Chapter 182

The remaining Shadow Demon, like the terrible natural enemies encountered, turned around and began to flee wildly. Unfortunately, in less than a second, all of them turned to ashes and dissipated ...

In an instant, the surrounding space lit up again, and the galaxy beneath it still glowed a faint light, and the endless fragments still floated there quietly, and the starlight also passed through the endless void, transmitted from the distant to incalculable places. come……

The only thing I have is that the diffused ash slowly spills around. The ash is captured by the larger debris land around it, and slowly falls down on those debris.

Zhe Linyun frowned and stood in place, a hint of doubt flashed in her eyes.

The characteristics of such things as shadowing the demon are too obvious. Where they appear, all the light will be hidden, only endless darkness.

But this kind of thing can only exist in the age of gods and demons. In the early days of the Nesser dynasty, this kind of thing has been extinct.

In the age of gods and demons, these things only existed in the kingdom of the Lord of Darkness. Only in the pure dark place would there be room for the Shadow Demon to survive.

But after the end of the age of the devil, the shadow demon has lost the soil on which to live, and as soon as they appear, they will inevitably cover all the light around them, and then swarm up again, sucking all the blood of the creatures enveloped in darkness, Leaving a pile of scary corpses.

It's a pity that none of the pure blood elves, the rulers of the Nasser dynasty, did not hate these guys. Since these stupid guys attacked a pure blood elves for the first time, they were destined to be destroyed.

The radiance of the sun-elves is not something these stupid monsters can resist. The only weak point and the biggest weakness of these horrifying shadow demon is that it cannot be illuminated by any light, even if it is a firefly. The light shining on them will hurt them.

The glory of the scorching sun elves shrouded them, and the only result was that all these guys were killed by the puppets ...

The shadow-slayers who were forced into desperation want to take refuge in the five-colored dragons. The only one who can have a little connection with them is the destruction of the black dragons. Unfortunately, the destruction of the black dragons does not like these guys very much. The devastated Black Dragon's breath was burned to ashes.

At this point, the shadow-slayer of Northrend World is completely extinct, but it is said that there is another close relative of the shadow-slayer in Hell, but the shadow-slayer will be heavy after it is burned by the light. Bloody smell and stench of sulfur.

There was a hint of doubt in Zhe Linyun's eyes. These disgusting guys were already extinct in the early days of the Nesser Dynasty. How could there be such a large group here? Just now at least tens of thousands of Shadow Demon gathered to cover his perception of light ...

There was a little vigilance in his heart, Lin Yun summoned both Theodos and Anderfa together, and continued along the ancient road of the starry sky. The gate of the starry sky when he arrived did not know where he had been dropped. Only this galaxy extends into the endless void on both sides.

I walked for an hour again, and Lin Yun stopped again. Among the huge fragments next to it, there was a small black spot jumping quickly towards them.

After a few seconds, Lin Yun saw what the little black spot was.

A monster with three heads looks like a giant orangutan overall, but it has six arms, no hair on its body, dense black scales, and a weird rune made of white scales on its chest.

The creeping monster jumped and rushed on the earth fragments, and it rushed to the ancient road of Xinghe within a few seconds. It had a huge body of 200 meters high and exuded an ancient and huge breath.

When I saw Lin Yun, the eyes of the three heads became red, and the two layers of cavities like shark teeth leaked out, and the saliva remained like a waterfall, and those mouth drops of water fell on the debris, just like It is full of corrosive acid liquid, which erodes a large amount of white smoke, and a foul odor is emitted.

Zhe Linyun frowned, and immediately spit out a rune. Twelve flame swirls appeared above his head. The endless flame spell turned into a torrent and rushed towards this monster.

Theodorus immediately summoned the flame door, a large number of advanced flames turned into a torrent and rushed towards the monster ...

Juan Andfa was thrilled on all three faces.

"Merlin, what kind of ghost place are you here, how can there be such a monster here? Damn, don't let it come near, and never get sprayed by this guy's saliva."

One face of Anderfa issued a swift warning to Lin Yun, and the other two faces watched the monster vigilantly. The wheel of the million law also began to spin quickly, and the storm of elements became hundreds of meters thick The storm severely suppressed the monster.

The monster was suppressed and couldn't approach. Six red eyes were full of crazy hatred. Six arms were constantly tearing in front of them. They had sharp nails that were more than ten meters long. They forcibly cut the spell flood and storm in front of them. On, the six giant claws are like a huge windmill, constantly stirring those powerful offenses, and the offensives that carry Lin Yun want to get closer to the past and tear Lin Yun into pieces.

Lin Yun frowned, his body floating slowly, the blessing of the Elements of the Book of Death was blessed, and the purple dragon incarnation in the dragon's staff rushed out into a huge purple dragon ghost appearing in Lin Yun Behind.

At the same time, an ancient balance vanity appeared, and the Wheel of Thousand Laws and the Book of Thousand Mantras fell to both sides of the scale. In the void, infinite power poured into the Wheel of Thousand Laws.

Faster than in the Northrend world or the Raging Flame plane, the wheel of the million law began to explode the power of the extraordinary magic weapon.

The flame torrent and the elemental storm are integrated to form a larger torrent of destruction, completely suppressing the monster, and the monster's claws that can easily tear open the elemental storm cannot continue, and the body is suppressed in place , Can not move at all, can only scream angry.

The head of Wu Yang in the monster opened his mouth wide, and a thick liquid appeared in his mouth. After the fierce spray, the flame in front of him seemed to be forcibly extinguished.

Whether it is the fire of purgatory or the black bone erosion, in the face of this drool, it is like an ordinary flame encounters a large basin of water ...

Even the raging element destruction storm was forcibly destroyed. The monster also took advantage of this opportunity to wave six arms and torn frantically, and rushed forward a distance of more than 100 meters in an instant. According to the monster's body shape, only Need to rush out again, that huge claw can tear Lin Yun to pieces ...

An Defa's face screamed in horror.

"Merlin, kill this guy quickly. Don't let him approach. His saliva can easily wipe out your rune shield. Even Theodorus and I will be wiped out by this guy's saliva.

With its sharp claws, the degree of sharpness is absolutely comparable to the power of space tearing, but also with the power of annihilating magic, his head, and his head is crushed! "

Lin Linyun looked coldly at the monster in front of her, calmly, and when the monster opened her big mouth in the middle again, a ruled rune bomb quickly appeared in front of Lin Yun.

Then the regular rune bombs were sent before the regular rune bombs had devoured the surrounding forces.

For a while, the rear of the regular rune bombs appeared like a colored band of light. The energy in the void was easier to swallow than the Northrend world, and even more violent.

When a thick water mass condensed in the monster's mouth again, the regular rune bombs also rushed into its mouth ...

Boom ...

With a loud noise, the violent power exploded in the mouth of the blame, and instantly exploded half of the monster's head into a smash. The condensed water mass was also exploded, but those violent powers came into contact with the saliva. After that, it was instantly annihilated, and the seemingly violent power was completely dissipated within a second.

And after losing a head, the monster seemed to be crazy, and it was no longer defending. The white weird rune on the chest slowly turned black, and it waved six arms like a swordfish against the water. , Quickly rushed to Lin Yun.

Gao Linyun's eyes were cold, her body was motionless, and she was chanting swift spells in her mouth, and ruled runes kept emerging, and soon, a dark wind blade condensed.

Anderfa and Theodorus also understood the critical moment. The door of the flame was completely opened, and the flame turned into the most violent torrent, constantly slamming on the monster's body, and even many flames began to follow. The monster shattered half of its head and went into the monster's body to burn.

Anderfa also went mad, turning the Wheel of Tensions into a crazy spinning windmill. The endless storm of elements is like a horizontal tornado, rolling and suppressing the past.

The speed of the monster was slightly weakened, but within three seconds, it could definitely rush to Lin Yun's body!

The dark wind blade condensed by Lin Yun was not released immediately, but a dark wind blade was condensed again. This is a high-level rule rune frame constructed from regular runes, which contains a trace far beyond what he can now master. power.

At this time, the evil spirit formation was urged to the extreme, constantly calculating the waving route of the monster's six arms, looking for possible opportunities.

The time passed by every second, and after two seconds, all three faces of Anderfa were discolored.

"Merlin! Damn it, we're all done without killing this guy!"

After the monster had rushed to Lin Yun's body more than 80 meters, the monster only needed to take one step further, and the six sharp claws would instantly tear them into pieces.

At this moment, the two wind blades controlled by Lin Yun cāo flew out at the same time, everything seemed like a coincidence. The wind blade wiped the monster's six arms in front of him and passed through, and each time was just right. Avoid the monster's terrible fast arms and claws.

Two dark wind blades attacked the monster's two heads at the same time. One of the wind blades penetrated into the monster's mouth, cut off half of the monster's head, and the other cut it on the monster's neck. A head was cut off directly ...

The moment the two remaining heads were chopped, the attack of Andrea and Theodos tore the monster's head into pieces and lost their lives. The monsters whose bodies had not stopped were instantly flamed. Shrouded, Elemental Storm tore its corpse into pieces, and the infinite flame burned his corpse pieces into fragments ...

(To be continued)

There is only one thing that looks like a water mass, neither the elemental storm nor the flame can be shaken ...

After the battle was over, the balance's shadow disappeared, Ander's three faces were still frightened, and Lin Yun's face was not very good-looking.

"Merlin, **** it, where is this, and how can there still be such terrible monsters?"

Zhe Linyun didn't speak. When the flame went out, she slowly walked forward, the monster's huge body had been burned to ashes, but there were still a few things left in place.

Some are burned and deformed claws. These are the monster's claws, just like the dark metal, which can even tear elemental storms.

This is the legendary slayer iron in Northrend's world. It completely eliminates magic and elemental power. This slayer iron is only available in the age of gods, and it is not a magic metal mine.

Because this metal is not a magic metal, it cannot be the output of a magic metal mine. For a long time, everyone thought it was a mineral.

Until Northrend's world reached its peak, there was no archaeological wizard to discover the truth. There were no veins of iron iron in the world, and the remaining iron iron was left over from the past.

东西 This kind of thing comes from a creature called Laurstrol, magic castaway!

This kind of creatures survived in the age of gods and demons. They are creatures that completely eliminate magic and elemental power. Their body does not contain any magic and elemental power. It is like a magical waste wood that is rare in human beings for thousands of years. Even if you take a bath with the real potion, it is impossible to store any magical guy.

But magic casters are not weak at all. In the age of gods and demons, almost no one wants to provoke them. Their claws can easily shatter the power of any spell and element, even for other creatures. The most dangerous elemental storm zone, they can pass through stiffly relying on the body's strong resistance to the elemental power and claws.

Moreover, this monster is very powerful. Adults are celestial creatures and can even fight against dragons.

Until then, the war between gods and demons started, and one **** and demonics hit their ideas on the magic renegade race. He slaughtered all the magic renegade races in order to get their claws and all their claws. After melting, it was re-formed into a weapon. This was the well-known Demon Blade in the Age of Demon. Even if Constanta faced the Demon Blade, he would actively avoid it.

What makes this race even more reluctant to provoke is their saliva, that horrible thing that can destroy any element and magic, as long as it is contaminated on the body, it will continuously destroy the magic, as long as the magic does not dissipate, it will continue to be annihilated. Go on.

Even after the saliva dissipated, this kind of power would still exist, just like the curse of doom, and the magic slowly and completely dissipated.

In the age of gods and demons, all creatures have magic power, and even many creatures survive by magic power. The dissipation of magic power is no different from the dissipation of life, just like the dark spirits of the time.

Therefore, the saliva of the magic abandonment has another relatively loud name, the water of doom.

Even if it is an extraordinary spell, it will be destroyed by the water of doom. There are even legends that there was once a **** fire that surpassed the heavenly power, and was accidentally sprayed by the saliva of a strong magic caster, and then the **** fire was poured Went out……

Lin Yun picked up the deformed scorpion iron that was burned by the heat of the flame, and carefully looked at the water mass remaining on the ground. The water mass was wrapped in a thin film, and the thick liquid was rolling inside. This is The famous water of doom.

In this era, it has completely disappeared. Only after 3,800 years will a mage find a ball in a small plane, and then the mage will use this ball of doom to pour on After his enemies, his enemies finally died of life.

"My God, Merlin, don't you want to take this dangerous thing? Dammit, you're playing with fire. If you accidentally get a little bit, you're finished! Dangerous things that can be poured out! "

Luan Anfa hid dozens of meters away, and looked with horror at Lin Yun toward the water of doom.

Zhe Linyun shook her head without speaking.

The water of doom is more dangerous, but it is not useless. You must know that after thousands of years, those crazy mages, in order to pursue the truth of everything, cannot do anything, and have not touched any dangerous things. The devil of **** dare to catch it and dissect in the laboratory ...

The water of doom can be made into a disposable weapon, even if it can only be used once, it is also a big killer. The level of the magic renegade is almost forty-one to forty-two. If this group of water of doom is Used well enough, it can definitely kill a second-tier powerhouse, and may even pollute the magic power of the third-tier powerhouse ...

Take out a pile of ordinary steel and a pile of glass, Lin Yun releases flames to burn those glasses, melts the glass again and melts it, and then turns it into a ball and wraps it into a ball of doom-sized water.

After the glass has cooled, the hand of doom has been wrapped in this ordinary glass ball, and then Lin Yun has melted away the steel, and then melted the iron into a round ball and wrapped the glass ball to form an iron ball.

After the iron ball cools down, the water of doom is stored intact. It's that simple. This kind of thing has a complete suppressive annihilation force on magic and elemental power. Unfortunately, even an ordinary glass can be stored. , Ordinary steel can completely trap the water of doom ...

After two consecutive layers of protection, Lin Yun once again took out a separate ring of space and put the iron ball in.

Do you dare not care about this dangerous thing ...

Put away the loot ~ ~ Lin Yun continued to move forward in front of Xingkong Ancient Road.

I walked for a few minutes again, and Lin Yun saw a corpse appearing in the surrounding debris.

The slender body, wearing exquisite hollow armor, looks flashy, but Lin Yun knows that it is the skill of the pure blood elves that has now been lost, and it looks exquisitely fragile, but has terrifying protective capabilities.

The pointed long ears indicate that the owner of the corpse is an elf, and the meniscus logo on his forehead, and the tarnished long bow he holds in his hand, plus the obvious style of the armor, all explain This is the body of a Silvermoon Elf!

银 Silvermoon Elf, one of the Pure Blood Elves!

Lin Yun stood on the edge of the ancient road in the sky and looked at the silver moon elven body on the fragment. His armor had lost its luster, the exquisite longbow had lost his magic power, and even the silver moon on his forehead had lost its light and became A dim mark.

He has fallen and do n’t know how long, but because the environment here is special, the corpse is so well preserved, but Lin Yun knows that as long as he touches the corpse a little, or any external force touches the corpse, the corpse It will dissipate into ashes ...

I continued to move forward, and after walking for less than three minutes, I saw a corpse again, this time a corpse of a sun-demon ...

Slowly, move on, more and more corpses are encountered, and the debris scattered around the ancient road of the starry sky begins to be covered with a lot of corpses of pure blood elves.

(To be continued) []

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