Chapter 1190

Raphael smiled awkwardly.

这个 "This, in fact, I am not very clear, after all, this is the decision of the Star Academy, I can not guarantee, but I got the news, this time if there is no accident, I will take out that crystal for everyone to watch.

It is said that there are countless inscriptions in that crystal, and everyone sees them differently. No one can tell how many inscriptions they contain, because after so many years, no matter who they are, the inscriptions they see It has never been repeated.

When everyone sees the crystal, they will feel different things, and there is almost no end.

And the three deans of the Starry Sky Academy have all devoted their life-long experiences to the research of that crystal. The Starry Sky Academy includes the world's most powerful alchemists, and they will all unveil the crystal. Secret as a lifelong pursuit. "

As Raphael said, a look of longing appeared on his face.

"As an alchemist seeking truth, there is such a mysterious thing that cannot be solved. I am afraid that any alchemist will pursue it for life.

This is the best opportunity, His Excellency Mammafa. After so many years have passed, I am afraid no one can unlock the secret of that crystal, and we do not have to think about unlocking the secret.

We just need to have the opportunity to observe the crystal, and then get a rare insight. For an alchemist, this is an opportunity that can't be refused. Wouldn't you want to participate? "

Lin Yun pondered for a moment. Anyway, there are many things going to the Odin Kingdom Office. By the way, it is good to follow Raphael to attend this alchemist's party, and he is also curious about the crystal. It's the best in nature.

"I didn't refuse. When I explain the family affairs, we can go."

Explaining the things of the Merlin family, Lin Yun set out with Raphael, riding in the floating fortress when Raphael came.

The shape of this floating fortress is not the same as the previous battle floating fortress in the city of the sky. It looks like a silver-and-white swimming fish in the shape of a shuttle. There is no gap on the surface, and it reflects silver-white. The metal is shiny and the tip is very sharp.

Looking at this shape, Lin Yun knew that this thing was very fast, and it used magic crystals as its energy supply, which was especially suitable for long-distance flight.

If you fly to the Kingdom of Odin on your own, Lin Yun has a natural half-plane as a backing, and you do n’t have to worry about the consumption of magic power, but other sky-ranked mages can spend extravagantly without so much magic power.

Step on the floating shuttle, the space inside is not too much. The floating shuttle of ten meters long, there are only three rooms where you can rest. Obviously it is Raphael's personal use. It is enough to pick up one or two people. No matter how much, it seems crowded.

When Lin Yun boarded the flying shuttle, Raphael's face was a little proud, as if a child was showing off with his favorite toy.

"Hey, Lord Mafa, do you see if there is anything I can do to improve on this floating shuttle?"

Lin Linyun glanced at Raphael and smiled, knowing that this guy was really showing off his uncle flying shuttle, but his look was sincere and he was really asking for advice.

A few regular runes sprayed out of the mouth and landed on the floating shuttle. For a while, the ice-blue pattern appeared on the silver body of the floating shuttle, and a dark green floated in front of it. The rule rune, around this rule rune, the air seems to be actively sliding away to both sides.

Behind the floating shuttle, a gorgeous red-red pattern emerged. Within a few seconds, the modification of the floating shuttle was completed.

Raphael stared blankly at the sight becoming more gorgeous, more high-profile floating shuttle, a little overwhelming.

Oh my god, I ’m just being polite. How did Lord Mafa really help me transform, alas, my God, this transformation makes the flying shuttle more perfect in an instant.

The hurricane rune in the front section continuously evacuates the air in the front section, making the flying shuttle less resistance, and the speed of flight will be faster.

The frost pattern on the surface of the can make the floating shuttle less friction with the air when flying at high speed, the loss of material is smaller, and the number of times that the floating shuttle needs maintenance is much reduced.

The flame pattern at the back seems to be an explosive flame. Is it necessary to use the huge thrust of the flame? The magic power required is very huge ...

How long has it been? Your strength is not only increasing, but your strength in alchemy has also become so strong. I ca n’t understand the textures. Oh, **** it, I ’m already an advanced creator. what!

I glanced a few times, and Raphael couldn't understand it. I could only see a little about it. Anyway, I knew that Lin Yun's alchemy was much stronger than him, and he was not afraid of shame, so he asked directly.

"Lord Mafa, can you explain this ..."

Lin Yun pointed at the front of the floating shuttle.

"That ruled rune is only the main body, and there are 389 hurricane runes densely packed around it, which can let the air slide away to both sides, and completely fit the shape of the floating shuttle. The formed air will be poured into the floating At the rear of the air shuttle, a little thrust is formed, and the overall speed of the air shuttle can be increased by 40%.

The frost magic on the surface of the cricket surface forms a rotating pattern, which can reduce the wear on the surface of the floating shuttle when the air is rubbed, and it will form a spiral thrust, which can also form a protective layer similar to a hurricane shield.

The flame pattern in the rear is a burst of flame that forms a huge thrust in a short time. Within three seconds, the speed of the floating shuttle can be increased by three times. Within ten seconds, it can burst out nine times to Ten times the speed is a soul magic crystal can last up to three minutes.

There is also a stable system composed of earth runes inside the to reduce the weight of the floating shuttle and reduce the huge pressure when the acceleration suddenly increases, oh, that is the huge pressure generated when the floating shuttle suddenly accelerates.

When there is a mage under the titled wizard, it is best not to accelerate with the maximum flame, because the people inside will be crushed to death by sudden pressure ... "

Lin Yun explained to Raphael in detail that there is nothing worth hiding in this kind of thing, and when researching the fourth series of explosive bombs, Lin Yun has done a lot of similar research for the similar research, and gave it by hand. It's no big deal to make a change.

But Raphael saw a ghostly look, a look of thriller, and turned around the floating shuttle for more than ten times, and went in and out of it for more than ten times before he walked out with sullen expression.

"Her Mafia, I was actually just a joke just now. This way, you really don't have any sense of accomplishment. You must know that this floating shuttle was made by myself after the advanced creator ..."

Lin Linyun was a little embarrassed, but just now I really thought Raphael wanted him to remake it ...

Before Lin Yun had spoken, Raphael grinned and grinned, stroking the flying shuttle affectionately, with a funny smile in his mouth.

"Hey, the floating shuttle now is better than most of the people in the sky city. No, it is better than those of the creators.

These flying shuttles don't have such a fast speed, ten times faster, hehehehe ... "

Raphael smiled weirdly. Lin Yun ignored him and walked into the floating shuttle. This kind of thing was originally a pursuit of speed, not for fighting. The empty fortress, the city of the sky is a powerful floating fortress, and even the main city of the city of the sky, is a huge incomparable floating fortress.

Before Raphael and Lin Yun had left, the people of the Black Tower came, and just as someone from the Black Tower was going to the Kingdom of Odin, they just took them away.

After entering the flying shuttle, the door was completely closed, and Raphael hurriedly entered the operation room. A thirty-five magic crystal was pushed into the floating by Raphael without pain. An empty shuttle's energy supply tank.

The huge energy in the Demon Crystal was extracted, and then all the abilities on the floating shuttle were quickly brought to life, especially those previously transformed by Lin Yun.

From the outside, the flying shuttle quickly lifted off, and then a hurricane drill bit shrouded in front of it. The air in front was evacuated, and the pressure from the air itself began to push the floating shuttle forward.

As the magic flowed, a layer of spiraling airflow shrouded the floating shuttle, and the gorgeous red-red pattern at the back began to light up, and a dozen meters long flame suddenly erupted.

Suddenly, the floating shuttle disappeared in place, and it appeared hundreds of meters away in a second. After a few seconds, the speed had exceeded the speed of sound propagation. Inside the floating shuttle, He couldn't hear the roar of the giant roar at all.

After Lin Linyun sat down, she decisively applied magic protection to her, and then looked at Raphael calmly.

Sure enough, after the floating shuttle started, Raphael's body seemed to be suddenly slaped out and slammed into the wall behind the control room, and the whole person seemed to be stuck. As on the metal wall, the blushers were almost dripping blood. After the magic protection was released, it was a little better, but the whole person was still as if suppressed by Juli and could not move.

Lin Yun sat with a smile and remained motionless. After three minutes, the speed of the floating shuttle stabilized, and Raphael fell off the wall. He hurriedly controlled the floating shuttle and let the tail go all out. The erupting flame dissipated, and the speed of the floating shuttle slowed down. After falling out of the speed of sound, the roar of the giant bell sounded like a thunder.

Raphael looked pale at Lin Yun who had imposed a silent enchantment on himself.

"Her Mafia, is this too ... too extreme ..."

Raphael had a lingering fear, remembering what Lin Yun said before, under the titled magician, when the floating shuttle fully broke out, he might be directly suppressed and killed. This is really not a joke ...

A level of heaven, caught off guard, all stuck to the wall like a gecko, the mage under the title of the wizard, the shield that is propped up, will definitely break instantly ...

Suddenly, the huge pressure is almost the same as the gravity technique applied dozens of times, and the whole body's blood and internal organs are subject to huge compression.

I do n’t know if it ’s really dead ...

Raphael complained palely, but glanced out, and stopped talking.

"Oh my God, it's only been a few minutes, and we have already flown more than a hundred kilometers? Haha, perfect, Lord Mafa, I take back what I just said, and I apologize to you, this is the most perfect transformation I have ever seen! "

The original purpose of the construction of the floating shuttle was originally for personal hurrying and running away. Of course, the latter is the most important.

没有 In the absence of complete coordinates, even if the third-level mage opens the door of space, it is absolutely impossible to cross a distance of nearly two hundred kilometers in a few minutes!

With this thing, when encountering danger, it is equivalent to having the guarantee of life, just like when encountering a space storm or elemental storm, there is absolutely no way to open the door of space to escape.

The only way is to fly. If you want to escape from that crazy range by flying, it really isn't necessarily. How many mages, even sky-level mages, died under this disaster, especially in the endless sea, where The most deadly is not the countless powerful Warcraft and Ocean races, but the harsh environment that no one can predict. ~ But with this thing, not to mention that Northrend World can go everywhere. At least when faced with that danger, the probability of survival is much higher than that of other sky-ranked mages ...

Raphael's face was pale, and he could not care about the uncomfortable feeling just now. Just like swallowing more than a dozen bottles of violent potion, he screamed in the cab, and experimented from time to time with full speed.

There is a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers from the Merlin family to the junction of the Kingdom of Andalusia and the Kingdom of Odin. Under normal circumstances, even sitting on the fastest flying shuttle, it takes seven days. Now Raphael flew over in a day and a half ...

Here, the welcome team of the City of Sky is waiting here. A giant floating warship nearly 200 meters long floats in midair, and Rafael's floating shuttle landed on this giant salamander. Big battleship.

Zhe Linyun saw the floating battleship outside through the floating shuttle, and the light in her eyes flashed.

This floating warship is the key prototype of a weapon and magic warship when the Northrend world conquers endless sleeplessness in the future.

When the Northrend world developed to its peak, the colonial plane was hard to count. The biggest heroes were not those powerful magicians who could destroy a plane by themselves.

He is a magic battleship, even if it is an older magic battleship, which is driven by several mages, it is possible to conquer a small plane. (To be continued) []

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