It ’s just that the establishment of a sheltered tower requires too much work and consumes too much, and at that time it was almost a blindfold to cross the river. Everything was taken step by step, even if it was the alchemy of sacred Division, can not directly give the design of the entire shelter tower.

For various reasons, the final asylum tower has not been completely established, the magic of Northrend World has begun to dry up, and the establishment of the asylum tower has to be stopped.

And even the incomplete refuge tower sheltered the Northrend world for tens of thousands of years. The time of the Northrend world's destruction was delayed for tens of thousands of years, and the magic of Northrend world was completely exhausted. No more green plants can be seen for a long time.

的 The light of the refuge tower completely dissipated, and the Northrend world was destroyed.

If there is a complete sheltered tower, is it possible that the Northrend world will not even enter the doomsday? Is it possible that the depletion of magic will not happen?

If you start building an asylum tower now, and you will build a complete asylum tower when Northrend's world is the most complete, then will the magic of Northrend's world not be exhausted, it will not decline at all. ?

Zhe Linyun frowned, approaching the knowledge and wisdom he now inherited, which were almost all those terrible mages in Northrend's peak world.

So, why do those mages choose to build shelter towers in the end, and mages with natural half planes are not without them at the peak, why do they value the shelter towers?

Zhe Linyun rubbed his forehead, made up his mind, and started to build a tower of asylum in advance. After all, according to his current strength, even if he couldn't reach the strength of detachment, the magic of living in Northrend's world began to dry out.

At that time, his mage of this strength must be the first to be affected, in other words, the fastest to die ...

No one can remain indifferent in the face of the death that is bound to come. Just prepare a few more hands ...

Especially now that I have found one of the core components of the refuge tower, the only clue of the Redpus plate, it is even more impossible to give up.

It is necessary to go to the Kingdom of Odin to find this plate of Redpus. With this, the difficulty of building a sheltered tower will be reduced.

Even if there is only a rough idea of ​​construction now, and no drawings at all, it must start.

Zhe Linyun went back to the edge of the fog fault with a lot of thought, and Labrador appeared with a hippie smile in a silver light.

"Hey, Lord Mafa, is this going back? I heard that you are now the owner of the Merlin family. Remember to leave a magic mark here as a coordinate, otherwise, the next time you come in, you still have to break through. For fog faults, when you go out, you only need to sense the coordinates of the Merlin family at the edge of the fog fault to open the door of space and go back. "

Zhe Linyun nodded with a smile, spit out a rune, opened a mark on a mage tower on the edge, and then submerged into the mist fault again.

I waited until Lin Yun entered the fog fault, and then Labrador suddenly patted his forehead.

"Oh damn, forget that Lord Mafia is not yet a celestial powerhouse. He has no power to open the door of space through the coordinates. Every time he enters and exits the zu land, he has to break through the mist fault ... ... "

But at this meeting, Lin Yun has entered the misty fault, and Labrador can't chase it. Who knows where this will be moved by the chaotic space in the misty fault.

Lin Yun, after entering the misty fault, according to Labrador, sensed a mark on the periphery of the zu ground, that mark is like a lighthouse placed on the other side of the misty fault, guiding the direction and coordinates.

The moment when Lin Linyun sensed this coordinate stepped out like a walk. In an instant, she passed through a moving space, and the chaotic space seemed to have no effect on Lin Yun at all.

Lin Yunyun's body walked in it, and she would not constantly move with those chaotic spaces. Lin Yun sensed the coordinates of the lighthouse and went straight through.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Yun walked out of the mist fault, and the surrounding space returned to normal. Only those mists full of runes were still shrouded.

I walked out of the misty layer like a walk. After a few minutes, I appeared at the entrance of the misty canyon where the place is.

Lin Yun walked out of the fog. The fog full of runes seemed to have no response at all, it seemed that no one came out at all.

Lin Yun glanced back at the misty canyon, and his inexplicable breath slowly dissipated. It seemed that at this moment, Lin Yun really appeared in this world. The weak breath of life and mental fluctuations slowly emerged, but the breath of magic was completely No, it is an ordinary person who cannot be ordinary any more.

Zhe Linyun's eyes were dull, and she slowly walked from the misty canyon toward the Meilin family.

On the other side, in the dark room of the Charlotte family, the owner of Charlotte was sitting there with a gloomy face. Opposite him, a black smoke exuding a strong evil and **** smell combined into a devil. His face was next to a weird orc who was smoky and half of his body turned into a skeleton.

"Here, Duncan, this is the last chance. I just got the news that Mafam Merlin has come out of Zu Land. When he returns to the Merlin family, it is time to formally take over the position of owner.

I waited until he had mastered the entire Merlin family. With the personality of that **** guy in Malfay Merlin, he would definitely crush our Charlotte family crazy, and maybe even find an opportunity to kill many of our Charlotte family.

There was no power at all to fight in this battle.

Likewise, Lord Duncan, when Mafia Merlin becomes the owner of the Malyn family, the power he can mobilize is completely incomparable now. You will never have the chance to seek revenge on Mafia Merlin! "

The black smoke rolled, and the face of the devil revealed was full of 狰狞, the Great Devil Lord incarnation of Thousand Souls Festival, gritted his teeth, and his eyes were scarlet.

"Mafmelin must be killed. The last time I was fooled by this **** guy, he didn't have that terrible power at all. He was just a titled wizard, how could he have that power.

Now he has n’t broken through the Heavenly Order, but it ’s coming fast. After he breaks through the Heavenly Order, he will surely master that terrible power. At that time, I will be dead, not only me, all of you will be dead. Already. "

Duncan, with a half-length skeleton, burning flames in his eyes, and Duncan exuding a deep abyss of strength, also gritted his teeth.

"If it weren't for the horrible guy Malfoy Merlin, I wouldn't have changed this look, I would definitely have perfected the advanced order, not the way I am now. I crawled back from the abyss and chased The only purpose of this world is to take revenge!

I can break through to the order of heaven, but I would like to thank Malfoy Merlin for that **** guy, and I will let his soul mourn in the abyss all night long. "

The Charlotte owner sneered.

"The Merlin family must have never imagined that we would suddenly shoot at such a time, even if that Marfa Merlin could show the strength of Heavenly Order, but we shot together and we would definitely kill the **** guy before the strength of the Merlin family came to support! "

Soon after, the Charlotte owner left the Charlotte family with the Thousand Soul Sacrifice and Duncan crawling back from the abyss.

The eyeliner of the Charlotte family has already told Lin Yun's whereabouts ...

Lin Yun, who is walking alone on the zu land of the Meilin family and the family, stopped suddenly.

In front of him, Duncan, half-skulled and half-smoked, appeared there.

"Maffamelin, you **** guy, it has completely failed my thousand years of hard work, and made me look like a monster, but I still want to thank you for losing me to the dirty abyss. in.

If I were n’t there, I would n’t be able to break through to the heavens, nor would I be able to gain this powerful power. Today, I will let you mourn under my power, and let your soul cry in the deepest part of the abyss! "

Duncan oozed evil black smoke, and the power belonging to the Heavenly Order Power was released without any reservation, just like a demon walking out of the abyss, full of evil abyss power.

A series of dark runes dangled around Duncan. Finally, these runes quickly gathered together to form a dark heart in Duncan's hands. Every time the heart beats, a large piece of black smoke was released. When the heart beats, Duncan's magic is rising rapidly.

Lin Yun was a little surprised to see Dunken coming to stop the road. Lin Yun had forgotten this guy, but at the time, he was a bit unable to carry this. In order to break through the heavens, he could stay next to the heart of Constanta for a thousand years.

I later pursued and killed Lin Yun, and Lin Yun ventured to open the door of the abyss. He did not know which level of the abyss he was exiled to. He did not expect that he not only broke through the heavens, but also pursued the Northrend world.

Zhe Linyun hadn't spoken yet, and a more evil breath came from behind. The evil power also contained a strong **** smell.

The black smoke converged into a twisted **** devil's head, roaring at Lin Yun continuously, and the Charlotte owner stepped out of it. Next to him, a demon head formed by black smoke, with scarlet lights flashing in his eyes. It seems that just looking at the light, the soul will be deceived and fallen.

"Maffamelin, you didn't think of it, we didn't expect that we would stop you at this time. You are too careless, your whereabouts have already been told to me by the nails I planted in your Merlin family.

It ’s a pity that if the old guy of Huffland was here, I might not have such a big grasp to kill you, but now, I have borrowed the power of the Thousand Spirits Sacrifice and can exert the power of Heavenly Order, plus His Excellency Duncan even Almost to the zenith of the sky order.

Who can save you now, Mafam Merlin, you have no way to escape. You will not kill you. We will not be able to survive in peace until you inherit the Merlin family. You must die. "

The Great Devil turned into a magic weapon incarnation of the Thousand Souls Sacrifice. He looked at Lin Yun with a smile, and issued a vicious curse and curse in his mouth.

"Maffamelin, you must die, if you do not die, I can already foresee that I will surely die in your hands in the future. That kind of power is not what you should master. Damn bastard, you must die, your soul is also Must fall into hell.

Now two Heaven-tier strong men, my true body has also come here. Three heaven-tier strong men, you have not yet broken through to the title magic wizard, even if the fighting power is strong, our extraordinary strength can suppress you. .

Cry, sorrow, desperate and painful soul is the most intoxicating, ha ha ha ... "

The Charlotte owner and Duncan surrounded Lin Yun before and after, and even the surrounding area was covered with black smoke. Do n’t think about it, it must be a trap they arranged in advance, and even to prevent him from discovering it, before he entered the trap, both There is no magic wave.

Lin Yun stopped talking, and looked a little at Duncan in surprise, and then looked at Charlotte.

Charlotte's owner looked at Lin Yun with a sneer.

Damn guy, frighten this time. It is said that his combat power is Heavenly Order, unfortunately, the most powerful of Heavenly Order is the superpower. The suppression of the three superpowers can definitely make anyone under the Heavenly Order. Unable to exert his strength, even if his fighting ability is strong, it is meaningless here.

Stupid guy, dare to oppose our Charlotte family. If you were made the owner of the Merlin family, wouldn't our Charlotte family be subject to constant suppression?

Recently, the cloud tower and black tower are hooking up with the Merlin family. Even the several cooperations between the Watson family and our Charlotte family have become cooperation with the Merlin family. Everything is because of this **** horse. Famelin is back, and the news of his succession has just leaked.

家伙 These guys are like sharks who smell blood, and they surround the Merlin family. For the benefit, those **** guys really have no bottom line.

Alas, today they are to be seen, and Malfay Merlin's frightened head is hung on the gate.

Three people surrounded Lin Yun, and extraordinary powers bloomed recklessly, suppressing and suppressing Lin Yun, and then cautiously put an end to all escape routes of Lin Yun. Obviously, he was planning to kill Lin Yun today.

Lin Anda's three faces next to Lin Yun showed a smile on one of them, one of them glanced at Duncan.

"Do you want to throw Mei Lin's soul into the deepest part of the abyss?"

Then turned to look at the big devil.

"You want to drag Merlin's soul into hell, right?"

"Okay ~ ~ When will a guy who has more power in the abyss than the devil in the abyss, cooperate with a big devil in hell?

不要 Would the two of you discuss it first, should you throw Mei Lin's soul into the abyss or drag it into hell? "

The Charlotte owner sneered.

"Maffamelin, you and your **** magic weapon incarnation will all die next time. No matter what you say, it is useless. We are fully prepared this time."

Zhe Linyun smiled.

"Charlotte, are you the successor of the Charlotte family?"

Charlotte's owner gave a slight smirk, and then sneered.

"Maffa Merlin, you don't have to delay time, our people have locked up here, at least half an hour, the rescue of the Merlin family will not appear here."

Qi Linyun sighed.

"Charlotte owner, I just kindly remind you that I will do something good today to help you the Charlotte family.

Help your Charlotte family avoid a crisis of genocide. In the future, the great devil will sacrifice all your family blood to restore their strength.

Of course, I can, by the way, help your Charlotte family change for a more sensible owner. "(To be continued) [This text is provided by the sailing update team leader @ 刘靖] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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