When I heard Lin Yun say that, the face of the big devil suddenly changed, obviously Lin Yun said it. The devil in hell, but a more cunning creature than the devil, betrayed, deceived, lied, and deceived. This is the devil Believing in the credo of life, believing the words of any devil is equivalent to putting your soul into the hands of the devil.

"Stupid guy, no matter what you say today, you can't avoid the fate of your death!"

The big devil, Charlotte's owner, and Duncan, three people surrounded Lin Yun in a triangle, and approached slowly and carefully. The extraordinary strength completely covered Lin Yun, but Lin Yun didn't even support the shield.

Suddenly, Lin Yun's breath became more erratic, and the little breath of life leaking out was quickly dissipating.

Anderfa, who was watching the joke, suddenly stopped smiling, and glanced at the Charlotte owner with some sympathy.

"These idiots are going to die. I bet for half a minute." The leftmost face of Andrea was solemn.

The face on the right sneered.

"I bet ten seconds before someone will die, and within a minute, all three idiots will be killed."

The face in the middle laughed strangely.

"No, at most twenty seconds, all three idiots will die ..."

Anderfa floated in the air to see the excitement, apparently he did not intend to help at all.

When three people surrounded the circle to a hundred meters, they couldn't help it.

"Don't wait, this guy can't move his finger because of the superpower's suppression!"

"Kill him!"

"I want his soul!"

Three people shot at the same time, the owner of Charlotte was covered with black smoke, and the body was filled with black scales. The roaring black smoke turned into countless evil and ugly creatures and rushed to Lin Yun.

Duncan held the dark heart in one hand, the thick black smoke turned into a dark cloud, and the countless abyss spells turned into a flood and rushed to Lin Yun.

And the real body of the great devil floated in the air, a face turned into a few tens of meters high, with a cruel smile, as if the torrent of countless grieving souls screamed from its mouth.

For a while, Lin Yun's calm eyes seemed to suddenly have a star lit up. It seemed as if a star burst into the dead starry sky.

The horrible magic wave exploded from Lin Yun's body, only the magic wave fluctuated. Has slowed the attack of three people by more than half!

Lin Yun took out the book of death in his left hand, the chain broke, and the pages of the book automatically turned to the page of the chapter of the true chapter. It seemed to feel a strong evil presence.

Crystal Phoenix took the initiative to fly out of the book of death, following Lin Yun's magic surge. Crystal Phoenix's body has become tens of meters in size, and the endless evil light blooms from Crystal Phoenix's body.

Three people around screamed at the same time, and the scream of the big devil was even more miserable. His devil's face, which was tens of meters in height, seemed to have been sour.

"Damn, why is there such a thing, **** ..."

The great devil perfectly explained what it means to escape from the battlefield and what is no principle. When the crystal phoenix appeared, the big devil immediately turned into a black smoke and ran away.

But Shuijin Phoenix issued a phoenix. The body dragged a colorful light, and instantly enveloped the range of thousands of meters in the light of breaking evil.

The big devil screamed in horror in the light of breaking evil. When the black smoke dangled from the body was illuminated by the light, it continued to dissipate, and even the speed of escape became extremely slow.

It has lost its body, and only a part of the demon soul has survived. The former great devil is now just an incarnation of a magic weapon that can exert the power of the heavenly order.

The Crystal Phoenix, however, happened to kill this guy from all angles ...

The devil's body was shrunk by the light, and finally he was rushed up and grabbed by the crystal phoenix. The claws tore the big devil into pieces, then shred the big devil's soul and swallowed it.

The devil's soul will not disappear if it is torn. Even if only a part of the devil remains, the devil can still survive. It just loses most of its power and memory.

Devoured by the crystal phoenix, the broken demon soul of the great devil is constantly mourning in the belly of the crystal phoenix, where is the strongest part of the power of breaking the evil light, any evil, where it will be purified ...

When Crystal Phoenix went to hunt down the devil, Lin Yun did not take out the dragon staff. Instead, he took out a twisted blade that seemed to be burned.

Taking a step towards the owner of Charlotte, Lin Yun's body seemed to be integrated into the space, and a distance of tens of meters was taken in one step.

The spell released by the Charlotte owner is like a runaway beast, and Lin Yun is like walking in this runaway beast. When each step comes out, he just passes through the middle of the two spells. .

Without supporting the shield, I just rely on my body to shuttle through the torrent of this spell, like dancing on the blade.

Charlotte's face turned pale and cast more insanely, but no matter how he cast, he could only see Lin Yun's spells were not released, and even the shield was not, but he was easily removed from his spells. The torrent came through, getting closer and closer to him.

Obviously like an ordinary person, but the owner of Charlotte felt that he was just an ordinary person, and Lin Yun was like a heavenly powerhouse stepping forward to him step by step, a sense of great crisis is like The plague covered his body.

"Ah, Mafia Merlin, go to die, go to die, go to die, I am the Heavenly Order Power, I am ..."

The owner of Charlotte was full of fear, but did not know where he was afraid.

Lin Yun's face lightly shuttled through the spell torrent, stepping forward step by step, as if those violent spell torrents were actively avoiding Lin Yun.

Three meters before the owner of Charlotte, the owner of Charlotte had stopped releasing the spell, and added a protective spell to himself with horror.

Lin Yun gave a cold glance at the Charlotte owner.

"It's a shame of a mage to conspire with a big devil in hell, and even continually sacrifice the children of his own family. If you use spells to kill you, you will insult the spell.

The owner of Charlotte was frightened.

"Mafmelin, you can't kill me, you can't do this ..."

The owner of Charlotte's body was covered with at least a layer of magical protection, but Lin Yun did not even support the shield, but stood there. The Charlotte owner was scared.

Lin Yun sneered, and the weird twisted sharp blade held in his right hand swung for a moment. When the sharp blade touched the shield of Charlotte's owner, those shields were like a layer of bubbles. It was easily pierced, and the sharp blade easily cut off the head of Charlotte's owner, and even cut all the magic and elemental power in front.

In the air, a clear trace floated there for a long time, and no magic or elemental power on that trace could be approached ...

Killed the Charlotte owner. Lin Yuncai put away the sharp blade in his hand. The sharp claws of the magic abandonment that I previously obtained in the ancient road of Xingkong, this root is relatively intact, the power of the demon iron is clearly reflected here.

Holding this sharp blade, Lin Yun could not release the magical power, but any magical power and elemental power, when approaching the iron magic iron, were like stones encountered by the river. No matter how strong, it will involuntarily slide away to the sides.

If it is an ordinary mage, a mage who cannot perfectly control his magic power, may touch himself when he touches the demon iron, and let his magic power begin to annihilate.

The Charlotte owner apparently didn't know that Lin Yun could rely on the power of the demons and irons to a large extent when Lin Yun could walk in that terrible posture.

And generally want to achieve that level, the difference in level, at least a dozen levels before it is possible to do nothing protection, magic is like actively avoiding.

That is an absolute gap. It is completely irreparable. No matter what method is used to close the gap, it is just the difference between one grain of sand and the sea and two grains of sand and the sea.

Charlotte was scared and then easily cut off his head ...

the other side. The big devil was also swallowed by the water golden phoenix, and the time passed ten seconds!

Duncan was frightened, and half of the face that was not a skull was full of shock and fear.

"You ... who are you? You're not Malfam Merlin, **** it, how could Malfam Merlin be so strong, impossible. Impossible ...

Titled Magister, this is impossible, titled Magister cannot have such a strong power, impossible ...

Damn, who are you, who are you ... "

Duncan screamed in horror as he stepped back, and after a few steps back, Duncan gritted his teeth and spit out a few black abyssal runes from his mouth.

The rune flew out, a vortex of black smoke appeared there, the vortex expanded rapidly, and an abyss door appeared ...

Before the abyss gate was fully formed, Duncan hurried to the abyss gate.

Effortlessly crawled out of the abyss, but now frightened to escape into the abyss.

Lin Yun looked coldly at Duncan jumping into the door of the abyss, spit out a few runes of rules, and the runes condensed a dark wind blade in the air.

Instantly, the blade disappeared, as if it appeared in front of the door of the abyss, and the blade disappeared immediately behind Duncan.

A second later, Duncan's scream came from the Abyss Gate, and then the Abyss Gate collapsed and burst open at the same time, a beating black heart fell to the ground, and then decomposed into pieces of black smoke. Rune of the abyss, shone away by the phoenix's phoenix's illusory light ...

"Damn, it only took fifteen seconds. What kind of strength is Merlin now?"

An Defa cursed angrily, and none of the three faces guessed correctly.

Lin Yun resolved the battle and was too lazy to control so much, but he couldn't help but think about it. When he was in the demon kingdom of Constanta, he exiled two idiots to the endless abyss. Since Duncan climbed out of the abyss , The other one may also climb out of the abyss, why not see it.

Want to ask Duncan, unfortunately, Duncan is now dead in the collapsed channel. Even if the wind blade can't kill him, the space of the collapsed channel is enough for him to find even the bone fragments.

Charlotte's owner, Duncan, and the Great Devil, the incarnation of the Thousand Souls, were all wiped out, and the black smoke around it slowly began to dissipate, and there were still a lot of mage traces around them. Special family to help block this area.

As the blockade was lifted here, the battle turmoil began to come, and there was a vague roar.

"Stupid bastard, dare to ambush the great Lord Merlin, you idiots. You all have to die, die, die, taste the sledgehammer of the off-duty. My slaughter is already intolerable, come with your blood Feed my slaughter! "

The angry roar of off-duty is as loud as thunder, even if the blockade here has not been completely lifted, Lin Yun can hear clearly.

As the black smoke slowly dissipated, Lin Yun also saw many people from the Meilin family outside. There are also some off-duty, all fighting with a group of Charlotte family members.

No, the battles are a little overestimating the Charlotte family. These guys don't have the Charlotte family logo at all, and they are all raw faces. Everyone's face is as stiff and rigid as a dead person. These guys are all dead from the Charlotte family.

The people from the off-class and the Merlin family can be described as massacres. Every time the off-class massacres are waved, a mage's shield is blasted out, and the body goes back and is bombed by the huge force along with the shield. Into pieces.

And Lena was cold. A mouthful of frost continued to blow out, and ice sculptures appeared on the ground ...

With a look of anxiety and annoyance, the owner of the Huffland family took a group of Masters of the Merlin family and yelled loudly.

"Damn bastards, who actually ambushed the next owner of our Merlin family in the territory of our Merlin family. Damn it, is this going to war?

Kill these bastards, **** ... "

The battle was over quickly, and before the alchemist brought by the Merlin family to lift the blockade, the black smoke slowly dispersed on its own, and Lin Yun walked out of it calmly.

"Her Mafia. Are you ... are you all right? Are the **** of the Charlotte family?"

Huffland's face was tense, his face turning blue with anger.

The Melin family was about to formally take over as the owner, and they encountered an ambush in the place between the ancestral land and the family. This was a blow to the face of the Merlin family. And it was a slap in the face.

"Master Meilin, what about those idiots? Alas, why aren't there anymore? Have you run away? Let's blow up their nests, kill them all, and steal all their wealth!"

The off-duty grinned and slaughtered, arrogantly shouting.

Lin Yun looked at Hofland. I was a little confused as to how soon they came.

"Home Hoverland, why did you suddenly appear here?"

Hofland gritted his teeth and looked pale.

"Traitor, a traitor has appeared in our family. Some traitor transmitted your whereabouts because it was accidentally discovered by your subordinates to an alchemist, but the news could not be stopped. Unfortunately, the traitor committed suicide, and we got When the news came, it came immediately, but it was a bit late.

Are those idiots of the Charlotte family? What about people? Let them run away? "

An Defa floated beside Lin Yun and didn't speak, but his three faces were a little weird.

Lin Yun smiled.

"Oh, the Hoverland homeowner may have misunderstood. It was an abyss demon who retaliated against me, and it was here that the owner of the Charlotte family was here.

Unfortunately, the owner of Charlotte was killed unfortunately, and their family's Thousand Spirits Sacrifice was also destroyed. Of course, the demon was also killed.

And these people, I do n’t know which family's deceased had died, it was a pity.

Oh, Hoverland owner, please let the people of the Charlotte family know and let their family change for another owner. "

After Lin Yun finished speaking, Hoffland's face became a little weird, and the group of title wizards of the Merlin family around were all a little dumbfounded.

There is a strong evil force all around. There is not only a breath of abyss, but also a breath of hell. The fluctuations of the battle have not yet dissipated, and the obvious traces formed on the earth due to the pressure of extraordinary forces are still left There.

Everyone can see that three people are besieging one person. It's unnecessary to think of Lin Yun as being besieged, but the other three people are missing now, and even the bone fragments of the dead are missing ...

Huffland wiped the cold sweat on his head and looked at Lin Yun with a dull complexion, unable to tremble in his heart.

Damn, that idiot Charlotte was killed? How long has this been?

That idiot seems to have reached the peak of the ninth-ranked magic wizard, and with the magical artifact of the Charlotte family, it seems to be no different from a real heavenly order.

Coupled with that evil incarnation of the magic weapon, as well as the apparently strong order of the sky with strong abyss power, all of them have been killed by Marfa?

The news we received was almost at the same time as Charlotte's idiot, and it rushed right away. The battle might have only begun for a few minutes, right?

Is this over? Damn, we were just going to fight back the stupid stuff of the Charlotte family, but who thought that Marfa had already killed them?

Tell the Charlotte family to change the owner, so needless to say? Damn, is that the owner of the Charlotte family? He was killed?

How many years have the Kingdom of Andalusia been killed without the Master ’s family? Five hundred years? 800 years?

Several mage families standing at the top of the Andalusian Kingdom, only when a war broke out more than a thousand years ago, did the owner of one family accidentally fall.

That idiot from Charlotte is here to help? Then die with the devil? Marfa, needless to say so fake? When are we all blind?

Hoffland opened his mouth and really did n’t know how to say it. After all, the death of a family's owner was not a trivial matter. If I dare to say that it was me, the two owners will inevitably start a war immediately. No.

The surrounding mage looked strangely at Lin Yun, and looked at the battlefield after the black smoke had dissipated. It was obvious that even a magic apprentice could see the trace, but Lin Yun turned the black without changing his face. To put it plainly, you can't admire it ...

Originally, there were still many old-fashioned Merlin family strong men who didn't take Lin Yun as such a young man somehow became the owner. When they came to the rescue, they just thought that the face of the Merlin family was the most important. After all, one immediately The person who wants to take over the house is killed on the territory of his own family, and his face is lost, and at least he will be joked for hundreds of years ...

But now ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ the most mages have bowed their heads. For a few minutes, two heavenly orders, plus a strange magical incarnation that can definitely exert the power of heavenly order, have all been killed. It's not something ordinary sky steps can do ...

The most important thing is that the one standing in front of him is just a strong man with the peak of the ninth-level magic wizard.

Lin Yun was intact, Hofland was overjoyed, and a group of people surrounded Lin Yun back to the Merlin family.

"Go, inform the stupid family of the Charlotte family and let them change their homeowner. Their stupid homeowner has unfortunately ended up with the devil, and our Merlin family deeply regrets it."

Huffland grinned, and returned to the Merlin family and issued the order loudly.

After speaking, he quickly asked Lin Yun a sentence.

"Her Mafia, what do you think?"

Lin Yun sighed. (To be continued.)


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