"The Charlotte family has fallen unfortunately. Our Merlin family naturally wants to say something. Find a homeless poet on the street, write a letter of sympathy, and send a few magic crystals. After all, people fall into the territory of our Merlin family. We deeply regret that we will definitely increase the annihilation of demonic creatures.

Oh, by the way, when he promised to help the owner of Charlotte against the devil before, he gave me a lot of things as a reward, and let the members of the Charlotte family send them together.

As for what to give, Hoverland, look at the election. Maybe Charlotte is anxious and forgot to say what to give ... "

In a word, Huffran's face changed, and a group of elementary school students saw the creator's expression.

Mafa, this guy is too suitable to be the head of the household. Sure enough, the smartest decision I made in my life was to hand over the position of the head to Mafa.

Look, look, this is the moment when the head of the family is settled, the old idiot of Charlotte is pitted, and by the way the pit of the Charlotte family.

And the members of the Charlotte family must swallow this bitter fruit. Even if they know the truth of the matter, they have to admit that the old idiot of Charlotte is the same as the devil ...

Do they dare to admit that they came to the territory of our Merlin family to assassinate the owner of the Merlin family? Damn, as long as they dare to admit it, no other family in the Kingdom of Andalusia dare to cooperate with them.

The default rules between the mage families, even if it is a war, can not use assassination methods to assassinate the opponent's owner or important members, after all, not every important member of the family has the strength of the heavens ...

The Charlotte family dare to admit that other Andalusian families or mage towers will never mind digging a piece of fat from the Charlotte family ...

Now what we say, they have to recognize, let them send a plane, they all have to hold their noses to recognize.

deny? OK, let's go to war!

This guy, Mafa, was born to be the owner of the Merlin family. Look at it, there is no need to start a war. Without losing any manpower, you can get more benefits than starting a war.

Alas, the plane that the Charlotte family holds is of little use. Maybe those idiots leak the coordinates of the plane as soon as they are ruthless, they still need a few veins or shops.

It is said that they have newly discovered a large-scale glaring stone vein, so that's how to count it, and there are several magic store and workshops. The business is very good, and the profit is almost comparable to the alchemy potion ...

Hofland left in a hurry, thinking about blackmail with her head down, oh no, it was the most appropriate amount to pay the Charlotte family.

The next day, the news of the fall of the owner of the Charlotte family spread, and he died in the territory of the Merlin family. The legend is that the owner of the Charlotte family was full of justice. Demon Lord. Unfortunately, the demon lord is too strong, just happened to meet the next owner of the passing Merlin family ...

Then the Charlotte owner paid a generous reward for the security of Andalusia, and let the next owner of the Merlin family help, and finally unfortunately ended up with the demon lord, and even the magic weapon of the family was destroyed ...

In the black tower, Heron looked at the report sent by her men and laughed on the spot.

"The idiots of the Charlotte family actually ran against Lord Mapha, really. Do you think you have lived for too long? You do n’t have to do this to prepare for suicide. It is better to explode the magic ...

Haha, Charlotte's old idiot, when is it so righteous. He will fight the devil to protect the tranquility of Andalusia ...

Damn, who's the idea, those who are old in the Charlotte family, I'm afraid they don't have the face to see anyone now.

Following this announcement, all cooperation between Heta and the Charlotte family ceased. Marfa now inherited the owner of the Merlin family, and we don't need to offend Lord Marfa for the stupidity of the Charlotte family.

Oh, no cooperation? Only a small shop? Not a small shop! "

In the cloud tower, Joey frowned slightly as he watched the report in his hand.

"Did we just buy a batch of magic weapons from the Charlotte family? Oh, all of them are returned, why? Just find a reason.

The fool of this family dare to collude with the devil and ran to the territory of the Merlin family to assassinate Lord Mapha. It is really stupid and incurable. Do not contact these guys in the future and carefully lower the wisdom several levels.

His Majesty is about to take over the house. Help me choose a gift. No, forget it. I will prepare the gift myself. "

In the streets of the city, there are bards singing the merits of Charlotte's owner, but that is what ordinary people may believe, and any master with a little brain will understand what is going on.

However, no one has revealed this. Huffland was even more reluctant to reveal it. He left the house in three days, but he recovered four stores and an alchemy for the Merlin family, and even two more. Large veins.

The new owner of the Charlotte family, enduring the pain, gave these things out, and they did n’t do it.

Now everyone knows that the owner of Charlotte has sacrificed to fight against the devil. Even if everyone knows what is going on, they all know it well.

Would you like to explain specifically that the Charlotte family was assassinating the next owner of the Merlin family?

The newly appointed Charlotte owner was tired, but more helpless.

"Master, have you reduced the amount of money this month? Also, orders from our family's workshops have been returned by most people for a variety of reasons, and ... "

The new Charlotte owner waved.

"Let ’s go down, these things are set aside first, and you are going to prepare the last gift. Your Mafia Merlin will formally inherit the position of the owner of the Merlin homeowner three days later. Do this first."

Sitting alone in the study, the owner, who had inherited the title of Charlotte, took out a thick pile of information with a smile on his face, and wrote a lot of information about Lin Yun densely.

Damn, is the owner deceived by the devil? It was a **** thing to assassinate the monster of Malfurmellin, and he deserved it, but it was a drag on the family.

Take a look, what did the monster of Malfam Merlin do on the Raging Flame plane, and the Shadow Tower of the Kingdom of Odin was killed by many people, but this is said to be the tower of the killer mage who stayed overnight. Until now No revenge yet. It is said that one of Tianjie died, and the cause of death may have a lot to do with Malfay Merlin.

There is also a tower of quicksand, the legendary mage's tower in the desert, and the master in the desert. Many people have been killed by Marfah Merlin. The sky order of the quicksand tower seems to have a good relationship with Marfah Merlin?

There is also the most prosperous fortress of the Raging Flame Plane, which is under the control of Malfur Merlin, and even the Gray Orcs, one of the eight Orcs of the Raging Flame Orcs, have loyal to Malfur Merlin.

Did those **** orcs forget the hatred with humans?

Even Titian was killed by Malfam Merlin. You know, he's a titled wizard, **** it must be another Thornton Merlin ...

The idiot in my hometown is going to assassinate such a monster, and see what the reply from the ancestral land is. It is four characters, deserve it!

Damn, now ask me to take over this mess, forget it. First think about how to ease the relationship with the Merlin family, no, it is to ease the relationship with the Mafam Merlin, **** it, the Mafam Merin has done nothing, we Charlotte can't go anymore, all the partners The order was returned, and the resources given to the senior family members had to be halved before they could be sent out barely ...

The homeowner really deserves it, don't he investigate it before shooting ...

Three days passed quickly, and the Merlin family suddenly became very lively. Every mage tower in the Kingdom of Andalusia comes to congratulate.

"Look, that's Lord Joey, who is in the cloud tower. It is said that Lord Joey has broken through to the heavens. He came in person!"

"It's rare and weird. Have you seen that, Lord Heron of Heta has also come in personally, and Lord Heron has also broken through to the heavens, and that old mage who looks very old, did you see that? The wise man in the Caucasus Mage. "

"Oh. Damn, is that the only wise man admitted to the barbarian? Why did he come here, and they are not having a good relationship with Andalusia? Especially Heta, alas, how did he and Lord Heron So happy talking? "

"Stupid, I can only say that you are too naive, but they all came to congratulate Master Mafammelin, did you see that? There are only four of the heavenly orders, and two of them are unknown. , But I heard that they are all old masters ... "

Many people came to congratulate. In addition to Tianjie, they are homeowner-level characters. The Charlotte family's endgame is vividly remembered. When the homeowner is killed, they can bear it with their noses pinned.

"A messenger of the Kingdom of the Sky in Odin arrives."

"The messenger of the quicksand tower of the kingdom of Odin arrives."

"The Angel of the Burning Tower of the Kingdom of Odin arrives."

The yin and yang frustrations at the gate kept ringing. The dense crowd inside the Merlin family seemed to be quiet a lot, one by one, looking at each of the mages who came in at the gate in amazement and horror.

These mages are all proud, and the staff they wore in their robes, and even the magic waves they emitted, were obviously stronger than the same ranks of the Kingdom of Andalusia.

"The City of Sky, the Tower of Quicksand, and the Tower of Burning are the powerful forces of the Kingdom of Odin, each of which is stronger than the Cloud Tower and the Black Tower.

They even shot a messenger to congratulate His Excellency Mafammelin on the succession of the family? Oh my god, I didn't read it wrong. These people are all level nine title wizards, and the magic fluctuations of each body are stronger than the average level nine title wizards. "

When the messengers of the three forces came in, looking at the awe and wonder on those faces, they involuntarily showed a little pride.

But when they entered the Meilin family, they saw the Lin Yun standing in the center with a light smile, and the pride on their faces disappeared instantly, and even a look of fear appeared on two of them.

"Master Mafa, Lord Didara is really inseparable, so I asked you to congratulate you, I hope you don't mind."

"Master Marfa, this is a gift that Raphael specially prepared for you. I hope you enjoy it. During this time, there is something in the city of the sky that requires Rafael to personally handle. I ca n’t spare time. Lord Phil said for a while that he would come to personally apologize. "

"Master Mafa, this is a specialty of our quicksand tower. Congratulations on your inheritance as the owner of the Merlin family."

Messenger of the three forces. With respect, they could not see the pride before, especially when they heard the names of the three messengers, the faces of a group of mages around them became a little shocked.

Thurth Watson was among the mage. This time he came on behalf of the Watson family. After all, the existence of the peak of the ninth-level magic wizard is definitely enough to represent the Watson family, and it is definitely face.

But here, Seth could not be inserted into the core circle. Because in that small circle, all of them are heaven-ranked powerhouses!

There are four Tianjie strong men who usually do not show up, but now they have come to congratulate Lin Yun personally, and now they have become more powerful in the kingdom of Odin ...

Mafam Merlin is really getting more and more terrible. Unless the titled Magister can not be called the Lord, and the title of the adult, in addition to his subordinates, can let other titled Magisters call the adults. There is only the Heavenly Rank Strong!

The three nine-level title wizards, however, called Malfay Merlin an adult. And respectful, there is only one point. Mafam Merlin's strength is already so strong that they can only look up, the strength is absolutely comparable to an old-fashioned heaven-ranked powerhouse!

These three messengers are very respectful of Malfay Merlin. Two of them even seem to be a little scared of Malfay Merlin. Damn, I must be dazzled, the power of the Kingdom of Odin. How dare you be afraid of Malfay Merlin?

Seth stood more than ten meters away and watched Lin Yun talk to several heaven-ranked powerhouses. He couldn't approach at all, and the ninth-level titled wizard. There are more than a dozen of them!

With a look of envy and complexity, Seth faintly looked up. In just a few years, he had begun to look up ...

"Hahaha, His Majesty, the successor of such a big thing. Why didn't you tell me? It's really boring. Fortunately, I knew this in advance."

A loud laugh came from the sky, and the breath belonging to the heavenly rank strong fell, the powerful breath instantly turned the lively gray often into silence, and the strength was slightly lower, and was suppressed by the breath of the heavenly rank strong, don't move With a click of my finger, it became very difficult to speak.

The next moment, everyone saw the sky, and a young man in a black robe flew from the sky riding a terrifying dark monster.

Suddenly, a faint wave swept across, and the breath of the sky-order powerhouse in the air was swept away instantly. The breath of the sky-order powerhouse suppressed by Morgan suddenly disappeared as if disappeared.

The elements of the four series in mid-air instantly converged, and then condensed into a four-series bomb with a size of more than three meters, which instantly tore the air and condensed a white air wave track hundreds of meters in front of the air.

The four series of bombs instantly hit the dark monster that Morgan was riding on. A loud noise blew in the sky, and the horrible magic wave appeared like a volcanic eruption. Morgan screamed and flew out, and his dark monster even more It was blown off half of his head.

"Morgan, I haven't seen you in a while. You seem to have been very good. The door will not go."

Lin Yun's fluttering voice came out ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ A group of people looked silly, and the heavenly strong were attacked ...

Outside of the Merlin family, the new Charlotte came to the door and saw the scene, with a smile on his face.

Malfay Merlin was so arrogant that he dared to shoot at a real Heaven-ranked strongman, and the robe on the strongman's robe seemed to be the Henry family of the Kingdom of Odin!

That ’s the big family of the Kingdom of Odin. The wealth may be greater than that of the entire Andalusian kingdom. The powerful division of the true rich enemy country, Malfay Merlin even offended the Henry family. Hahaha, great. Already.

As long as other forces get the news, they will definitely not approach Mafia Merlin anymore. If the Henry family wants to deal with the Merlin family, they don't need to shoot in person at all. They only need to reveal a little wealth from the gap between their fingers to make Merlin The family is down!

Charlotte was going to go in, which would be a little hesitant, standing outside the Merlin family and not going inward.

"Morgan, you idiot, I told you already." (To be continued.)


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