength of the Tier 2 level, I can fight against it for no more than two minutes. Two minutes, the dead must be me ...

Whether it is a spherical lightning or the dark blue moon blade just now, it is very powerful, much more powerful than ordinary mages. It is no wonder that a powerful Caucasian battle mage has a stronger combat power than a mage of the same level.

This is the real strong ...

Fortunately, he closed his hand in time. After the attack just now, if he continues to attack, I can only barely resist it. If it is a fierce battle, it is likely that I will die ...

While sighing, Lin Yun once again released a hurricane, but unfortunately still a breeze, stepping towards the outside of this area, just walked out, and saw Blackman lowered his head with his shield, without saying a word Shrinking there, then Redman was mad like a madman, scolding over and over again.

Small sun-like fireballs exploded on Blackman's shield like rain ...

Lin Linyun said for a moment, she didn't understand what was happening.

When I saw a group of mages in the distance, they all stayed far away, and no one dared to approach the published Redman.

Lin Linyun thought for a while, but didn't dare to persuade him. When he got to Labrador, Lin Yun lowered his voice and asked.

"Lord Labrador, what is Lord Redman doing?"

Labrador smiled bitterly.

"Let's leave it alone, let Master Redman get angry, no one can discourage him, be careful and become like Master Blackman, and be beaten fiercely by Master Redman ..."

Labrador replied casually, but he glanced inadvertently, and saw Lin Yun in a torn robe standing behind him. Suddenly, Labrador was dumbfounded, his mouth closed and he met the ghost same.

"Ma ... Maffa ... You ... You ... You ..."

Qi Linyun looked puzzled.

"What's wrong? His Excellency Labrador?"

Suddenly, Lin Yun saw everyone else around him looking at himself like a ghost, suddenly realized, and then quickly made up a sentence.

"It's all right, His Excellency Labrador, just when I didn't ask, it's a bit inappropriate for us to talk about the Lord Redman and the Lord Blackman behind us, just look at us quietly."

"Lord Mafa, you are not dead!"

For a long time stammered, Labrador finally spoke a complete sentence.

With this remark, Redman, who was on fire, seemed to be in petrification, stopped his movements in an instant, and immediately dropped Blackman and flew towards him.

Blackman, seeing Lin Yun still alive, flashes of horror in his eyes, but followed by ecstasy, grinning grinning, and trot all the way.

A group of mages surrounded Lin Yun with strange looks in his eyes, especially Labrador. He constantly looked at Lin Yun up and down and saw a ghost expression.

"What do you guys look at me like this? I just have a discussion with Lord Blackman, how can I die? Besides, does Lord Blackman only use the power of the second level of Heaven?"

However, Lord Blackman's strength is indeed very strong. I once fought the Caucasus battle mage. Their fighting style is not the same as Lord Blackman's, but the style is very similar, but Lord Blackman's is even more violent.

Even if you are a wild orc, few people can compare to Lord Blackman ... "

Lin Linyun admired his expression, and what he said was true.

Lin Yun remembers it very well. There are many records in the barren library of Heather City. When Northrend's world reached its peak, the fighting method that controlled the cast beyond a certain distance was long ago. Was abandoned.

The strongest and most recommended combat method is Blackman's fighting method, and the elemental incarnation spell is continuously researched and deepened. It is born to enhance the mage's battle and makes up for the mage's body. This relatively weak point .

So in the period when Northrend's world reached its peak, which swordsman wanted to suppress the casting of the wizard by the body close to the mage, that was the act of seeking death, and many wizards had more melee strength than the swordsman!

A group of people looked at Lin Yun with a strange look. Whoever looked at it, Lin Yun all sighed from his heart. No one can pick out the fault.

Blackman's face was a little embarrassed and he didn't speak, it seemed to become subtle in an instant.

This guy, do n’t you really see that? The power I used for the last blow has exceeded the power of the second level of the order.

This monster, which is even more terrible than Thornton Merlin's guy, was able to pick it up and was not killed. It just looked a little bit embarrassed, and it seemed that the magic was not consumed much.

Fortunately, this guy didn't get beaten up. I didn't know who said it before. This guy is a genius that is comparable to the monster of Thornton Merlin. They are shit. The monster of Thornton Merlin was at the level of the order, but I was choked hard.

But Mafa, the monster in this monster, is now just a ninth-level title wizard, **** it, so young junior, how terrible.

If I had severely wounded him just now, I am afraid he would come back and my time would not be too long, but I have been stuck at the peak of the third-order third-order for a long time. If this guy is advanced to the third-order third-order, no Maybe by the second level of heaven, I will be able to lie in bed for a year ...

Alas, did he really not see it?

Blackman had a little embarrassment on his face. He wanted to ask, but he didn't dare to ask, thinking that it would be best if Lin Yun didn't know that the dark blue moon blade was his third-order sky spell. Fortunately, This is a self-made spell ...

Blackman stared at Lin Yun for a few seconds, almost completely sure that Lin Yun didn't think of that much at all, but felt that the battle was good, and he was immediately proud.

Unfortunately, as soon as he laughed, the red-faced Redman sneered.

"Master Blackman, if you are really breeze, Your Majesty is now only the pinnacle of the ninth-ranked magic wizard. Even if you are strong, you have not yet mastered the extraordinary power. You really don't have any face! "

Redman was ridiculous and ridiculous, Blackman was immediately stunned, completely unable to see the hot look just now in the battle.

Lin Linyun didn't think that much. Now he has reached the limit of the titled magic wizard. No matter whether it is the understanding of the rules or the increase of magic power, there can be no further improvement, and it has been completely completed.

The means to enhance combat is to work on spells or magic weapons, and since realizing the terrible bonus effect of the balance rule on combat, Lin Yun has not fought with people who are not too far apart, or better than himself Stronger people have fought.

Blackman released the strength of the second level of the rank, that is, the strength that has just been squeezed to his limit, Lin Yun also thoroughly tested his combat effectiveness.

When it broke out, Tian Tier 1 was no longer his opponent, and he could fight with the strongest in Tier 2 Tier. The difference was that who had the upper hand. It was not easy to defeat the opponent. The opponent wanted to defeat him. It's hard.

After all, there is a natural half-plane as the backing. Lin Yun can be said to have no worries about the consumption of magic power. The fighting strength is stronger than many sky-level mages.

The purpose of the battle was achieved, Lin Yun's own purpose was also achieved, and Lin Yun was too lazy to think about other things.

Coupled with the fierce battle just now, there is no way to confirm that the deep blue moon blade requires the extraordinary power of the third rank of Heaven to release it by relying only on the breath. More importantly, Lin Yun himself has no extraordinary power, so Found this ...

Redman stared at Lin Yun. Although looking at Blackman's eyes was the same as tearing him apart, when he saw Lin Yun's torn and ragged body, Lin Yun couldn't help flashing in horror. .

This is just a titled wizard, no matter how powerful the titled wizard is just a titled wizard, but the combat power of this guy, Mafa, has already reached the second level of the sky ...

It ’s an incredible guy. He may not know that the Dark Blue Moonblade was a spell that Blackman created at the third level, and it requires the extraordinary power of the third level to be released. The released spells are very weak, but The power of spells, however, is definitely not something that ordinary level 2 can resist.

Mafa, the monster, actually resisted, and his fighting power seemed to be stronger than that of Thornton Merlin's monster when he was at the first level.

Thornton Merlin's monster, from entering the ancestral land, no one of the same level of mage is his opponent, when the first level of the level, they can already fight the second level of the level of the mage.

Also fought Blackman, and the same fool of Blackman lost his mind and accidentally released the dark blue moon blade ...

But the Thornton Merlin guy almost died for this. He took a pure bath of top-level true spirits and took a full half month to wake up from a coma.

After waking up, the body has been in a state of severe damage for three months, and the body has almost died of necrosis. If it was not treated with a large amount of life potion, even a light mage who came to the cloud tower released a I am afraid that Thornton Merlin will not use magic for a year ...

But Mafa, even relying on his spell, resisted the dark blue moon blade of Blackman, which is a bit scary to understand ...

Thornton Merlin ’s monster is so terrible now, I do n’t know anymore, the level he has come into contact with is no longer what I can lend, even before the vaguely heard by Lord Balakla, the guy from Thornton Merlin, The strength has surpassed him ...

Mafa, a monster that is more terrible than Thornton Merlin, as long as it does not fall accidentally in the middle, what will it grow in the future?

Damn, I can't even imagine ...

Redman's complexion looked at Lin Yun in a daze, while Blackman scratched his head and smirked, concealing the embarrassment.

Around, a bunch of sky-level mages all looked at Lin Yun with a terrified expression, and no one knew how to speak.

There was a smile on Labrador's face, even a little gloating.

Marfa, this guy is really amazing. This is not a monster I can deal with. Look, Master Blackman can only tie with the monster Marfa. I am quickly killed. Shame.

Besides, the space mage's combat effectiveness in the early stage is not very good ~ ~ I can hold it up is pretty good, let other people fight the monster Marfa, maybe they can't resist it at all This kind of stormy attack.

Hey, maybe when Mafa becomes more Thornton Merlin ’s monster in the future, I can also say that I can be an undead strong under the attack of monster Mafa, who dares to say so?

Labrador thought about the future with a smirk. The other mages were silent and strange eyes, while Blackman looked down and didn't speak elsewhere. Redman's face was complicated and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhe Linyun finally figured out something wrong.

"Master Redman, you are ..."

Redman sighed and kicked Blackman hard.

"Blackman, you idiot, I think I can tell His Excellency that now, what do you think?"

Blackman couldn't pretend to die, and sighed.

"Aren't you talking nonsense, Mafa, this little monster is not qualified to know, and who else is qualified to know ..."

I heard the conversation between Redman and Blackman, and a group of mages consciously came up to ask Lin Yun a good voice, and left with a familiar face.

Zhe Linyun frowned and listened quietly.

Redman nodded to Lin Yun.

"Her Mafia, come with me. You have not only broken through the Mist Fault, but also set the fastest record in these thousands of years. What's more important is that your strength is also completely stronger than that of the ordinary Tier 1 Master .

So, I'm not just telling you the secret, you can also go and see it with me. "(To be continued.

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