With a somber expression, Ryderman took a crystal rune out of his hands and held it in his hand, then proceeded deeper into the ancestral land.

There is still a thin layer of mist inside the, and the more inward Lin Yun feels, the stronger the stability of the space.

The more stable the place, the harder it is to shake the space, but after the space is shaken, the damage will be stronger. In this kind of place, even if there are only space cracks as thin as the hair, it may cause a Heaven-level strong kill in seconds!

If the space oscillates, the damage to the mage is no less than that of a superb spell covered in a large area. If the space is broken, even a black fighter like the black fighter might be dead here.

Similarly, the more stable it becomes, the greater the pressure in the space becomes. This is not like gravity, but it gradually moves into the deep sea. The pressure in all directions is gradually increasing.

After walking for ten minutes, Lin Yun's magic shield was involuntarily activated. The pressure here has increased to the point where it can cause damage to him. The air here has become harder to breathe and the elements have become more intense. Difficult to move.

Walking in this thin layer of mist, Lin Yun's doubts grew more and more.

的 The runes in the fog are obviously very high-level regular runes. Even in the depths of the fog, there are some runes that he cannot understand.

Is not the same as the runes in the misty fault, where the runes are like mountains, the focus should be on suppressing and suppressing the solid, but here, it looks like the deep sea.

After 之后 walking for ten minutes again, Lin Yun had to take the initiative to release the shield protection. The pressure here is no longer able to resist by the titled wizard. A ninth-ranked magic wizard entered here, I'm afraid I can't take one step, less than a minute. Will be crushed to death.

Lin Yun finally understood that why only the Heavenly Order was required to enter the depths of the ancestral land.

I walked away for almost an hour. The surrounding mist suddenly disappeared, and there was a huge stone forest thousands of meters ahead.

A stone pillar was inserted on the ground, and the ground was like a mirror. Lin Yun could see at a glance that the ground beneath him, as deep as the void, melted. I do n’t know how many stars are cast by the iron. The ground is a whole.

And after special treatment. These star magic irons became somewhat transparent, and they could see the dense runes and alchemy lines inside.

This platform, which is three to four kilometers in size, is a huge alchemy array!

根 The one or more than 20 meters high, or 40-50 meters high stone pillars, are all forged with precious magic materials.

I walked in and glanced at it, Lin Yun's eyes flashed with surprise.

Eternal Adamantite and Eternal Dark Gold, these stone pillars have all been added with these two materials, ensuring that these stone pillars will not be decayed by time ...

What the **** is this alchemy circle?

The Northrend world has almost no output of eternal dark gold. Where does this eternal dark gold come from?

Also has eternal gold. These things appeared on the auction bar, the biggest piece was not as big as a fist, a stone pillar here. There must be at least a dozen pieces of eternal gold in each one ...

After gazing at this huge alchemy array at his feet, Lin Yun's magic energy array involuntarily ran, capturing the runes and alchemy lines of the alchemy array. After a few seconds, Lin Yun exclaimed.

"This is a road of planes?"

Even though most of them can't be understood, as a top creator, even the top creator who has studied the Heavenly Order Alchemy Matrix can't be cracked instantly, but you can also see the approximate use of this Alchemy Matrix.

There was a flash of surprise in Ryderman's face. Then let go.

不错 "Yes, this can be said to be a way to open the alchemy circle. This is what I want to tell you."

Zhe Linyun glanced back at the misty layer enclosing this huge alchemy array, and instantly understood.

的 I'm afraid the space here is just a strong terrible strongman. In other words, the ancestors of the Merlin family forced a small plane into the Northrend world.

Let the space of the two worlds overlap and overlap to form this strange environment that can be said to be the Northrend world or other planes.

稳 The space here is solid and terrible, coupled with the repression of the runes in the fog, making the space here to a terrible degree to the extreme.

Even if the Heaven-ranked Powerhouse blew itself up here, I am afraid that it cannot shake the space here.

All of this, I'm afraid all of this is to suppress and suppress this heavenly alchemy, so that everything that happens here will be suppressed and killed here, preventing all accidents from happening.

I walked to the middle of the alchemy array, and Redman threw the crystal rune in his hand, and the crystal rune slowly integrated into the center of the alchemy array.

For a while, Lin Yun felt that the alchemy circle under his feet could be opened at any time. Sure enough, Redman began to release his magic power and sing out a weird curse.

Moaning and singing for five full minutes, the alchemy circle under his feet was completely activated, and the horrible energy fluctuations were walking under his feet. Lin Yun even felt that if the energy fluctuations under his feet broke out, he could definitely kill him instantly ...

All the energy fluctuations converged to the center of the alchemy circle, and then the area of ​​the center of the alchemy circle was 100 meters, and suddenly turned into a light, like a lake flowing with light, a gate full of ancient vicissitudes slowly The ground rose from this light.

Ancient gates are engraved with old creatures, and even a fuzzy shadow on the top, and finally traces of five-colored dragons and pure blood elves.

All were active creatures before the Third Dynasty, and even most of them were only creatures of the era.

The two doors of the gate are full of weird and complicated characters. Some of them are not recognized by Lin Yun, but Lin Yun can recognize them. These are runes unique to the times. Earlier.

The light permeated the gate, even if the gate had not been opened, Lin Yun seemed to be able to feel behind the gate. It seems to contain infinite power.

Redman looked at the door with a complex expression, and it took several minutes before he spoke.

"This is the secret of our Merlin family's ancestral home, the door to the starry sky. This is why the Merlin family can stand at the forefront of the Kingdom of Andalusia.

And several of Andalusia's most powerful forces have ancestral or holy sites. Regardless of the cause of the Kingdom of Andalusia, the ancestral land and the holy land are not because they do not want to care, but have no energy.

的 What we need to face is what happened in the door of the starry sky. Our war is here.

Those who have the talent to advance to the advanced level will enter the depth of the ancestral land after the advanced level. Those titled wizards guarded on the periphery of the ancestral land are the heads of the family or the elders who have made great contributions.

The chance of them entering the Heavenly Order is very small, so they can only be there, in fact, is n’t it a lucky thing to be there.

天 All the sky steps you saw before, including me and Blackman, are preparing to enter the starry sky door.

And you are now qualified to know about it, and can even take you here. "

Zhe Linyun looked at the gate of this starry sky, always felt that the breath was very familiar, and she couldn't help remembering the last time she went to the Apocalypse. It seems that the atmosphere there is very similar to what I feel now ...

"Sir Redman, can you open the door to the starry sky? I want to see it."

Redman opened his mouth. Nothing was said at the end, and a mantra was silently chanted.

规则 One by one, the ruled runes did not enter the alchemy circle underneath, and then the door of the starry sky slowly opened without any time. There was only the endless deep starry sky. It seemed that there was an endless world.

A galaxy that seems to be constructed of countless small stars extends from under the gate of the starry sky until the energy that can be seen by the eyes disappears ...

Redman looked at the galaxy with a dull look.

"Her Mafia. With your strength, I don't have to worry about your safety. But please remember that when you encounter an irresistible danger. You must return immediately! You must remember this!"

The almost muttering voice of Ryderman slowly sounded. Looking at this ancient road in the sky, it seemed to remember very bad memories.

Lin Yun stood in front of the gate of the starry sky, and quietly looked at the ancient road of the starry sky. The Xinghe, which extends into the unknown space, exudes the ancient atmosphere existing in Henggu. Ancient existence.

"What the **** is this ancient trail? What is the battlefield?"

Zhe Linyun looked at the ancient sky and asked Redman a word.

But Redman shook his head slightly.

"Everything here needs to be explored by yourself, and the most important thing is that I don't know much. I can only tell you with certainty that when you encounter any irresistible danger, you must step back immediately. Come back, otherwise there will be no chance. "

When Redman finished speaking, he turned and left.

Gao Linyun opened her mouth and wanted to continue asking, but Redman had disappeared into the mist.

With a frown, Lin Yun looked at this starry sky, and vaguely felt that the secrets of the Merlin family seemed to have a very important connection with this starry sky, and the answer he wanted to find might be answered here.

As I stepped into the ancient road of the starry sky, the huge pressure around it as if at the bottom of the deep sea suddenly disappeared, replaced by a strange feeling that could not be felt on the Northrend plane.

This is an infinite world, not just the starry sky or the void, but the real world!

When stepping into the ancient road of the starry sky, Lin Yun's first feeling was this. The space here is much more stable than the Northrend world, and there is also a feeling that any powerful force here will not cause anything to this starry sky. Impact is like a violent little river that has no effect on the ocean.

Stepping on the galaxy, which is composed of endless stars, it seems that there is a hint of power under his feet to support him, without feeling down-to-earth, but without the illusion of falling into the endless void below.

Up, down, left, and right, all directions seem to be endless starry sky, and even meteors can be seen across the galaxy with long tails, and the potholes on the surface of the meteor are constantly erupting. The water vapor and other dust are clearly seen here.

Each meteorite is at least ten kilometers long, but when these meteorites cross the ancient road of the sky, they seem to be affected by any force. At most, they pass by, and their power cannot slow down that one. What is the impact of the slow flowing Xinghe.

没有 There is no air and no gravity here, everything is like endless nothingness. Lin Yun supports the magic shield and replaces everything needed with endless magic.

I walked along the Xinghe. I don't know how long, some large meteorite fragments began to appear around the Xinghe. These fragments turned into rings around the Xinghe ancient road like satellites.

At the beginning, the fragments that appeared did not exceed the size of a human head at most, and the size was only the size of a fist. A few kilometers of stone fragments drifted quietly around Xinghe Ancient Road, looking like a small piece of land.

There is no sound in the quiet, quiet to death, there is no death in life, only those more and more fragments.

Slowly, meteorites of twenty to thirty kilometers have appeared in the surrounding debris, and some are more regular in shape, like small lands, standing on the ancient road of the starry sky, you can even feel those small lands Weak gravity uploaded.

The spreading debris spread around the ancient road of the starry sky. In the end, you can no longer see how much it is. All the places you can see are all such broken debris. Looking into the distant void, you can only I saw those fragments getting smaller and smaller, and until I couldn't see them, I didn't find out how much the fragments covered.

Suddenly, Lin Yun's footsteps stopped, thick and crazy malice, appearing like a tsunami, huge magic fluctuations in this quiet and dead starry sky, as obvious as the hot sun in the sky of Northrend World .

The dragon's staff was slowly lifted by Lin Yun, the chains on the book of death were broken one by one, and then the chains became runes printed on the surface of the book of death, and the pages automatically opened.

In the surrounding void, a dark fog began to appear unknowingly. The fog slowly thought that the space beside and in front of Lin Yun was enveloped. The whole world seemed to be dark in an instant, and the sky was filled with The starlight dissipated, and even the light from the ancient road under the stars seemed to be blocked ...

Crazy and evil evil surrounded Xiang Yun from these dark mists, and the dense number of rock fragments and small land fragments are now invisible. Www.ltnovel.com ~ With a shield, he stared blankly at the dark fog slowly covering his body, and the area around him slowly narrowed.

The last place around me to emit light is the increasingly dim light at the foot of the galaxy, but the light of the galaxy is slowly dim, and finally dissipates completely ...

"Is Shadow Demon?"

Qi Linyun asked casually, but the tone was very certain.

At the moment when the light of Xinghe at the foot completely disappeared, the book of death in Lin Yun's hand had automatically turned to the true chapter.

The endless malicious and endless crazy roar came from all directions, and a cry of the Phoenix suddenly sounded.

A crystal phoenix flew from the book of death, and the endless evil light broke out like a scorching sun suddenly appearing in the darkness, spreading wildly in all directions.

Where the cricket's rays shrouded, all of them were bare, like a giant corpse of cricket monsters, appearing everywhere they could see.

Unclear numbers of shadowy demon appear in the light of evil, all the shadowy demon shrouded by the light of evil are like low-level vampires who first appeared under the hot sun, and there are large tracts on the skin like flame scars. The traces, these traces of flames spread wildly.

For a while, the shadow demon within a hundred meters of Lin Yun, like a low-level vampire shrouded in a scorching sun, instantly dissipated into ashes. (To be continued) []

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